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Sunday December 10th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Happy Birthday Henry.  Bon Voyage @LAFFNVEGAS@dobiemom@lindaler and @POA1.  Welcome home @Haljo1935 and @Nickelpenny.  I'll pass on the Lager but celebrate animal rights and the Dewey decimal system.


I'm not getting the quote today.  I have not been to LaPaz but IIRC it was a favorite hangout for Pacific BHB during the shutdown.


I'm also not a fan of curry so a bit unsure about the meal although I like lamb.  My alternative is Iced Melon Bisque, Baked Ricotta Stuffed Shells, and Mango Sundae as served on MS Prinsendam December 10, 2013.


Not sure about church.  I would love to go in person but there is heavy rain coming today so I'll try to get there if the rain holds off long enough but may end up worshiping on line.




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Important days (today and in history) just not sure about Lager day since I don't drink it, but yay for those who do.

Not been to the port so I offer sunrise at Port Everglades as seen from my balcony. 


Prayers and positive thoughts for all.

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Good morning everyone!  Thanks for the Daily reports Rich!   I was a very frequent library user in my youth so know the Dewey Decimal System well.   I remember some of my favorite horse books were in the 919 section.   Animal rights are extremely important and so happy that there is more of a move to get away from factory farming and puppy mills.   Pass on the lager.   A very true quote by Sparks.   I look forward to the photos of today's port.   Pass on the lamb, the punch, but today's blend vino looks very good.   

Thanks for today's cares and celebrations list @JazzyV.  Prayers for all of those in TN who have suffered loss of life and so much property damage.  Vanessa prayers that you had a better night and for a good one tonight.   Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.   

It is a gloomy day but it is nice because it is above freezing.   After tomorrow we have almost a week of sunshine and in the 40s and we are happy with that because December can be much worse.   The Ravens game today looks to be miserable weather so it probably will be a low scoring game, no weather problems for John's Viking's game in the dome in Vegas.   Have a nice day and Go Ravens!!  Nancy

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I've never worked in a library, but appreciated the Dewey Decimal System once it was explained to me.   Animal Rights day should be every day - no animal should ever be mistreated.  We'll celebrate International Lager Day in February when we have our traditional beer in every port.


First of all, an exciting day for so many of our Daily family - Bon Voyage to @LAFFNVEGAS, @dobiemom, @POA1, @Huskerchick and @lindaler - enjoy your cruise!!

@Cruising-along wishing your DH Henry a very Happy Birthday with many happy, healthy returns of the day.


It's a cool and cloudy morning out there; we're sitting at -6C (21F), with a predicted high of -2C, which for this time of year is almost unheard of.  Looking at my FB memories on this day in 2019 we had an overnight low of -39C (38F) and had a ton of snow.  As I look out the living room window, there isn't a snowflake in sight.  Yesterday it was so warm that the neighbour and his 2 young sons were on their driveway playing basketball.  Very strange, but apparently this is what El Nino is doing for us.



We had a lovely dinner with our friends last night where the food was good, the wine flowed freely, and we had lively conversation.  Unfortunately, it was also a time for Wayne to admit that they wouldn't be joining us on the cruise in February.  He had spoken with his insurance company and his health had to be stable for 90 days in order for him to be covered, so we'll just have to book another one another time with them.  I'll continue the cruise countdown for just the 2 of us now, with 55 days until we sail.



Last night our DS sent photos showing that yesterday the family had been able to see the Holiday train in Calgary, and on the way home a little voice from the back seat said "Daddy, this has been the best birthday ever!"   Melted my heart!!!


I'd like to try the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, but will pass on the menu suggestion.  Today we're having DH's family over for a pre-Christmas dinner, as we'll be in Calgary for the holidays.  His DD, her DH, and DH's son will be joining us later this afternoon where we're planning on having barbecued ribs, baked potatoes, killer coleslaw, roasted brussels sprouts and lemon cake at the dining table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially our Daily family who are experiencing health issues, and for the people in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning, everyone!


@Cruising-along  to Henry:




It is a gloomy day outside in mid-Michigan.  But no problem as it is the holiday season and it is warm and bright inside.  


When we went to visit Ellamary yesterday, the facility was in lockdown due to a high number of Covid cases.  They expect to be in lockdown for the rest of this week.  I'm sure there are extra precautions there due to the age of the residents.  


If you like lamb, curry, and coconut, this is the recipe for you.  It can be made on the stovetop, in the slow cooker, or in an instant pot. And, yes, @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I think we have to have run the gamut with curry and coconut combinations.  But, every time I think that, another new one pops up. I'm not a fan of lamb, so I'll be having fish and brussels sprouts.  https://www.cookedandloved.com/recipes/coconut-lamb-curry-paleo/




This website says you can substitute beef for the lamb if you prefer.  https://myindianstove.com/coconut-lamb-curry/




This one looks pretty easy to make.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/coconut-lamb-curry/




Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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Happy Sunday! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Expecting heavy rain today so I will be doing stuff indoors. It makes for an unhappy dog, but she has opted to stay in bed and will probably eat her breakfast round news. I suspect that I have the world's laziest dog. She loves to sleep in and eat late. 

The tree has been decorated and my one cat, Chase, has been attracted to the ornaments in a not so good way. 

Thinking of all on the care list.

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Bon Voyage to @LAFFNVEGAS @POA1 @dobiemom and @lindaler

Have a safe and healthy day. 


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Bon Voyage Brian, Lisa, all our cruising friends, Smooth travels!  Stay safe, stay well!  

Our visit to La Paz was a ship’s shuttle bus to an empty beach and quiet time under a palapa umbrella!  Too many years ago. Today we’ll have football games on. 

Didn’t sleep too well, worried about DH’s eye pressure creeping up outside of target range in one eye. Maybe he can reach out to his Maryland doctor via the medical portal. I think he has an additional med in reserve still, I hope so. Praying for guidance. We’ll be gone Wednesday thru Sunday. One day at a time is Everything, like today’s quote!  

Good trip to Mayo Terri @Cruzin Terri 


Blessings to all in need from the ravages of weather, pain, wars!….  in need of hope, direction, healing, comfort. 

Smooth travels to all away!  Happy cruising!  
Happy celebrations to Henry and all with milestones to mark and enjoy!  

Thank you Graham and Fr David!
Thank you Bruce- I feel like your first meme was for me! 

Thanks all for being here! 


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Good morning to all. Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. 


sad day today - disembarking ☹️


a great cruise. The only consolation is I go again really soon. 

Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating!!


Have a great day everyone!!

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An early good morning from Quartzsite.  It is 44F and fells like 40F, and we should reach 70F this afternoon..  A bit later we'll be heading to Parker to W-M and Safeway.  We'll also get a drive-thru breakfast.


The Dew Decimal system is important in libraries, but I think a new system has been or is being introduced.  Animal rights should be every day.  I used to like lagers until they stopped liking me.


An interesting quote.


I like lamb but not curry or coconut, and DH is not a fan of lamb, so we'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds like it is worth a try.


We have been to La Paz, and I'll retrieve my pictures.


I'll celebrate the awarding of the first Nobel Peace Prize, and the introduction of the metric system in France.


@Nickelpenny Pennie and @Haljo1935  Welcome home.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you and Ivan will be staying warm and safe at home.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad your DS and family got to see the Christmas Train.  I'm sorry Wayne and Fran will not be able to join you on the cruise.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, please wish Henry a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope Chase does  not cause problems with the tree.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, sending positive thoughts that you can get the medicine and that your DH's eye pressure stabilizes.














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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says it is 57 with rain, but the rain is gone from the north part of Atlanta, looks like @StLouisCruisershas a bit more coming her way.


@grapau27Thank you again for posting Father David.  His message seems to be for the whole world today.


@Vict0riannThank you for giving me the correct nerve word yesterday.  I do have hearing problems, and my PT person speaks with a strong southern accent, so I probably have been "mishearing " her for months.


Todays menu , um , no to lamb.  But the plans are to have baked salmon curry with shrimp, and  veggies for dinner tonight.  (I will throw the shrimp in last, as I don't want the curry to taste like shrimp, but like curry.) 


DH bought me a new flat cooking pan last night , and it will be french toast this morning!  Yeah!  French toast without Teflon attached to it.


Bon Voyage to all the cruisers today, I hope you have calm seas, and great adventures!


Today's chores are -put the giant wreath up on the front of the house (this usually involves taking things off the front of the house, things that get yellow jackets and ants living in them) making sure that all the lights work on it, get batteries for the smaller wreath by the door, and plastic wrap the porch so that the out door kitties have a warmer place to sleep at night. We put a space heater on tiles out there for them too.  So I vacuum the porch from all the cat fur out there, arrange the porch furniture so that there are no accidents with the heater and cats, and hope that they understand that the porch is for them to use until April.


Last night I checked out on the carport to see who might be eating all the leftover cat food.  I usually see some raccoons, or a small possum, or another cat,  but last night there was a possum so large that it could have been someone's pot belly pig.  It was huge.









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We have been to La Paz once in March 2018, on Ruby Princess.  It is a nice town to walk around.  We also hired a boat on the dock to take us out of see the whale sharks.


A few pictures from our walk around La Paz.  When we got off the shuttle from Puerto de Pichilingue, we saw this whale skeleton display.



We walked down this street to the Teatro de Juarez.





The Cathedral de Nuestra Senora de La Paz





Jardin Velasco across the street from the Cathedral



We also saw this museum and spent some time inside.



We then headed back to the Malecon La Paz, where we found a boat to take us out to see the whale sharks.  We followed one shark as we was swimming, and he was as long or longer than the boat.  Our boat was like the ones pictured, but we were the only passengers.



People were swimming with the shark, but as you can see, the swimmer was having to work to keep up.



My point and shoot camera is waterproof and DH took some pictures by leaning over the side and holding the camera underwater.  It helped that the shark was near the surface.  This is the best of the underwater pictures.  At one point we probably could have touched the shark, but we were told not to do that.





The pier and the beach along with some of the sculptures on the Malecon.











One of the many restaurants across the street from the Malecon.



Naturally, there was a shopping opportunity when we returned to the port.  This is just a small portion of the booths.



The port area from our balcony as we sailed.




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@Quartzsite CruiserI love the pictures of the whale shark!  This is one place I have wanted to go, but we get into the logistics. and it seems that going west will mean a long relationship with San Diego.  DH loves that area, has lived out there, and wants major reminiscing.  I just want to get on a ship and head south. 

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Good morning all.  Thanks for the daily updates.  Hooray for the Dewey Decimal System, animal rights and lagers!  No on the meal suggestion but I’ll try the drink.  Prayers for those on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!

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 Good Morning from a currently warm and sunny day at the beach

    Rain and winds are forecasted for the whole week. Hopefully not.

Libraries are all computerized, but I am sure there are remnants of the Dewey Decimal System. Dont care for curry but I do like lamb. Have not been to todays port, Thanks for the pictures.

    Last nites boat parade was great. There were 79 boats all decked out in lights and Holiday decorations. Weather was perfect and everyone was in a very festive mood. It took us almost 2 hours to walk the mile home because we kept stopping to talk to people on the way. Such fun!

  @Cruising-along A very Happy Birthday to your DH.

    @JazzyV I dont know how you keep up with all the goings on, especially since you are not feeling well yourself. Thank You for all you do.

 Safe travels to all our travelers today. 


   Stay safe and enjoy today



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image.thumb.jpeg.a20fc0bfa98e2d02a1c1e3e8e516b6d8.jpegGood day all!
in La Paz once, in 2009 aboard the NatGeo Sea Lion.  After disembarking we went to a tiny restaurant for lunch and “naranjada” (fresh orange juice and bubbly water).  Then went to a botanical garden with reptile exhibit (with hands on experience).

Pass on meal (lamb) and drink, maybe to wine.

yeah for Dewey - made sense of the volumes in the library.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to La Paz once in March 2018, on Ruby Princess.  It is a nice town to walk around.  We also hired a boat on the dock to take us out of see the whale sharks.


A few pictures from our walk around La Paz.  When we got off the shuttle from Puerto de Pichilingue, we saw this whale skeleton display.



We walked down this street to the Teatro de Juarez.





The Cathedral de Nuestra Senora de La Paz





Jardin Velasco across the street from the Cathedral



We also saw this museum and spent some time inside.



We then headed back to the Malecon La Paz, where we found a boat to take us out to see the whale sharks.  We followed one shark as we was swimming, and he was as long or longer than the boat.  Our boat was like the ones pictured, but we were the only passengers.



People were swimming with the shark, but as you can see, the swimmer was having to work to keep up.



My point and shoot camera is waterproof and DH took some pictures by leaning over the side and holding the camera underwater.  It helped that the shark was near the surface.  This is the best of the underwater pictures.  At one point we probably could have touched the shark, but we were told not to do that.





The pier and the beach along with some of the sculptures on the Malecon.











One of the many restaurants across the street from the Malecon.



Naturally, there was a shopping opportunity when we returned to the port.  This is just a small portion of the booths.



The port area from our balcony as we sailed.





Awesome photos Lenda.

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Good morning all!

First of all, DH and I want to say thank you for all the birthday wishes!  @grapau27, @StLouisCruisers, @kazu, @Cruisercl, @rafinmd, @ger_77, @dfish, @puppycanducruise, @RMLincoln, @Quartzsite Cruiser, and @cunnorl all very much appreciated. 🙂  


After last year's "big birthday" and celebration, this year will be low-key.  We'll celebrate his birthday more on our family's  early Christmas a week from today (early because we'll be kinda self-isolating before the cruise).  This year is definitely not the usual. 😉  But he's been wanting dinner from PF Chang, so that's what we'll do tonight.


I'll pass on the meal today -- I do love lamb, but it would be ruined for me if it had coconut and curry.  The drink sounds good, will pass on the red wine.  I don't think we've been to this port.


We have distant relatives in TN who thank goodness are OK even though the tornado came through their town.  It was a stressful time for them! Prayers for all affected.


Bon Voyage @LAFFNVEGAS, @POA1, @dobiemom and @lindaler!



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