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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday May 11th, 2023

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I'm trying to use size 18 type, but I found that it reverts back to default size whenever I add the blue bubble.  There has to be an easier way to set the type size to 18 for all posts and including blue bubbles, etc.


I will switch mine to 18 from the 20 since it works so well.  


For the blue bubbles - i have found that yes the font reverts if you type them first.  So instead, I continue with a word or two and then go back and do the @‘s (blue bubbles).  That way the font stays the same.


No idea how to make it automatic though.  


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Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks for all the interesting information.  We did visit Santarem on our part of the Grand South America cruise on Prinsendam with Roy.  The whole cruise was fascinating, but I am not inspired to do it again.  It was very hot, and I decided I am just not that enthralled with the developing world.  I much prefer Europe.


Pat is coming along very well in hospital, I think he can come off the lists, he will be home any time now!  I imagine he will be monitored closely for some time by the Cancer Clinic.  I took him in some clothes yesterday, we'll see how things are going when I go in soon.  I have been taking in goodies for the nurses and aides every day.  Yesterday after our visit DD and I went out to Costco and I got a container of "lemon bites" which look very interesting, so I'll take them in today,.


I can confirm that Rotterdam is in Riga today - my cruising AirTag is there, too!


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Good sunny morning, well 3rd time was the charm. Just heard from the vet and TT is out of surgery and everything went well. We pick him up this afternoon. 
  2nd piece of good news is that I heard from Hershey Neurologist yesterday and Botox was approved by the insurance company. The appointment is scheduled for May 22nd.🎉

    Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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10 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Tina, thanks for the input on the default font.  You're welcome about the early start but that just worked out better for my schedule in the mornings.  Whatever works for Rich is gonna be fine with all of us.  I'll be continuing posting for him through Monday.  


As for feedback on the Amazon ports, most of the time they weren't what I thought they would be.  The Amazon itself reminds me of a larger, wider muddy Mississippi.  I should know because I grew up on that river!  I can't believe I'm saying this but we used to water ski in that muddy river.  Seems yucky now.  😂  For us the Amazon River is one and done.  I would rate it as one of my least favorite destinations.  But I am glad I did it just for the experience.  And the Amazon cruise is the book I'm working on right now.  I've gotten one page done so far this morning so back I go.  When I see a notification of a post here I can't resist coming here. Three lashes with a wet noodle for me!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers both yours and Lendas photos are immensely helpful to me.

Some of the ports make me feel we want to go but some like the Amazon which is probably 15 hours flight away is not for us and I really appreciate seeing both yours and Lendas photos which are interesting but confirm we would not want to go.

Personally I would jump on Rich's ship and do the world cruise if Pauline was fully retired.



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30 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks for all the interesting information.  We did visit Santarem on our part of the Grand South America cruise on Prinsendam with Roy.  The whole cruise was fascinating, but I am not inspired to do it again.  It was very hot, and I decided I am just not that enthralled with the developing world.  I much prefer Europe.


Pat is coming along very well in hospital, I think he can come off the lists, he will be home any time now!  I imagine he will be monitored closely for some time by the Cancer Clinic.  I took him in some clothes yesterday, we'll see how things are going when I go in soon.  I have been taking in goodies for the nurses and aides every day.  Yesterday after our visit DD and I went out to Costco and I got a container of "lemon bites" which look very interesting, so I'll take them in today,.


I can confirm that Rotterdam is in Riga today - my cruising AirTag is there, too!


On your cruising air tag..... I would guess it is caught up attached to the bed or bed frame some way. I hope it is enjoying its cruise. A friend of mine had to cancel a cruise just before she was to board.... her luggage was delivered as scheduled and evidently did the entire cruise without her. Was returned to her when the ship returned to U.S.



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1 hour ago, superoma said:

You may remember that I struggled with font size, holding and highlighting for the care list and basically gave up because it was too cumbersome to make changes. I also cannot find anywhere to change the default font size. Perhaps @POA1has some ideas?

It's very difficult to change the font size on a mobile device. If you are using a computer, you can highlight the text you are about to post and then adjust the size using the controls at the top of the post box.


Or, if you are talking about the font for reading, that's a little trickier. The technique varies by browser.

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Surprise! Besides not having rain, we are actually having some sun breaks.☀️  After realizing what that strange light was, I'm enjoying have a brighter day.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Does your DD work in Austin?  One of DS's companies is there.  Name begins with an A.  However I don't think any designing goes on there.  They already have their designs.  Not sure if production is there or someplace overseas like Taiwan.  I should ask some questions when I see them later this month for DGS's graduation.  Never really thought about it.  Thanks for the good wishes for the family and tournament.  And thanks for the photos today.


That's what I did this morning.  I typed it in default then at the end thought about trying an experiment and changed the size as you mentioned in your post.   



Sandi, our DD works for Arm Holdings which designs chips which they license to companies who manufacture the chips to put in their equipment.  The company was founded and is still headquartered in Cambridge, England.


Either your suggestion to type the post, then resize it, or follow Jacqui's @kazu and Roy's @rafinmd suggestion of starting in the larger size and adding the blue bubbles after typing a few words have a drawback.  That is to remember to add the blue bubbles or to resize the entire post.  I have a feeling some posts will be in default size, some in the larger size and some in both.  🤣


1 hour ago, 0106 said:

Love the quote, reading takes me places I have never been, and the soup, and the memes, great way to start my day.

@StLouisCruisers I can read the default font on my phone.   Thank you for starting us off EARLY every day while Rich was on the world cruise.  I bet you will enjoy a few days without setting the alarm clock.

I grow spinach and leaf lettuce in window boxes on my deck. Planted the seeds in March, brought them into my kitchen a few times when frost was predicted.  I should be able to cut it for the first time next week.  It will continue to flourish until the MD weather gets too hot, probably in July.


I appreciate the port pictures every day but every time we have an Amazon port, I am not impressed with the experience.  Am I missing something?  Has anyone done it more than once?


Positive thoughts to those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


We enjoyed our Amazon cruise even with the heat.  I would like to go back before the rainy season is in full swing and see what the river is like before it overflows it's banks.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Greetings from Yellowstone!

We had a minor hiccup yesterday when we checked into our cabin/suite here in Gardiner. Somehow there was a mistake in our booking. I don’t know if it was my fault, the hotel, or the booking agent. I was sure I’d booked a suite with full kitchen for all 5 nights. But they had us in a suite with micro and small fridge the first 4 nights and full kitchen the last night (we did add that night later, when we decided to stay an extra day). We’ve stayed here several times and I always booked the same suite. 

Here we were with a trunk full of groceries and I planned on having a stovetop and oven. Well we cruisers/travelers are nothing but flexible, right?? We had a spaghetti dinner all prepared in the microwave. DH was quite impressed LOL. Also this cabin does have more items in the kitchen than I expected. 


The manager was able to get us into a full kitchen suite for the last 2 nights so we’ll be fine. It’s an adventure!


Heading out soon for our first full day in the park, photos later and everyone have a great day!


Carolyn, I'm glad you were still able to cook dinner last night.  That may be more flexible than I am, but it will be something you'll always remember.


1 hour ago, kazu said:


I will switch mine to 18 from the 20 since it works so well.  


For the blue bubbles - i have found that yes the font reverts if you type them first.  So instead, I continue with a word or two and then go back and do the @‘s (blue bubbles).  That way the font stays the same.


No idea how to make it automatic though.  



Jacqui, I might try your method some time.  I would still have to remember to go back and add the blue bubbles.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks for all the interesting information.  We did visit Santarem on our part of the Grand South America cruise on Prinsendam with Roy.  The whole cruise was fascinating, but I am not inspired to do it again.  It was very hot, and I decided I am just not that enthralled with the developing world.  I much prefer Europe.


Pat is coming along very well in hospital, I think he can come off the lists, he will be home any time now!  I imagine he will be monitored closely for some time by the Cancer Clinic.  I took him in some clothes yesterday, we'll see how things are going when I go in soon.  I have been taking in goodies for the nurses and aides every day.  Yesterday after our visit DD and I went out to Costco and I got a container of "lemon bites" which look very interesting, so I'll take them in today,.


I can confirm that Rotterdam is in Riga today - my cruising AirTag is there, too!



Ann, I'm glad is coming along very well.  


1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning, well 3rd time was the charm. Just heard from the vet and TT is out of surgery and everything went well. We pick him up this afternoon. 
  2nd piece of good news is that I heard from Hershey Neurologist yesterday and Botox was approved by the insurance company. The appointment is scheduled for May 22nd.🎉

    Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


That is good news on two fronts.  I'm glad TT is doing well after his surgery.  It's taken awhile, but at last you have the insurance approval for the Botox.




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Good afternoon!  


This is an interesting discussion on the font size.  I tried 16 this morning and I thought that worked well.  I think the default is 12.  

12, so I guess this isn't the default

14.  I think this is it.

16 is a bit bigger, but not too big

18 is very easy to read

20 gets us into the area where one post will take up the entire page.


We spent the morning cleaning the deck and it was well worth the effort.   It looked like an old barn ready to fall over before we cleaned it.  Now, it looks like it is brand new.  We are going to stain in a dark brown.  We decided on forest green for the body of the house with dark brown and some white for accent colors.  


In addition to the deck, I dug out the chives that were in the front garden.  They were starting to take over and edge out the bleeding heart that is there.  We have more chives to dig out around the yard.  If we don't, we'll have chives instead of grass and the whole place will smell like an onion.  

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Just checking in to let everyone know that I am home safe, sound and exhausted. The first 4 day cruise it was very cold, windy and rainy every day. The 2nd 4 day cruise the weather turned around and was nice, sunny and warmer. I haven't read the posts today or for the last week so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Prayers for those who need them and cheers to the rest of you dailyites.


Edited by lazey1
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54 minutes ago, dfish said:

This is an interesting discussion on the font size.  I tried 16 this morning and I thought that worked well.  I think the default is 12.  

In other thread that started this discussion, the OPs font was minuscule.  This is 8,. It might have been 10.  Regardless, it was much smaller than the default font.  IMO,  it is a hassle to change from the default font because I usually post from my phone.  

I appreciate the input on an Amazon cruise.  It is at the bottom of my cruise destination list.

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Checking in. I have written many books!  All by hand, my last 30+ years of journals, ever since by divorce in my mid30s!  

The quote is very true. I have less and less interest in an Amazon cruise. Used to think I’d do it someday but no longer.  I might be willing to put up with hot in the Mediterranean, the South Pacific, or even the Caribbean. Thanks for the interesting pictures!  

To me, bourbon is better without much else. 


Busy here with general life stuff. DH again getting eye exam for new glasses. And working on ordering a tonometer, eye pressure machine. Not covered by insurance, foreign purchases have way cheaper prices but other complications. Not straightforward. Warranty, how to order extra probes, calibrations, software updates connection to doctor’s office….   it’s hard enough hoping they’ll respond to a message in their portal!  

I’m consolidating files. Now have 2 empty file drawers!  Will be able to get rid of a 2-drawer file cabinet at some point. Would like to get rid of the 4-drawer file cabinet if I could figure out what to do with the Taxes and Medical archives.  But I’m making progress. 

Starting a process to see if we qualify for independent living in a retirement community closer to the grandkids (married) in NY. Only have lived here in Maryland 2 years, but the older we get the faster time goes and the slower the work gets done. So now is the time to begin formulating what the next chapter might be. 

We’d be close to the NY ports with a lot more options than Baltimore… might have to learn more from Graham about MSC and Royal Caribbean!  But not yet- first priority is to stabilize DHs glaucoma progression and his allergic reaction to the meds. So far we’re on a manageable track. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, hope or comfort.  And Alberta!  

Cheers to all celebrating, traveling or cruising!  



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1 hour ago, lazey1 said:

Just checking in to let everyone know that I am home safe, sound and exhausted. The first 4 day cruise it was very cold, windy and rainy every day. The 2nd 4 day cruise the weather turned around and was nice, sunny and warmer. I haven't read the posts today or for the last week so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Prayers for those who need them and cheers to the rest of you dailyites.



Welcome home, Jane.  sorry about the weather for the first half of your cruise 😔. Hope you still enjoyed it 🤞 



5 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning, well 3rd time was the charm. Just heard from the vet and TT is out of surgery and everything went well. We pick him up this afternoon. 
  2nd piece of good news is that I heard from Hershey Neurologist yesterday and Botox was approved by the insurance company. The appointment is scheduled for May 22nd.🎉

    Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


Really good news!  So glad TT is well and will be home 👍 


And yay on your Botox being approved 👏  Happy to hear that 🙂 



5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Thanks for all the interesting information.  We did visit Santarem on our part of the Grand South America cruise on Prinsendam with Roy.  The whole cruise was fascinating, but I am not inspired to do it again.  It was very hot, and I decided I am just not that enthralled with the developing world.  I much prefer Europe.


Pat is coming along very well in hospital, I think he can come off the lists, he will be home any time now!  I imagine he will be monitored closely for some time by the Cancer Clinic.  I took him in some clothes yesterday, we'll see how things are going when I go in soon.  I have been taking in goodies for the nurses and aides every day.  Yesterday after our visit DD and I went out to Costco and I got a container of "lemon bites" which look very interesting, so I'll take them in today,.


I can confirm that Rotterdam is in Riga today - my cruising AirTag is there, too!



So happy to hear how well Pat is doing.  He still remains in prayers for his cancer 🙏🏻 


If your Air Tag is still sailing the seas when I get on the Rotterdam, I can see if I can get into your cabin to search - if I will be permitted.


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Good Evening,  the afternoon meeting went well.  I had to lay out how far behind they are in meeting regulatory requirements.  He seemed to get it and I'll have a follow up meeting with their regulatory team.  I didn't get a chance to have lunch so I ate dinner a bit early. 

Chorizo, chicken and steak fajitas was what I was looking forward to having here. It was very good.


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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon!  


This is an interesting discussion on the font size.  I tried 16 this morning and I thought that worked well.  I think the default is 12.  

12, so I guess this isn't the default

14.  I think this is it.

16 is a bit bigger, but not too big

18 is very easy to read

20 gets us into the area where one post will take up the entire page.


We spent the morning cleaning the deck and it was well worth the effort.   It looked like an old barn ready to fall over before we cleaned it.  Now, it looks like it is brand new.  We are going to stain in a dark brown.  We decided on forest green for the body of the house with dark brown and some white for accent colors.  


In addition to the deck, I dug out the chives that were in the front garden.  They were starting to take over and edge out the bleeding heart that is there.  We have more chives to dig out around the yard.  If we don't, we'll have chives instead of grass and the whole place will smell like an onion.  


Debbie, it sounds like you and Sue are making good progress on making the house your own.  The forest green for the house sounds nice.  I hope we will see pictures after the house is painted.


1 hour ago, lazey1 said:

Just checking in to let everyone know that I am home safe, sound and exhausted. The first 4 day cruise it was very cold, windy and rainy every day. The 2nd 4 day cruise the weather turned around and was nice, sunny and warmer. I haven't read the posts today or for the last week so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Prayers for those who need them and cheers to the rest of you dailyites.



Welcome home.  I'm glad the weather for at least part of your cruise was good.


6 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Evening,  the afternoon meeting went well.  I had to lay out how far behind they are in meeting regulatory requirements.  He seemed to get it and I'll have a follow up meeting with their regulatory team.  I didn't get a chance to have lunch so I ate dinner a bit early. 

Chorizo, chicken and steak fajitas was what I was looking forward to having here. It was very good.



Jake, I'm glad the afternoon meeting went well.  I hope they follow through with catching up with the regulatory issues.  That picture is making me hungry.



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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Welcome home, Jane.  sorry about the weather for the first half of your cruise 😔. Hope you still enjoyed it 🤞 




Really good news!  So glad TT is well and will be home 👍 


And yay on your Botox being approved 👏  Happy to hear that 🙂 




So happy to hear how well Pat is doing.  He still remains in prayers for his cancer 🙏🏻 


If your Air Tag is still sailing the seas when I get on the Rotterdam, I can see if I can get into your cabin to search - if I will be permitted.


I’ll bet the AirTag is either under the drawer at the end of the bed or somehow stuck to the side of it where no one can see it. Especially if it’s stuck in between those two drawers. I hope you can find it.

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@lazey1 Welcome home!


@Crazy For Cats Mmm on the fajitas.


@1ANGELCAT Wonderful that the Botox has finally been approved.


@Vict0riann Here's hoping Pat comes home and the cancer is not to be heard from again.


@Quartzsite Cruiser I will take pictures!   I have before pictures and right now the house is boring beige, or maybe it is light brown.  

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Thank you , Jacqui.  If you have a “Find My” app on your iphone or iPad, you should be able to get it to notify you when/ if you are in its vicinity.  I have it in  lost mode, so anyone can contact it.  Haha.   This is one lucky AirTag!  

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1 minute ago, Vict0riann said:

Thank you , Jacqui.  If you have a “Find My” app on your iphone or iPad, you should be able to get it to notify you when/ if you are in its vicinity.  I have it in  lost mode, so anyone can contact it.  Haha.   This is one lucky AirTag!  

You should start a thread, the adventures of the los5 air tag! I would read it!

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9 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

@RuthC might have figured out how to change the default setting for your posts. Hers always seem to come out larger and in green.

I do that manually every single post. 
Highlight the entire entry, increase size to 18, and change the color. Then hit submit reply. 
I know of no way to change the personal default, and I looked hard for one. 

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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

I’ll bet the AirTag is either under the drawer at the end of the bed or somehow stuck to the side of it where no one can see it. Especially if it’s stuck in between those two drawers. I hope you can find it.


Or under the bed that may not have been vacuumed for 6 weeks 😆 

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1 minute ago, aliaschief said:

Maybe we should ask our Cruise Critic host how we can change our print size default.

Since our late Host Walt I’m not sure who that is?


I honestly don’t think there is a way unless you do it each time.


Since we lost DD Host Walt I don’t think this board had a dedicated moderator.  Host Jazzbeau has helped out a few times though 👍 

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