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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday June 29th, 2023


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Good afternoon from a still sunny and windy central Texas where it is hot.  The morning got away from me somehow.  After my walk, I got my errands done and was home by 10 am.  After putting everything away and breakfast, I was just getting to the last couple of chores when the doctor's office called.  The wanted to let DH know the endocrinologist's office had finally sent the orders for the blood test for his next visit early next month and they could see him before they closed for lunch.  Naturally, that's when the car with the wonky battery decided to not start after working perfectly for a couple of months.  We switched cars and made it to the doctor's office with time to spare. 


We've had the battery checked at least twice, and they say it's all right.  The alternator was checked and it's okay.  So despite everything we're convinced it's the battery, especially now that it's not charging like it should.  Taking care of the battery is for another day.  


All the chores are finished, and now I've had time to get back to the Daily.  I wish I had found better news.  I have been enjoying all the pictures of Ushuaia.  Thank you to all who shared their pictures.


6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. We have unhealthy air today that is expected to worsen tomorrow. It will get up to 85 or so. Summer here is always humid and it certainly is that outside.

I am on my way to the hospital to meet with the surgical oncology team. There were some complications that started yesterday and decisions need to be made regarding treatment. We are a mere five miles from the hospital but there is a traffic backup from there to here….the main problem with going into Manhattan.

I will check in later when I know more.

Thank you all for keeping us close. It really helps.



Terry, I was very sorry to read that there were complications yesterday.  I hope Lou's surgical team has some options that will easily take care of the complications.  I'm sending very positive thoughts for a successful outcome, and for strength for you and your family.  I hope all this stress is not causing Tana added difficulties.  Please take care of yourself.


6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Interesting photos Lenda.



Thank you, Graham.  That part of the world is very interesting, and you and Pauline should add it to your bucket list of cruises.


5 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!


Thank you for the information.  Used to have a camera but no longer; I give hugs and love playing in the mud!!  Love the quote, the food, the drink???, but the wine might be okay.  Never been to the end of the world!  Been to the top of the world (Barrow, AK) though.


@cruising sister Thoughts for Murphy.  My grandson was born with transposition but also with a VSD, ASD, double outlet syndrome, PA stenosis, and aortic interruption.  Surgery at 2 days, then emergency surgery 12 hours later.  Several surgeries and hospitalizations later, he is now a healthy 18 yo (? I always forget what year he was born!!).  So there is hope.  Thoughts for her surgeon and team.  Chin up!!


Another hot one today and back to my workout regime (today at 0630).  My insurance problem was fixed (I was right and the SS employee was WRONG!!  Go figure).  My little red bomb had her checkup yesterday and all is well.  Getting back to a routine - albeit a different one since I am no longer working - is a work in progress.  


Thoughts for all on the care list.


Have a great day everyone!



Penny, I'm glad your grandson had a good outcome with his surgeries to repair his heart defects.  Someday we hope to make it to Barrow.  We have been within 5 miles of the polar ice cap north of Spitsbergen, and that is about fen degrees further north than Barrow.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  With our smart phones, we've not used a camera for a very long time.  Our DS still has his DSLR professional camera, but when they went to Japan, only took his phone and the quality of photos he took were amazing.  I'm a hugger, so today is a great day for me - I had to teach DH how to hug, as he didn't grow up that way.  There's nothing to compare with the feeling of warm mud squishing through your toes.  I really like today's quote.


It's a beautiful, clear and sunny day out there this morning, but the smell of smoke is still very prevalent; there are no air quality statements, so I guess it can't be too bad.  We're looking at a high of +30, which will mean a nice warm day to do some yard work.  That will take place after I have a pedicure this morning - I'm long overdue for one. 


@cruising sister sending prayers for your sweet Murphy and her surgical team.

@smitty34877prayers for Lou and I hope the complications can be easily rectified.

@Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage!


I'd like to try the drink of the day, and would seriously love the wine, but would have to take out a short term loan to buy a bottle . . . why is it the reds are always the most expensive ones???  We had a phone call from the husband of our friend who passed away last year - he's been having the occasional glass of wine with a neighbour lady who was recently divorced (after 38 years and 9 children; abuse was involved).  He wanted to go out for dinner, but didn't want it to seem like a date, so asked if we'd join them for - wait for it - Vietnmese food tonight.  You don't have to ask me twice!  We'll be enjoying salad rolls with peanut dipping sauce and a few other dishes at the restaurant tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, DH still has most of his cameras that he's gotten since we met.  He worked as a photographer at Texas Student Publications (the U T  owner of the student paper, year book, etc.) while he was in school.  I'm glad your friend has someone to keep him company, and the dinner with them sounds lovely.


5 hours ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. It should prove to be an interesting day. A company is coming to build a large carport next door, which sounds good but they plan to put it one inch inside the property line on top of the 7 1/2 foot drainage easement that houses our neighborhood's covert from road to river. My sons told me that as long as the one inch is there it isn't my problem. They don't even plan to be home while it is being built. I guess we are all different. I plan and research everything so it is beyond my understanding of how they can do this.  

On a lighter note, I was informed yesterday that myself, son and two teenage grandkids will go to disney world this summer. I foresee a lot of planning in my future.  At least the Mobile airport in town is having cheap flights to Orlando. It is the first flights going out of the remodeled airport.  Should be fun but my old body will have a hard time keeping up with all the younger ones. 


Linda, fingers crossed 🤞 that the carport stays on the neighbor's side of the property line.  You will enjoy Disney World, and remember there are plenty of benches in the shade to sit and watch the teenagers.  When our DDs were in high school, we let them go their way in the Magic Kingdom while we did our own thing.  It worked out well, and we were all at the meeting place at the appointed time.


5 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here! 


@cruising sister Prayers that Murphy's medical complications can be overcome.


Love today's quote. I miss the "News from Lake Wobegon."


I have three different Sony A6XXX bodies that Sue and I to use. Each body can be used with any of the lenses that I have. Great for different photo effects. An A6500 is my primary, Sue uses an A6400, and I carry an A6000 body as a spare. Having the lens mount commonality makes it very convenient for traveling.


The painters are making good progress without the rain. A quick shot of the new darker color for the body. Some of the trim is looking dark because it is in shadow. It will eventually be white.



Stay Safe!


- Jack




Jack, I love the new color as it gives more contrast with the brick.


5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Rich.


Interesting collection of days.  DD DH was a huge camera nut.   They have all found new homes.  I do have one I like but honestly I used my phone for all pics last time, so I don’t know if I will bother taking my camera next time.  I’ll pass on mud - there’s enough here with all the rain and no one to hug.


I LOVE today’s quote.  It is so true and I confess I have said something similar on more than one occasion.  Today’s meal sounds delish if I could find someone to make it for me 😉 I don’t feel badly about today’s wine’s price since it’s red LOL.  We really enjoyed Ushuaia when we visited the ‘end of the world’.  Thanks @StLouisCruisers I remember that rock and the sign.  Good memories 🙂 




Busy day yesterday - putting some finishing touches on a canal cruise in Amsterdam and then a post got me riled.  So, I figured it best to get off CC until I calmed down. There’s always one ‘sigh’.  My sweet neighbour was over for a visit and we had a wonderful long chat.  She brought my sister’s birthday gift she had ordered for me.  (My neighbour is a very talented sculptress and doesn’t do little jobs - but she did it for my sister and me).  It’s beautiful and going on my cruise for sure.




@Oceansaway17 Bon Voyage!


Ann, @Vict0riann  I hope the physio helps.  It should.  And yes, (assuming it works) if you find you have this again head straight to the physio.  I am so sorry to hear you have had to make the decision to cancel a cruise but health is first.  Prayers for Pat and recovery to be his healthy self again 🙏🏻 


@cruising sister my prayers for Murphy and her surgery.  🙏🏻 Prayers that her surgeons are especially skilled 🙏🏻 


@luvteaching Karen best wishes today with your difficult visit to the funeral home 😢.  Your idea for a Celebration of Life later is a good one.  If it is of any help, I did a burial at sea with some of DD DH’s ashes on the Oosterdam and they did a really nice job.  I am so glad you have people with you and hope God can help give you strength in these horrific days. 🙏🏻 You are in my heart and my prayers.


Oh Terry, @smitty34877 I am so sorry to hear about complications.  I pray it is not too serious 🙏🏻 Best wishes for your meeting with the surgical oncology team 🙏🏻 


It is so dark here with the clouds & rain it looks like night.  4th day in a row.  I guess it’s applicable with all the sadness & worries for so many of our Daily-ites.


Prayers for those on the Care list & those that need them.  Cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a great Thursday everyone !!!!!



Jacqui, what a nice birthday present.  Your neighbor was nice to make that for you at your sister's request.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

@StLouisCruisers I just received an email from Shutterfly re their 4th of July sale for free unlimited photo book pages - I'm sure you're going to be a busy lady!!


Forgot to mention our new door and sidelights were installed yesterday - it was seamless from beginning to end.  The 2 fellows were fast, efficient, courteous, and cleaned up everything, including wet mopping the inside floor area.  It doesn't look terribly different from our old, but with privacy glass, I no longer have to worry about curtains for the sidelights.  And they installed a peep hole viewer, since we can no longer just look past the curtain to see who's out there.  Yay!


Gerry, I'm glad the new door and side lights were easily installed, and they are what you wanted.


4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Ugh, surgery now moved to the sixth. She is stable and able to room in with the parents. Keep her in your prayers. 


Lorraine, I'm sorry the surgery was postponed, but I'm glad Murphy is stable and can be with her parents.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Unfortunately more sad news. The father of my friend Ruth in the UK emailed me this morning to say that in a few days she's being put in an "end of life" hospice. She has bravely fought cancer for 10 years. Due to the pandemic I haven't seen her in person since 2018, when she and her DM last came over to see the Pens play. We met and bonded through hockey. She just turned 60 in March. Asking for prayers for a peaceful transition for Ruth.


Vanessa, I'm so sorry your friend is nearing the end of her long fight with cancer.  I hope they can keep her comfortable and at peace.  Sending positive thoughts for comfort for you and for her family.


4 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

OK, another pi fight. But how can you have a fight when pi are round not pi are square!  😳


RNB, just remember those are geeky scientists doing the pi fight, and there was no intention to disparage any scientists on the Daily.


4 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good news : The cow 🐄 has been captured this morning. She’s safe and sound. 🎉


I'm glad they caught the cow.


2 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Before the day gets away from me (as it usually does), I will try to get a post in.  I have learned one very important thing in preparing for my major move!  Total downsizing is so hard, both physically and emotionally.  I have embarked on this project with the mindset of "If I don't figure out how to get rid of xxxx, then the kids will just be putting xxxx into a dumpster when I am gone."  


I have contributed to the weekly trash bins, sent stuff for recycling, and found new homes for other things.  One thing I just learned is that Best Buy will take 3 electronic devices per day per person for recycling for free!  Got the last of several items dropped off there yesterday.  My appointment with the relocation/estate sale company will be on July 10, and then I will have a sense of what comes next.  Next week I am going to have the 3 step-kids and their spouses come and pick out things they want to have in their homes.


@luvteaching, my heart aches for you and you have my condolences and prayers for your peace.  You showed such grace during your late DH's final days and months.  Your new journey will take strength but you will honor Phil as you progress.  Trust me, it is a difficult one.


@smitty34877, prayers for you and your family as you work through the problems and setbacks with your DH's surgery aftermath.  Also prayers for stability with Tana's IPF.


Amazingly, our AQI is good, unlike most of the nation(s).  We have a fire less than 50 miles away that exploded on Monday, but that smoke is mostly going toward the East.  So far, no evacuations.  It is a hard fire to fight as most of it is in very rugged area.  The weather service just put out that the arrival of monsoon season seems to be delayed.


My continued prayers go out for those on the Cares List and now baby Murphy.  


Have a great day everyone.

Mary Kay




Mary Kay, I hope they can control the fire near you soon.  I hope some of your treasures find new homes with the step kids.  That's what I have in mind with the DDs someday, but I doubt they'll want very much.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning a little late today. Monty had an appointment for shots and an annual check up. I notice that he is limping a bit but the vet thinks that is due to his bad front legs (a show dog he definitely is not!!). His little elbows turn outward in a weird way.... but they do not seem to hurt. We will just continue to watch him. He was very well behaved....all 5 lbs of him. No biting, no barking at other dogs.... not typical of chihuahuas at all. He is now home and sleeping off the strain cuddled up close to "his" Bandit.


Our dry weather continues. There are fires to the south and to the east of us, but so far nothing really close and I hope it remains that way. We have several missing person searches going on around us. One a hiker and the other a mysterious body seen floating in the river which is running very high just now.The body disappeared before anyone could get it out.... maybe caught on a snag somewhere.  I am truly grateful to all the people who put the time in for search and rescue. Seems recently we have had a lot of lost people these days.


I am sending prayers and positive thoughts out to all needing them. @smitty34877I hope your meeting with doctors goes well. You certainly do not need more stress.


Take care all.






Susan, I hope the lost hiker is found safe, and that they can recover the body tht was seen.  


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Long day. 3 AM wake up in Amsterdam and just arrived Atlanta. All went smoothly and luggage is here. Should be home by 3:30 Central time.

If you loved the Prisendam you would have loved this cruise. Perfect until they kicked us off. Bruce


Bruce, I'm glad your fight was smooth and hassle free, and that you will soon be home.  It looks like you managed to avoid the mess with the airlines that has been happening this week.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good sunny afternoon. The air has improved slightly for now but the warning is still in effect until tomorrow morning.

I have several old cameras that film is no longer available for. I basically just use my phone.

    Houdini’s blood work for his thyroid was not good. The level has increased so for now the medication will be increased for 30 days, then more bloodwork. Vet is concerned it could be more than thyroid . I won’t put him thru any extensive treatment.He was very upset in the car and was trembling and breathing heavily. We think he was afraid he was not coming home.

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@JazzyV   Vanessa. sending prayers for your friend Ruth.It is so hard to get that kind of news.

DH had a transfusion a few hours ago and I hope he feels better soon.He is normally a very easy going person and the kindest one I know but was very upset when we visited earlier. We are both hoping for better days.

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9 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

DH had a transfusion a few hours ago and I hope he feels better soon.He is normally a very easy going person and the kindest one I know but was very upset when we visited earlier. We are both hoping for better days.

Terry, this is so hard to hear.  I hope he starts to improve.  Many prayers sent your way.  


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a still sunny and windy central Texas where it is hot.  The morning got away from me somehow.  After my walk, I got my errands done and was home by 10 am.  After putting everything away and breakfast, I was just getting to the last couple of chores when the doctor's office called.  The wanted to let DH know the endocrinologist's office had finally sent the orders for the blood test for his next visit early next month and they could see him before they closed for lunch.  Naturally, that's when the car with the wonky battery decided to not start after working perfectly for a couple of months.  We switched cars and made it to the doctor's office with time to spare. 


We've had the battery checked at least twice, and they say it's all right.  The alternator was checked and it's okay.  So despite everything we're convinced it's the battery, especially now that it's not charging like it should.  Taking care of the battery is for another day.  


All the chores are finished, and now I've had time to get back to the Daily.  I wish I had found better news.  I have been enjoying all the pictures of Ushuaia.  Thank you to all who shared their pictures.



Terry, I was very sorry to read that there were complications yesterday.  I hope Lou's surgical team has some options that will easily take care of the complications.  I'm sending very positive thoughts for a successful outcome, and for strength for you and your family.  I hope all this stress is not causing Tana added difficulties.  Please take care of yourself.



Thank you, Graham.  That part of the world is very interesting, and you and Pauline should add it to your bucket list of cruises.



Penny, I'm glad your grandson had a good outcome with his surgeries to repair his heart defects.  Someday we hope to make it to Barrow.  We have been within 5 miles of the polar ice cap north of Spitsbergen, and that is about fen degrees further north than Barrow.



Gerry, DH still has most of his cameras that he's gotten since we met.  He worked as a photographer at Texas Student Publications (the U T  owner of the student paper, year book, etc.) while he was in school.  I'm glad your friend has someone to keep him company, and the dinner with them sounds lovely.



Linda, fingers crossed 🤞 that the carport stays on the neighbor's side of the property line.  You will enjoy Disney World, and remember there are plenty of benches in the shade to sit and watch the teenagers.  When our DDs were in high school, we let them go their way in the Magic Kingdom while we did our own thing.  It worked out well, and we were all at the meeting place at the appointed time.



Jack, I love the new color as it gives more contrast with the brick.



Jacqui, what a nice birthday present.  Your neighbor was nice to make that for you at your sister's request.



Gerry, I'm glad the new door and side lights were easily installed, and they are what you wanted.



Lorraine, I'm sorry the surgery was postponed, but I'm glad Murphy is stable and can be with her parents.



Vanessa, I'm so sorry your friend is nearing the end of her long fight with cancer.  I hope they can keep her comfortable and at peace.  Sending positive thoughts for comfort for you and for her family.



RNB, just remember those are geeky scientists doing the pi fight, and there was no intention to disparage any scientists on the Daily.



I'm glad they caught the cow.



Mary Kay, I hope they can control the fire near you soon.  I hope some of your treasures find new homes with the step kids.  That's what I have in mind with the DDs someday, but I doubt they'll want very much.



Susan, I hope the lost hiker is found safe, and that they can recover the body tht was seen.  



Bruce, I'm glad your fight was smooth and hassle free, and that you will soon be home.  It looks like you managed to avoid the mess with the airlines that has been happening this week.




Thanks. Just landed home airport. Soon my recliner!😁

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13 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV   Vanessa. sending prayers for your friend Ruth.It is so hard to get that kind of news.

DH had a transfusion a few hours ago and I hope he feels better soon.He is normally a very easy going person and the kindest one I know but was very upset when we visited earlier. We are both hoping for better days.

I'm so sorry to hear Lou was upset Terry and hope the transfusion helps him.

You both deserve the best and I pray you both have better days ahead and Tana too.


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@JazzyVVanessa,  i am so sorry to hear about your friend Ruth.  Prayers that she has a peaceful transition.  It is unfortunate that it has been so long since you have seen her.


We stayed on the ship today and from what I heard it was the right decision.  No one was very happy with being on shore.  Karlskrona is a tender port and from what I was told, there was little to see and do.  Most people came back to the ship early and actually we sailed early.

When I mentioned to someone that we would be back in this port later on, she advised me not to waste my time.  We will see.


Tomorrow we are in Copenhagen from 7am to 2pm.  Whoever thought this one up should look for another job!  We could have skipped Karlskrona and gone to Copenhagen and stayed overnight.  However no one asked for my advice. We have a four hour taxi tour from 9 am to 1 pm.  It will give us a good overview of the city and ideas of what to do when we stay there after the cruise.


Then tonight we got the news that all tours and the shuttle for Saturday are cancelled.  We are in Oslo and that is turnaround day.  The city of Oslo is hosting a Pride parade and all streets in the City Center will be blocked to traffic.  Good luck to the people who are disembarking and embarking—especially those trying to get to the airport.

Our original plans were to visit the city of Oslo and to go to the Nobel Peace Center.  We have now ditched those plans and expect to remain on the ship.   The ship is having a nice special luncheon for those continuing on to the next cruise so we will attend that.  That also keeps us away from those who are embarking and having lunch in the Terrace Cafe. 


Wi-Fi and internet connection has been terrible today. I kept getting knocked off and at one point it told me that my internet package was finished.  I finally got that straightened out.  


So we sail along and take life as it comes.  At least we are on a cruise and they are taking care of us.  I don’t have to lift a finger and that is fine with me right now.  


Hope everyone is having a good day. 

Take care and God Bless,



Edited by Cruzin Terri
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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny afternoon. The air has improved slightly for now but the warning is still in effect until tomorrow morning.

I have several old cameras that film is no longer available for. I basically just use my phone.

    Houdini’s blood work for his thyroid was not good. The level has increased so for now the medication will be increased for 30 days, then more bloodwork. Vet is concerned it could be more than thyroid . I won’t put him thru any extensive treatment.He was very upset in the car and was trembling and breathing heavily. We think he was afraid he was not coming home.


Some of our cameras are film cameras, and for one there is a digital back, but it is expensive.  I've had a few digital cameras for the past 21 years, but the current one is a Sony DSC TX30, which I've had since 2013.  I like it because it is small, fits in my pocket, has a wrist strap that tightens down and is waterproof.  It's great for snorkeling, but it's been quiet a while since we've been snorkeling.  DH used it to get some great pictures of a whale shark in La Paz, Mexico.   


I'm sorry Houdini's blood work was not good.  I hope the increased level of the medication helps and it's not something more serious.


28 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV   Vanessa. sending prayers for your friend Ruth.It is so hard to get that kind of news.

DH had a transfusion a few hours ago and I hope he feels better soon.He is normally a very easy going person and the kindest one I know but was very upset when we visited earlier. We are both hoping for better days.


Terry, I hope the transfusion helps your DH and he feels better soon.  Everyone is entitled to be be upset and grumpy occasionally.  


11 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Thanks. Just landed home airport. Soon my recliner!😁


Bruce, that's great news.  The airlines have been a mess and will continue to be over the holiday, so I'm happy you were not affected.  Enjoy your recliner.


6 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@JazzyVVanessa,  i am so sorry to hear about your friend Ruth.  Prayers that she has a peaceful transition.  It is unfortunate that it has been so long since you have seen her.


We stayed on the ship today and from what I heard it was the right decision.  No one was very happy with being on shore.  Karlskrona is a tender port and from what I was told, there was little to see and do.  Most people came back to the ship early and actually we sailed early.

When I mentioned to someone that we would be back in this port later on, she advised me not to waste my time.  We will see.


Tomorrow we are in Copenhagen from 7am to 2pm.  Whoever thought this one up should look for another job!  We could have skipped Karlskrona and gone to Copenhagen and stayed overnight.  However no one asked for my advice. We have a four hour taxi tour from 9 am to 1 pm.  It will give us a good overview of the city and ideas of what to do when we stay there after the cruise.


Then tonight we got the news that all tours and the shuttle for Saturday are cancelled.  We are in Oslo and that is turnaround day.  The city of Oslo is hosting a Pride parade and all streets in the City Center will be blocked to traffic.  Good luck to the people who are disembarking and embarking—especially those trying to get to the airport.

Our original plans were to visit the city of Oslo and to go to the Nobel Peace Center.  We have now ditched those plans and expect to remain on the ship.   The ship is having a nice special luncheon for those continuing on to the next cruise so we will attend that.  That also keeps us away from those who are embarking and having lunch in the Terrace Cafe. 


Wi-Fi and internet connection has been terrible today. I kept getting knocked off and at one point it told me that my internet package was finished.  I finally got that straightened out.  


So we sail along and take life as it comes.  At least we are on a cruise and they are taking care of us.  I don’t have to lift a finger and that is fine with me right now.  


Hope everyone is having a good day. 

Take care and God Bless,




Terri, sometimes there are ports when you wonder why are we here.  The Nobel Peace museum is not far from the ship, but the waterfront can be crowded even without a special event going on.  Close by the museum is the City Hall where the Peace Prize is awarded.  It's worth a visit too.  Oslo has a good Ho-Ho as does Copenhagen.




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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Terri, sometimes there are ports when you wonder why are we here.  The Nobel Peace museum is not far from the ship, but the waterfront can be crowded even without a special event going on.  Close by the museum is the City Hall where the Peace Prize is awarded.  It's worth a visit too.  Oslo has a good Ho-Ho as does Copenhagen.

Well, Lenda, if we are to believe the Captain and the crew, they were just informed of the Pride Parade today.  If the roads are blocked, nothing is going to move.  I would imagine that any sort of tourist transportation is going to have difficulty since they are expecting massive crowds according to the letter we received in our staterooms this evening.  

I was looking forward to going there, but it is not meant to be.  Perhaps another time.


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Prayers for all Dailyites and family and friends with medical or other issues, especially today for Baby Murphy, @JazzyV friend Ruth and @smitty34877 DH.


Joy to those with something to celebrate.


@JazzyV, please take me off the care list. I am doing much better and fingers crossed it won't come back. There are others with much more serious problems.

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6 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, Lenda, if we are to believe the Captain and the crew, they were just informed of the Pride Parade today.  If the roads are blocked, nothing is going to move.  I would imagine that any sort of tourist transportation is going to have difficulty since they are expecting massive crowds according to the letter we received in our staterooms this evening.  

I was looking forward to going there, but it is not meant to be.  Perhaps another time.



Terri, I'm sorry the day in Oslo is a bust.  Will you be back on the next segment?  I was hoping you would repeat the port, and that's why a added the information I did.



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28 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@JazzyVVanessa,  i am so sorry to hear about your friend Ruth.  Prayers that she has a peaceful transition.  It is unfortunate that it has been so long since you have seen her.


We stayed on the ship today and from what I heard it was the right decision.  No one was very happy with being on shore.  Karlskrona is a tender port and from what I was told, there was little to see and do.  Most people came back to the ship early and actually we sailed early.

When I mentioned to someone that we would be back in this port later on, she advised me not to waste my time.  We will see.


Tomorrow we are in Copenhagen from 7am to 2pm.  Whoever thought this one up should look for another job!  We could have skipped Karlskrona and gone to Copenhagen and stayed overnight.  However no one asked for my advice. We have a four hour taxi tour from 9 am to 1 pm.  It will give us a good overview of the city and ideas of what to do when we stay there after the cruise.


Then tonight we got the news that all tours and the shuttle for Saturday are cancelled.  We are in Oslo and that is turnaround day.  The city of Oslo is hosting a Pride parade and all streets in the City Center will be blocked to traffic.  Good luck to the people who are disembarking and embarking—especially those trying to get to the airport.

Our original plans were to visit the city of Oslo and to go to the Nobel Peace Center.  We have now ditched those plans and expect to remain on the ship.   The ship is having a nice special luncheon for those continuing on to the next cruise so we will attend that.  That also keeps us away from those who are embarking and having lunch in the Terrace Cafe. 


Wi-Fi and internet connection has been terrible today. I kept getting knocked off and at one point it told me that my internet package was finished.  I finally got that straightened out.  


So we sail along and take life as it comes.  At least we are on a cruise and they are taking care of us.  I don’t have to lift a finger and that is fine with me right now.  


Hope everyone is having a good day. 

Take care and God Bless,



Copenhagen is a wonderful city with lots to see.

The Admiral hotel is where we have stayed 3 times and it is next to the water and close to the Royal Palace and the little mermaid in one direction and Nyhavn about 800 metres in the other direction.

Stroget is a very long pedestrian shopping street.

Tivoli gardens is a wonderful theme park attraction.

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15 minutes ago, srdancer said:

Prayers for all Dailyites and family and friends with medical or other issues, especially today for Baby Murphy, @JazzyV friend Ruth and @smitty34877 DH.


Joy to those with something to celebrate.


@JazzyV, please take me off the care list. I am doing much better and fingers crossed it won't come back. There are others with much more serious problems.


I'm very happy you are doing much better, and I also hope it does not come back.  Take care.



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We were in Ushuaia in 2016 on a Celebrity cruise from Buenos Aires to Valparaiso.


We did a 3rd party tour to a penguin colony on a private island. Only 20 people allowed at a time, max 100 per day. We saw colonies of Gentoo and Magellanic penguins. Also saw a very small group of King penguins. 


We couldn't get postcards stamped because there was a strike which included the postal workers.

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32 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Terri, I'm sorry the day in Oslo is a bust.  Will you be back on the next segment?  I was hoping you would repeat the port, and that's why a added the information I did.



Lenda, We are not repeating Oslo. That is unfortunate.  Then again, the way things are going, who knows.  Thanks for the info, anyway.


22 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Copenhagen is a wonderful city with lots to see.

The Admiral hotel is where we have stayed 3 times and it is next to the water and close to the Royal Palace and the little mermaid in one direction and Nyhavn about 800 metres in the other direction.

Stroget is a very long pedestrian shopping street.

Tivoli gardens is a wonderful theme park attraction.

Thank you Graham for the information.  We will be staying at the Marriott.  I don’t’ know where that is in relation to the hotel where you stayed.  However, we will try to get to see everything you mentioned.  On my list is a canal cruise.  Do you have any suggestions?

Got to go to bed now.  Early day tomorrow.


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18 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Lenda, We are not repeating Oslo. That is unfortunate.  Then again, the way things are going, who knows.  Thanks for the info, anyway.


Thank you Graham for the information.  We will be staying at the Marriott.  I don’t’ know where that is in relation to the hotel where you stayed.  However, we will try to get to see everything you mentioned.  On my list is a canal cruise.  Do you have any suggestions?

Got to go to bed now.  Early day tomorrow.


You can pre book online and some tours you can just turn up.

Your hotel might be able to book one for you.



Edited by grapau27
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7 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Unfortunately more sad news. The father of my friend Ruth in the UK emailed me this morning to say that in a few days she's being put in an "end of life" hospice. She has bravely fought cancer for 10 years. Due to the pandemic I haven't seen her in person since 2018, when she and her DM last came over to see the Pens play. We met and bonded through hockey. She just turned 60 in March. Asking for prayers for a peaceful transition for Ruth.


Oh Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear this 😢. She fought the good fight.


My prayers for a peaceful transition for Ruth 🙏🏻 



4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Long day. 3 AM wake up in Amsterdam and just arrived Atlanta. All went smoothly and luggage is here. Should be home by 3:30 Central time.

If you loved the Prisendam you would have loved this cruise. Perfect until they kicked us off. Bruce


Welcome home!  So glad your luggage arrived with you 👍 


Hmm - if you are comparing this ship to the P’dam, I’m going to have to take a hard look.  



2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny afternoon. The air has improved slightly for now but the warning is still in effect until tomorrow morning.

I have several old cameras that film is no longer available for. I basically just use my phone.

    Houdini’s blood work for his thyroid was not good. The level has increased so for now the medication will be increased for 30 days, then more bloodwork. Vet is concerned it could be more than thyroid . I won’t put him thru any extensive treatment.He was very upset in the car and was trembling and breathing heavily. We think he was afraid he was not coming home.


Oh damn!  I hope the meds can help Houdini’s thyroid and you see better results 🙏🏻. Poor Houdini.  Vet trips are so stressful.  


I completely understand on the extensive treatment - unless it grants Houdini quality of life - it’s a slippery slope to go down & the animal can suffer from it 😔. Hopefully you see new results in 30 days.



1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV   Vanessa. sending prayers for your friend Ruth.It is so hard to get that kind of news.

DH had a transfusion a few hours ago and I hope he feels better soon.He is normally a very easy going person and the kindest one I know but was very upset when we visited earlier. We are both hoping for better days.


Oh I am so sorry to hear your DH was upset by the transfusion.  I hope he is feeling better very soon.  You all have enough on your plates 😔 

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Just a quick afternoon check-in.


@JazzyV how sad to learn of your DF Ruth's situation; I pray for a peaceful, pain free passing from this plane to the next.

@smitty34877I do hope the transfusion will help your DH's outlook and will assist with his recovery from surgery.

@1ANGELCAT I'm sorry Houdini's bloodwork wasn't good - it's a difficult thing when our fur babies are unwell and we can't do much except stand by.


The wind is picking up and we might be getting some thundershowers later tonight . . . we'll see.

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a still sunny and windy central Texas where it is hot.  The morning got away from me somehow.  After my walk, I got my errands done and was home by 10 am.  After putting everything away and breakfast, I was just getting to the last couple of chores when the doctor's office called.  The wanted to let DH know the endocrinologist's office had finally sent the orders for the blood test for his next visit early next month and they could see him before they closed for lunch.  Naturally, that's when the car with the wonky battery decided to not start after working perfectly for a couple of months.  We switched cars and made it to the doctor's office with time to spare. 


We've had the battery checked at least twice, and they say it's all right.  The alternator was checked and it's okay.  So despite everything we're convinced it's the battery, especially now that it's not charging like it should.  Taking care of the battery is for another day.  


All the chores are finished, and now I've had time to get back to the Daily.  I wish I had found better news.  I have been enjoying all the pictures of Ushuaia.  Thank you to all who shared their pictures.



Terry, I was very sorry to read that there were complications yesterday.  I hope Lou's surgical team has some options that will easily take care of the complications.  I'm sending very positive thoughts for a successful outcome, and for strength for you and your family.  I hope all this stress is not causing Tana added difficulties.  Please take care of yourself.



Thank you, Graham.  That part of the world is very interesting, and you and Pauline should add it to your bucket list of cruises.



Penny, I'm glad your grandson had a good outcome with his surgeries to repair his heart defects.  Someday we hope to make it to Barrow.  We have been within 5 miles of the polar ice cap north of Spitsbergen, and that is about fen degrees further north than Barrow.



Gerry, DH still has most of his cameras that he's gotten since we met.  He worked as a photographer at Texas Student Publications (the U T  owner of the student paper, year book, etc.) while he was in school.  I'm glad your friend has someone to keep him company, and the dinner with them sounds lovely.



Linda, fingers crossed 🤞 that the carport stays on the neighbor's side of the property line.  You will enjoy Disney World, and remember there are plenty of benches in the shade to sit and watch the teenagers.  When our DDs were in high school, we let them go their way in the Magic Kingdom while we did our own thing.  It worked out well, and we were all at the meeting place at the appointed time.



Jack, I love the new color as it gives more contrast with the brick.



Jacqui, what a nice birthday present.  Your neighbor was nice to make that for you at your sister's request.



Gerry, I'm glad the new door and side lights were easily installed, and they are what you wanted.



Lorraine, I'm sorry the surgery was postponed, but I'm glad Murphy is stable and can be with her parents.



Vanessa, I'm so sorry your friend is nearing the end of her long fight with cancer.  I hope they can keep her comfortable and at peace.  Sending positive thoughts for comfort for you and for her family.



RNB, just remember those are geeky scientists doing the pi fight, and there was no intention to disparage any scientists on the Daily.



I'm glad they caught the cow.



Mary Kay, I hope they can control the fire near you soon.  I hope some of your treasures find new homes with the step kids.  That's what I have in mind with the DDs someday, but I doubt they'll want very much.



Susan, I hope the lost hiker is found safe, and that they can recover the body tht was seen.  



Bruce, I'm glad your fight was smooth and hassle free, and that you will soon be home.  It looks like you managed to avoid the mess with the airlines that has been happening this week.




Hay, Ms. Crystal. No disparaging intended. I thought those Geek guys like me were Math Persons. I always needed to be careful how I handle those quatractic equations or my number may be up. 😀

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Good evening, everyone!


We made the salad rolls for dinner tonight and they got a thumbs up.  They were easier than I expected, although mine did not look like the ones in the pictures.  They did hold together, though, and that makes them A ok to me.  They were quite refreshing for dinner on a hot muggy evening.  


@JazzyV I am so sorry to hear about your friend, Ruth.  May her passing be peaceful and easy and may your memories hold you during this time.

@smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Lou is uncomfortable and having some complications.  I hope everything can be dealth with easily and that he is back to his old self shortly.

@luvteaching Thinking of you and hoping all is going as well as it can.

@aliaschief Welcome home.

@Nickelpenny Hope you settle in easily and devise  your new normal.


Wishing all of you a peaceful evening.

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Busy relaxing today. Smoke was code red in Md but it seems to be clearing.IMG_7613.thumb.jpeg.263969b3cf67bb67831fabadfbf68a99.jpeg


Just wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the Ushuaia pictures.  Looking forward to being at the end of the world on February.

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