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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday, December 28th, 2023


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Good morning from a very sunny and chilly Quartzsite.  It was 37F when I got up, and now, it is 40F with basically no wind.  This afternoon we should see a high of 65F.  I'm enjoying the sun, but can't help wishing we'd had sunny days while DD and DSIL were here.  They made it safely to Texas and landed about 11 pm CST.  They should be on the road to Louisiana to his parents now.  There's not much on the agenda today except catching up paperwork and financial stuff this morning,  This afternoon, I'll put the sheets back on the bed in the motorhome.  DD stripped the bed and brought the sheets and used towels in before they left, so I got them washed yesterday.


Three good days today, but I'm not sure there is anything that I need to download.  The Holy Innocents should be honored, and I would call a friend if I knew she was home and not with her children.


I like today's quote very much, and while it is a little sad, it is also uplifting and encouraging.


I like minestrone soup, but have never made it.  When HAL first added the Canaletto, they had a very good minestrone soup.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting.


We have been to Dubrovnik several times beginning in 2002 on Noordam III and the last time in 2019 on Veendam.


Westminster is an amazing church, and I'm glad we had time to wander through the church in 2009.  It is good that Spain finally recognized Mexico's independence in 1836.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope you enjoy your tour in Cartagena.   I also hope the passenger recovers quickly.  Thank you for all your pictures.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope Brenda's house does sell if that is what they really want to happen.  For us, we always used a realtor to sell our houses because we felt it saved us a lot of hassle and headaches.  I really enjoyed the pictures of Antarctica and the penguins.  It is an amazing place, and while we haven't cruised there, we have flown over Antarctica.

@RedneckBob  RNB, sadly, I can top your buffet story.  Once on Prinsendam as I was waiting to get a few fresh strawberries, the man (I can't call him a gentleman) was choosing his strawberries without the aid of the tongs.  He'd pick up a strawberry with his fingers, examine it and if it wasn't acceptable, he'd put it back and choose another one.  I lost count of how many he put back.  As soon as he left, I called a supervisor over and told him what happened and that they needed to remove the strawberries.  Obviously, I didn't get my strawberries that day.

@0106  Tina, thank you for the recipes and for the background on today's quote.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you can get the ice preventative and get it down before the freezing rain arrives.  As always, please be careful.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry this year has been so tough on your.  IMHO, I think the long cruise is just what you need.  I also like @RMLincoln Maureen's suggestion about taking a picture of your DGS and sending him updates from your cruise.  Congratulations to your DGS on the award, and thank you for sharing the great photo.

@kazu  Jacqui, thanks for the meme about just getting through the year.  I think that basically covers the last two years for us -- we survived.  

@grapau27  Graham, thank you as always for the explanation of Holly Innocents Day.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm sending positive thoughts to you and John for safe travels beginning tomorrow, with not a lot of traffic, few if any idiot drivers on the road, and good weather for the trip.

@dish  Debbie, I'm sending you very positive thoughts for a early, but not too early time tomorrow, and successful surgery with a quick and easy recovery.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope there were not surprises or bad results from your DH's PET scan.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you got some better sleep last night.  I'm glad the stiffness is starting to ease, and I hope you hear from the doctor today.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry you weren't feeling good yesterday, and hope you are all right now.  I would also like to see updates from your cruise.  It will be interesting what such a long cruise is like.

@cunnorl  Charlene, that is very nice of you to fix lunch and get a few groceries for your returning neighbors.  Enjoy your visit with your cruising friends.

@tupper10  Enjoy your break between family visits.  I can understand why you do not want to return to Dubrovnik, and thank you for sharing some of your family history.

@durangoscots  Susan, I'm sorry you felt bad the last couple of days, but I'm glad the allergy meds helped and you feel getter today.  I'm sure you'll get everything completed before you have to leave so early tomorrow.  Safe flights to San Diego without any delays or bad weather.













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We have been to Dubrovnik nine times, and all but one time on a BHB.  These pictures are from our two cruises on the old Noordam in 2002 and 2004.  We were also there in 2003 on the old Regal Princess.  Then, Croatia and all the Balkan area was still recovering from the Balkan War and a lot of damage was still visible.  At that time, the area was just opening to tourists and Dubrovnik was not crowded like it is now, especially since the Game of Thrones was filmed there.


In 2019, when we were there three times on Veendam (b2b2bs), one of the shop clerks told us she did not like all the extra tourists as all the wanted to know about was the movie, not the history of the area.  We were glad we were there early when it was not really crowded and it was easy to walk around the town and see everything.


In 2002, we walked around Dubrovnik before walking the wall.





This is one of the pictures from our wall walk.  It is an overhead view of the big fountain just inside the gate.



That day, we took a small boat out to Otok Lokeum, the small island off shore from the small boat harbor.



The Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary



The island and a local resident




Returning to the old city.


The 2004 pictures from our Noordam cruise.  We decided to take a tour to the Neretva River area and a boat ride on the river.


After the Balkan War and the realignment of the countries in that area, Bosnia-Herzegovina was given a 10 kilometer strip of land, so it could have a coast line, and the strip, cut Croatia into two parts,   Our bus stopped in Neum in that strip so we could get off and say we had been to Bosnia-Herzegovina/







Croatian countryside



The river cruise and the surrounding area.






The restaurant where we had lunch



Signs of the war damaged 




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Our second tme in Dubrovnik was in 2003 on the Regal Princess.  After walking around the old town, we took a city bus out to a beach area.  We also found a taxi to take us to the top of the mountain that is now serviced by a cable car.


The beach area





The mountain top with views of the old town and the war damage.  We have not been back up there since it was restored and the cable car was running again.









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One last group of pictures.  These are from last of the three times we were in Dubrovnik in 2019 on the Veendam.  This time, we took a city bus out to a resort area and enjoyed sitting on their patio with a coke.







The hotel as we sailed past on our way to the next port.



The top of the mountain in 2019. after the war damage was repaired and a new cable car installed.



The Croatians will flock to any beach even small ones.  This was outside the city walls.




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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

@dfish  My original surgery check in time was 9:30, moved to 11:40 & ended up being 05:40.....& needed the 2nd Hibiclens shower prior.  Yes, I did go to bed but debated about it.  Good luck tomorrow!


Oh, my.  This place does the same thing with appointments for my primary care doctor.  He'll say I need to come in again in 3 months, but the calendar is only open two months in advance.  So, the staff has to contact me.  By the time they do, it is 4 months.  And, they don't call to ask when would be convenient.  They send me a letter with a date and time.  If I have something else planned, too bad, or I have to call to change the appointment.  I would think that would be more work for them, but they seem to like it.


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:



Sending Debbie @dfish extra blessings. Hope you get a comfortable time!  We got the dreaded 0530 slot once, had to get a hotel room in town for that one… it was a 90 min trip from our mountain home, and snow was forecast for overnight. You do what you gotta do. Eye surgery coming up 1-23 will have us driving to Maryland the day before when the time slot gets announced. I just hope we’ll get the call in the car!  



Wow on the need for a hotel room.  My brother had to go to Ann Arbor for his prostate surgery.  My sister drove him down one day and then went back to pick him up the next.  I've been lucky that all my surgeries have been here in town.  Sometimes, when you need someone highly specialized, you do have to travel a bit.  I was surprised that wasn't the case when I needed an endocrine surgeon.  They are in short supply and there is one right here in town.


Good luck on DH's surgery in January.  I hope that solves the itchy, painful eye problems.


1 hour ago, Love the beach said:

Good morning everyone and thanks for the Daily,

Just wanted to wish Debbie @dfish a successful surgery and speedy recovery!



Thank you so much!  


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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Nice job decoding your wine selection today, Ann!  I noticed it was garbled again today.  



Her decoder ring worked better than mine.  I couldn’t figure it out or would have fixed it.



2 hours ago, dfish said:

I have to wait until 3 pm to find out what time I have to be there.  That is a major pain in the patootie.  It makes it difficult to arrange rides.  Sue can't take me because she has River and they don't want children in the waiting room.  I'm hoping for the 8:30 slot and not the 5:00 am slot. 



Wait until 3 PM?  Crazy!  I sure hope the surgery is scheduled for a decent time so you can arrange your ride, Debbie. 🤞. My very best wishes for that and your surgery tomorrow.




1 hour ago, highscar said:

@kazuCanadian to Canadian.  My granddaughter gave me a Holland gift certificate.  Do I take it to customer service and get a credit on my account ?   Bless her for the gift.  


I have never been gifted a gift certificate but from what I have heard, yes, you can take it to Guest Services and have it applied as OBC.  I assume it’s in U.S. $.  



@Cruzin Terri I’m glad you got a reasonable sleep last night.




@aliaschief Bruce, I join with the others and I would be most interested in hearing about your cruise if and when you have time to share 🙂 


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27 minutes ago, kazu said:


Her decoder ring worked better than mine.  I couldn’t figure it out or would have fixed it.




Wait until 3 PM?  Crazy!  I sure hope the surgery is scheduled for a decent time so you can arrange your ride, Debbie. 🤞. My very best wishes for that and your surgery tomorrow.





I have never been gifted a gift certificate but from what I have heard, yes, you can take it to Guest Services and have it applied as OBC.  I assume it’s in U.S. $.  



@Cruzin Terri I’m glad you got a reasonable sleep last night.




@aliaschief Bruce, I join with the others and I would be most interested in hearing about your cruise if and when you have time to share 🙂 



I remember those wine names that I couldn't figure out, too!  I'm certainly no expert on wines!!  I believe what I finally ended up doing is to copy and paste the name of the wine as shown on Halfacts.com/daily.  Then I pasted into my search engine and it nearly always came up with the proper name.  That must be how Ann's @cat shepard's decoder ring works!  I wish you luck, and thank you again for all the work put into posting each day.


Hope that freezing precipitation is holding off.

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54 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a very sunny and chilly Quartzsite.  It was 37F when I got up, and now, it is 40F with basically no wind.  This afternoon we should see a high of 65F.  I'm enjoying the sun, but can't help wishing we'd had sunny days while DD and DSIL were here.  They made it safely to Texas and landed about 11 pm CST.  They should be on the road to Louisiana to his parents now.  There's not much on the agenda today except catching up paperwork and financial stuff this morning,  This afternoon, I'll put the sheets back on the bed in the motorhome.  DD stripped the bed and brought the sheets and used towels in before they left, so I got them washed yesterday.


Three good days today, but I'm not sure there is anything that I need to download.  The Holy Innocents should be honored, and I would call a friend if I knew she was home and not with her children.


I like today's quote very much, and while it is a little sad, it is also uplifting and encouraging.


I like minestrone soup, but have never made it.  When HAL first added the Canaletto, they had a very good minestrone soup.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting.


We have been to Dubrovnik several times beginning in 2002 on Noordam III and the last time in 2019 on Veendam.


Westminster is an amazing church, and I'm glad we had time to wander through the church in 2009.  It is good that Spain finally recognized Mexico's independence in 1836.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope you enjoy your tour in Cartagena.   I also hope the passenger recovers quickly.  Thank you for all your pictures.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope Brenda's house does sell if that is what they really want to happen.  For us, we always used a realtor to sell our houses because we felt it saved us a lot of hassle and headaches.  I really enjoyed the pictures of Antarctica and the penguins.  It is an amazing place, and while we haven't cruised there, we have flown over Antarctica.

@RedneckBob  RNB, sadly, I can top your buffet story.  Once on Prinsendam as I was waiting to get a few fresh strawberries, the man (I can't call him a gentleman) was choosing his strawberries without the aid of the tongs.  He'd pick up a strawberry with his fingers, examine it and if it wasn't acceptable, he'd put it back and choose another one.  I lost count of how many he put back.  As soon as he left, I called a supervisor over and told him what happened and that they needed to remove the strawberries.  Obviously, I didn't get my strawberries that day.

@0106  Tina, thank you for the recipes and for the background on today's quote.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you can get the ice preventative and get it down before the freezing rain arrives.  As always, please be careful.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry this year has been so tough on your.  IMHO, I think the long cruise is just what you need.  I also like @RMLincoln Maureen's suggestion about taking a picture of your DGS and sending him updates from your cruise.  Congratulations to your DGS on the award, and thank you for sharing the great photo.

@kazu  Jacqui, thanks for the meme about just getting through the year.  I think that basically covers the last two years for us -- we survived.  

@grapau27  Graham, thank you as always for the explanation of Holly Innocents Day.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm sending positive thoughts to you and John for safe travels beginning tomorrow, with not a lot of traffic, few if any idiot drivers on the road, and good weather for the trip.

@dish  Debbie, I'm sending you very positive thoughts for a early, but not too early time tomorrow, and successful surgery with a quick and easy recovery.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope there were not surprises or bad results from your DH's PET scan.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you got some better sleep last night.  I'm glad the stiffness is starting to ease, and I hope you hear from the doctor today.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry you weren't feeling good yesterday, and hope you are all right now.  I would also like to see updates from your cruise.  It will be interesting what such a long cruise is like.

@cunnorl  Charlene, that is very nice of you to fix lunch and get a few groceries for your returning neighbors.  Enjoy your visit with your cruising friends.

@tupper10  Enjoy your break between family visits.  I can understand why you do not want to return to Dubrovnik, and thank you for sharing some of your family history.

@durangoscots  Susan, I'm sorry you felt bad the last couple of days, but I'm glad the allergy meds helped and you feel getter today.  I'm sure you'll get everything completed before you have to leave so early tomorrow.  Safe flights to San Diego without any delays or bad weather.













So sorry I kept you from eating your strawberries! 😀

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29 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I remember those wine names that I couldn't figure out, too!  I'm certainly no expert on wines!!  I believe what I finally ended up doing is to copy and paste the name of the wine as shown on Halfacts.com/daily.  Then I pasted into my search engine and it nearly always came up with the proper name.

The garble comes from special characters that I can't figure out how to get the halfacts server to display. When I am at home and posting in the morning I do put what exists into a search engine it it does come up with other entries for the same wine. I generally try to correct it when I can.

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32 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I remember those wine names that I couldn't figure out, too!  I'm certainly no expert on wines!!  I believe what I finally ended up doing is to copy and paste the name of the wine as shown on Halfacts.com/daily.  Then I pasted into my search engine and it nearly always came up with the proper name.  That must be how Ann's @cat shepard's decoder ring works!  I wish you luck, and thank you again for all the work put into posting each day.


Hope that freezing precipitation is holding off.


I probably didn’t have enough coffee to think of that.  😂 

I’ll try to keep my eye on it.

freezing rain isn’t until later.  Taking Ivan early and then getting the preventative down.  I have no idea if it will work (mixed reviews)  - as expensive as all get out but if it does, it will be worth the cost.  Hours of freezing rain coming and my driveway is one steep hill.

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30 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

So sorry I kept you from eating your strawberries! 😀


RNB, I'm sure it wasn't you who kept me from the strawberries.  You might be a redneck, but I firmly believe you are a gentleman redneck, even if that seems to be a contradiction of terms.



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Good morning, Dailyites!  Almost to the end of 2023...we made it!  We usually do dry January, and I am looking forward to that, also a strict diet, as I need to lose a lot of weight!  Pat is still losing, I'm still finding.  We had word today that a childhood friend of Pat's in Ireland passed away yesterday.  She had been in the hospital in Waterford for 10 weeks, they were just keeping her comfortable.  So it's a sad day for Pat.  I think he's emailing the family now, or maybe he'll telephone.


I am not a soup lover, and I'm not crazy about tomatoes either, so minestrone is not for me.  The only two soups I really do enjoy are split pea and ham, and (white) clam chowder.  My ham bone is in the freezer waiting for me to find some split peas and get started.  Pat would eat soup at every meal if he could, so he suffers with a wife like me!  He has a lot of soups on the bhb's.  I haven't called a friend today, but a friend in Ontario (actually we met them through Jacqui) called this morning to discuss a cruise to Hawaii, and we had a nice chat.  Does that count?


We have been to Dubrovnik twice, both times with @sailingdutchy, who is a great organizer of tours, so I imagine he will come up with photos.  


People are still touching the food!  On Rotterdam in the Spring a lady was squeezing the rolls to pick the one she wanted as I waited; a server was watching too, and grabbed the tray as soon as she left.  So I didn't get a roll.  


The weather here has been unseasonably warm.  Going up to 12/13  (mid-50's in Fahrenheit) and my tender fuchsia is still trying to bloom.  We are threatened with colder weather in the new year, and I will stash it away in the garage, but for now it can stay outside.  We need a lot more rain, too, we are having dreary days, but just a few sprinkles.





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Good morning all!

I'm a little late this morning because I was awake from 3 until after 5 (seems to be happening often) and then got my best sleep after that and got up late.  

Our weather is a big question mark today -- literally.  My weather app shows huge question marks for the whole afternoon -- no kidding! 🤣  Hopefully it's the same as what showed last night, sunny all afternoon because today we're taking cookies down to the DGSs to get some last hugs and time together outdoors before we leave on Monday.


This morning I heard that a 3rd friend has come down with Covid.  So that's 3 friends in the last week and they live in all parts of the country. 😞  


We've been to Dubrovnik many times, here are some of my photos.


View of Dubrovnik from hillside



We were entertained that night by a talented group of Dalmatian singers and dancers.



One of the wineries we visited



Mosque in Mostar, Bosnia






Mostar bazaar





Dubrovnik shoreline.jpg


For our cat lovers in the group, one of the scenes in Dubrovnik that held me captive last time we were there.  (there are many more cats lounging around nearby, but this group struck me funny, guarding the private area.





I'm always drawn to the side streets







I hope everyone has a great day!  



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Good morning!  Thanks all

Hoping surgery goes well @dfish 

love Nero D’avila, we visited one of the wineries last time in Sicily.  


I’m enjoying the beautiful photos of Dubrovnik.   We’ve been several times too and visited one time the walled city where they mine salt and last time the beautiful resort town of Cavtat and took a boat back to port.









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Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I'll salute Holy Innocents Day, probably not downloading anything today, and the friend I'd call is here with me. Sweet quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Dubrovnik. 2 good days in history.


It's partly sunny and still in the 50's, but colder air is coming soon. I didn't sleep well last night; couldn't get pain free for a good while. Otherwise just relaxing and enjoying having BFF here. He'll leave tonight and come back for NYE.


@Nickelpenny Thanks for the photos and update. I hope the passenger is ok. Enjoy Cartagena.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely photos from Dubrovnik. And for your great Antarctica travelogue; I loved Antarctica.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes. 

@kazu Thank you for posting the FR/Daily today. Sorry freezing rain is in your forecast; be safe! 

@cruising sister Your cruise experience will be different, but I hope very enjoyable. Congrats to DGS.

@smitty34877 (((Hugs))) This time of year is extra tough to get through.

@dfish Prayers for an uneventful procedure tomorrow and quick recovery.

@aliaschief Sorry to hear you were unwell yesterday, Bruce. I hope today is better. I'd like to follow your cruise adventures too.

@Mr. Boston Nice photos.

@RMLincoln I sure hope the doctor today can do something to help DH's situation.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Dubrovnik and surrounding areas.

@richwmn I'm glad your fall didn't do any serious damage.

@Vict0riann Condolences to Pat on the loss of his friend. 

@Cruising-along @bennybear Thanks for the Dubrovnik photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.



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Good afternoon.... taking a quick break for lunch, then back to work. Took the dogs out to boarding together with all their stuff- their own blankies, food, and meds for Bandit. The owner gave me her personal email to I can keep in touch - she is there most of the time. They seemed happy enough to go in.  I think they get bored being at home with Mom. Did a quick stop at the bank and now I think the rest of my day will be concentrated on home and packing. Still have a list to work through.


Love the pictures of Dubrovnik.... don't think I will ever get there and it looks very interesting.


@richwmnthanks for posting the menus. I am going to have trouble keeping my weight under control... the choices look really good.





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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

We had word today that a childhood friend of Pat's in Ireland passed away yesterday.  She had been in the hospital in Waterford for 10 weeks, they were just keeping her comfortable.  So it's a sad day for Pat.  I think he's emailing the family now, or maybe he'll telephone.


So sorry to hear this Ann 😔. My condolences to Pat and his friend’s family. 😢 




2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

I'm a little late this morning because I was awake from 3 until after 5 (seems to be happening often) and then got my best sleep after that and got up late.  


So very sorry about your lack of sleep.  I hope it can improve for you.



2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Our weather is a big question mark today -- literally.  My weather app shows huge question marks for the whole afternoon -- no kidding! 🤣  Hopefully it's the same as what showed last night, sunny all afternoon because today we're taking cookies down to the DGSs to get some last hugs and time together outdoors before we leave on Monday.


I hope the weather holds for you to do your cookie delivery and last hugs 🤞 




2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


This morning I heard that a 3rd friend has come down with Covid.  So that's 3 friends in the last week and they live in all parts of the country. 😞  


That’s a shame 😔. Covid is an issue in Canada too.  A combination of get togethers and people getting too casual about their boosters.    I think people forget that although we are done with Covid, it’s not done with us.  Boosters don’t guarantee anything of course, but they sure help with immunity.



6 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good afternoon.... taking a quick break for lunch, then back to work. Took the dogs out to boarding together with all their stuff- their own blankies, food, and meds for Bandit. The owner gave me her personal email to I can keep in touch - she is there most of the time. They seemed happy enough to go in. 


That’s a great sign that they were happy to go in, Susan.  I’m sure they will be fine.  



6 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Did a quick stop at the bank and now I think the rest of my day will be concentrated on home and packing. Still have a list to work through.


I always found once the dogs were gone to their vacation home it was a lot easier to get things done.  Hopefully it is for you, too. 🤞 


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Good morning to all the lovely people on this board. It’s raining and 8 degrees centigrade here in Hamilton, has been raining for three days straight. Prayers to all having surgery and treatments. Banging the phone down brought back memories to me. I used to be a switchboard operator here at Stelco, the place had 3200 extensions and I hated every minute of the job . However  I can still remember the area codes for most of USA and Canada after forty some years.

pits rather like being forced to take Latin for five years, comes in handy every once in a while when reading medicine labels.

think I need another cruise.

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My arrival time is 9:00 am.  Perfect!   I can get up at 6, drink coffee till 7, do my HIbiclens shower and head out.  I'm picking up DS Mary Jo at 8:30 and she will be there and drive me home.  I'm hoping to be home by mid afternoon.  

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5 minutes ago, dfish said:

My arrival time is 9:00 am.  Perfect!   I can get up at 6, drink coffee till 7, do my HIbiclens shower and head out.  I'm picking up DS Mary Jo at 8:30 and she will be there and drive me home.  I'm hoping to be home by mid afternoon.  

I'm surprised you're allowed to drink coffee the morning of the procedure.



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18 minutes ago, dfish said:

My arrival time is 9:00 am.  Perfect!   I can get up at 6, drink coffee till 7, do my HIbiclens shower and head out.  I'm picking up DS Mary Jo at 8:30 and she will be there and drive me home.  I'm hoping to be home by mid afternoon.  


Yippee 👏. Great news Debbie.  👍. Sounds like it has all worked out - now we just need a safe, successful surgery 🙏 

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19 minutes ago, dfish said:

My arrival time is 9:00 am.  Perfect!   I can get up at 6, drink coffee till 7, do my HIbiclens shower and head out.  I'm picking up DS Mary Jo at 8:30 and she will be there and drive me home.  I'm hoping to be home by mid afternoon.  

Oh yay, about the time!

Best of luck tomorrow in your procedure; hope you are pain free and it goes by quick!

Take care ☺



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