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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday May 6th, 2024

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8 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good Monday morning.  Welcome back Jacqui and thanks to you, Roy and Rich for our Daily reports and maps each day.   Thanks for the information on Joseph Brackett today Graham.   Unfortunately every day is a diet day for me, it is just a way of life though I guess I blow it once in a while.   A great quote by Plato.   I will pass on the Kale and the Melon but the German Pinot Noir would be great.  It is very hard to find but we had a couple of lovely ones when we visited Germany wine country.  Thanks for researching these for us Debbie, Dixie and Anne.  I have been to Bar Harbor twice and one time we camped and the other was a day trip drive up from southern Maine.  Camping the weather was perfect but it was extremely foggy when we drove up.  There still is a restaurant in Seal Harbor I want to go back and visit.  


Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations Jacqui.  I pray you continue to heal and move around better.  Jacqui I hope that they can get to the bottom of your poot pain issue and so happy you made it all the say through your cruise without too much pain.  My sister broke her foot moving a safe and her doctors kept saying her pain was from bone spurs and poo pooed it.   Finally after a year after crying to her doctor they did a MRI and her foot was broken.  The year of damage put holes in a large bone in her foot and she had to wear a cast for a long time.  I am glad that your nurse took it seriously.  Prayers for Richard, Chuck, Tana, Terry and Maurice and everyone on our group that is ailing of grieving.  Safe travels home today Sandi.    Prayer for Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza.  


A  lot of plant sale work to do today.  Making tags and going to get the price tags and beginning to price the massive amount of plants I have on my back patio.  Sale is on Saturday with a 30% chance of rain.   Have a nice Monday, Nancy 

inventory 2024.jpg


8 hours ago, aliaschief said:

@kazuI do hope they will find what’s causing your pain and start some treatment and quick relief.


8 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

I hope they find out what is wrong and make your foot better! 


8 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I had to look up Joseph Brackett - still not sure why he gets his own day.  I'm pretty sure I've been on a diet most of my life; I was born big and when I was adopted at 18 months, was already on skim milk.  I like the idea that housework is homework, it sounds better to me.


Welcome back @kazu; Sandi did an admirable job in your absence, but it's good to have you back.  I really hope you can get to the bottom of your foot issue - that sounds serious!


The grey clouds that appear to have been all over North America are back again with us this morning.  Looking at the forecast for the next 2 days, it appears rain is in our future with 65% and 75% chance of it for Monday and Tuesday.  I'm so glad the people came and did the spring yard clean late Saturday afternoon during the dry spell, as the yard looks much better and the rain will have a chance to get directly to the grass and soil.  What we didn't realize however, was the damage caused by voles - little buggers made huge tracks all over a couple of sections of lawn.  Of course we didn't know they were there, because they were tunnelling underneath the snow.  Looks like we'll have to get some grass seed to restore the damaged areas.  DH already has a plan for the voles for next winter - he's calling it his "winter trapline".  LOL


I'd like to try the drink of the day (already have it written down for our Daily-ite testing on the Oosterdam), would probably like the wine, and I think the salad suggestion would be a good one.  Both DH and I like pears, and don't get them often enough, so tossing them into a salad sounds like a great idea.  Because it's going to be cool and rainy, I think it's a good time to use up some of the frozen bagged coleslaw cabbage and turn it into a simmering pot of borscht that we can enjoy along with some crusty buns from the bakery at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in crisis, in grief, in pain and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



8 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites from a cloudy morning, high 84, rain in the afternoon day.


Jacqui, welcome home. Thank you for your cruise thread. Merry widow indeed. Let us know about your foot!


Safe travels Sandi. Loved the McCafe picture!


It sounds like everyone returning from their cruises had a great time. Looking forward to hearing more.


Prayers to all on our lists. I had an add on for my book. Our friends dad moved to aggressive rehab after a stroke.


Today will be a gas and market run, and my wine request is due in today.


Wishing everyone a blessed day!



7 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Now, I'll finish the post was started when I realized Sandi @StLouisCruisers was on the road before she was able to post the links to previous days Bar Harbor was our port of the day.


Not only was Joseph Brackett a member of the Shakers, he was an American composer and song writer, and the most famous song attributed to him is "Simple Gifts".  We don't diet here, but by changing the way I serve our meals (most times) and some of the food we are eating, I managed to lose about 20 pounds and have kept them off for almost two years.  No homework here since we graduated, but to paraphrase Shakespeare, housework by any other name is still housework.


An interesting quote by Plato, and after four years reading the daily, I realize there are some on here who are fighting harder battles.  That helps put things in perspective.


We'll pass on the meal (kale) and the drink.  I would try the wine if it was offered.


We have visited Bar Harbor several times on cruises and once on a camping trip in, I think, 1974.


Today in 1626 was an interesting day in Dutch and American history, but maybe not such a good day for the Native Americans.


@dfish  Debbie, I hope your allergies aren't too bad today.  I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your quilt when it is finished.

@StLouisCruisers  I hope Sandi has a safe trip home, and does not encounter heavy traffic around Atlanta.

@ger_77  Gerry, sorry about the damage the voles did to your yard.  I hope your DH's plan works next winter.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad the nurse wanted to make a house call, and you could get an appointment today.  I hope the doctor finds the problem and your foot is better soon.














6 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's another rainy day here, and storms are "possible".  I do see the wind kicking up a bit.  Looking at the forecast, this week will range from a high of 49 (!!) today to 80 on Friday.  Oh boy.


I know I would like the drink but will pass on the red wine and the salad with Kale.  I would like it with something other than Kale though.  We've been to Bar Harbor 3 or 4 times, I love that town.

I don't diet so much as I just am constantly watching what and how much I eat.  Between Diabetes and kidney disease, it's just a way of life.  Blood tests coming up later this month, so I'm especially aware of it right now.


Jacqui @kazu That nurse sounds like a gem!  I hope the doctor can help, and that your foot will be good as new before long.


We've been to Bar Harbor in the spring (early May) and fall (mid October).  It would be hard for me to choose which I liked better, it's beautiful both times of year.  My first photos were taken in October.  We went to Acadia National Park and the area.


I love the fall colors in October


















Thunder Hole



The Jay Leno Rock 😉 JayLenorock.jpg.bca77f70cd12a108f9ecd543bfc7bed4.jpg


I was determined to walk laps on the Promenade, but it was SO cold!



The obligatory lobster roll



And spring flowers







6 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Nice collection of days.

Great quote from Pluto.

Pass on the meal (kale), yes to the drink and wine, L💜VE Bar Harbor (no pictures- they're on computer).

Big day in history  - job well done, Mr Minuit. 👏


@kazu sounds like the foot nurse is trying her best - hope you can get the testing to identify & treat the source of your pain.


YAY Stars 🌟 🏒 managed a Game 7 win so they'll be moving on to Round 2.


Tomorrow is the 2nd of 4 eye procedures and a follow-up w/neurologist. Today is nothing but relaxing; wanted to pull some pesky weeds, but yard is too wet & pollen too high.


Currently 73° headed to rainy 84°. You'd think with all this rain there'd be no "stuff" left in the air, but  pollen is off the charts and making me miserable. 


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 




5 hours ago, dfish said:

@kazu I'm glad the nurse came over yesterday and I hope you can get to the bottom of the foot issue today.  

@ger_77 Thanks for keeping a list of the drinks we want to try.  Probably should have a recipe for some of them in case the bartender has never heard of them.  That helped when we taste tested the Chocolate Chicken on the Koningsdam.

@VMax1700 Welcome home!   I love your sense of humor.

@JazzyV I hope BFF's ankle isn't broken.  You're quite the pair, aren't  you?


I used to love Bar Harbor until last summer.  We were there twice and I understand the frustration of the locals.  The place was just over run with people.  We usually go out to Acadia and hike and even that was unenjoyable due to the number of people there.  We gave up the hike halfway through and came back to town.  I think some of the congestion in the park would be alleviated if people used the Island Explorer shuttle bus instead of driving their own cars.  There is not enough parking in the park for the number who want to park.  If we go back it will be after school starts on a weekday.


As for diets, I don't do diets, but I do have a meal plan that I try to stick to most of the time - lean protein and lots of non starchy vegetables.  I normally don't eat rice, potatoes, pasta, other grains, or bread due to the carb content.  They tend to spike my blood sugar and I feel so much better when it is in normal ranges.  I'd like to lose a few pounds, but the Cushing's syndrome and the gall bladder issue have made that difficult.  Occasionally I will drop an ounce or two.  At least I know why I have difficulty losing, unlike before.  


5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Welcome home, @Overhead Fred and @VMax1700 and their DWs, I know @sailingdutchy is spending a few days in The Netherlands with relatives.  We had an early morning call today from a friend in Ontario, Jacqui knows him, to organize dinners together on Koningsdam in the Fall, wish you were going to be there too, @kazu!  (Marg and Wayne will be there, too..)  DD is still asleep, the sky is blue, but I did hear rain during the night.  Jacqui, I hope your foot feels better soon.


The quote of the day connects so much with the Fleet Report, we learn so much here about the troubles others are going through and pray for them.  


Now it appears DD has woken up - I'd better get on with my day!  Thinking of you all.




5 hours ago, Niagarawine said:

Hope your foot gets better. Sounds like you are in good hands,take care


5 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

@JazzyV Hope the ankle isn't broken.  So glad you are able to drive.


@kazu  I hope they can find the reason for your pain and alleviate it.


4 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  Welcome back @kazu hope the dr gets to the bottom of things!  And you are soon on the road to complete recovery. 

Love the photos @Cruising-along and @Quartzsite Cruiser

@StLouisCruisers thanks for stepping up,  glad you had a good time at graduation other than the house guests. Rhymes with…

I’ve been awol, but with good reason.  

We’re actually in Vancouver as well, for DS Master’s convocation tomorrow.     But unfortunately WestJet had a lockout that started yesterday and cancelled, then delayed our replacement flight nearly four hours so I spent an inordinate amount of time zigging and zagging,  we may even drive home.  Sigh!  But the flowers are gorgeous and there are leaves on the trees.   Hopefully we’ll also make it to Seattle as my only remaining aunt will be 100 next month. 


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning all.... from chilly and windy Durango. Nights are below freezing again. High today low 50's and that wind is sharp. Right now it is 41. Dogs are not pleased.


Doing a frantic cleaning today as my late neighbor's daughter is driving from California to pick up some things stored at my place and to evaluate the two condos in this area that her Mom owned. Her question is "sell or rent". I have told her that if she rents, I can no longer handle them for her....

I am getting too old for the frustration although right now she has good tenants...at least as far as I can see. Going to be a hectic week. Then next week it is our annual dog show in New Mexico. Wonder how my pups will like boarding for a few days.


So.... off to the races. Take care all. No more slips. @kazuHope your foot issues can be resolved.... when feet don't work, nothing works right.




4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:


Grahams sea fog reach us in New Jersey but we’ll make it to eye doctor. Helped DH with shampooing. Slow getting my act together. Had a long sleep, longer than in months! Still feel groggy.

Blessings sent to all the Dailyites, our country, your country and the saddest in tge world. 

Another alarm going off, almost hourly. But we’re hanging in and hoping for good observations from eye doc today!  m—


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:



We reached home today by 12:20 because we left Clearwater before 5 am today.  We were going to leave later to avoid rush hour traffic but when Jacqui told me she was ready to take over again this morning we decided why not leave before the worst of rush hour.  Worked fine.  I am doing laundry right now.  Time to bring the cruise luggage out today and get going on packing tomorrow.  We depart again on Friday morning for Ft. Lauderdale.




You are welcome!!




It was my pleasure to fill in for Jacqui.  We can trust you to decipher the craziest of wine names, Ann!  And DH and I both loved the pepper meme!  So funny!





Thank you for the safe travel wishes, Annie.  Morgan will complete some training this month for dive instructor, that she is taking compliments of the Florida Aquarium.  After that she will consider her options and make a decision if Tampa is the location for her or not.  There are lots of opportunities in Florida for someone with her degree and training.  Thanks for asking!  Hope you and Chuck are doing okay.  Any news on his condition?





Thanks to you Debbie for your safe travel wishes.  Somehow you can make kale sound delicious.😉





Good luck Jacqui.  I'm so glad the foot nurse is so good at her job.  Having infection under the skin on your foot would be very painful.  Anytime we have something wrong with a foot it makes walking so difficult, even a blister!  We want you back to 100% good health.





Thanks Joy!  Of course that was for photography purposes only - the cup would sit in the cup holder for safety's sake any other time!





Thanks for the safe travel wishes, Lenda.  Lucky for us there's no Atlanta traffic when we drive home from Florida since we live south of there.  From our area north is where the traffic begins piling up. 🙄 I knew my photos had disappeared from Bar Harbor so planned on reposting them today.  I may just have enough time as I run in and out of the laundry room!




Sorry, no seaside for a background...just north Florida interstate 75 scenery!  The driver picks what they want to listen to and it's a good thing I like country music, too.





Thanks Graham!  It was uneventful, thankfully.




Oh no Vanessa!  He just left your place yesterday didn't he, after helping you out for two weeks?  I'm so glad you're able to drive now, and I hope the doctors find it isn't broken.  Life sure isn't fair!  Let us know.




I hope the doctor visit goes well today.  You are a blessing to Richard, and taking such wonderful care of him.  You both deserve some good news.




No rain down this way Annie. (but who knows later).  My radar app on my phone shows a few pop ups north and west of you.  And yes, no driving in the dreaded Atlanta traffic!


Thanks very much everyone.  


As soon as I told the receptionist the foot nurse’s concern, I had an appointment.  She is well known and respected (doctors refer to her regularly) and I fear my poor doctor lost a few minutes of her lunch hour as she was running late.  I am on a double the maximum dose of antibiotics and they do tire me (which sadly means there is infection).   there’s a lot more and now I am worried.  thanks all for your caring ♥️ 


Vanessa @JazzyV I am so sorry to hear about your BFF. 😞 Prayers. 🙏 


@Seasick Sailor yes, you are correct.  DD DH stands for Dearly Departed Dear Husband.  it’s not on the list of CC acronyms to the best of my knowledge.  I probably created it.  The list that used to be there which was a huge help to me when I was new to CC has long disappeared.


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The yard is done, and I also finally had time to wash the patio furniture that sat outside all winter.  Now, once it dries, I can get the cushions out of the storeroom, and begin enjoying sitting outside reading on nice days.  A lot will depend if and when it stops raining, how much time I will have to enjoy sitting outside.  While it was not that hot, and was cloudy and windy, it was still not the most comfortable day for mowing.  The humidity made me think I was back near the Gulf Coast.  I much prefer dry heat having grown up in west Texas.  At least, the yard looks good for another week or so.


2 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

It is a good day here in the Pacific NW and getting better each day this week.  I drove to the Navy base this morning and found that Catch 22 is still alive and well.  We checked out the base swimming pool on Saturday and were told that it costs $2.50 to swim there, but if you are a 100% disabled veteran, the charge is waived.  The DoD has a special ID card that I would need to show.  Went to the ID card office this morning to obtain one.  Was told that even though I can be a retired Navy person and a 100% disabled Navy person, I cannot have both ID cards at the same time.  I asked the clerk to show me that in writing.  He spent 45 minutes going through a bunch of instructions and couldn't find it.  Made a phone call and was told that one would cancel the other one.  Went back to the pool and the desk person said I would have to pay without the ID card.  That is how the Government works.

I have a question about the acronyms we use here on CC.  Is there a listing of them somewhere and are they specific to CC or are they in general use?  For example, what exactly is BFF?  Is DS Dear Sister or Dear Son or do you have to guess?



Ray, when has the government ever made sense?   A couple more acronyms:  IFFC = If I remember correctly and IMHO = In my humble opinion.  Sometimes, you just have to make a guess from the context of the post.  Sometimes, I Google the acronym now that the CC list is history.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We reached home today by 12:20 because we left Clearwater before 5 am today.  We were going to leave later to avoid rush hour traffic but when Jacqui told me she was ready to take over again this morning we decided why not leave before the worst of rush hour.  Worked fine.  I am doing laundry right now.  Time to bring the cruise luggage out today and get going on packing tomorrow.  We depart again on Friday morning for Ft. Lauderdale.


Thanks for the safe travel wishes, Lenda.  Lucky for us there's no Atlanta traffic when we drive home from Florida since we live south of there.  From our area north is where the traffic begins piling up. 🙄 I knew my photos had disappeared from Bar Harbor so planned on reposting them today.  I may just have enough time as I run in and out of the laundry room!



Sandi, I'm glad you reached home safely and without too much traffic.  I'll try to pay better attention in the mornings and post the links if you haven't posted by the time I get on the FR/D.


10 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks very much everyone.  


As soon as I told the receptionist the foot nurse’s concern, I had an appointment.  She is well known and respected (doctors refer to her regularly) and I fear my poor doctor lost a few minutes of her lunch hour as she was running late.  I am on a double the maximum dose of antibiotics and they do tire me (which sadly means there is infection).   there’s a lot more and now I am worried.  thanks all for your caring ♥️ 




Jacqui, I hope the mega dose of antibiotic knocks out the infection quickly, and that the foot feels 100% better soon.  In the meantime, just rest and heal.



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Sandi, thank you for your kind thoughts. There isn’t anyplace I’d rather be than here ti support him through all this. 

Back from eye doctor. Eye is better, less inflammation. Come back next week, probably open second(last) suture…. He’ll communicate with surgeon in Maryland, she might want to move sooner. We’re not eager to move ahead with that but they know more than we do. 

Off to dinner… last prior to Wednesday’s procedure.

I help DH, he helps me!  Very grateful!  One day at a time. 

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A little late, but I just noticed Teacher Appreciation Week began today.  I appreciate most of the hard working, dedicated teachers I had and the DDs had.  However, there were a very rare few that should never have gone into teaching.


8 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Sandi, thank you for your kind thoughts. There isn’t anyplace I’d rather be than here ti support him through all this. 

Back from eye doctor. Eye is better, less inflammation. Come back next week, probably open second(last) suture…. He’ll communicate with surgeon in Maryland, she might want to move sooner. We’re not eager to move ahead with that but they know more than we do. 

Off to dinner… last prior to Wednesday’s procedure.

I help DH, he helps me!  Very grateful!  One day at a time. 


Maureen, I'm glad that DH's eye is better with less inflammation.  I'm sure between the doctor you're seeing in NJ and the surgeon, you will get the best advice on how to proceed.





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1 hour ago, Cruise Suzy said:


Did you stop here in Ocala for a break or breakfast?


No.  We stopped at a rest area early on, then stopped somewhere for that cup of McCafe coffee for DH.  We eventually stopped at the Buc-ee's south of Macon, Georgia for a fill up and to pick up some of DH's favorite trail mix.  We bought some to share with the bar staff we get to know on our upcoming cruises.  They like snacks!  We ate a light lunch once we got home.  On the way up we ate a Belvita soft baked good in the car that we brought along.  

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Posted (edited)

Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I didn't know who Joseph Brackett was until Graham's explanation. I haven't eaten all day, so it's an inadvertent diet day. No homework got done today. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (pears) and drink. Maybe for the wine. I haven't been to Bar Harbor and my NE/Canada cruise in the fall isn't stopping there. A good day in history. It's also Nurses Day!


What a day. I was just getting dressed this morning when BFF called and said he thought he'd broken his ankle. So I headed to his house, got him in the car and to the ER. He was right. He has a tib/fib fracture. It's in a kind of soft cast, due to the swelling. They gave him crutches with no instructions; just some papers and to watch a video at home! Of course he nearly fell on the way out, so they gave him a walker, which worked much better. In the old days, someone from PT would come to show the patient how to use them. Then off to pick up meds. One wasn't ready, and just as we neared his house they texted. So back to the pharmacy. Then getting him settled at home involved some steps, which he went up on his backside. We have an Orthopedic appointment on Thursday, who will decide if any surgery is necessary or just casting. Oy! He's all worried about laundry and lawn mowing and other things. Sadly I'm still restricted about how much I can do regarding lifting things, bending, etc. Where's the bubble wrap? I'm finally home, getting something to eat and drink. BFF's next door neighbor will bring him dinner tonight.


@kazu Welcome back and thanks for our start. I will check on the iPad. I got frustrated and I'm now using a laptop with Windows to copy and paste the Cares List. I'll have to try Brian's way, although mine pasted fine except the formatting (mainly bold) was missing. I'm sorry to hear about your foot, and hope all the treatment can fix it up completely. Your nurse sounds like a wonderful practitioner.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Bar Harbor photos.

@Cruising-along Great photos, especially the fall ones.

@bennybear Congrats to DS on his Master's degree.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you made it home safely. Lovely Bar Harbor photos.

@RMLincoln Good news that DH's eye looked better. Prayers for continued improvement.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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3 hours ago, 0106 said:

Most of the acronyms used here are in general use, frequently when texting.  BFF is best friend forever.  I usually think of DS as dear son but you may have to guess from context clues.  YMMV (your mileage may vary)😊

I didn’t know that either,thanks

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GOod afternoon everyone, 


It's a soggy day here but we have had some sun breaks. That's ok. I did the pool this morning and the first class only had 11 of us where we are usually closer to 20. By the time we got to the strength training with the buoys there were only 6 of us in the pool! The arthritis class had 10 so that's good for us. I stopped at a couple of places on the way home and now the washer is going to get the bathing suit and towel done and I'm trying to get a few things done around here. Nothing else too exciting. 


@kazu Thanks for starting us and I hope your foot responds well to the antibiotics

@JazzyV Yikes on BFF! I'll see if I have any bubblewrap around for your both. 


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Posted (edited)

@kazu glad you got the antibiotics pronto!  Hope they work quickly! 
@JazzyV so sorry to hear about your BFF.  You both deserve a different kind of break!,

@USN59-79 yikes on red tape!  In my case DS is Dear son, it is confusing.  I used to think LOL was lots of luck, lol!  

@Niagarawine West jet settled today but not until they cancelled our flight yesterday!  Arghh!   

Vancouver is truly spectacular in the sunshine. Love the bluebells 








Edited by bennybear
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18 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@kazu glad you got the antibiotics pronto!  Hope they work quickly! 
@JazzyV so sorry to hear about your BFF.  You both deserve a different kind of break!,

@USN59-79 yikes on red tape!  In my case DS is Dear son, it is confusing.  I used to think LOL was lots of luck, lol!  

@Niagarawine West jet settled today but not until they cancelled our flight yesterday!  Arghh!   

Vancouver is truly spectacular in the sunshine. Love the bluebells 








Sorry you had to rebook flights.the bluebells are beautiful. Have a safe flight home

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Good morning all. It’s Tuesday morning here in Australia. We had a wonderful cruise on the Maasdam in 2018 and went to Bar Harbor. It was very foggy when the ship arrived, but that soon cleared, and it was a beautiful day. 
I think I posted these pictures before but will do so again. 
Best wishes to all.


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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I didn't know who Joseph Brackett was until Graham's explanation. I haven't eaten all day, so it's an inadvertent diet day. No homework got done today. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (pears) and drink. Maybe for the wine. I haven't been to Bar Harbor and my NE/Canada cruise in the fall isn't stopping there. A good day in history. It's also Nurses Day!


What a day. I was just getting dressed this morning when BFF called and said he thought he'd broken his ankle. So I headed to his house, got him in the car and to the ER. He was right. He has a tib/fib fracture. It's in a kind of soft cast, due to the swelling. They gave him crutches with no instructions; just some papers and to watch a video at home! Of course he nearly fell on the way out, so they gave him a walker, which worked much better. In the old days, someone from PT would come to show the patient how to use them. Then off to pick up meds. One wasn't ready, and just as we neared his house they texted. So back to the pharmacy. Then getting him settled at home involved some steps, which he went up on his backside. We have an Orthopedic appointment on Thursday, who will decide if any surgery is necessary or just casting. Oy! He's all worried about laundry and lawn mowing and other things. Sadly I'm still restricted about how much I can do regarding lifting things, bending, etc. Where's the bubble wrap? I'm finally home, getting something to eat and drink. BFF's next door neighbor will bring him dinner tonight.


@kazu Welcome back and thanks for our start. I will check on the iPad. I got frustrated and I'm now using a laptop with Windows to copy and paste the Cares List. I'll have to try Brian's way, although mine pasted fine except the formatting (mainly bold) was missing. I'm sorry to hear about your foot, and hope all the treatment can fix it up completely. Your nurse sounds like a wonderful practitioner.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Bar Harbor photos.

@Cruising-along Great photos, especially the fall ones.

@bennybear Congrats to DS on his Master's degree.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you made it home safely. Lovely Bar Harbor photos.

@RMLincoln Good news that DH's eye looked better. Prayers for continued improvement.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry it turned out BFF did break his ankle.  We really do need to invest in bubble wrap.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

@kazu glad you got the antibiotics pronto!  Hope they work quickly! 
@JazzyV so sorry to hear about your BFF.  You both deserve a different kind of break!,

@USN59-79 yikes on red tape!  In my case DS is Dear son, it is confusing.  I used to think LOL was lots of luck, lol!  

@Niagarawine West jet settled today but not until they cancelled our flight yesterday!  Arghh!   

Vancouver is truly spectacular in the sunshine. Love the bluebells 









Beautiful pictures, Brenda.



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Good evening.

Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for the Daily and Fleet Report.  Thank you to Roy @rafinmdfor the maps,  Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration Lists and to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for keeping us fed and hydrated.  Also, thank you Graham @grapau27 for you explanation of the days.


Thank you to Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos of Bar Harbor.


Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating.


@kazu Jacqui, I hope your foot starts to feel better,

@JazzyV I hope your BFF heals quickly from his fractures.


Today was a really busy day.  

Back when our new flooring was installed and then reinstalled after being damaged by a faulty HVAC system last summer, we had no extra planks.  Upon thinking about this we felt that it would be in our best interest to get some extra planks in the event we have some problem and need to replace them.  If, by chance, the product or color is discontinued, we would have to replace the whole floor again.  Heaven forbid!  So we ordered two extra boxes and went to Savannah to pick them up.  I was originally told that each box would cost $80.  To my surprise, we were given them at no charge.   How nice.


Our next stop was Talbots.  I used to like to go to the Talbots in Savannah because it is a nice big store and would go there when I would see the Retinologist, who has since retired.  So I have not been to that store in a few years.  The next surprise is that I am now able to fit into size 10 petite slacks.  Mind you I used to wear a size 14 and they were tight on me.  So I am really proud of the weight I have lost.  


Next door to Talbots is a Fresh Market and that was our next stop, where we picked up dinner.  After all that was going on, I certainly could not be expected to make dinner when we got home, could I?  So I got a dinner kit of glazed salmon, asparagus and mashed potatoes for 2.  It took 15 minutes to prepare and was delicious.  That worked out perfectly.


However, the only glitch in the day was that I got lost going home.  Would you believe it!  I missed a turn and we had no idea where we were.  I ended up having to put on Google Maps to help me get home.  How embarrassing!  


So we got home safe and sound and had a good day.


We also made some decisions about future travel.  i will address that tomorrow.


Hope everyone had a good day.

God bless and Good night.


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Oh Vanessa!  A tib-fib break is not good news but eventually it should be just fine!  It’s the getting from here to there that’ll take a lot of adjustments. Hoping more damage is avoided until it’s really stabilized. Zero weight!  Maybe a knee scooter in BFF’s future?  


And please don’t be tempted to overdo your restrictions!  You can call 911 for EMS support if needed. EMS are there for non-life-threatening situations too. Dispatchers triage the calls so it’s not like someone’s going to die while EMTs are elsewhere, they’ll get redirected if needed. 

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46 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Oh Vanessa!  A tib-fib break is not good news but eventually it should be just fine!  It’s the getting from here to there that’ll take a lot of adjustments. Hoping more damage is avoided until it’s really stabilized. Zero weight!  Maybe a knee scooter in BFF’s future?  


And please don’t be tempted to overdo your restrictions!  You can call 911 for EMS support if needed. EMS are there for non-life-threatening situations too. Dispatchers triage the calls so it’s not like someone’s going to die while EMTs are elsewhere, they’ll get redirected if needed. 


Maureen, I second the suggestion to use EMTs to help when needed.  We used them when we needed to get DH from the bed to the car or back to bed when he had doctor visits and needed to go to the hospital.  One of our neighbors also called them to get her DH to and from the car.  The ones we met are wonderful caring people.  One even sat down at our piano and gave us a short concert.



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4 hours ago, bennybear said:

@kazu glad you got the antibiotics pronto!  Hope they work quickly! 
@JazzyV so sorry to hear about your BFF.  You both deserve a different kind of break!,

@USN59-79 yikes on red tape!  In my case DS is Dear son, it is confusing.  I used to think LOL was lots of luck, lol!  

@Niagarawine West jet settled today but not until they cancelled our flight yesterday!  Arghh!   

Vancouver is truly spectacular in the sunshine. Love the bluebells 









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5 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening.

Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for the Daily and Fleet Report.  Thank you to Roy @rafinmdfor the maps,  Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration Lists and to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for keeping us fed and hydrated.  Also, thank you Graham @grapau27 for you explanation of the days.


Thank you to Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos of Bar Harbor.


Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating.


@kazu Jacqui, I hope your foot starts to feel better,

@JazzyV I hope your BFF heals quickly from his fractures.


Today was a really busy day.  

Back when our new flooring was installed and then reinstalled after being damaged by a faulty HVAC system last summer, we had no extra planks.  Upon thinking about this we felt that it would be in our best interest to get some extra planks in the event we have some problem and need to replace them.  If, by chance, the product or color is discontinued, we would have to replace the whole floor again.  Heaven forbid!  So we ordered two extra boxes and went to Savannah to pick them up.  I was originally told that each box would cost $80.  To my surprise, we were given them at no charge.   How nice.


Our next stop was Talbots.  I used to like to go to the Talbots in Savannah because it is a nice big store and would go there when I would see the Retinologist, who has since retired.  So I have not been to that store in a few years.  The next surprise is that I am now able to fit into size 10 petite slacks.  Mind you I used to wear a size 14 and they were tight on me.  So I am really proud of the weight I have lost.  


Next door to Talbots is a Fresh Market and that was our next stop, where we picked up dinner.  After all that was going on, I certainly could not be expected to make dinner when we got home, could I?  So I got a dinner kit of glazed salmon, asparagus and mashed potatoes for 2.  It took 15 minutes to prepare and was delicious.  That worked out perfectly.


However, the only glitch in the day was that I got lost going home.  Would you believe it!  I missed a turn and we had no idea where we were.  I ended up having to put on Google Maps to help me get home.  How embarrassing!  


So we got home safe and sound and had a good day.


We also made some decisions about future travel.  i will address that tomorrow.


Hope everyone had a good day.

God bless and Good night.


Thank you for your kind comments Terri.

Whenever I see something or someone I don't know I have always investigated out of curiosity and to gain knowledge and sometimes this happens with our Daily days and why I post the information I find  and I'm happy if others find it helpful.


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