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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday September 22nd, 2024


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Good afternoon from an increasingly cloudy central Texas where it's 89F.  Not a lot going on around here today.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny and chilly this morning. It was 43F when dogs and I walked about an hour ago. High today is forecast for 62F. We got lots of rain on and off yesterday and evidently also last night as everything was very wet when I went out. The rain seems to be delaying our fall colors but I can see the changes now almost daily.


The town is really quiet these days with most of the tourists gone. I am meeting for friends for a couple of dinners this week as seating will not be a problem. The next influx of people will be ski season as most of the hunters stay out of town and the leaf peepers come and go quickly. I am seeing lots more deer in the backyard.... they know they are safe in town.


Off to clear the kitchen and work on a couple of boxes from my back bedroom. Load the car again so I can do clearance runs tomorrow morning.


Best wishes to all. That Hawaii cruise in January sound good, but getting out of Durango in the winter is always a worry.






Susan, for a couple of years eons ago, we were some of the skiers.  Except for stopping at City Market on the way through town, we stuck pretty close to the ski slopes and the condos we rented.  The Hawaii cruise begins on January 11 which would give time after the holidays to fly out early and enjoy some warm weather in San Diego.  We'd love for you to join our group of Dailyites.


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We could go car free today, as we don't have to be anywhere but home.  I have a friend who makes chainmail pieces and has had some in a couple of movies.  I had a diary as a teenager and would like to go back to see what I wrote in them, but they're long gone.


It's cool and cloudy, but it appears the rains have moved on.  Overnight in the southern part of the province they had frost warnings, so all plants that were wanting to be kept were under covers.  Thankfully it only went to 6(42) so we didn't have to worry about covering anything.  Yesterday I did go out and pull out a couple of plants that had given their all for this year and put their remains in the compost bin; we still have a number of large begonias, papyrus and Boston ferns to provide some life to the back yard.


My cold has changed to a cough overnight - spent a good deal of the night with a cough drop in my mouth, after taking a swig of some vile tasting stuff from the medicine cabinet.  I'm afraid I kept DH up most of the night, so I'm letting him sleep this morning.   I phoned our friend Fran yesterday morning to say I didn't want to pass along my cold to her and Wayne, particularly since Wayne just recently had a pacemaker installed, so they had a quiet dinner for 2 last night.  We've decided to get together in a couple of weeks instead.


@LambKnuckles Happy Birthday to your DS.

@smitty34877glad your DSIL stayed over to help you out; I hope your DD feels better soon and that you don't have a bad reaction to your vaccination tomorrow.

@JazzyVI'm not sure how you do it; living in constant pain, yet here you are every day before the rest of us get here.  

@kazuhopefully the missing articles will soon be returned to you.


I'd like the drink of the day, but with just blended scotch, nothing else, will pass on the wine, but I do love a good grilled chicken sandwich!  I've got a frozen bag of chicken soup thawing in the fridge that we're going to be slurping up in the kitchen along with some crusty buns for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Cheers to all with celebrations, prayers for those in need.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, I hope you are over your cold soon.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and a very happy birthday to Lambie's River!   For the last few days I have been dropping in quickly, but never have found the time or energy to post...  I'm so sorry about Roy's health concerns, and Jacqui's problems with her move and her health.  

On Thursday, Pat started complaining of chest pain/discomfort, so we went to the hospital, and sat for a very long time on very uncomfortable seats (my back is still aching), until Pat was finally put in a cubicle in  emergency at 5 a.m.,, on Friday.  The place is a madhouse!  Once you get in, the care is excellent, but there were gurneys in hallways, people sitting, bandaged, in awkward places, it's amazing anything gets done!   Later, Friday at 10 p.m., he was admitted to the hospital and he is now in the cardiac care unit waiting - I hope tomorrow we will hear that they agree to give him a new valve on "TAVI Tuesday".  He has been receiving iron infusions, as he is anaemic, but that is all, and he's wearing a heart monitor.   Yesterday he had less chest pain, but he's not doing anything, just lying in bed.  I did get him up a couple of times for a little walk, but he got quite breathless, so the nurse said that today he should do less...  Tomorrow I have two appointments at the cancer clinic, so I'll be able to visit him in between and just hope he will have good news.   A couple of days ago, I came home to find cookies on the doorstep - our ailing cleaning lady, Leanne, had been in the complex!  I called to thank her and she said she had been 3 days in the hospital getting the feeding tube, now she has a week or so break, and then she will have chemo and radiation at the same time to shrink the tumours, then another break and then surgery to remove part of her esophagus and attach her stomach to her throat.  She is amazing, very determined and positive in outlook.  Please pray for her!



Ann, I'm sorry that Pat started having chest pains and is in the hospital.  Hopefully, that will move him up on the list, and he will get the new valve on Tuesday.  I hope your two appointments tomorrow go well.  Sending positive thoughts for Pat, you and Leanne.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

@Vict0riann so sorry to hear your news.  But hoping there will be a silver lining for your DH.  I’m sorry you’re having to juggle so many things right now!   Prayers all goes well! 

@LambKnuckles happy birthday to River! 

@ger_77 hope you feel better soon!  

@Denise T the wedding sounded lovely! So nice to honour and include your late sister! 

@cruising sister nice to hear from you and glad Murphy is enjoying her little sibling.  

Hope we hear from those missing, @Nickelpenny@MISTER 67 and Linda D. 

To all those Hawaii cruisers @dfish @Sharon in AZ @Quartzsite Cruiser  plus plus. Happy to meet up if you have time when you visit my winter home of Kona 😎 other wise I’ll toast you at sailaway! 



Brenda, so far we only have the Glassbottom  Boat tour booked in Kona for the late morning.  Maybe we will be able to meet in the afternoon, and I'm sorry our tour did not allow us time to meet last winter.  I don't know what has happened to @Nickelpenny Penny, but @lindaler  was planning on going on the Japan cruise in spite of an emergency her son was dealing with.  I wonder if the situation changed.  @MISTER 67 was upset  about a comment that was not meant to be serious regarding Dailyites who do not now cruise HAL.  In his last post, he said he was leaving The Daily and HAL boards.  Many of us asked him to reconsider, but I'm not sure if he saw the posts.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

Nice to meet a fellow elephant collector. Mine have taken over my China cabinet so I don’t have to dust quite as often. Bigger statues are scattered throughout the house.



Eva, that is quite a collection of elephants.  I'm not sure if I can call my small group of elephants a collection.  When we were in Agra, India, one stop was a factory where they made marble tables inlaid with semi-precious stones.  We purchased a small end table, and the salesman gave me a marble elephant with inlaid stones.  He told me it was good luck to have the elephants facing an outside door.  Just in case it's true, my are facing the patio door.


Now, I'll see if the rest of the memes will load, and not double load.   🤞











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2 hours ago, durangoscots said:



Best wishes to all. That Hawaii cruise in January sound good, but getting out of Durango in the winter is always a worry.



As Lenda said, there is time to leave early for the cruise after the holidays.  It would be fun to have you come along.  We're flying in on the 9th and staying a day extra after the cruise.


@JazzyV Sorry to hear the history of swollen legs.  I hope this one can be taken care of and the pain relieved before your cruise.

@Vict0riann I am so sorry to hear of Pat's troubles, but he is right where he needs to be.  I hope TAVI Tuesday comes through for him.

@bennybear We are in port from 8 am to 6 pm.  We have snorkeling at 8:35 am, so the afternoon would be free for a coffee or cocktail.  That would be so cool if we could do that.  

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Woo Hoo - 5 days! I really should pack 🥴



Can anyone currently on or recently off a BHB confirm movies are indeed being shown in Rolling Stone? This is from the Navigator for my upcoming Eurodam cruise and not the first time I've seen it. Seems strange place to show a movie.



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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn @StLouisCruisers.

I will be car free today, as I'm not going anywhere. Chainmail is hopefully no longer needed. I had a diary as a kid, and sometimes keep a travel one just to recall where I've been (helpful for labeling photos). A true quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Cascade. 2 sad days in history.


It's partly sunny and going into the mid-80's later. Happy Fall! We got a little rain yesterday, not enough, but it's supposed to rain Mon-Thurs, about 2" total. That will help. I hope to get laundry done, although dreading the trips up and down the basement steps. I've been staying down there during the washing part. Maybe I can stream the football game on my phone, as I don't want to wait until after it to start. I also need to feed my sourdough starter, and perhaps start working on bread dough later, to proof overnight. So sad about the mass shooting in Alabama. 


@St Pete Cruiser Welcome home!

@rafinmd I hope today is a better day, and that you are able to get back to rehab soon.

@kazu Continued prayers for you.

@StLouisCruisers Another 3 good days: I like ice cream, am a LOTR fan, and like elephants (I collect small statues of them). 

@LambKnuckles Happy 36th Birthday to River! 

@smitty34877 I'm glad DSIL was able to help last night. Sorry DD is feeling under the weather from her Covid booster, and I hope yours doesn't make you feel unwell. Congrats to the teenager's team! 

@dfish I had an episode of cellulitis in my right leg in 2017. I told my new at the time PCP that my legs would swell (I worked on my feet a lot) and she referred me to a lymphedema clinic. It's fairly mild, but I've worn compression stockings since then. The right leg was always the larger one. This new problem is in my left leg. Since I've been keeping my legs up so much, the right one looks pretty good and is smaller than the left.

@ottahand7 I grew up at the shore in NJ and we had Kohr's on the boardwalk. 

@Denise T The wedding sounds lovely and emotional. Your DB isn't watching the Steelers?? LOL.

@cruising sister So cute about DGS's observations on neighbors with white hair!

@ger_77 Sorry you've progressed to a cough now. Feel better soon.

@grapau27 That was nice of you to help your friend out, but colonoscopy on a Sunday? Here it's only Mon-Fri.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

He is visiting with me now and the Steelers game is not on here. He is watching the Eagles with us and he is a diehard Eagles fan. 

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Today's update just came in from Roy, and I wish it was better news.  I can just hope the doctor is wrong in his prognosis.


A pretty depressing day.  Slept relatively well but the cardiologist was indicated ny discharge would likely be to some form of palliative care.  Dozed a lot today.

Online worship was an automatic broadcast today but apparently ran past the automatic shutoff time.

That’s about it for today.



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Good afternoon, and happy fall.  I could have been car free today as I could walk to church, but it was raining.  It's been raining most of the day, we need it!  I'll take a grilled chicken sandwich.  We had a nice time yesterday.  We watched the giant pumpkin weigh-ins. The winner was over 1900 lbs.  This one was 1400!



@LambKnucklesHappy Birthday to River! 

@JazzyVPrayers you feel better soon...

@smitty34877Good to hear you had an overnight helper.  I'm trying to figure out when to get my boosters...I don't want to feel poorly for the days I have things to do!  The Covid boosters have given me flu like symptoms in the past.  I feel your daughter's pain...Good to hear your teenager's team won! 

@Denise TGreat to hear that you all had a wonderful time yesterday! 

@Vict0riannHoping your DH can get his surgery this week! 

@grapau27I enjoy your sea view and food pictures!  Thanks for sharing! 

@rafinmdPrayers you're feeling better today, and that your rehab continues.  


Have a good rest of the day!  Go Packers...they're doing well so far with the new QB!  K

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Hi Everyone,

Checking back in to say hi. Lots going on, on here


Prayers of comfort and healing to all suffering and challenged with health issues, especially @rafinmd.

@JazzyV you are a strong person, best wishes for improvement for healing soon.


@Denise T the wedding sounds lovely especially the honoring of your sister, the Mom of the groom. How exciting that your cruise is close! IMO packing and planning are part of the fun. It is the unpacking that I don't really care for.

Do the peeps on The Daily here know that @DeniseT has started a cruise review on the NCL page? I don't remember if I saw it mentioned. @Denise T I hope you do not mind that I mentioned it here.

It is a beautiful day here in the Twin Cities, MN; blue sky, 66F and no wind. Absolutely perfect, IMO. We have to enjoy it because we only get a couple of these perfect days a year. We had one last June so we are good for the year...lol!

I also need to have my AC unit replaced. I can't remember who else said they were too. Yes, it is spendy but mine lasted 24 years so not too bad but we only use ours for ~3-4 months out of the year. Oh well, it is what owning a home is about.

Glad to hear from the current cruisers and that they are enjoying themselves.Safe travels to anyone traveling.


Going to a family birthday dinner this evening which should be fun. I have a pretty good family and we enjoy getting together. We are lucky. We are going to a nice locally owned family restaurant. They have good food and of course there will be wine. 😉

Prayers for all of us especially those strugging with things going on in their lives; it is difficult sometimes.

Thank you to all contributors on the Daily; I appreciate it.

Please take care all. 😎



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Today's update just came in from Roy, and I wish it was better news.  I can just hope the doctor is wrong in his prognosis.


A pretty depressing day.  Slept relatively well but the cardiologist was indicated ny discharge would likely be to some form of palliative care.  Dozed a lot today.

Online worship was an automatic broadcast today but apparently ran past the automatic shutoff time.

That’s about it for today.



Our prayers 🙏 go out to Roy @rafinmd.



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Good evening to all.

Thank you to all who keep this thread going.,

Sorry for being so lax in writing.

I realize that making a round trip to Jacksonville in one day is just too much for me.

Yesterday I was basically a basket case and could do nothing.

I have recuperated.


My friend Jackie is home, However, it appears that in performing the laparoscopic surgery to repair the hernia, they punctured the bladder. So now she has to see a urologist.  Not really sure how serious this is and what it entails.  She is home and very tired and weak.  Her sister is staying with her.


My friend Janet’s husband fell face forward on the pavement yesterday after they went to vote early.  He had to be taken to the ER.  He has facial bruises, a broken orbital bone, and a few broken ribs.  He was sent home and is resting.


We are doing all right.  I am afraid to say so because everything around me is not going well.  Don’t want to jinx it.  Thank you to those who keep us in your prayers.  We do appreciate it and it really makes a difference.  We take each day as it comes.  Some are better than others.  I never know until we both have our two feet on the floor each day as to what the day will bring.


@rafinmd Roy,  I am sorry to hear of your setback and I will prayer for better news in the coming days. 

@JazzyV Vanessa, Hope your leg improves and you are able to up and around better.

@smitty34877 Terry, you and Tana are always in my prayers.

@StLouisCruisers Sandy Prayers for a good outocome on the medical tests.

@St Pete Cruiser Welcome Home

@LambKnuckles Happy Birthday to River

@kazu Hoping you find your lost items and that you are able to get your cataract surgery soon. 


Don’t have much else to report. Prayers for everyone and cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


God Bless,


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I am sending strong positive vibes and prayers to all. We seen to be on a bit of a downward spiral right now. Hope things get better for all. @rafinmdI was very sorry to hear your news....there is so much variation in what arrangements the dr. feels needs to be made.... hope they are minimal.



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Not much on the agenda today. Did my morning swim, shopping and visit with my 95 year old mother and then my DH is watching football and I am reading the Jodi Picoult book "By Any other Name".  


Just a FYI palliative care is not hospice care - it is not end of life care, but rather a form of care that encompasses a team approach to address all of the patient's various needs, including not only medical needs, but social needs, spiritual needs, etc.  Most people wrongly associate palliative care with hospice care but it is not the same.  I am hoping that for Roy this was explained to him, since it seems he does need supportive care to go home, since he lives alone, and has multiple medical issues that he needs to address. It is so much better to have a team approach that is aware of all your needs vs the piecemeal approach that is unfortunately our normal system in the US.


@Vict0riann - I do hope your DH gets the needed valve ASAP and that your treatment also goes well.  


@Cruzin Terri  I am amazed at how you were able to drive to Jacksonville and back in one day.  Glad that you were able to collapse and rest yesterday and that you are doing better today.  


@JazzyV I do hope your leg gets better.  I don't know how you go the basement to do laundry and up and down the stairs in your home.  I hope you got to watch the game on your phone.


I hope everyone has a good day.  I emailed customer support on CC to see if they could ask @Nickelpennyto just give us a quick shout out post to let us all know if she is okay. My guess is that they can't do anything at all.  I do hope that she is okay. Even though I don't post very much @StLouisCruisers has my email. I think everyone here should share their email with at last one person so we can make sure they are okay.    


@kazu    I wish things were going better for you and hope the movers can find your boxes.  I do hope the surgery is scheduled quickly so you can go on your trip, 

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@Vict0riannI'm sorry to hear Pat had chest pains, but he's in the best place possible for them to deal with it.  Did you drive him to the hospital?  Here if you want to be seen urgently, rather than waiting for interminable amounts of time in the waiting room, you dial 9-1-1 and have them scoot you through.  I hope it proves to be TAVI Tuesday for him this week!

@rafinmdsorry things haven't improved, but again, you're in the best place where they can stabilize you and get you well enough to return home.  


Continued prayers for all of our Daily friends.

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31 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

Not much on the agenda today. Did my morning swim, shopping and visit with my 95 year old mother and then my DH is watching football and I am reading the Jodi Picoult book "By Any other Name".  


Just a FYI palliative care is not hospice care - it is not end of life care, but rather a form of care that encompasses a team approach to address all of the patient's various needs, including not only medical needs, but social needs, spiritual needs, etc.  Most people wrongly associate palliative care with hospice care but it is not the same.  I am hoping that for Roy this was explained to him, since it seems he does need supportive care to go home, since he lives alone, and has multiple medical issues that he needs to address. It is so much better to have a team approach that is aware of all your needs vs the piecemeal approach that is unfortunately our normal system in the US.


I was going to say the same thing, but you beat me to it and did it so much better than I would have done.  Palliative care can help the medical care work more effectively when all patient needs are met.  


31 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

I hope everyone has a good day.  I emailed customer support on CC to see if they could ask @Nickelpennyto just give us a quick shout out post to let us all know if she is okay. My guess is that they can't do anything at all.  I do hope that she is okay. Even though I don't post very much @StLouisCruisers has my email. I think everyone here should share their email with at last one person so we can make sure they are okay.    



It is concerning that we still have not heard from @Nickelpenny.  If anyone knows how to contact her, I hope they do try.


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1 minute ago, dfish said:


I was going to say the same thing, but you beat me to it and did it so much better than I would have done.  Palliative care can help the medical care work more effectively when all patient needs are met.  



It is concerning that we still have not heard from @Nickelpenny.  If anyone knows how to contact her, I hope they do try.


I  saw that @Nickelpenny in one of her posts said that she emailed Jacqui.  Maybe  @kazu can check her emails and if she has time she can send an email to Penney to let her know we are all concerned about her.  I just hope Penney is okay and just very busy.  


@dfish I am sure I didn't say it better than you would have, my guess is we know about these levels of care due to our families.  

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 I have only been able to read the daily off and on for the past few weeks and I feel like I have missed some or many important things going on with our Daily Friends I am not going to be able to back and catch up with everything so if I make any inappropiate comments please forgive me.As many of you know  we brought my son here on Aug. 3rd, he wound up in the hospital the next day for about a week, was discharged and the following weekend he fell while I was at church and had to go to ER.  Since then he has been seen at the wound clinic once a week and by his PP once a week. He is slowly but surely getting stronger. We can't find a GI Specialist to see him before Nov. This past 10 day period my body has rebelled with a flareup of my colitis and also a flare of either heart failure or bronchitis. Today I am feeling somewhat better and hopeful that I can get my son to wound care and also go to the grocery store tomorrow. I continue to worry about and pray for Dailyite Friends who need it and praise God for those who do not need our prayers.

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Good Sunday Evening Dailyites!  I have been reading the daily on and off all day.  And just as I was going to post, something came up., and away I went. So, I watched Father David, I watched the F1 race, I had a nice long NOT TOO HOT shower!  (gee it was over 90 today) We had leftover sausage biscuits for breakfast, and met up with our friends at lunch.  We were supposed to meet at the restaurant at 1, she called me at 1:10 and they were just leaving home.  We ordered right after they got there because the husband knew right away what he wanted.  And so did she, but they didn't read the menu and were upset that what they ordered didn't have the normal things that come with their meals at other restaurants.  And once again I ordered what I wanted and liked but it was way too much for me.  And so the idea of fixing dinner, didn't happen, and we had ice cream for dinner.


@Denise TAgain I appreciate your countdown, as it was also the same (a day or two off) for my vacation, and BFF's arrival.  Until I talked with him on  Friday, and he is not arriving on the 10th, but the 9th.  Glad I made that call before I made my schedule.  I'm glad that the wedding turned out so beautifully, and yes please post pictures.


@Vict0riannYour hubby is right where he needs to be, and I do agree with @ger_77 when needing ER, call the ambulance.  Years ago DH was chopping wood for the wood burning stove, and cut his finger with the axe.  When I noticed the amount of blood, I wrapped his hand and drove to the ER.  He sat outside in the waiting room for 3 hours, and by the time we got to see a doc, she said, you should have come in as soon as this happened, I cant do stitches on it now.  I almost slapped her, but I did tell her we were here 3 hours ago, your triage team didn't think it was necessary.  Now?  I dial 911. 


I read an article about doing that too.  You may be too frazzled to drive well, the patient may get worse on the way, and then you don't have an address for 911 and treatment starts immediately once the paramedics arrive.  Which helped DH when he had his heart attack.  He called 911, then called me, I was at work, and asked me what hospital he should go to, I told him, the paramedics arrived, he was outside in a chair, and he flatlined on the way to the hospital.  If I had been driving him, he would have died.


@tupper10Thank you for your very informative information, and I am beginning to think that this would be appropriate for my DH, and me.  There are so many things that we have swept under the carpet, because we foolishly think that we will be around forever.


Well, even with his bad news, DH has yet to acknowledge it, but I had another one of those moments after lunch that I experienced on last years cruise, where I could not breathe. My arms started tingling, and I told myself, nope, you are not going to die or pass out at a mexican restaurant, it would look bad for the restaurant. I finally caught my breathe, and carried on as if nothing had happened.  Went grocery shopping, but I am so tired this afternoon. I have one more chore to do, and I told Dh, I am going to bed.  He does not understand going to sleep when there is still light in the sky. To me before I met him it was the normal thing to do.


@rafinmd 29a20bb354904ef00aa66b50029ad9a2.gif



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10 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Evening Dailyites!  I have been reading the daily on and off all day.  And just as I was going to post, something came up., and away I went. So, I watched Father David, I watched the F1 race, I had a nice long NOT TOO HOT shower!  (gee it was over 90 today) We had leftover sausage biscuits for breakfast, and met up with our friends at lunch.  We were supposed to meet at the restaurant at 1, she called me at 1:10 and they were just leaving home.  We ordered right after they got there because the husband knew right away what he wanted.  And so did she, but they didn't read the menu and were upset that what they ordered didn't have the normal things that come with their meals at other restaurants.  And once again I ordered what I wanted and liked but it was way too much for me.  And so the idea of fixing dinner, didn't happen, and we had ice cream for dinner.


@Denise TAgain I appreciate your countdown, as it was also the same (a day or two off) for my vacation, and BFF's arrival.  Until I talked with him on  Friday, and he is not arriving on the 10th, but the 9th.  Glad I made that call before I made my schedule.  I'm glad that the wedding turned out so beautifully, and yes please post pictures.


@Vict0riannYour hubby is right where he needs to be, and I do agree with @ger_77 when needing ER, call the ambulance.  Years ago DH was chopping wood for the wood burning stove, and cut his finger with the axe.  When I noticed the amount of blood, I wrapped his hand and drove to the ER.  He sat outside in the waiting room for 3 hours, and by the time we got to see a doc, she said, you should have come in as soon as this happened, I cant do stitches on it now.  I almost slapped her, but I did tell her we were here 3 hours ago, your triage team didn't think it was necessary.  Now?  I dial 911. 


I read an article about doing that too.  You may be too frazzled to drive well, the patient may get worse on the way, and then you don't have an address for 911 and treatment starts immediately once the paramedics arrive.  Which helped DH when he had his heart attack.  He called 911, then called me, I was at work, and asked me what hospital he should go to, I told him, the paramedics arrived, he was outside in a chair, and he flatlined on the way to the hospital.  If I had been driving him, he would have died.


@tupper10Thank you for your very informative information, and I am beginning to think that this would be appropriate for my DH, and me.  There are so many things that we have swept under the carpet, because we foolishly think that we will be around forever.


Well, even with his bad news, DH has yet to acknowledge it, but I had another one of those moments after lunch that I experienced on last years cruise, where I could not breathe. My arms started tingling, and I told myself, nope, you are not going to die or pass out at a mexican restaurant, it would look bad for the restaurant. I finally caught my breathe, and carried on as if nothing had happened.  Went grocery shopping, but I am so tired this afternoon. I have one more chore to do, and I told Dh, I am going to bed.  He does not understand going to sleep when there is still light in the sky. To me before I met him it was the normal thing to do.


@rafinmd 29a20bb354904ef00aa66b50029ad9a2.gif



1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening to all.

Thank you to all who keep this thread going.,

Sorry for being so lax in writing.

I realize that making a round trip to Jacksonville in one day is just too much for me.

Yesterday I was basically a basket case and could do nothing.

I have recuperated.


My friend Jackie is home, However, it appears that in performing the laparoscopic surgery to repair the hernia, they punctured the bladder. So now she has to see a urologist.  Not really sure how serious this is and what it entails.  She is home and very tired and weak.  Her sister is staying with her.


My friend Janet’s husband fell face forward on the pavement yesterday after they went to vote early.  He had to be taken to the ER.  He has facial bruises, a broken orbital bone, and a few broken ribs.  He was sent home and is resting.


We are doing all right.  I am afraid to say so because everything around me is not going well.  Don’t want to jinx it.  Thank you to those who keep us in your prayers.  We do appreciate it and it really makes a difference.  We take each day as it comes.  Some are better than others.  I never know until we both have our two feet on the floor each day as to what the day will bring.


@rafinmd Roy,  I am sorry to hear of your setback and I will prayer for better news in the coming days. 

@JazzyV Vanessa, Hope your leg improves and you are able to up and around better.

@smitty34877 Terry, you and Tana are always in my prayers.

@StLouisCruisers Sandy Prayers for a good outocome on the medical tests.

@St Pete Cruiser Welcome Home

@LambKnuckles Happy Birthday to River

@kazu Hoping you find your lost items and that you are able to get your cataract surgery soon. 


Don’t have much else to report. Prayers for everyone and cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


God Bless,



Terri, I'm glad you have recovered from the long day going to Jacksonville and back.  I hope Jackie can be treated without further surgery.  Best wishes to her DH for a quick recovery.


1 hour ago, tupper10 said:

Not much on the agenda today. Did my morning swim, shopping and visit with my 95 year old mother and then my DH is watching football and I am reading the Jodi Picoult book "By Any other Name".  


Just a FYI palliative care is not hospice care - it is not end of life care, but rather a form of care that encompasses a team approach to address all of the patient's various needs, including not only medical needs, but social needs, spiritual needs, etc.  Most people wrongly associate palliative care with hospice care but it is not the same.  I am hoping that for Roy this was explained to him, since it seems he does need supportive care to go home, since he lives alone, and has multiple medical issues that he needs to address. It is so much better to have a team approach that is aware of all your needs vs the piecemeal approach that is unfortunately our normal system in the US.


@Vict0riann - I do hope your DH gets the needed valve ASAP and that your treatment also goes well.  


@Cruzin Terri  I am amazed at how you were able to drive to Jacksonville and back in one day.  Glad that you were able to collapse and rest yesterday and that you are doing better today.  


@JazzyV I do hope your leg gets better.  I don't know how you go the basement to do laundry and up and down the stairs in your home.  I hope you got to watch the game on your phone.


I hope everyone has a good day.  I emailed customer support on CC to see if they could ask @Nickelpennyto just give us a quick shout out post to let us all know if she is okay. My guess is that they can't do anything at all.  I do hope that she is okay. Even though I don't post very much @StLouisCruisers has my email. I think everyone here should share their email with at last one person so we can make sure they are okay.    


@kazu    I wish things were going better for you and hope the movers can find your boxes.  I do hope the surgeryi is scheduled quickly so you can go on your trip, 


Thanks for the information about pallative care.  I knew there was a difference, but was unclear about what was involved with pallative care.  I have the email addresses for several Dailyites, and they have mine.  I'm glad Roy was able to reach me when he went to the hospital.


37 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

 I have only been able to read the daily off and on for the past few weeks and I feel like I have missed some or many important things going on with our Daily Friends I am not going to be able to back and catch up with everything so if I make any inappropiate comments please forgive me.As many of you know  we brought my son here on Aug. 3rd, he wound up in the hospital the next day for about a week, was discharged and the following weekend he fell while I was at church and had to go to ER.  Since then he has been seen at the wound clinic once a week and by his PP once a week. He is slowly but surely getting stronger. We can't find a GI Specialist to see him before Nov. This past 10 day period my body has rebelled with a flareup of my colitis and also a flare of either heart failure or bronchitis. Today I am feeling somewhat better and hopeful that I can get my son to wound care and also go to the grocery store tomorrow. I continue to worry about and pray for Dailyite Friends who need it and praise God for those who do not need our prayers.


Jane, I hope both you and your son feel better soon.  We appreciate your update.


10 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Evening Dailyites!  I have been reading the daily on and off all day.  And just as I was going to post, something came up., and away I went. So, I watched Father David, I watched the F1 race, I had a nice long NOT TOO HOT shower!  (gee it was over 90 today) We had leftover sausage biscuits for breakfast, and met up with our friends at lunch.  We were supposed to meet at the restaurant at 1, she called me at 1:10 and they were just leaving home.  We ordered right after they got there because the husband knew right away what he wanted.  And so did she, but they didn't read the menu and were upset that what they ordered didn't have the normal things that come with their meals at other restaurants.  And once again I ordered what I wanted and liked but it was way too much for me.  And so the idea of fixing dinner, didn't happen, and we had ice cream for dinner.


@Denise TAgain I appreciate your countdown, as it was also the same (a day or two off) for my vacation, and BFF's arrival.  Until I talked with him on  Friday, and he is not arriving on the 10th, but the 9th.  Glad I made that call before I made my schedule.  I'm glad that the wedding turned out so beautifully, and yes please post pictures.


@Vict0riannYour hubby is right where he needs to be, and I do agree with @ger_77 when needing ER, call the ambulance.  Years ago DH was chopping wood for the wood burning stove, and cut his finger with the axe.  When I noticed the amount of blood, I wrapped his hand and drove to the ER.  He sat outside in the waiting room for 3 hours, and by the time we got to see a doc, she said, you should have come in as soon as this happened, I cant do stitches on it now.  I almost slapped her, but I did tell her we were here 3 hours ago, your triage team didn't think it was necessary.  Now?  I dial 911. 


I read an article about doing that too.  You may be too frazzled to drive well, the patient may get worse on the way, and then you don't have an address for 911 and treatment starts immediately once the paramedics arrive.  Which helped DH when he had his heart attack.  He called 911, then called me, I was at work, and asked me what hospital he should go to, I told him, the paramedics arrived, he was outside in a chair, and he flatlined on the way to the hospital.  If I had been driving him, he would have died.


@tupper10Thank you for your very informative information, and I am beginning to think that this would be appropriate for my DH, and me.  There are so many things that we have swept under the carpet, because we foolishly think that we will be around forever.


Well, even with his bad news, DH has yet to acknowledge it, but I had another one of those moments after lunch that I experienced on last years cruise, where I could not breathe. My arms started tingling, and I told myself, nope, you are not going to die or pass out at a mexican restaurant, it would look bad for the restaurant. I finally caught my breathe, and carried on as if nothing had happened.  Went grocery shopping, but I am so tired this afternoon. I have one more chore to do, and I told Dh, I am going to bed.  He does not understand going to sleep when there is still light in the sky. To me before I met him it was the normal thing to do.


@rafinmd 29a20bb354904ef00aa66b50029ad9a2.gif




A nie, please get checked out afterbthenincident at lunch.  Hopefully, itmwas just stress related or the beginning of a panic attack.  Still, lp0k after yourrself.



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