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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday August 6th, 2023


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I thought I'd share the pictures of Aappilattoq that was in the background of one of Debbie's @dfish pictures this morning as they sailed through Prince Christian Sund.  


We have sailed through Prince Christian Sund four times.  In 2017, we sailed west bound to visit Nanortalik and Qaqortoq, and then we headed east through the sound to Iceland.  I first posted these pictures on September 28. 2021.


On the westbound journey, Captain DD and a few officers when ashore at the little village of Aappilattoq to arrange a call there on the way back.  We were most likely the first ship to visit the village. 



These pictures should give you an idea of what Aappilattioq looks like.  There are very few if any locals in the pictures.  Besides bringing the children on board Prinsendam for hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, most of the adults were on board while we were ashore.  It's such a small place, the passengers were divided into three groups and given an hour or so to walk around the village.





A couple of crew members having fun



The local church




One of the dogs enjoying a sunny day



For the garden club



Their local store was small but well stocked, and was also the hardware store and general store.




I think most of the passengers were glad Captain DD arranged our stop there.



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Ugg.  How the h—- did this happen?   Loading the dishwasher found it was occupied.  Tiny DEAD mouse in it.  Really tiny. Obviously already gone through the “car wash” yuck.   This house is sealed tight dont have a clue how this happened 





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4 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Hi Susan. I remember the fog horn and never complained about it. Maybe because our cabin was aft at the bottom deck just above the engine room 😀.

Another interesting cruise story, I think, about the sea fog. On our 2010 VoV we were somewhere between Newfoundland and Greenland. It was 6:32 AM and I had just started my walk around the deck. No one else was out and the fog was very thick. While walking I was 123 feet from the back of the ship when I began to hear this strange swooshing sound over the outside railing. I walked over to the edge of the railing and looked down and there were three orca whales not 20 feet from the ship swimming with the ship. This lasted for about a minute. And no one else was around.


RNB, just WOW!  I've seen dolphins riding the bow wave, but never orcas near the ship.


3 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

This cartoon reminds of a formal, beaded jacket I bought once for formal nights.  Directions - do not wash or dry clean!


Katherine, I had a couple of the beaded tops years ago.  I finally donated them to a thrift store because they were heavy and hot and weighed the luggage down, too.  I never figured out how to clean them.  😁


3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Sunday Afternoon.

If I don’t post now, I probably won’t.  Life is not too easy these days for reasons I would rather not explain right now.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Tina, Ann and Dixie for your contributions to this thread.  I have been to Malta, but not Gogo.  I will pass on the meal. Simple is the word these days.

Interesting days.  May we never have another Hiroshima.  

Thank you to Graham for Father David’s Sermon.  I enjoyed listening to it as did DH.  


Tomorrow I have to call the Termite Company.  The bond renewal is due tomorrow and we received notice while we were away.  I forgot to call them last week.  I hope they will still come and honor our contract and inspect the house.  With the A/C problems I forgot all about them.  

I also have lots of other things to catch up on.  These days it seems to all fall on my shoulders.  


I am trying to decide whether the Italy trip and transatlantic is really a good idea or we should cancel.  DH really wants to go.  Not sure he realizes what it entails.


Prayers for all, especially for Baby Murphy and Sam.  Terry, I hope Lou starts to feel like eating soon and the same for Annie’s DH.


Got to get moving with all the things I need to do.

Have a good day and God Bless,



Terri, I'm sorry things are not going well since you returned home.  I hope everything gets better soon, and the termite company will honor your contract.  Take care of yourself, too.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning.  Although I was very unsure about visiting Hiroshima, it was an amazing place.    Highly recommend a visit  to this eye opening and truly awesome city. 

so much in light of its history to experience 



We spent two nights there at the beginning of our trip to Japan. 












Brenda, thank you for the Hiroshima pictures.  We enjoyed our two visits there, especially the Peace Park and the museum.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Looking at Tony's pictures, I almost put that same top on today.   Does anyone else look at old photos and think, OMG, I still have those clothes!


Ann, I still have several old tops that are too comfortable to toss out.  I did weed out the tops a couple of years ago.


1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:
For a change something different from Tony 
When sailingdutchy does not sail , he also has a few hobbies to keep him occupied and this is one of them 
Just this morning I harvested my garlic that I planted last November 
Also started picking the pole beans , bush beans were a disappointment after the deer jumped my fence 
Tomatoes are getting close to finally , these are heritage “Brandywine “  a delicious beefsteak-shaped fruit . 
They are named after Brandywine Creek in Chester County , PA 
Cucumbers are done so is my kale after the rabbits finished them up , but made a lot of kale soup for in the winter.  Still picking leaf lettuce that has been wonderful since May .
This is how it started in May after we came home from the " Rotterdam “
Lettuce , radishes , green onions , shallots some herbs and beans 
Second garden , tomatoes , cucumber , peas, kale, kohlrabi, beans, squash and celery 
That's my throne in the back .....
And a small rhubarb plot that I just started late last year .
Great hobby to have with good healthy benefits , nothing is sprayed .
Tony 😄😄


Tony, that is an awesome garden.  We had one when we lived in Pennsylvania, it was on a much smaller scale.  In Texas, especially these last few summers that are so hot and dry, any garden would literally be toast by July 4.


4 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I just got an email from my Credit Card Company.  My TA has processed my final payment for Rotterdam in November and it should be fully set to go.




Roy, that's good news.  I hope you enjoy your cruise.  You deserve a relaxing getaway.



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28 minutes ago, highscar said:

Ugg.  How the h—- did this happen?   Loading the dishwasher found it was occupied.  Tiny DEAD mouse in it.  Really tiny. Obviously already gone through the “car wash” yuck.   This house is sealed tight dont have a clue how this happened 






I hit this problem this year (although not in my dishwasher).  Every thing seems to have fallen apart since DD DH passed.  When I talked to the pest control company (as we also have everything very tight)l, they can apparently get through anything - like a pipeline, your electrical wires, etc.

If there is one - there is more likely more.  Hate to be depressing but it seems to be the way things go with these pests.  We haven’t been bothered in 20 years since we sealed so much up - but they can find anything and will even follow tunnels by other pests to get into your home.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I thought I'd share the pictures of Aappilattoq that was in the background of one of Debbie's @dfish pictures this morning as they sailed through Prince Christian Sund.  


We have sailed through Prince Christian Sund four times.  In 2017, we sailed west bound to visit Nanortalik and Qaqortoq, and then we headed east through the sound to Iceland.  I first posted these pictures on September 28. 2021.


On the westbound journey, Captain DD and a few officers when ashore at the little village of Aappilattoq to arrange a call there on the way back.  We were most likely the first ship to visit the village. 



These pictures should give you an idea of what Aappilattioq looks like.  There are very few if any locals in the pictures.  Besides bringing the children on board Prinsendam for hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, most of the adults were on board while we were ashore.  It's such a small place, the passengers were divided into three groups and given an hour or so to walk around the village.





A couple of crew members having fun



The local church




One of the dogs enjoying a sunny day



For the garden club



Their local store was small but well stocked, and was also the hardware store and general store.




I think most of the passengers were glad Captain DD arranged our stop there.



Great pics and memories. Thank you, Lenda

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This house was recently completely renovated from tip to toe. I leave nothing open cause my kitty is an insider but recently he has planted himself and his  nose to an area under the sink. Too bad I disposed

of his buddy. . 

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I thought I'd share the pictures of Aappilattoq that was in the background of one of Debbie's @dfish pictures this morning as they sailed through Prince Christian Sund.  


We have sailed through Prince Christian Sund four times.  In 2017, we sailed west bound to visit Nanortalik and Qaqortoq, and then we headed east through the sound to Iceland.  I first posted these pictures on September 28. 2021.


On the westbound journey, Captain DD and a few officers when ashore at the little village of Aappilattoq to arrange a call there on the way back.  We were most likely the first ship to visit the village. 



These pictures should give you an idea of what Aappilattioq looks like.  There are very few if any locals in the pictures.  Besides bringing the children on board Prinsendam for hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, most of the adults were on board while we were ashore.  It's such a small place, the passengers were divided into three groups and given an hour or so to walk around the village.





A couple of crew members having fun



The local church




One of the dogs enjoying a sunny day



For the garden club



Their local store was small but well stocked, and was also the hardware store and general store.




I think most of the passengers were glad Captain DD arranged our stop there.



Nice church.

Thanks for posting your photos Lenda.



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17 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

There was a story on the news a few minutes ago about glacier flooding in Juneau.  Alaska is warming twice as fast as the rest of the US.  I wonder how this will affect the remainder of the cruise season, not to mention the affect on the citizens of Juneau.



I just saw a story on the news too. It showed the Mendenhall river coming from the Mendenhall glacier where the home fell into the river.

I don't believe it is close to the port, IIRC. 

I did a river rafting SE once on the Mendenhall river and it took at bit to get there from the port.

Hopefully somone will correct me if I am wrong.

Quite awful to see that beautiful home lost, the river was very high and turbulent.

Edited by Cruisercl
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4 hours ago, kazu said:


I hit this problem this year (although not in my dishwasher).  Every thing seems to have fallen apart since DD DH passed.  When I talked to the pest control company (as we also have everything very tight)l, they can apparently get through anything - like a pipeline, your electrical wires, etc.

If there is one - there is more likely more.  Hate to be depressing but it seems to be the way things go with these pests.  We haven’t been bothered in 20 years since we sealed so much up - but they can find anything and will even follow tunnels by other pests to get into your home.

I watched a critter squeeze under my back door one frigid January morning.   He got halfway across the kitchen and turned and looked at me.  Then he really took off.  He was cute, but he had to go.  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you, Lenda, for your pictures.  I had heard of the excursion ashore there several years ago from someone on that cruise.  What a neat thing for the villagers and for the cruisers.

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I tried to copy a couple of paragraphs, but apparently the flooding is also down near the Juneau airport.

Copy and paste did not work. I loved Juneau when we were there back in 2016.


Well the swimming didnt happen,  It has stormed, storm after storm since 1:30. so 6 hours later, it is still pouring, thunder and lightening, and gusts of wind every once in a while.  10 to 1 it will quit at bed time.  ( I love to sleep to the sound of rain) Therapy tomorrow and then walk the dog and work.  Tonight I baked chicken, so we could have it for dinner tonight (with instant mashed, instant stuffing, gravy out of a jar, and cranberry sauce out of a can (gourmet chef here)- and tomorrow I will make chicken salad for lunch.🙂.  I make a mean chicken salad....



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1 hour ago, Cruisercl said:

I did a river rafting SE once on the Mendenhall river


I had a raft tour booked in 2021 (not a cruise although I arrived at Juneau on the Alaska state ferry), but it was cancelled because there was too much water (fast water, not safe for beginners).


Rinaldo (Handel) this afternoon. It has rarely been staged since the 18th century, because the title role was written for a castrato. It is only since the 20th century that there have been countertenors who could sing in the soprano range at full volume, but even so, Rinaldo is hard to cast because it requires three countertenors.


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@marshhawk Annie, I too was a huge fan of Tom Rush music. I gave my albums to my brother last October but I still have him on other media. And could your Blind Willies have anything to do with Blind Willie Johnson?  He wrote Your Gonna Need Somebody on Your Bond. All long ago!  Enjoy that chicken salad tomorrow. 

@Cruzin Terri Terry, it sure seems to be piling on for you. I am sorry you are dealing with so much.  I hope you can get some help, get some sleep and take care of yourself too.  

Paul, sounds like a rare treat for you!  Opera is just not my thing… I do love the music!  And the sets, staging, the stories… everything but the singing…. I’m sorry I can’t enjoy it, the sopranos and probably the contratenors are just like fingernails on a blackboard to me. I’ll stick to plain symphonies. But I am happy for you!  

@dfish Stunning pictures!  Thank you!  

@JazzyV Thank you for your kind words. I am a step-GM but those kids have been the greatest blessing in my life next to my DH!  And they have said to me that they don’t care about titles, I’ve been their GM all their lives and they will be there for me forever. We’ll be staying with DGD and her sweet DH next week for a night. We took the 3 grandkids on their first cruise, to Alaska!  She did amazing finding safe foods. I asked her beforehand if she was sure about the cruise because food is such a big focus. She said, Grandma, I really want to go even if I have to eat Rice Krispies all week!  Well she ate mounds of French fries, Turkey burgers, and 5 kinds of poultry in the MDR. We took them on adventurous vacations, showed them just a taste of there being a big world out there!  They’re a huge joy!  


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13 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


RNB, just WOW!  I've seen dolphins riding the bow wave, but never orcas near the ship.



Katherine, I had a couple of the beaded tops years ago.  I finally donated them to a thrift store because they were heavy and hot and weighed the luggage down, too.  I never figured out how to clean them.  😁



Terri, I'm sorry things are not going well since you returned home.  I hope everything gets better soon, and the termite company will honor your contract.  Take care of yourself, too.



Brenda, thank you for the Hiroshima pictures.  We enjoyed our two visits there, especially the Peace Park and the museum.



Ann, I still have several old tops that are too comfortable to toss out.  I did weed out the tops a couple of years ago.



Tony, that is an awesome garden.  We had one when we lived in Pennsylvania, it was on a much smaller scale.  In Texas, especially these last few summers that are so hot and dry, any garden would literally be toast by July 4.



Roy, that's good news.  I hope you enjoy your cruise.  You deserve a relaxing getaway.



Yes, it was incredible! It’s in my memory forever. I forget to bring my camera with me that AM.

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