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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday January 26th, 2024


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Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Not so sure I want to celebrate dental drill day; I hate going to the dentist!  But I will celebrate the other 2.  Not so sure I agree with the quote; it is thought provoking.  I will pass on the food, drink and wine and have never been to the port.  Two interesting days in history.




It should be a nice day in the desert.  Presently 46F under clear skies heading up to low 60s with sun.  So it is "dress in layers" weather and thank goodness I did that yesterday.  Went to a "bad" part of town to sub PE.  The very first thing out of the office manager was "Call for a monitor to escort any student that wants to use the bathroom". I have never had this said in any other school.  No sub plans on the teacher desk and I thought - Ok, I will have to wing this.  Then found out the students will go to the cafeteria to take an assessment test.  So basically, I was a proctor all day but I was done by 1400! Easy day and it will be the same today. I felt the result of walking around all day once I got home.  Realized there would be no way I could work in an ER now.




Found out a teacher who I worked with ended in the hospital last Sat with severe pre-eclampsia.  Yesterday they delivered the little one at 29 weeks by emergency C-section.  He looks like a fighter - almost 3# and 14in long.  Keep him in your prayers, if you can.




Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those who are celebrating.




Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning,

Never got here yesterday.  Sorry about that.

Thank you to Jacqui, Roy, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your dedication to this board.

Prayers for all who need them.

Cheers tot those who are cruising and getting ready to cruise (Myself included)


Yesterday was interesting.  For the fifth time the floor in our bedroom was repaired.  I am pretty sure it is the last time.  The Contractor sent his own people rather than the sub-contractor.  They showed up at 8 am and worked a good part of the day.  It looks like they got it right.


Today is packing day.  All the things on the bed need to go in the luggage.  Couldn’t do much yesterday because the closet wasn’t accessible.


Hope everyone has a great day.

God Bless,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Passing on the dental drill day . . . yuck.  I had a different take on International Customs Day, thinking it was celebrating the customs of different countries, not border crossings.  My brain is weird, I guess.  Yes on Environmental Education - we need to keep that going.


Warm again this morning, although it's cloudy, with a temp of only -9C (15F) and a high of 0 again just like yesterday.  Some of the streets are quite bare of snow already, as there wasn't a whole lot to begin with.   It does make use of windshield wipers and washer fluid though, as there's lots of spray, especially on the freeway with big trucks in front or around you.  


DH is comfortable, he had a restful night, and isn't in any pain.  He's just taking it easy until we speak with the cardiologist again this morning.  That call should come shortly after the office opens, and we hope to find out when he can get in for a CT scan.  Fingers crossed.  Thanks again for your prayers and good wishes.


@tupper10Bon Voyage; have a wonderful cruise!

@0106an exciting day before you leave - hope all goes well for you!


I'm thinking the drink of the day would be nice to slurp on when the temperature is hot, will let others have the white wine, although I do like Kim Crawford's reds.  I've had loaded baked potato soup and quite enjoyed it, but won't be tackling it today.  It's Friday night pizza night, so depending on what happens throughout the day, it'll likely end with us browsing the online menus and finding something hot and cheesy to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning, everyone!


It is a balmy 35F here in mid-Michigan this morning with a projected high of 38F.  Almost tropical!  We are working on getting a new battery for Sue's car today as the old one gave up the ghost yesterday.  We tried jumping it, but nothing.  The repair place said it sounded like the battery and he had three other cars at the shop with the same issue.  He was supposed to call back yesterday afternoon, but didn't.  


Nothing definite on baby's name, but the mother says it is leaning towards Beckett. The dad wants Beau, but the mom hates it, so she's standing firm on her no.  We shall see.


Good news about Pat @Vict0riann.  I hope you enjoy the cruise!   @ger_77 I hope you hear something definite about plans for Maurice today.  It may be time to be the squeaky wheel.  Keeping you close in my thoughts.  


I was supposed to go to Punta Arenas on my South America/Antarctica cruise back in 2011, but there were strikes by the dock workers.  I'm hoping to get there next year when we go back.  I am enjoying the pictures as it will help us decide what we want to do.  


Today's meal is a bit carb heavy for me, so I'll stick with my fish and vegetables. This first one isn't too bad as some of the potatoes have been switched out with cauliflower.  https://www.skinnytaste.com/baked-potato-soup/




This next one would probably be great, but the calories and carbs are way too high for me.  https://sugarspunrun.com/creamy-potato-soup-recipe/




This one looks easy and delicious.  https://damndelicious.net/2013/10/14/loaded-baked-potato-soup/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning. It is 33 and pouring in New Hampshire. I am home with the grand pup and will venture out in it with him later this morning. He is such a sweet dog and good company.

 I often felt conflicted about time spent mostly at home but with my orthopedic difficulties and DD DH’s rapid onset of cancer last winter I did not get much DGC time. I am glad I made the trip yesterday as DGS played well and scored a few points for his winning team. Tonight DGD plays soccer.

Dental drills have their place but I can’t get too excited by them. I have not been to the port and make a vegetarian version of the recipe. 
@kazu, Jacqui, I am glad you were able to get out but so sorry about the pain. 
@ger_77, I hope there is forward momentum today for a plan but so glad your DH is comfortable today.

@aliaschief, all pictures are appreciated. The cruise looks wonderful!

@JazzyVThe pain and lack of sleep for so long is so worrying. I hope you are able to get something lined up soon.

Have a great

day today



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The Pacific is so beautiful this morning. Looks like glass but there is a swell.

We found out about our special World Voyager dinner. We will be dining on the promenade under the life boats. Should be special.

For lunch today another BBQ with an Australian theme.They sure love to  BBQ.





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Thank you all for the Bon Voyage.  We are packed and ready to go but our boarding time is in the afternoon so we will be home all morning waiting to leave. We usually hang out on our veranda for the sail away and not sure where the port cameras are.  I will wear by blue baseball cap and wave if we are on the correct side.


I just hope the seas are not too rough like our Alaska trip this fall - the bands don't work for me so I have to take the pills which make me fall asleep. If it is in the beginning of our cruise that is fine- since we don't have anything planned.


@ger_77 I hope that the doctors can treat your DH's medical issues and you get a quick appointment for the CT scan.


@kazu Jacqui- I hope your ribs feel better soon - and glad you got out for groceries.  

@0106 Safe travels - we have air tags as well and you do know where you suitcase will be but the last couple of trips the airline through the app had their own track your luggage as well so we used both.  HAL sells wonderful lined water proof jackets at their shops so on our trip to Alaska many cruisers bought these - so heaven forbid if they lose your luggage know that HAL does have some warm clothes to buy.  One thing I would recommend is long underwear - it blocks the wind - and that is the major issue vs just the cold on these trips.  Also make sure you have a neck warmer (a turtle neck works) and a hat and gloves.  What a fabulous trip this will be.  


@Cruzin Terri I hope you get all of your packing done and have a wonderful, enjoyable cruise. I am glad that your floors finally got done the right way.

@StLouisCruisers Sandy thank you for the pictures. One day I would love to go there - we did an expedition trip to Antarctica but we didn't do any of Patagonia.  My DH only wants to do a trip like you did but it is $$$$$ and a bit out of our price range - I do keep buying lotto tickets.  


Thank you to all for doing the daily.  This is  nicest group of people on CC.  



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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  My computer is stuck on Earnings upcoming....it's pay day?  It said 60 earlier.  Yup, it's 60.  And cloudy, and they are talking about more severe weather tomorrow.  


@kazuIm not sure how you hurt your ribs?  during the fall on the ice?  I do know how painful that is, so please take care.  When i was in highschool I tore the muscles away from the ribs, I could not laugh or cry without severe pain.  When I got back to the states my doctor suggesting retearing them and attaching them, I turned that down.


@ger_77I too was surprised that Maurice came home last night, but glad to hear it,  Home is less stressful than being in the hospital.  And much more restful as @rafinmd reminded us during his last stay in one.


Not much going on today, DH has an appointment with his Primary doc, who he has never seen.  In 3 years.  He only gets to see the PA.  I have dog walking , driving him to his app, lunch out, then home and back to work.  Sloppy Joes on onion buns for dinner.


I did take the rest of the pork I cooked the other night, sauteed some onions and red peppers, sliced the pork thinly and browned it, then added bbq sauce, heated the whole concoction up and served sliced bbq pork on the onion buns for lunch, added a few bread and butter pickle slices, and it was quite yummy!  


Todays Rome pics are things that I saw on our walks that visually appealed to me- nothing that says where we were, just things I saw that made Rome even more magical to me.



























I love the wanderings.  It is in the wandering that we find ourselves.

Edited by marshhawk
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Happy Friday, it's in the high 30's here, but another foggy, rainy day!  I'll be happy when the sun comes back again.  Temps are supposed to stay warmer next week.  

Haven't been to the port, the soups look yummy, and NO to the dental drill...the dentist is not my favorite place to go.  

@ger_77thinking of you and your DH today.

Thanks for all of the pictures today.  Have a good day, Karen

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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Melon Ball cocktail:


1 cup ice
4 fluid ounces pineapple juice
1 fluid ounce melon schnapps
1 fluid ounce vodka
Place ice, pineapple juice, schnapps, and vodka in a cocktail shaker. Place cap on the shaker, shake, and strain into a cordial or pony glass.


Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 6.11.53 AM.png

Melon Ball sounds great. You can get pickled drinking this or eating pickled watermelon rind. Yes watermelon rind. A true southern experience!

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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Found out a teacher who I worked with ended in the hospital last Sat with severe pre-eclampsia.  Yesterday they delivered the little one at 29 weeks by emergency C-section.  He looks like a fighter - almost 3# and 14in long.  Keep him in your prayers, if you can.


He is in my prayers 🙏 



1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

My food porn pics have not yet transferred from phone to I Pad yet. Not sure you’re interested in seeing more pics from another line?




23 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@kazuIm not sure how you hurt your ribs?  during the fall on the ice?  I do know how painful that is, so please take care.  When i was in highschool I tore the muscles away from the ribs, I could not laugh or cry without severe pain.  When I got back to the states my doctor suggesting retearing them and attaching them, I turned that down.


Correct Annie - on the fall.  It didn’t seem that sore there - or was the arm and elbow just more painful?  LOL.  I was doing quite well until I stupidly lifted a parcel.  It’s painful but improving and will as long as I move slowly and deliberately and accept my restrictions of what I can’t do.  Doctor said it should heal in about 4 - 6 weeks. ‘Sigh’


12 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Some food porn from last night’s Chef’s Signature dinner.


Thank you.  I’m enjoying - even if it is vicariously.


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Good rainy and foggy morning. It’s going up to about 60 today but then back to reality again on Sunday with snow at night, just a coating.

Special prayers to @ger_77for Maurice that they hear from the doctor early today. I’m still having trouble with the fact that there’s no Urgent Care centers in the province.

@Crazy For Cats, Jake, I had an email yesterday from a local farm market about Fastnachts day coming up on February 13 and they will ship anywhere for $11.99 . See Kirbyville Farm Market FB page for more details.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.



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2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Did people really believe this would work? (Don’t just read the item circled).  Now chocolate and wine might work for me, but cheese?



 Probably a translation issue. You'd need a cracker and some red wine.


Unless you're playing cat & mouse - and the lady is a mouse. This technique works great then.

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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Bon Voyage @tupper10 your BHB is waiting:




While dental drills are a pain at the time I will celebrate them because what they do makes life so much better in the long run.  The other 2 days I will celebrate readily.


The Russell statement seems a bit strange.  I'll celebrate both the days in history.


I have been to Punta Arenas twice out of 3 tries, 2017 on Zaamdam and 2019 on Prinsendam.  In 2016 Crystal Symphony was waved off Punta Arenas due to high winds.  It was to be a re-provisioning stop after visiting Antarctica.  My photo will be from Puerto Montt 2 days later when some of our fresh food caught up with us but since it's a tender port they had to be loaded from a barge tied alongside us:




I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Carrot and Ginger Soup, Penne with Grilled Chicken Breast and Fresh Strawberries with Raspberry Sorbet as served on MS Maasdam January 26, 2015.




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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is 33 and pouring in New Hampshire. I am home with the grand pup and will venture out in it with him later this morning. He is such a sweet dog and good company.

 I often felt conflicted about time spent mostly at home but with my orthopedic difficulties and DD DH’s rapid onset of cancer last winter I did not get much DGC time. I am glad I made the trip yesterday as DGS played well and scored a few points for his winning team. Tonight DGD plays soccer.

Dental drills have their place but I can’t get too excited by them. I have not been to the port and make a vegetarian version of the recipe. 
@kazu, Jacqui, I am glad you were able to get out but so sorry about the pain. 
@ger_77, I hope there is forward momentum today for a plan but so glad your DH is comfortable today.

@aliaschief, all pictures are appreciated. The cruise looks wonderful!

@JazzyVThe pain and lack of sleep for so long is so worrying. I hope you are able to get something lined up soon.

Have a great

day today




I'll never regret the amount of time I spent traveling back and forth to visit all my grandkids as they were growing up.  DH got to see them a lot less than I did because of his job but I would drive or fly there to see them about every other month.  Precious memories.




1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

The Pacific is so beautiful this morning. Looks like glass but there is a swell.

We found out about our special World Voyager dinner. We will be dining on the promenade under the life boats. Should be special.

For lunch today another BBQ with an Australian theme.They sure love to  BBQ.






Beautiful ocean photos today Bruce.  Thank you!



1 hour ago, tupper10 said:

Thank you all for the Bon Voyage.  We are packed and ready to go but our boarding time is in the afternoon so we will be home all morning waiting to leave. We usually hang out on our veranda for the sail away and not sure where the port cameras are.  I will wear by blue baseball cap and wave if we are on the correct side.


I just hope the seas are not too rough like our Alaska trip this fall - the bands don't work for me so I have to take the pills which make me fall asleep. If it is in the beginning of our cruise that is fine- since we don't have anything planned.


@ger_77 I hope that the doctors can treat your DH's medical issues and you get a quick appointment for the CT scan.


@kazu Jacqui- I hope your ribs feel better soon - and glad you got out for groceries.  

@0106 Safe travels - we have air tags as well and you do know where you suitcase will be but the last couple of trips the airline through the app had their own track your luggage as well so we used both.  HAL sells wonderful lined water proof jackets at their shops so on our trip to Alaska many cruisers bought these - so heaven forbid if they lose your luggage know that HAL does have some warm clothes to buy.  One thing I would recommend is long underwear - it blocks the wind - and that is the major issue vs just the cold on these trips.  Also make sure you have a neck warmer (a turtle neck works) and a hat and gloves.  What a fabulous trip this will be.  


@Cruzin Terri I hope you get all of your packing done and have a wonderful, enjoyable cruise. I am glad that your floors finally got done the right way.

@StLouisCruisers Sandy thank you for the pictures. One day I would love to go there - we did an expedition trip to Antarctica but we didn't do any of Patagonia.  My DH only wants to do a trip like you did but it is $$$$$ and a bit out of our price range - I do keep buying lotto tickets.  


Thank you to all for doing the daily.  This is  nicest group of people on CC.  




When I take meclizine (just in case instances) I take it at night before bed.  It's good for 24 hours and helps a lot.  


I hear you about the cost of expedition trips to Antarctica.  Looking back at what we paid in 2016 I'm amazed at how little it seems now.  Then it seemed like a lot, but prices have skyrocketed!  Keep buying those lottery tickets!


If your room is on the port side and you have a balcony, come out and wave at the camera.  I'll include a photo of where to look.  If you're on starboard you can always stand on the outer decks, port side of course.  





1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

A picture of my doggie companion 





Your grandpup is adorable!  That "wool" he's wearing must keep him warm!




1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  My computer is stuck on Earnings upcoming....it's pay day?  It said 60 earlier.  Yup, it's 60.  And cloudy, and they are talking about more severe weather tomorrow.  


@kazuIm not sure how you hurt your ribs?  during the fall on the ice?  I do know how painful that is, so please take care.  When i was in highschool I tore the muscles away from the ribs, I could not laugh or cry without severe pain.  When I got back to the states my doctor suggesting retearing them and attaching them, I turned that down.


@ger_77I too was surprised that Maurice came home last night, but glad to hear it,  Home is less stressful than being in the hospital.  And much more restful as @rafinmd reminded us during his last stay in one.


Not much going on today, DH has an appointment with his Primary doc, who he has never seen.  In 3 years.  He only gets to see the PA.  I have dog walking , driving him to his app, lunch out, then home and back to work.  Sloppy Joes on onion buns for dinner.


I did take the rest of the pork I cooked the other night, sauteed some onions and red peppers, sliced the pork thinly and browned it, then added bbq sauce, heated the whole concoction up and served sliced bbq pork on the onion buns for lunch, added a few bread and butter pickle slices, and it was quite yummy!  


Todays Rome pics are things that I saw on our walks that visually appealed to me- nothing that says where we were, just things I saw that made Rome even more magical to me.



























I love the wanderings.  It is in the wandering that we find ourselves.


Your photos are very interesting!  Keep them coming.🙂




52 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Some food porn from last night’s Chef’s Signature dinner.




Everything looks delicious.  Please continue posting photos!

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Oh my, what an assortment of days today; all important but kinda strange together. I do appreciate dental drills vs any alternative but never considered they needed a day 🤔

I don’t necessarily think we need to be prepared to die for our beliefs (not all of them), but we should be secure in them. I am very appreciative of our forces who do defend our core beliefs so I can live freely.

Yes to the food, drink and wine; not been to the port.

Days in history are important ones.

Currently 48° headed to a rainy 55°. Hopefully the sun shows up next week and dries things out.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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