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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 23rd, 2023


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31 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Rich, I really appreciate your input on the curbside check in.  Our driver says that is on the lower level, and once the bags are checked we just go straight thru a tunnel and up to security.  DH said maybe it is on the lower level because then it's a straight shot out to the baggage sorting area.  Who knows?


Every time we check bags upstairs at the check-in desks, it's a madhouse of people at the kiosks and long lines waiting for the agents to take the bags.  What a waste of time!  And we will definitely try to find the shortest TSA pre-check entry point.

Not Atlanta but whenever we fly we use curbside check-in....seems like it expedites everything....ag screening in Hawaii, etc.  Of course a generous tip is given for the service.

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A little behind keeping up with the fleet report lately, but treating myself to a little reading before I finally get off my butt and file my taxes.


Cant believe I'm still surviving in the heat at work.  Yes yes stay hydrated say all the inside staff in their sweaters because the AC is too cool. Honestly with the amount of construction starting these days im a bit overwhelmed.  I came out of retirement for this but I really do enjoy it.


5 weeks today is our next family cruise, starting to get very excited, even if it is Alaska again, cant get enough.


Went to look at a new car again for the DW, after half an hour at the dealership once again got frustrated with the con show and walked away....again.  Maybe try again in the fall.


My 60th birthday coming up in a few weeks and feeling great about it!


Decided to turn off the phone last night, woke up to the usual work stuff but also a shock.  One of my great nephews (9) had a bad mountain bile crash and was airlifted from up coast with a skull fracture, broken jaw, and other damage.  After surgery at Children's Hospital he is now starting a long recovery, but it's a blessing he should fully recover.


Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend, 

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21 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Just took another Covid Test.  It’s negative.

So it is just an awful cold.

Hopefully tomorrow will be the turning point.

Good night for the second time.



Terri, I'm glad you had another negative covid test.  Get some rest so you can enjoy your stay in Copenhagen.


11 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Wasn’t there good steak in town at a motel which I think was called Royal Inn? 


Bruce, the Royal Inn is still there and it does have a restaurant.  It was built after I was married and had moved away.   The only time I've been in the place was for my 20th high school reunion.  Usually, we would go to one of Mack Eplen's restaurants.  


4 minutes ago, lobsternight said:

A little behind keeping up with the fleet report lately, but treating myself to a little reading before I finally get off my butt and file my taxes.


Cant believe I'm still surviving in the heat at work.  Yes yes stay hydrated say all the inside staff in their sweaters because the AC is too cool. Honestly with the amount of construction starting these days im a bit overwhelmed.  I came out of retirement for this but I really do enjoy it.


5 weeks today is our next family cruise, starting to get very excited, even if it is Alaska again, cant get enough.


Went to look at a new car again for the DW, after half an hour at the dealership once again got frustrated with the con show and walked away....again.  Maybe try again in the fall.


My 60th birthday coming up in a few weeks and feeling great about it!


Decided to turn off the phone last night, woke up to the usual work stuff but also a shock.  One of my great nephews (9) had a bad mountain bile crash and was airlifted from up coast with a skull fracture, broken jaw, and other damage.  After surgery at Children's Hospital he is now starting a long recovery, but it's a blessing he should fully recover.


Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend, 


I'm sorry about your great nephew's accident and the serious injuries.  I'm glad he is expected to fully recover.



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9 minutes ago, lobsternight said:

A little behind keeping up with the fleet report lately, but treating myself to a little reading before I finally get off my butt and file my taxes.


Cant believe I'm still surviving in the heat at work.  Yes yes stay hydrated say all the inside staff in their sweaters because the AC is too cool. Honestly with the amount of construction starting these days im a bit overwhelmed.  I came out of retirement for this but I really do enjoy it.


5 weeks today is our next family cruise, starting to get very excited, even if it is Alaska again, cant get enough.


Went to look at a new car again for the DW, after half an hour at the dealership once again got frustrated with the con show and walked away....again.  Maybe try again in the fall.


My 60th birthday coming up in a few weeks and feeling great about it!


Decided to turn off the phone last night, woke up to the usual work stuff but also a shock.  One of my great nephews (9) had a bad mountain bile crash and was airlifted from up coast with a skull fracture, broken jaw, and other damage.  After surgery at Children's Hospital he is now starting a long recovery, but it's a blessing he should fully recover.


Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend, 


How awful for your great nephew!  I do hope he fully recovers from this accident.  Youngsters heal so much faster than we do, don't they?  




3 minutes ago, summer slope said:

I’m continually amazed that people don’t report luggage that isn’t theirs. 


I know, right??  They deserve at LEAST a tongue lashing!

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Good Afternoon, I just completed my meeting with the Cruise Consultant, Alaska 2025 is booked.  At the end of the meeting she let me know that StarLink is live on the Zaandam.  Until they Putin more devices it can be spotty.  If you go the the sitting are next to her department the signal is good.  Is also good in the Neptune Lounge.

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10 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Graham, is this link the same every week?  I’m not familiar with how YouTube works. 
I’ve just sat down, will read today’s posts hoping there is some better news. I linked to Fr David’s message this late morning… I didn’t get to sleep till after 4:30 so it was a short morning! Not a big deal, just a nuisance. The message was good for me. I’ll try to reach it independently. Grateful for your help!  

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17 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Graham, is this link the same every week?  I’m not familiar with how YouTube works. 
I’ve just sat down, will read today’s posts hoping there is some better news. I linked to Fr David’s message this late morning… I didn’t get to sleep till after 4:30 so it was a short morning! Not a big deal, just a nuisance. The message was good for me. I’ll try to reach it independently. Grateful for your help!  

It is a different link every week but don't worry I will post it for you on Sunday mornings daily.

Father David WhatsApps us at 07.30am every Sunday morning that days sermon before church.

I could post it straight away on Saturdays daily around 07.30am UK time which is 02.30 am US eastern time if you like.

I will always post the link on every Sundays daily at 11.30am when Rich starts that mornings daily.

I normally keep the last 2 sermons in my WhatsApp in case anyone wants the previous week's replaying.

This picture is from Father Davids 50th birthday party at our church last Saturday.





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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thank you for Chuck's warning about TSA.  Does he have TSA pre-check?  We do and that may help us but I am concerned about long lines at ATL Friday morning.  Before I saw this I had just written an email to our driver (lives in neighborhood), and had told him to come an extra 15 minutes early but even now am debating how much time we need.  I don't want to miss that flight!  Has anyone used curbside check in for checking your bags, especially at Atlanta's airport?  I wonder if that would save us time versus inside the terminal.  It's usually a zoo in that area!  If it were up to me I'd go 4 hours ahead of flight time but DH says I'm obsessing.

You may want to get TSA’s app “MyTSA.” 

It looks like Friday wait times are typically 15-30 minutes. 





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@grapau27Thank you for the Father David today.  When I watch, DH does too.  We discuss later. Love todays! 


@lobsternight Tell your healing nephew, that this accident is what happened to Fernando Alonzo,( the F1 race driver)  last year, and this year he has been on the podium 7 times!  And to get feeling better soon.

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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

I’m continually amazed that people don’t report luggage that isn’t theirs. 


We got someone else's laundry. I called and reported it and called the room on the ticket and let them know about the delivery mishap. 

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41 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

You may want to get TSA’s app “MyTSA.” 

It looks like Friday wait times are typically 15-30 minutes. 






I wasn't aware of this app but it looks like it could be helpful.  Thanks for pointing it out.  Chuck wishes his delay in the security line was only 30 minutes!  Fingers crossed for good weather and smaller crowds this Friday!🤞




6 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


We got someone else's laundry. I called and reported it and called the room on the ticket and let them know about the delivery mishap. 


That's beause you are an honest, caring human being.  Some people could care less, or worse!

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Graham @grapau27 thanks so

much!  I appreciate your help. 

Happy Birthday @summer slope🎂🌈. Every one is worth celebrating. 🥳

@Cruzin Terri So sorry you’ve been pulled through a knothole!  This was all so unnecessary and exhausting. Hoping you get some good rest tonight and that the world looks better tomorrow. 

I’m saddened to hear of all the difficult situations family and friends are dealing with. But the strength and hope poured out is heartwarming.  Thanks Lorraine for keeping us updated. Keeping Karen in my heart too. @luvteaching

I was the youngest in our family and missed the swimming lessons but learned enough, never very good at it but at least I swam and like most kids loved the water. But unfortunately I’ve known families who lost loved ones to drownings, more than one in a bathtub both when seizures came on. In reservoirs, stay far far away from dams, especially roller dams. When boating we always wear PFDs, even on the houseboat we rented in Canada. 

Speaking if Canada 🇨🇦 🎇…. 

Cowboys were common where we were in the NM mountains. We lived in “open range”.  That means that livestock can go everywhere, so it’s up to a landowner to fence them out. We didn’t, so cows would come roaming through. In the fall the herd owners would have to round them up, more than once in an early snow!  We lived there long enough we knew him. Once we helped haul his daughter-in-law to medical help on a trail rescue when she got dumped off her horse and broker her femur. It’s tough rough work!  

Tempeh works for me, not DH. I think I might like the drink but would never have all the stuff on hand. And it would last forever!  When we moved from NM the movers wouldn’t take liquor. I took on the job of drinking up the liquor shelf, a little each night to make the packing go easier! 😜. We’d been married then 28 yrs but I found booze from my first marriage!  Let’s just say we’re ok with drinks, just not very often. 🤣

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, near and far!  
Congratulations to all celebrating, Life is Good 🥂


Smooth travels to all away, especially thinking of our Dailyites cruising and prepping!  🎉


Warm hugs to each of you for being here, especially through all our collective challenges of daily life. Again, it’s worth repeating, Life is Good!  
Be well and safe!  


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Well, it is 7:37 am.  I just got up.  i slept 11 1/2 hours last night.  I am not sneezing.  At least, not yet.  DH is still in bed.  I have no idea what time he turned in.  At 8 pm I just could not keep my eyes open.  

Seems the cold is a bit better and there is no rain right now.

Maybe I can get my Canal Boat ride today.

Will post on Monday’s Daily later.

Sweet dreams everyone.

God Bless and thank you all for your concern.


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On 7/23/2023 at 9:36 AM, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Bruce and Susan, I looked online today, and Lowake in Rowena is still in business.  Did you ever go to Zentners Steakhouse or Zentner's Daughters Steakhouse in San Angelo?  They were also popular with people from Abilene.  Sadly, both have now closed.  Most people in Abilene now go to Perini Ranch Steakhouse in Buffalo Gap, which I mentioned in my earlier post.



Yeah, they’ve moved to Rowena.  But they no longer have an airstrip.  So nobody’s gonna drive the 200+ miles (one way) from Dallas for a steak dinner, no matter how good.  But we pilots, of course, use ANYTHING as an excuse to fly.  So that’s why we happily flew the 200+ miles to Lowake for “just” a steak dinner, then turn right around again and fly home.  BTW, been retired in the PacNW for >20 years now but will ALWAYS consider Texas my home.  Jus' sayin’ 🙂.


On another subject:  Within a week I’ll be on a 2-week cruise so won’t be following.  Well, actually I don’t follow the Daily much any more – just search for posts of certain individuals, of which you’re one.  I’m not a praying person, but am HOPING that Steve gets the shunt procedure scheduled in a timely fashion.  The love of my life refused the shunt (didn’t want people “poking around in his brain”), so watching the inexorable progression of the NPH up to his death in January of this year was heartbreaking.  Hope to hear some good news from you when I return in mid August.

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1 hour ago, AV8rix said:

Yeah, they’ve moved to Rowena.  But they no longer have an airstrip.  So nobody’s gonna drive the 200+ miles (one way) from Dallas for a steak dinner, no matter how good.  But we pilots, of course, use ANYTHING as an excuse to fly.  So that’s why we happily flew the 200+ miles to Lowake for “just” a steak dinner, then turn right around again and fly home.  BTW, been retired in the PacNW for >20 years now but will ALWAYS consider Texas my home.  Jus' sayin’ 🙂.


On another subject:  Within a week I’ll be on a 2-week cruise so won’t be following.  Well, actually I don’t follow the Daily much any more – just search for posts of certain individuals, of which you’re one.  I’m not a praying person, but am HOPING that Steve gets the shunt procedure scheduled in a timely fashion.  The love of my life refused the shunt (didn’t want people “poking around in his brain”), so watching the inexorable progression of the NPH up to his death in January of this year was heartbreaking.  Hope to hear some good news from you when I return in mid August.


Susan, I'm sorry to learn of the death of the love of your life.  I remember you telling us about him last summer year.


Last year the neurosurgeon suggested Steve have the back surgery first.  He thought it might relieve the NPH which it did for aa few months.  We now believe that was due to spimal fluid being lost during the surgery.  However, the began to be noticed in March, and began getting worse in late spring.  Unfortunately, it takes a while to get appointments at UTSW, and then, they have to do the lumbar puncture and after a month od our monitoring the results, then we see the surgeon.  Hopefully, the surgery to install the shunt will happen soon afterward.  No one wants brain surgery, but living with nph is not acceptable.


Have a great cruise on NA.  I hope after we are finished with UTSW with a good outcome, we can meet on a BHB.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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28 minutes ago, Beckett said:

A wonderful sermon Graham. As always, thank you for posting. Jane xx

Thank you Jane, I'm happy you enjoyed Father Davids sermon.

Everyone on this daily thread are so caring and friendly.

You would be warmly welcomed if you joined in.

Each new daily starts around 11.45am.

There are different subjects every day which makes it interesting with descriptions of food and wine, photos of the days port and sharing experiences.

Graham xx.


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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Jane, I'm happy you enjoyed Father Davids sermon.

Everyone on this daily thread are so caring and friendly.

You would be warmly welcomed if you joined in.

Each new daily starts around 11.45am.

There are different subjects every day which makes it interesting with descriptions of food and wine, photos of the days port and sharing experiences.

Graham xx.


I really enjoyed the sermon this week Graham. Sometimes things just resonate don't they.


Well I dip in and out of the daily thread on most days so I'm getting close to posting. I have to say it does feel like a very warm thread so I will bite the bullet very soon. Look out for me! Best wishes to you and Pauline. Xx

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49 minutes ago, Beckett said:

I really enjoyed the sermon this week Graham. Sometimes things just resonate don't they.


Well I dip in and out of the daily thread on most days so I'm getting close to posting. I have to say it does feel like a very warm thread so I will bite the bullet very soon. Look out for me! Best wishes to you and Pauline. Xx

They do Jane.

Father David makes the sermon fun in church.

We have known him for over 20 years as our vicar and he did the funeral services of Pauline's mam and dad and my mam and Dad as well as our Sarah's wedding.

Graham xx

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47 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

They do Jane.

Father David makes the sermon fun in church.

We have known him for over 20 years as our vicar and he did the funeral services of Pauline's mam and dad and my mam and Dad as well as our Sarah's wedding.

Graham xx

He seems a really lovely guy Graham. If I lived anywhere near Ryhope I would be a regular. Thanks so very much for drawing my attention to the sermons in the first place. Jane xx

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9 minutes ago, Beckett said:

He seems a really lovely guy Graham. If I lived anywhere near Ryhope I would be a regular. Thanks so very much for drawing my attention to the sermons in the first place. Jane xx

I'm pleased you enjoy them Jane.

He is a really nice guy.

David is in Hamburg for a few days this week on church business but will be back before Sunday.

I have posted the sermons on here for about 2 years.

Graham xx


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