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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 22nd, 2024

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With my lack of travel in late June I strain for sunrises and this was taken 2 years ago today on my morning walk with the sun just peeking out a bit among the trees over the rooftops.





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Good afternoon from a warm and sunny central Texas.  It is 93F, and I'm enjoying the cool indoors after getting the yard mowed and the flowerbeds weeded.  I also trimmed the iris and got all the dead stuff, including some of last fall's oak leaves out of one flower beds.  It wasn't too hot outside, and before I finished there was a nice breeze.


@ottahand7  Nancy, third time is the charm.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN!


6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. I will celebrate peace in any form, I don’t think there is much positive media and let’s not celebrate any more stupid things. I am fond of eggplant but the rest of the family is less fond of it . I agree with the quote and went to today’s port of the VOV many moons ago. Thanks for the pictures as mine went to computer heaven a while back. It was a great place to see.

OK, Happy Birthday to John @ottahand7! I hope it is a good one.

Last night DB and I entertained Tana with some of the sillier stories from our side of the family. We were all in need of comic relief and DD DH was always very good at that. DB filled in admirably in that role. 
I am making two versions of a lentil dish on the stovetop for dinner later and it smells great. It was requested by Tana so I am hoping she will enjoy it. DB loves using the grill and was out there earlier today making us grilled veggies and shrimp for later. It is oppressively humid and warm now so I am thanking him profusely. I find it really hot on the deck even in the early morning hours. The shade is only from an umbrella at the table.

Enjoy the day everyone and thanks for the ongoing support.


Terry, I'm very happy your DB is there helping and doing a lot of the cooking.  It's good the two of you could entertain Tana last night.  I hope she is feeling better and has her appetite back.


6 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Ooh Chocolate Eclair Day - yes, please! @StLouisCruisers


I do believe eggplant 🍆 🍠 is the new squash - I'll pass on both.


A/C guy has come and gone. 🙄He did a temp fix, no idea how long it will last and it will not get us heat in the winter. He says there are parts missing and per the service contract, he's not supposed to touch it. But he thinks 100° is too hot to be w/o air, so he put in something to get it working; however, his report will include pictures of the missing parts (well, the blank space where the parts should be) and indicate that no work was done. So, I expect when we hear from the service company, we'll be given a very pricey estimate to get it properly fixed. Then another battle will ensue as to how the parts went missing and that we should not be the ones paying for them.

WT F or WTH - reader's choice. The unit where the parts are missing is in the attic which is accessed through our garage - only people who have been up there are contractors sent out by the service company. So who removed them? Him or the previous contractor?🤷‍♀️

He's been gone 40 min - inside temp has dropped 3°, so currently it is  cooling. Mr Nest says by 7pm it should be 71°. That flashes too quickly for me to get a picture. 




Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


Elizabeth, that is just weird about parts missing from your HVAC unit.  I wonder if it came without parts missing, or if some service person removed bad parts and then somehow "forgot" to replace them.  I hope they get it sorted out, and your unit is fixed soon without much hassle.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites!  It's sunny, hot, and who knows what the temperature is, I know as soon as my computer stops showing me a baseball icon, we will find out.  The kittens are all doing well today, every one ate this morning. They have discovered the cat tree, where most of the time Bob, Furnando  or Tigger sleep, but they are not there this morning, so it's kitten territory.  _Temp is 81.  By Monday the temps will be 101. 


Plans for the day?  Watch as much F1 as possible and work 6 hours. I dont start until 12:30 eastern time, and will end at 6:30 eastern time.  I have a call back scheduled every 15 minutes from 12:30 until 4:30, so if I burn out, I can still leave a bit early. 


After I heard DH moaning and groaning last night when it came time to clean the litter boxes (which he took on as a chore when we moved here in 03,) has just become to much for him.  So I will add that on to my chores, which seem to most as just staying afloat. 


Positive media?  If that was possible there would be no googly news on my computer and newspapers would be blank pages.  What I worry about in this country is how little we actually know about whats going on in the rest of the world. Oh, and truth.  That would be news indeed.


Penny called last week about her pool being open, temp is 75.  A bit cool.  But I am thinking after this week?  with temperatures in the 100's pool sounds very nice, and I will take her up on the invite.  Not sure if DH would want to submerge in water, and sometimes her pool has stairs, and sometimes not, not sure if he could pull him self out of the water if the stairs are not there.


I am hoping that when the ladies have the "test all the drinks" on the Oosterdam in 25 that they will allow me to take pictures?   I hope you don't try all of them at once, but the pictures might be more entertaining that way.  Chuck keeps gafawwing when I tell him we will be in Barcelona next year.  Perhaps he doesnt think he will live that long?  But Dan did say that he is looking forward to it, and I said I was too, and DH just went "humph" , hopefully our time together in Florida will make him realize it is happening. Now to start saving for the flight over.


I hope you all have a wonderful day!


1pc funny tuxedo cat rules metal sign 8x12inch when visiting my house please remember black cat apartment decor for cat lover retro room decor caution sign 0




Annie, it looks like the kitties are settling into the indoor space.  I'm sorry DH is not looking forward to going to Barcelona.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. We did not get the really heavy rains that were predicted, but we did get some heavy showers and today is cool and sunny. High today will be low 70's... then the heat returns but not at the levels we saw before.


Our hillside saga continues. Last night when I took the dogs out for their after supper business trip, I found a group of my neighbors gathered in the parking lot and staring up the hill. Turns out someone (a newbie in the condos) had seen "a wild animal". Not sure who she saw since her description was rather garbled. One of the men ventured up the hill to see if anything alive or dead could be seen....no, nothing...but as we were congregated for his report one of the people who lives at the top of the hill made his way down to us. His report of activity up there sort of matched ours except there seems to be more of it .... fox (both red and grey),  coyote, mountain lion, a bear a few nights ago and he swears he saw a bobcat. He also commented on the fact that we seem to have very few deer this year (I wonder why). So..... I continue to use a very bright flashlight at night when dogs have to go out and stick close to the house. Try to avoid dawn and dusk although the dogs don't always cooperate. I suspect the construction on the roads around us has disrupted some critter movements and they may be sticking in a more restricted area. That construction  will go on all summer. Our newbie is not happy right now.


Glad to hear that Jacqui and Sandi are showing improvement. Hope things improve for all others. It seems to take longer to recover these days.


Off to a board meeting for the kennel club. Was going to drop stuff off at the Humane Society Thrift store, but they have just let their Manager go and the place is chaotic. Think I will steer clear for a week or so.




Susan, I hope all the wildlife stays in their area, and leaves the condos alone.


@Himself  Welcome home, Father.



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1 hour ago, Ellencruise said:

On Volendam now! Next 7 days. Already love the size , decor, etc. up to Lido for sail away and cocktails!!

Enjoy your cruise!

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Just a few pictures from Torshavn.  I'm generally a sucker for churches, and this one I think is from out of town, not one that was shown previously.











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8 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We had a very nice day when the Prinsendam visited Torshavn on August 21, 2017.  Since it was our first visit, we decided to not rent a car, but walked into town.  Once there, we took a local bus out into the countryside; then, once back in town, we switched to another bus going in the opposite direction.  After the bus rides, we walked around the nice town, and back to the ship.


These first pictures were taken as the ship was approaching the dock.







On our walk into town, we took the high road which gave us a good view of part of the town.  There are a lot of turf roof buildings in the old town, Tinganes.



Looking down at the harbor from the high road.



Part of the countryside from the bus



On the second bus, we got off in a different part of Torshavn and walked around before catching another bus back to town.  This is the local bus.



The neighborhood we walked in to an interesting church



Vesturkirkjan, aka The West Church.  This Lutheran church was built in 1975, and the interesting tower is 42 meters or almost 138 feet tall.







A lovely stream running through the area



The main part of Torshavn









The government house which IIRC also housed the library where many of us stopped to use the internet.  Torshavn is on Streynoy Island, and is the capital of the Faroe Islands, which are an autonomous territory of Denmark.



We walked by the small boat harbor on our way back to the Prinsendam.



Finally, our home away from home





Nice photos Lenda.

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8 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We had a very nice day when the Prinsendam visited Torshavn on August 21, 2017.  Since it was our first visit, we decided to not rent a car, but walked into town.  Once there, we took a local bus out into the countryside; then, once back in town, we switched to another bus going in the opposite direction.  After the bus rides, we walked around the nice town, and back to the ship.


These first pictures were taken as the ship was approaching the dock.







On our walk into town, we took the high road which gave us a good view of part of the town.  There are a lot of turf roof buildings in the old town, Tinganes.



Looking down at the harbor from the high road.



Part of the countryside from the bus



On the second bus, we got off in a different part of Torshavn and walked around before catching another bus back to town.  This is the local bus.



The neighborhood we walked in to an interesting church



Vesturkirkjan, aka The West Church.  This Lutheran church was built in 1975, and the interesting tower is 42 meters or almost 138 feet tall.







A lovely stream running through the area



The main part of Torshavn









The government house which IIRC also housed the library where many of us stopped to use the internet.  Torshavn is on Streynoy Island, and is the capital of the Faroe Islands, which are an autonomous territory of Denmark.



We walked by the small boat harbor on our way back to the Prinsendam.



Finally, our home away from home





Nice photos Lenda.

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Good evening.

Thank you for today's daily reports.

3 interesting days.

I hope everyone is well and y'all are having a wonderful weekend.

Just got my internet back.

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8 hours ago, LambKnuckles said:

Good morning Dailyites!!  Thank you for the Reports!!


I'll celebrate meanings of the Day with you and partake of the meal and beverages!!


Prayers for all on the Care list and those with reasons to celebrate today!!


And THANK YOU!!   A humble and meaningful Thank You to each of you for the Anniversary wishes from yesterday!  I don't consider myself single, I am a widow and it's still my anniversary!!   This December it will be 20 years he's been gone -- but I have him in my heart and mind!

We are thinking of you and Howard Lambie.

Love and hugs from us both.

G&P xx

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We had a visit to Torshavn on our 50th anniversary cruise aboard the Eurodam in 2008. No photos to show, sorry. We did a ship sponsored walking tour of the city, ending up in a very old turf roofed home where we were treated to lunch. My memory must be failing as the only thing I remember is reindeer sausage. Our guide was a young lady about 30 years younger than me who looked so much like me that several people on the tour asked if we were mother and daughter. The guide told me that I have a very typical Welsh complection; black (at that time) hair, dark brown eyes, very white skin with a bit of rosacea.

I had to go out for appointments every day this week and it has been miserable. Yesterday the actual temperature was 117 with winds both dusty and smokey. Today felt like a blessed relief at 106, very slight breeze and some clouds. We are in our monsoon season but no rain so far. 

@kazuthank goodness the infection has cleared, hopefully the growth can be cleared soon and you will be pain free.

Prayers for those who need them and hurrahs for those who don't.


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@NextOneYears ago I won a week at Race school in a contest with NAPA auto parts.  I never used it, and I couldnt even give it to several of my friends.  (not sure they met all the legal requirements  ) But now, the thought of sitting that close to the ground, and trying to get myself out of the car without tipping the car on it's side so I can slither out, no.  Not going to take it up now.  I would love to coach young women in racing, but me, no.  Dont think they are talking about  pudgy 70 year olds.


@Quartzsite CruiserI found something that DH wants to do in Barcelona.  He wants to visit the F1 track.



Me? Black-Cat-Driving-Easily-Distracted-By-Cats-And-Cars-Racing-Cat.jpg

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Thanks for the HAL Fleet report and the opportunity for dailyites to tell of their daily activities.

Also, thanks for the photos of today's port.

Grey day here, the temperature is 3 C,  gloves and scarf were needed for my walk a short time ago.

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8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@NextOneYears ago I won a week at Race school in a contest with NAPA auto parts.  I never used it, and I couldnt even give it to several of my friends.  (not sure they met all the legal requirements  ) But now, the thought of sitting that close to the ground, and trying to get myself out of the car without tipping the car on it's side so I can slither out, no.  Not going to take it up now.  I would love to coach young women in racing, but me, no.  Dont think they are talking about  pudgy 70 year olds.


@Quartzsite CruiserI found something that DH wants to do in Barcelona.  He wants to visit the F1 track.



Me? Black-Cat-Driving-Easily-Distracted-By-Cats-And-Cars-Racing-Cat.jpg


Annie, glad you found something DH wants to do in Barcelona.  That could be an interesting visit.  One year, we started to drive friom Cherbourg to Le Mans, but realised halfway there, it was too far for a day trip, especially since we had a later start than planned.



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