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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 31st, 2024

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  We had a heck of a night last night.  I had just done a sale, it was around 5:20 , and I sent it through, notified my bosses. and was just about to call my ADA person back, and BOOM! we lost power.  I called my boss to see if he could reach my patron, and he said -cant you call when your power comes back on?  Um, no. It was lightening, thundering, pouring rain, the wind was howling, um, no. I texted him all the info, and left it at that.  Battery was low on the cell phone.  I texted him, that he was awesome, and that we had received news that the power would be on in two hours.  


But that didnt happen.  Because on the street behind our house, a huge tree had fallen and taken out more power lines, so DH and I went to get dinner, and came home to a very dark neighborhood.  We opened the windows, because it was now cooler outside than in, we sat with a few candles lit, and the rechargeable lantern on, and I said, this is ridiculous, why don't we just go to sleep.  We were tired, but the heat was oppressive.  So we listened to the the outdoor sounds.  At 10 we heard something make a woofing noise, it sounded like it was right outside our window,  earth creature or flying creature?  the sound moved down the street, and then to the back of the house.  MIght have been some weird owl call.  Then after dozing for about an hour, we both heard an animal screaming, and heard the coyotes going in for some kind of attack. (Now I really know why Roofus climbs up the dogwood to get on the roof at night)


I heard the porch door slam shut a couple of times, and then woke up at 3 to the sound of the TV, the air conditioner, felt the ceiling fan moving air, and the lights came on on the ones I had not turned off. I got up, closed the windows,  turned off the lights. and the TV and went back to sleep. Got up this morning, checked my cell phone, and my boss had said that my patron was AWFUL.  So I dont know how that was resolved,  if at all.


We did not get to the museum yesterday, but had a lovely breakfast, went to WM to get cat food, which I have to stack today, 4 cans per meal, feeds 12 cats, ( the 8 inside, and the 4 squatters outside) times 2, and thats a lot of cat food to buy.   


I just finished reading yesterday, and I am now ready for today!  And now I can say I have 3 days off.  

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Heavy overcast, heavy feel, maybe rain late tonight but warm, 80 today. In New Jersey everyone goes to the shore Labor Day weekend for the last beach fling of summer. I’m happy to be home!  

Riatia is one stunning place on earth!  DH would love to go back to the SP but I’m reluctant to be so far from everything at this stage of life. Last night he entered the VoV itinerary into our 2026 calendar!  A lot can happen in 2 years!  I’m so grateful for today! And still feeling the glow of our recent adventure cruise to Greenland!  

Sending blessings to all in need of healing comfort or hope! 
Please pray for our DGD Andrea today struggling through an induced labor process which began Thursday night. Hopefully today she can deliver ok. She’s developed liver complications which could be fatal to the baby so they are trying for an early delivery. She’s young and strong and has good care and her husband at her side through it all. 

A safe and happy holiday weekend to all my Dailyite family and friends wherever you are in our world! Maureen 


From Signal Hill (of Marconi radio signal fame) St John’s Newfoundland looking at the harbour and Emerald Princess. And from the ship! 



Edited by RMLincoln
Ugh why do some photos flip upside down?
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  A number of local businesses recognized International Overdose Day yesterday by wearing purple in support of the cause.  It depends on which side of the lawsuit you're on, but I guess litigating lawyers deserve love, too.  I've never used diatomaceous earth, but may use it next year to help deal with the ants in the lawn and along the driveway.


Another cool start to the morning (I'm seeing a trend here) with our temp sitting at only 7(44F), and it's not going to be overly warm today with a high of 22(71), so maybe the "f" word is really on the way.  I'm sure we'll have a few temperature spikes over the coming weeks, but looking at the fall flowers that are currently on sale, it means our summer is winding down.  


@NextOnesending prayers for your DSIL

@Vict0riannpraying for your young house cleaner; what a devastating diagnosis.

@RMLincolnpraying all goes well for your DGD and that both she and her baby are healthy.

@TbayBon Voyage; have a great cruise!

@marshhawkthat's quite a big family you're feeding!

@Seasick Sailorsafe travels for you and Allen today!

@kazuI hope your move goes smoothly.  


Took DH for a massage yesterday and I think it helped a bit - he spent most of the day in the recliner alternating heat and cold, and used a different pillow last night.  This morning he's doing better - he didn't have to get up in the night to sleep upright which is a good thing.  We'll keep up with the heat/cold and hopefully that'll fix him right up.  Early this afternoon we're meeting our friends Wayne & Fran for brunch; we haven't seen them for a few weeks as we'd been away and they've had family come for summertime visits, so it'll be nice to get together again and catch up.  Garage door opener update - now it appears it might get installed on Tuesday.   Thankfully the only vehicle in there is the roofless car (which I don't drive), so we aren't terribly inconvenienced by it.


I'll take a pass on the drink (bourbon), will let others enjoy the white wine, but am looking forward to the shrimp recipe.  I've got some hamburger patties thawing that DH will cook on the grill and we'll enjoy them along with cucumber salad on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, and even for those who don't think they are.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning from a potentially lazy day in central Texas.  My plan was to mow and trim the grass this morning, but after looking at it last night when we got back from our golf cart ride, we decided it really didn't need mowing -- yet.  We'll work on picking out our HIA shore excursions on our two up coming cruises.  It is currently 73F with a 1mph wind, 94% humidity and a dew point of 71F.  The predicted high will be 71F.  We don't have any plans to leave our little community this weekend.  Last night when I went into town to pick up our pizzas (following Gerry's @ger_77 Friday night example) all the traffic was heading toward the lake.  We have a Corps of Engineers park just down the road from us, and another one just across the bridge, and they will be busy this weekend.


This afternoon we'll be watching the Texas Longhorns first football game as part of the SEC when they play the Colorado State Rams🤘  HOOKEM HORNS!  🤘


Sadly there are too many overdoses, and we should be aware of the signs.  Litigating lawyers are necessary, but I don't love them.  Diatomaceous earth is important for gardeners.


The Marcus Tullius Cicero quote is true, but some need to think a bit more before they act.


The shrimp sounds good, but without the cooked tomatoes.  I'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds like one I'd enjoy, and for once, the price is good, too.


We have been to Raiatea several times, and I'll share some pictures.  Since we have gone snorkeling when we were there, I don't have too many pictures.


Thomas Edison's invention of the Kinetoscope in 1897 changed the entertainment industry.  This day in 1997 was a sad day for England and the rest of the world.  The saddest part is how their mother's death changed two young boy's lives.


@seagarsmoker  That is good news the job is going well with the added bonus of being a little ahead of schedule.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, safe travels to you and Allen today.  Do you have a direct flight to Seattle, or like most of Texas, do you have to fly to DFW first?

@ottahand7  Nancy, you will love Raiatea.  It is such a beautiful island, and not as developed at Tahiti.  We looked at doing that cruise, but decided for the time being to stay a little closer to home.

@1ANGELCAT  I've always wondered how some one serves a sentence added onto a life sentence.  

@Mr. Boston  Enjoy your dinner with your former neighbor.

@Denise T  Denise, I imagine if the pilots strike, it will be settled quickly.

@marshhawk  Annie, that sounds like quite a storm last night.  I hope you did not have any damage.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, sending positive thoughts for your DGD Andrea to have a successful delivery and a healthy baby soon.  I hope once the baby is delivered, the liver issue clears up, too.

@FlorenceItaly  Welcome to The Fleet Report and Daily.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad your DH's neck is feeling better.

@dfish  Debbie, we are looking forward to seeing you and Sue again.  Those crepes look wonderful, especially Sue's.  DH and I would probably split each one.

@Lady Hudson  Welcome home, Katherine.
















Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Looking back through my pictures, I found a few from our last cruise that stopped at Raiatea.  The island is not often included in cruises to French Polynesia from US ports.  We have been there when we have taken cruises from Papeete.  Our other stops in Raiatea were in the pre-digital age.


In 2004, we did b2b cruises on Tahitian Princess.  The first included the Cook Islands and the second stopped at a couple of islands east of Tahiti.  Both cruises called at Raiatea.  


On November 29, 2004, the weather in Raiatea was not the best.  We rented a car and drove around the island.  These are a few pictures from our drive.



We stopped at a hotel that had over the water cabins.  Someday, I would like to spend a few days at one.  It would be nice to just walk out of your room and jump in the water to snorkel.







On December 11, 2004, IIRC, we did a snorkeling tour.  These pictures were taken from the boat.









Walking around town, we saw quite a few shops decorated for Christmas.  They mainly had aluminum trees, and frankly, the did look a little out of place in that tropical setting.



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Again, apologies for the delay. Company here until Tuesday so not even much time to read the daily. 


Rosemary garlic shrimp and tomato kabobs


A quick and delicious way to grill shrimp. Both recipes call for marinating the shrimp. The first one grills cherry tomatoes with the shrimp, the second one is just shrimp on the skewer. Be prepared for each guest to eat a couple! 


Shrimp Kebabs with Cherry Tomatoes - Healthy Seasonal Recipes



Grilled Shrimp Skewers with Tomato, Garlic & Herbs




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Cat update: leaving Vet now w/a grumpy but otherwise healthy cat. His urinalysis was good and no fever. Vet says continue trying to get him to drink, but he's likely getting enough water by way of the canned food. She says add some water to it.

Thanks for ALL the prayers - they worked!!

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I got an update on DSIL (DD DH's younger sister) last night. They found a large mass on her right kidney and several spots on her lungs. I'm sad, but not surprised because she's been a heavy smoker all of her life.

She was released while the hospital made arrangements for her to meet with an oncologists and decide next steps. She still has the Sept. 10 CT scan scheduled to see if she also has an ulcer. Please keep her in your prayers -- her name is Sandy.

Thank you!

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Good morning. Cool this morning. Fall is in the air.


Also in the air is the sound of motorcycles.... it is the annual rally in Durango and frankly I hate it. Last night there were cycles roaring up and down the streets until the wee hours of the morning. I am prepared for it and will be staying off the roads this weekend except for a quick trip out to the shelter with stuff for the thrift store. I will be so glad when this weekend is over.


The meal looks interesting as does the destination.


The Corgi is still missing... I am afraid he was the victim of a mountain lion. This is why my dogs are always leashed and close to me. I feel so sorry for his owner.


Off to load up the car and the dogs need another walk. Prayers for Andrea and baby and for Sandy and for anyone else needing them. @kazuHope things are going more smoothly for you.



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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites 


Jeez, dreams last night of oversleeping, wrong time on the clock, backed up traffic missing our flight. We should have taken Rich's approach of heading to Seattle before the holiday rush.


Little Oliver knows something is up. He's been sticking like glue to me the past few days. He and Elizabeth are great buddies and he will be in good hands.


Saying my prayers now before our day starts. Wishing each of you a safe, healthy and happy Labor Day weekend. God bless!

I do that too.  And it normally results in no sleep the night before a trip.  I've missed many sail aways because I was napping in my room as soon as muster was over.  

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Good morning all!

We're having lovely late summer weather, up to the low 80's today and lots of sunshine.  Like I told Rich yesterday, he and the others here now for the Majestic Japan cruise picked the right week!  (except for the fact that it's Labor Day Weekend, Bumbershoot, and Metallica in Seattle 2 nights!)  DS was at their concert last night, he was a big Metallica fan in high school.  He met up with some of his old friends there.  


Overdose awareness is always so important.  I'll pass on loving litigating lawyers -- sorry, but after working for a large firm in Washington DC I just can't.  I have a bag of Diatomaceous earth, I just need to remember to use it.


Not sure about the quote, I like the meal -- especially the 2nd recipe, but will pass on the red wine and drink.  We were in French Polynesia on the GANZ and came close to this port, but I think I remember it was removed from the itinerary.  It's a gorgeous part of the planet.  Probably most of us remember where we were when it was announced that Princess Diana had died.  We were having dinner at a restaurant on our way home from a week in Yellowstone.  Shocking and sad.


Today DH has a little more pressure washing to do, otherwise we'll just take it easy until it's time to take the drive south to meet up with Rich and his friend for dinner.  Should be a nice evening!


Bon Voyage @Tbay!

Welcome home @Lady Hudson!

Nancy @ottahand7 I'll say it again, I love the colors of your Daylillies!

Maureen @RMLincoln Prayers for your DGD Andrea that she has a safe delivery and healthy baby.

Welcome to the Daily @FlorenceItaly!

Elizabeth @Haljo1935 I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I read your update about kitty.  Great news!  I wonder why he doesn't want to drink water, but wonderful that the vet says he's getting enough with the wet food.  🙂  

Edi @NextOne Prayers for your DSIL who has kidney and lung masses.  







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2 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

We were in French Polynesia on the GANZ and came close to this port, but I think I remember it was removed from the itinerary. 

I think this was the port dropped when Bora Bora was added back

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Good Morning,


The cat let me sleep until 6:30 today and then it was a quick trip to the grocery store, not going to walk today, there's mugginess in the air, and I get short of breath on those days, I should have done it yesterday, oh well, plenty of housework to do to make up for it.  


Bon voyage to everybody leaving for cruises!


44 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Cat update: leaving Vet now w/a grumpy but otherwise healthy cat. His urinalysis was good and no fever. Vet says continue trying to get him to drink, but he's likely getting enough water by way of the canned food. She says add some water to it.

Thanks for ALL the prayers - they worked!!

I had this problem years ago, we couldn't get the cat to drink so we did just that, added water to his food and I still do it.  Now he's drinking all the time because he's a geriatric kitty and it probably means diabetes.  


34 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cool this morning. Fall is in the air.


Also in the air is the sound of motorcycles.... it is the annual rally in Durango and frankly I hate it. Last night there were cycles roaring up and down the streets until the wee hours of the morning. I am prepared for it and will be staying off the roads this weekend except for a quick trip out to the shelter with stuff for the thrift store. I will be so glad when this weekend is over.


The meal looks interesting as does the destination.


The Corgi is still missing... I am afraid he was the victim of a mountain lion. This is why my dogs are always leashed and close to me. I feel so sorry for his owner.


Off to load up the car and the dogs need another walk. Prayers for Andrea and baby and for Sandy and for anyone else needing them. @kazuHope things are going more smoothly for you.



Just warm days here brings the sound of motorcycles.  Yesterday while sitting on the deck I was thinking how pleasant it would have been without all that engine noise, so I'm with you!  


@NextOne prayers for DSIL.


@Quartzsite Cruiser I remember the aluminum tree trend in the mid-70s, I thought they disappeared decades ago but apparently they are still going strong.  I hope the horns do well, I was a fan for a number of years, my brother went to school there. 


I have diatomaceous earth in my gardening cupboard at all times, lots of uses for it both inside and out.


3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cloudy and humid morning.

It’s hard to believe that it has been 27 years since Princess Diana was killed in the car crash. I was onboard the old Nieuw Amsterdam just sailing from Vancouver when the news broke that she had died.💔

Last year on this date is when Danelo Cavalcante made his escape and began the 2 weeks of terror for people in the area Strangely enough he was actually back in court yesterday to be charged on the escape and burglary charges. He did plead guilty and was sentenced for an additional 10 years to his life sentence.

I hope everyone has a good day.

27 years?!  I think that's always going to be one of those events you remember exactly what you were doing when you found out about it.  


Prayers for everybody/thing on the list.  Bon Voyage to all about to leave for a trip. Welcome home and happy laundering day to all those returning.  


Have a lovely Saturday everyone!





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20 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having lovely late summer weather, up to the low 80's today and lots of sunshine.  Like I told Rich yesterday, he and the others here now for the Majestic Japan cruise picked the right week!  (except for the fact that it's Labor Day Weekend, Bumbershoot, and Metallica in Seattle 2 nights!)  DS was at their concert last night, he was a big Metallica fan in high school.  He met up with some of his old friends there.  


Overdose awareness is always so important.  I'll pass on loving litigating lawyers -- sorry, but after working for a large firm in Washington DC I just can't.  I have a bag of Diatomaceous earth, I just need to remember to use it.


Not sure about the quote, I like the meal -- especially the 2nd recipe, but will pass on the red wine and drink.  We were in French Polynesia on the GANZ and came close to this port, but I think I remember it was removed from the itinerary.  It's a gorgeous part of the planet.  Probably most of us remember where we were when it was announced that Princess Diana had died.  We were having dinner at a restaurant on our way home from a week in Yellowstone.  Shocking and sad.


Today DH has a little more pressure washing to do, otherwise we'll just take it easy until it's time to take the drive south to meet up with Rich and his friend for dinner.  Should be a nice evening!


Bon Voyage @Tbay!

Welcome home @Lady Hudson!

Nancy @ottahand7 I'll say it again, I love the colors of your Daylillies!

Maureen @RMLincoln Prayers for your DGD Andrea that she has a safe delivery and healthy baby.

Welcome to the Daily @FlorenceItaly!

Elizabeth @Haljo1935 I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I read your update about kitty.  Great news!  I wonder why he doesn't want to drink water, but wonderful that the vet says he's getting enough with the wet food.  🙂  

Edi @NextOne Prayers for your DSIL who has kidney and lung masses.  







You forgot about "Pax West", the gaming convention, they completely took over both convention centers in downtown Seattle.  This was going on when we did the restart cruise a few years back and it was long lines everywhere, so it was smart to avoid downtown.  I highly suggest anybody heading to port to allow plenty of extra time, it's not the weekend to be racing against the clock. 

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