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Tuesday December 12th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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@XBGuy Following up from your comments yesterday I didn't know Aaron Pott will be using their grapes.  Like Lagier Meredith he has a unique style but his wines are much more "precious" than LM.   Thanks for the information on them, they can sit on their expansive shaded porch and enjoy their fabulous view.  Nancy 

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3 hours ago, 57redbird said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Can't reply about my pain yet...managed to sleep some overnight but still need help turning.  OT is coming in a couple of hours - don't know why.  

An OT will work with you on transfers and bed mobility as well as discuss adaptive devices for general function.

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5 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

An OT will work with you on transfers and bed mobility as well as discuss adaptive devices for general function.


When I was having surgery for a fracture of the humerus, an OT visited me before the surgery and showed me how, for example, to bathe or put on socks using only one hand. Because she didn't know the surgical plan, she also talked with me about many things that turned out to be unnecessary, including some that were frightening (possibility of permanent disability). She felt that she needed to cover all possible ground because there was going to be no OT available on the morning after the surgery. In that respect, after would have been better.


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Present situation: when I removed the bandage this morning, I saw that they had removed the entire lesion (the visible part, that is), so that if the pathology report is negative--which is very unlikely--no further treatment would be needed. However, it's almost certainly a basal cell carcinoma, so Mohs surgery may be in the offing.


That may be hard to schedule before my January cruise. I don't want it between Christmas and New Year's, because I'm officiating at the synagogue on New Year's weekend, nor do I want it between New Year's and the cruise.

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Good morning all!  (barely still morning here anyway!)  

I'm very late today, not a good night for sleep (absolutely no reason other than too much to think about).  Upcoming 2-night sleep-over with the DGSs, our early Christmas gathering, and the cruise.


I'll pass on the gingerbread and ambrosia, love Poinsettias.  The quote is good, will pass on the meal (BLTs sound really good but I think we need to work through the freezer meat first)  and pass on the red wine.  The drink sounds pretty good.  Have not been to Ravenna, almost but it was canceled.  


Lots to do, DH has been on the phone all morning getting things put on vacation hold -- garbage pick-up, car insurance, etc. etc. Plus we're paying everything ahead or putting on auto-pay.  


We finally have sunshine here!  So today is the day for yard/garden cleanup.  Rain will be back soon.  


Debbie @dfish We watched "Don't Look Up" last night and enjoyed it.  I do wish Hollywood would stay out of politics, but oh well.  Meryl Streep was a hoot, as you said, as Madame President.  It may be one reason I couldn't sleep though, visions of that asteroid.....😲


Vanessa @JazzyV I so hope these meds will help you sleep.  You NEED it.  Honestly, I don't know how you can even function much less do all that you do.  


Have a good day everyone!

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Good afternoon from a sunny 34F day in Wisconsin.  The sun feels wonderful!  We've been busy here, went to a hotel with family on Saturday, they had a beautiful gingerbread display.  One was made by their pastry chefs, and the others were made by guests for a contest.  The designers were kids to adult age, they were all great!  We made some ginger cookies here yesterday, not men, but more like ginger snaps, but soft and chewy.  Put some icing on and sprinkles, easier than decorating the men! 😄

Not sure about the meal, wine or quote for the day.  Saying prayers for all that need them, and cheers for the rest!  

We have a pointsettia, DH usually keeps then going for a while!  We decorated some cutout cookies with the grand-daughters on Sunday...had lots of fun!  Our kitchen looked like a frosting explosion when we were done!

Thanks for all of the pictures today, they make me excited for our cruise next year!  Have a great rest of your day! 

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 Checking in. 😉


Dinner twice in Club Orange dining room. Went to the M&G yesterday. Been to the Thermal Suite yesterday and today. DM loves it. 


Drove a 6-seater golf cart at Grand Turk (HAL shorex) today.  Note for those with motion sickness: With the 4-seaters 2 of you are riding backwards. We got the 6-seater so we could put DM’s folding WC in the golf cart with us. 


Haven’t made it to the Dutch Cafe. Tonight is dinner in the Tamarind. 


TV froze last night; would not come off the shorex station. Put in a request this morning via the app. When we came back onboard it was fixed. 


All aboard was at 2:30pm. Just heard an announcement IN THE CABIN for 4 people (2 cabins). Sounds like the same family. Hope it’s just a glitch with the scanner. 

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Good afternoon.  The gingerbread cookies are baked.  The kitchen is cleaned up for now, but it looked like the flour had exploded all over the island and me.  Now, I need to put the in containers until they are iced.  This year, I'm trying to decorate a couple of designs that use the same color icing, and then, move on the others.  


4 hours ago, 57redbird said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Can't reply about my pain yet...managed to sleep some overnight but still need help turning.  OT is coming in a couple of hours - don't know why.  


I'm glad you got some sleep.  I was going to comment on the OT, but I see Terry @smitty34877 beat me to it.  In addition to teaching you how to turn over, etc, they also assist with showers.  Try to get them to give you a grabber to take home.  They are wonderful for picking things up off the floor and reaching high places.


4 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Thank you for the Daily Rich , Vanessa and all contributors , I see that there is another beautiful Port  on today’s draw , Ravenna where we have been to on the Prinsendam on Oct 17th , 2016 . 
Because I knew that the industrial Port is quite a ways away from the town of Ravenna I had connected with a guide and arranged that she would pick us up in the Port with a couple of mini vans for a dozen of us . Also on our tour with us were Ann and Pat @VictOriann  and their DD Cathy .
I just saw a lot of very nice pictures of the mosaics already posted so I will try to find a few different ones which will give a good impression of Ravenna 
Look at this beautiful fence around the mausoleum where Dante is buried  , I tried to look through the window in the door but Pat checked if the door was open ……….and voila there it was…… ohoh ....
It is hard to stay away from my mosaic pictures because that is what Ravenna is so famous for ………
Time for our morning cup of coffee with the McCarthy's
After a nice little lunch some more gorgeous  churches  a museum  and mosaics in Ravenna.
It was than time for our shuttle to take us to the outskirts of Ravenna to the Basilica of St Apollinare in Classe 
A wonderful tour was had with our very knowledgeable guide Silvia by all but it was now time to say Arrivederci and go back Home to the Prinsendam where I had asked Canaletto manager Rifki if he had space for 15 of us for a nice Italian dinner which of coarse for me included my favourite Zuppa di Pesce !
Rifki had specially built for us during the day two very large tables in the Canaletto by the window !
Translated :  Ravenna , Friendly City of Women  !


Tony, thanks for all the wonderful pictures.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like gingerbread cookies and cake, and looking at gingerbread houses, but have never mad one. I like ambrosia but haven't had any for a while, nor have I had a poinsettia for a number of years. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Ravenna. Yay for Marconi!


It will be a little warmer today, into the 40's. Same old  2.5 hours of sleep. I am so sleepy! Today I will pick up the Cymbalta that my PCP ordered; it's used to treat nerve pain, so maybe it'll help with sleep. My old ways of combatting the pain aren't working so well any more. I have 2 medical appointments this afternoon and hopefully will survive the walking involved.


BFF asked about our Christmas plans. Usually he comes over and stays a few days. I don't want to not see him, but my house is a wreck (I can only work about 5 minutes at a time) and I don't know if I can manage the big traditional German dinner I usually go. He likely doesn't care, but I do. Will we end up eating Chinese on Christmas?


@57redbird I hope you're feeling a bit better today. Take things slowly.

@grapau27 Thanks for the explanations.

@kazu Sorry about the damage, but at least it seems minor. That was clever of those ferries to arrange themselves like that. 

@Nickelpenny I do hope you get some answers tomorrow. 

@Heartgrove Good to hear your appointments well yesterday.

@smitty34877 Cute gingerbread houses.

@Cruzin Terri I'm sorry your results weren't going in the right direction. I think it'll be good to see a rheumatologist; they're experts at PMR, RA and all that stuff.

@RedneckBob Thanks for checking in when you could.

@tupper10 Thanks. I initially saw PMR, who referred me to pain medicine, where I had an epidural steroid injection around L4-L5. It helped a little the day after, but then nothing. The pain doctor is the one who is sending me to the neurosurgeon. I'm sorry to hear you're having ill effects from your RSV shot.

@marshhawk I hope your old boss gets the job. 

@RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice Ravenna photos. 

@sailingdutchy Great photos, thanks. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

I may try to get an hour nap before heading to my appointments.


Vanessa, I hope the Cymbalta helps with the pain, and you can get some much needed sleep.  I hope the appointments this afternoon go well and are not too difficult to manage.


3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cloudy this morning with temps fairly mild.... 33F when the dogs and I went out. Rain or maybe snow or maybe rain mixed with snow forecast for us but when is a question. I think the ski areas will be happy with what they get. Here at the lower elevations (6250 feet) we will take whatever we can get in the form of moisture.


The luggage labels showed up yesterday as scheduled, so I hope to finish the packing in those two suitcases this afternoon. I have to go grocery shopping this morning... my frig looks pretty bare. Otherwise the day will be one of packing and tossing. I have found number of things in my closets that I do not remember having and will never wear. Away they go......


Hope the day treats everyone well.




Susan, I'm glad the shipping labels came.  Once the luggage is picked up, you should have less stress.  


9 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

 Checking in. 😉


Dinner twice in Club Orange dining room. Went to the M&G yesterday. Been to the Thermal Suite yesterday and today. DM loves it. 


Drove a 6-seater golf cart at Grand Turk (HAL shorex) today.  Note for those with motion sickness: With the 4-seaters 2 of you are riding backwards. We got the 6-seater so we could put DM’s folding WC in the golf cart with us. 


Haven’t made it to the Dutch Cafe. Tonight is dinner in the Tamarind. 


TV froze last night; would not come off the shorex station. Put in a request this morning via the app. When we came back onboard it was fixed. 


All aboard was at 2:30pm. Just heard an announcement IN THE CABIN for 4 people (2 cabins). Sounds like the same family. Hope it’s just a glitch with the scanner. 


Thanks for checking in today, Marcia.  It sounds like you are having a good time.





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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

An OT will work with you on transfers and bed mobility as well as discuss adaptive devices for general function.

Yep..OT was here this morning & PT is coming in about an hour.  I ambulated maybe 6-8 ft with a walker.  I'm a retired ortho floor RN so I pretty much know the drill but not the discharge stuff.

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A quick update from yesterday.  The PET scan was probably a bit less of a stress than last time but still not something I would like to do often. 


The price of this one was about 4 times the price from last time.

The whole visit was quite long, waiting to be called, then an IV (on second stick) of a radioactive dye,  Next I had to wait about an hour for the dye to circulate, and finally about 45 minutes on the table,  The actual time on the table was not that bad but pretty much a lost afternoon.  I left home a little after 1 and it was almost 4:30 when I got home.


This was ordered by my oncologist because my PSA is rising.  It is in addition to the cardiac issues.




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Attached is a photo of the poinsettia plant I got as a gift with purchase when I went for my prescription reading glasses. Quite huge! Will serve as my Christmas tree this year lol.


good news on my friend dena. The wound nurse was in yesterday and derided the toes of the dead skin. They look almost normal again. Nfortunately, they have no reason why it happened. She will be able to join our Wednesday wise women group tomorrow, someone will drop her off and one of the Wednesday women will take her home. She isn’t driving yet.


@JazzyVyou can take her off the rotation too, please, and thanks everyone for your prayers.


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7 minutes ago, superoma said:

Attached is a photo of the poinsettia plant I got as a gift with purchase when I went for my prescription reading glasses. Quite huge! Will serve as my Christmas tree this year lol.


good news on my friend dena. The wound nurse was in yesterday and derided the toes of the dead skin. They look almost normal again. Nfortunately, they have no reason why it happened. She will be able to join our Wednesday wise women group tomorrow, someone will drop her off and one of the Wednesday women will take her home. She isn’t driving yet.


@JazzyVyou can take her off the rotation too, please, and thanks everyone for your prayers.


Beautiful Christmas "tree" lol!

Good news on your friend Dena.

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Substantial decorating for Hanukkah is rare. My mantel decoration with some blue and white lights is more than most people without children in the home would do. But here is Prof. Ron Wolfson's childhood home in Omaha. He says that his mother didn't want her children to suffer "Hanukkah envy."



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Well, my friends I will have to wait until March 12 to see a Rheumatologist.  I am on a wait list for an earlier appointment.  I will see my PCP again on Feb. 26.

I am on an increased dosage of prednisone in hopes that my pains and fatigue will abate.


One thing of concern iis the chronic headaches.  If they are not relieved, i will need to have temporal artery biopsy to see if i have temporal arteritis.  This is not fun.  I am so disheartened that this has gotten worse.  

I can’t believe I have to wait so long to see a Rheumatologist.


Anyway, that is where I am.  


Mammogram was normal.  Thank God.

More tomorrow.

God Bless everyone.


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So sorry to hear this Terri!  Remember to breathe. We’ll pray the artery test is negative and there’s a cancellation so you’ll get in sooner!  

We’re as ready as can be. Google still says just a smidge over 2 hrs to PHL. Still feel an odd shadow of dread about this trip but we’re doing it and it will all come together. If we get delayed we’ll figure it out. I am excited I’ll see my old friend on Thursday afternoon!  

I’ll check in when I can. Thanks all for your support!  

@cruising sister  Panettone takes me less than 15 minutes to put in, then a couple minutes fir adding the fruit.  It goes faster to do it than type it out!  But if you can find it in the Dollar Store that’s a winner!  

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43 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

So sorry to hear this Terri!  Remember to breathe. We’ll pray the artery test is negative and there’s a cancellation so you’ll get in sooner!  

We’re as ready as can be. Google still says just a smidge over 2 hrs to PHL. Still feel an odd shadow of dread about this trip but we’re doing it and it will all come together. If we get delayed we’ll figure it out. I am excited I’ll see my old friend on Thursday afternoon!  

I’ll check in when I can. Thanks all for your support!  

@cruising sister  Panettone takes me less than 15 minutes to put in, then a couple minutes fir adding the fruit.  It goes faster to do it than type it out!  But if you can find it in the Dollar Store that’s a winner!  

Without a bread machine it is a lot of work. I have only made it once but it will see if I can borrow my daughter’s bread maker @nd try it

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DH and I got off work at 10 tonight.  No sales, no donations, some good talk, at least with my patrons.  Ya know, sometimes you just have to listen and take notes.  The arts these days are supported by more "mature" people, and we need a lot more of ADA seating in our theatres if we want people back in. 

It seems that people over 65 appreciate the arts enough to make a commitment to a subscription, and IF i had any ADA seating left I could have made a sale.


The Alliance theatre in Atlanta spent millions rebuilding the seating in the theatre.  There is no leg room.  None, and I'm only 5'3" and if my knees touch the seat in front, imagine how DH feels at 6'1".The ADA seating is in the middle of the theatre, if you cant do steps, you traverse the outside of the theatre in a darkened hallway.   And I dont see in the dark, so I understand what my patrons are going through, so after losing the sale, I marked it as a no, and for a reason I put Customer Service issue.  

She was a customer, and now she has issues with the new seating layout, and this by the way was for California.  Not here.


I digress.  I'm sorry. 


@Cruzin TerriWaiting 3 months to see a doc is ridiculous, you probably could take a translator and see one in another country before you see one in Florida.  

@JazzyVI hope those pills work and that you can get your body to relax enough to sleep.


Hugs to everyone tonight-may your dreams be sweet, your pain disappear, and you have joy and peace when you wake in the morning.



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16 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@Cruzin TerriWaiting 3 months to see a doc is ridiculous, you probably could take a translator and see one in another country before you see one in Florida.  

i agree with you.  My PCP agrees with you.  Unfortunately the schedulers can’t be moved.  My PCP told me that he will call one of the Rheumatologists and try to fit me in earlier.  Here’s hoping. 


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Just now, Cruzin Terri said:

i agree with you.  My PCP agrees with you.  Unfortunately the schedulers can’t be moved.  My PCP told me that he will call one of the Rheumatologists and try to fit me in earlier.  Here’s hoping. 



Terri, I'm sorry you have to wait so long to see the Rheumatologist, but glad your PCP is going to try to get an appointment sooner for you.  Good news about the mammogram.  I hope the headaches ease up and you don't need a biopsy.



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Thank you for the HAL Fleet report and all the daily information, photos and humour.

Sitting in our living room have just seen Coral Princess sailing south, after her visit today.

@RMLincoln  hope all goes well for your travels.

@Cruzin Terri  hope you can get an earlier appointment with the Rheumatologist. 

Best wishes to all on the Care list.


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13 hours ago, superoma said:

Attached is a photo of the poinsettia plant I got as a gift with purchase when I went for my prescription reading glasses. Quite huge! Will serve as my Christmas tree this year lol.


good news on my friend dena. The wound nurse was in yesterday and derided the toes of the dead skin. They look almost normal again. Nfortunately, they have no reason why it happened. She will be able to join our Wednesday wise women group tomorrow, someone will drop her off and one of the Wednesday women will take her home. She isn’t driving yet.


@JazzyVyou can take her off the rotation too, please, and thanks everyone for your prayers.



Good news on Dena, indeed 👍 


Love your Christmas tree 😊 



9 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, my friends I will have to wait until March 12 to see a Rheumatologist.  I am on a wait list for an earlier appointment.  I will see my PCP again on Feb. 26.

I am on an increased dosage of prednisone in hopes that my pains and fatigue will abate.


One thing of concern iis the chronic headaches.  If they are not relieved, i will need to have temporal artery biopsy to see if i have temporal arteritis.  This is not fun.  I am so disheartened that this has gotten worse.  

I can’t believe I have to wait so long to see a Rheumatologist.


Anyway, that is where I am.  


Mammogram was normal.  Thank God.

More tomorrow.

God Bless everyone.



Oh dear, Terri 😞 I hope you can fit in to see a Rheumatologist sooner and the increased dosage helps your pain and fatigue.  I hope the biopsy will not be needed 🤞 

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