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Do you guys feel that videos are helpful or not?


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I upload all of my videos to YouTube.  I've done this since the earliest days of YT, as it's a very convenient place to store my video files and clear space in iCloud.

I'm not sure if some of you understand how monetization works, but if you have 2,000 followers (I do, but barely), YouTube allows you to monetize your channel.  Most people, like me, make almost nothing.  I have about 1,300 videos and on a good month, I make about $22 and on a bad month, maybe $17.  I figure, as long as the videos are already there, why not?  I can buy a bottle of wine with the revenue (although it is taxable.)

There are actually people who can make a lot of money on YouTube.  I suspect that some of these cruise vloggers do very well.  Some may make over $100,000 per year.  Of course, most of us aren't semi-professional cruise vloggers.  I'm certainly not.

I'm not allowed to criticize or challenge moderators, so I won't do that.  I will say that I've had folks here complain that a recent video of a marching band in the Butcher's Cut specialty restaurant was posted, "to drive traffic to my YouTube channel."  Of course, this is utterly false.  It was shared to document a loud band playing while we were trying to have a nice peaceful dinner.  There was some good discussion, followed by the comments I mentioned (I probably have made less than a dime on that video, less than 50 hits as of this writing.)  Then it was no more.

But I wonder what people are interested in?  Are they interested in videos that share good/bad/unusual experiences?  Or if someone shares a video from their channel, where maybe they make something/nothing whatever, it's somehow not what anyone wants to see?  Rather, they'd prefer to discuss whether Yacht Club is "worth it" ad nauseum?

Speaking for myself, I really enjoy the videos,  They bring words to life.  I wouldn't like it if a semi-professional vlogger was sharing video after video from a high-volume channel, but a periodic video that shares an interesting experience from time-to-time, I think is something I would like to see.  A couple of examples were the recent Ben & David video where they were banned from recording on MSC.  In another example, I watched a YouTube video from Where's Walter, who happens to be here, but I didn't know that.  I shared his video because I thought it was useful, interesting, and I thought it was, perhaps, the most fair video I had seen in terms of addressing MSC's food quality, and I've seen plenty.

I'm curious to see if folks here enjoy periodic on-topic videos, which probably are hosted on YouTube, since it's the world's largest hosting site.  Or, should those periodic videos be banned?


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Honestly I don't watch videos.  I know lots of people like them, I don't.  If I want to learn something, I prefer to read an article over watching a video.  Usually I can read faster than the video would take me to watch. 

I don't care about people sharing their videos here, I don't think it should be banned.  In a lot of cases the video can be useful to understanding the situation. 

My one issue is when the post about a topic but you have to watch the video to hear about it.  Like "new rule on MSC!" and the only way I can find out what they are talking about is watching the video.  That is significantly different than sharing a video to show what you are talking about.  

IMO people who make a post purely to share the video is driving people to their site. 


So my answer is that videos should not be banned in general. If I can read your post and get the gist of the information without watching the video I'm fine.  But when the post only contains the video link which you are require you to watch it to know that the post was about - that should be banned. 

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Generally, I don’t watch videos.  I never go directly to YouTube.  I will admit to watching one lengthy video…from Where’s Walter, because it was about cruising on  Virgin Voyages.  I was considering the line and found the descriptions quite puzzling/confusing.  Mostly I pass over short videos embedded in threads, and I never intentionally take videos.  EM

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Posted (edited)

I enjoy watching well narrated and informative videos.  There are a ton of people on YT trying to become successful "influencers" who can actually make a living posting videos.  Most do a very poor job.  Those who are able to produce high quality videos (yes, things like sound quality matter) and informative content can draw sizeable audiences. As for content... I'm usually interested in watching videos to get an idea of the experience, and to get some idea as to whether or not I'd be interested in doing it myself in the future. For example, is the cruise ship one that I'd like to try, or are the places visited somewhere I'd like to visit.  One pet peeve of mine is that so many people post pictures and/or videos taken off-hours when the venues are empty. That gives me no idea of what the actual experience is like. Is it crowded? How do people dress?  Is it loud? etc. etc.  Another peeve of mine is when videos come across more like advertisements for the cruise line.  Instead of giving a feel for the actual experience. When that happens, it seems like the creator is actually trying to please the cruise line - in hopes of getting freebies I guess. Overall, it seems to me that those who are successful content creators approach it as a job and put a lot of effort into their content and its quality.  As a hobbyist, you're unlikely to join the ranks of the top creators. I've no idea what your goals are.  Are you trying to attract more viewers? If so, why?

Edited by mnocket
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I have no patience for watching anyone's cruise videos.  Tried it once or twice, never wanted to again.  But I can happily read all day long, at my own pace.

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1 hour ago, GPPhilly said:

I do like videos but I will click off them if they are too long or too boring TBH.  

One of my pet peeves, and this is not directly related to my question, is when the semi-professional vloggers create clickbait misleading titles just to get views.  Some "shocking" headline, perhaps with a photo of the vlogger's face with an astonished expression, and then you get into the video and it's nothing shocking at all.

Again, doesn't specifically relate to my question, as I find some of the videos quite helpful.  I've done brief reviews of cabins on MSC, Celebrity, NCL, Pullmantur, Carnival, and others and I've been told those were useful.  But when they try to mislead me, I find that to be annoying.

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I 100% appreciate videos, and watch lots before I book a cruise for research, and then before I sail to get stoked, and to learn the characteristics of the ship, or my cabin.


Videos provide great perspective, and can tell a lot more than what folks can describe, or even pictures. And they are objective, rather than someones subjective opinion.  I appreciate when people on CC share videos and pictures replying to questions.  So valuable.  And I dont care if someone makes 10 cents or $1000 on those videos.  More power to you, and to everyone who gets to learn something from them, or gets an adrenaline rush watching in anticipation of their own cruise.


I do prefer videos which provide a good view of whatever it is showing, but with relatively minimal comments.  I hate background music, unless its whats actually playing in the scene.  And I dont like when the video beats a dead horse; an example being that every YC cabin video shows what is in the fridge.  Its the same in every video, and everyone has seen it, so I dont care to see whats in there in every video.  same with every drawer or cabinet.  Get in and out.  Just my thought, for whatever its worth. 


But keep the videos coming! No one is force to watch.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, brovol said:

I 100% appreciate videos, and watch lots before I book a cruise for research, and then before I sail to get stoked, and to learn the characteristics of the ship, or my cabin.


Videos provide great perspective, and can tell a lot more than what folks can describe, or even pictures. And they are objective, rather than someones subjective opinion.  I appreciate when people on CC share videos and pictures replying to questions.  So valuable.  And I dont care if someone makes 10 cents or $1000 on those videos.  More power to you, and to everyone who gets to learn something from them, or gets an adrenaline rush watching in anticipation of their own cruise.


I do prefer videos which provide a good view of whatever it is showing, but with relatively minimal comments.  I hate background music, unless its whats actually playing in the scene.  And I dont like when the video beats a dead horse; an example being that every YC cabin video shows what is in the fridge.  Its the same in every video, and everyone has seen it, so I dont care to see whats in there in every video.  same with every drawer or cabinet.  Get in and out.  Just my thought, for whatever its worth. 


But keep the videos coming! No one is force to watch.

I agree with you, and you brought up a good point.  I know that some seem to have a major problem if a video is monetized.  I have zero problem with that.  My videos are garbage in terms of production quality, and I have no editing skills, so I freely admit that.  But some of these folks put out a great quality production, and I hope their time and skills are monetarily rewarded.  

Remember that most with monetized channels likely make next-to-nothing, but there are exceptions.

I (barely) know a woman who is quite attractive and she has a monetized YouTube channel with millions of subscribers.  Where my average video might get 50 hits if I'm lucky, for her, getting less than 2 million hits on any particular video would be unusual.

While this is extraordinary uncommon, in the year that I spoke with her on the phone, her revenue, mostly from YouTube, was over $1,000,000.  She also got a low-level cosmetics endorsement gig, which is part of that, but mostly the income was from YT.

I had a telephone conversation with her, in part, to try and get her onboard as a client.  A 23-year old making over a million a year, could potentially be a good client (I'm with a big Wall Street firm.)

She told me that her target market (make-up tips, skincare, nutrition, other topics for young women) was about 13-16 years old.  She said, "Stockjock, my biggest fear is that one day I'll wake up and no one will be interested in my videos anymore; that I will no longer be relevant."

Then one day, her videos simply stopped.  She's still on YouTube, but hasn't done a new video in years.  She does post content on Instagram, but I don't think she makes money from that.

Again, most monetized channels make very little, but there are some who can make a lot.  I thought it was odd that she just stopped doing videos one day, as she was making a boatload of money off of them.

Edited by Stockjock
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I appreciate cabin tour videos and find them exceptionally useful when choosing room locations on ships. I also appreciate ship tour videos, but if you post a video of you eating every meal of your cruise, I am probably not going to sit through that. I would rather just look through pictures of food that people post here on CC. Watching people eat is very unappealing to me. I also don't like videos where people blather on and on about inane things. If I watch any "review" type videos, I prefer them to be brief and have some bullet points, like "The Five Best and Worst Things About this Ship." Something where I feel like I am going to get some brief highlights and lowlights without an endless, disorganized stream of consciousness.



But, again, I am really only interested in videos about ships I am planning to sail on in the near future.

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I watch a lot of videos about the ship I'm interested in, and specially the "background" videos that can show the inner workings, like the bridge, engines, kitchens, construction...


Have you seen Andreas at Sea YT channel?

He's the current Hotel Director at #Seaview, he's offering a nice "inside" view from the ship.

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I used to watch A LOT of videos when I was a complete newcomer to cruising (starting after I made my first booking in January of last year). Now I watch videos specifically for cabin tours, dining options and being able to see the actual prepared foods (particularly MDR), excursions I may be considering, and maybe a quick scan of a walkthrough video to see particular areas of interest (for me I very much like to see the lounging area on the sides and the aft pool area.


That being said, I think the video you included was fine and actually (in my opinion) provided a good visual to your question. It was much more effective than simply asking "Would you be upset if people walked through Butcher's Cut (I think that was the venue?) playing music while you were enjoying a fine dining meal?".


If there were people using CC as free advertising to hustle their channel I'd probably get annoyed with that, but I don't think that's what you did. I've seen people post "Trip Reports" that are simply links to their personal websites and I don't see how that is any better than promoting a YT channel.

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I use videos occasionally when researching cabins.  Sometimes for myself, more times to answer the cabin questions of others.  I am particularly looking for the locations of upper bunks.  I want to know if they are in the ceiling or on the walls.  I much prefer still pics, only viewing videos when that is all that is available.  For example, I am booked on Magnifica in July for 3 nights.  I booked an inside, the only one shown available that had only one bunk, which is on the wall.  I was sent an offer to bid for an upgrade, and I do like having a couch in an OV, but many of the obstructed OV have two uppers, so I declined to bid.  EM

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Fissues said:

I don’t watch many videos. The only ones that interest me are by Morpheus. 

Thanks. They cost me an arm and a leg to make. ( some want to break both).

Edited by morpheusofthesea
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I do watch videos, after the banning of filming in MSC one I've been reading the descriptions a lot more. Because you are right there is a lot of clickbait and 'our honest review' or 'brutal review' its very dramatic. I've started noticing a theme of overly positive reviews when invited on vs poorer ones when the room is not free (shocker).


But I do like to see rooms, see what's around the ship and sometimes get ideas for excursions. But I take things with a grain of salt after all they are making $ out of it.

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2 hours ago, Lena11033 said:

I do watch videos, after the banning of filming in MSC one I've been reading the descriptions a lot more. Because you are right there is a lot of clickbait and 'our honest review' or 'brutal review' its very dramatic. I've started noticing a theme of overly positive reviews when invited on vs poorer ones when the room is not free (shocker).


But I do like to see rooms, see what's around the ship and sometimes get ideas for excursions. But I take things with a grain of salt after all they are making $ out of it.

There are a couple of those "brutally honest" guys who I like, and they do a good job.  But even though they claim to be (usually) independent and (usually) pay their own way, they do put out some fluffy PR puff pieces from time-to-time, including one recently.  That's the easiest way to tell whether they got comped or not.


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before i book a new ship i always do a 1 hour video of walk thru of the entire ship.  plus other components that may interest me...yacht club. haven, etc.  it's important to see if they meet my expectations.  also some people just arent as good as others with narration etc so you have to try a few vids sometimes.  i do wonder it was like in the old days when you just risked spending your money without seeing what was on a ship or what your cabin was like. heck one ship i had a very specific cabin question and found a vid walkthru of that cabin.

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On 5/16/2024 at 8:43 PM, Stockjock said:

I'm not sure if some of you understand how monetization works, but if you have 2,000 followers (I do, but barely), YouTube allows you to monetize your channel.  Most people, like me, make almost nothing.  I have about 1,300 videos and on a good month, I make about $22 and on a bad month, maybe $17.  I figure, as long as the videos are already there, why not?  I can buy a bottle of wine with the revenue (although it is taxable.)

There are actually people who can make a lot of money on YouTube.  I suspect that some of these cruise vloggers do very well.  Some may make over $100,000 per year.  Of course, most of us aren't semi-professional cruise vloggers.  I'm certainly not.


Vlad, age 11, and Niki, age 9, are making $88 million a year on their Vlad and Niki YouTube Channel.

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I like videos but I find most of them cover way too much of the general stuff and ports, when I go to videos I’m looking for the real minutiae that most people don’t care about… things like how embarkation works in certain ports, reviews of all the parties and nightlife, what the staff are like, things like that. 

most of them are all very general. Booo

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21 hours ago, Lena11033 said:

I do watch videos, after the banning of filming in MSC one I've been reading the descriptions a lot more. Because you are right there is a lot of clickbait and 'our honest review' or 'brutal review' its very dramatic. I've started noticing a theme of overly positive reviews when invited on vs poorer ones when the room is not free (shocker).


But I do like to see rooms, see what's around the ship and sometimes get ideas for excursions. But I take things with a grain of salt after all they are making $ out of it.

To the best of my knowledge, there has been no "banning of filming" by MSC.  There have been two occasions, on two different MSC ships where one pair of vloggers were told to cease and desist video recording for some yet to be documented reason.  There are plenty of MSC review videos on You Tube, including several by the hotel director on the Seaview.

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