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Live from the Emerald: Many pissed off passengers


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What idiots some people are....paying good money for a relaxing vacation just to get worked up and start some stupid protest over a couple hundred $ fuel surcharge that they agreed to pay in the first place.....now thats real smart :rolleyes: ruin your entire trip.....but you got the best of Princess, didn't ya:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Colo ....1 they are not giving cash to the ship but to the staff! and at least some after thinking about their actions may well decide to pass on the tips to some of the crew!



My statement was giving cash back to the ship in any way.


and I doubt that after removing the autotip that they are giving any cash to anyone in anyway as quoted by the OP.



and by the way my statement to you was not a personal attack.

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I really have nothing to add -- you've said it all; I've known two-year-olds who are better behaved than what has been reported. What a wonderful holiday gesture.


It did occur to me that perhaps some of these people were looking for a way to stiff the crew and decided on their "protest."


As for those who are cruising soon and haven't received their fuel refund, since you've already paid, it'll be an onboard credit. It's a pretty complicated process to refund money since people pay by a wide variety of methods so cruiselines don't refund or send you a check if it's between final payment and sailing. Instead, they give you a credit for an equal amount which is easier to process, less fraught with error, and requires less bookkeeping.

Pam, my thought exactly; anyone who would stiff the crew probably was looking for an out.


Tedjazz, I have been on these boards long enough to be pretty sure the OP would not have started this thread if they were not part of the "many who are pissed" I would also bet those many are a handful.


It is always easy to find the negative people if you are one of them. Misery loves company.



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This is nuts. Hey we sail in 2 weeks and yes we got it back as on board credit. Great I said and we will spend it on board or an EXTRA excursion we may not have taken. We knew the charge up front and paid it.


BUT: Laughing real hard at one thought. Great Idea to piss of the servers of the food to you everyday. Maybe there is a reason the food is bad. Anyone out there been a waiter or waitress with a real bad client???:eek:


These people send money home to folks who can only DREAM of doing a cruise. Pay them what's do and enjoy a good meal!

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And you really think Carnival or Princess care if you take off the autotips - it does not affect them at all, unless they are taking their cut out of the autotips:rolleyes:. The people it affects are the staff who don't get the autotips.


Not going on the ships excursions might affect the beancounters a little more - although we rarely do ships excursions in any event as they are much too expensive, and not using the bars so much might cause them a little thought. Staying on the ship and eating all day will not affect them one iota - can you imagine all the food that goes to waste every day:eek:


We have been told that our account for our 10th January Ruby cruise is showing obc of $66 per adult for the fuel rebate but I am not counting my chickens until I am actually on the cruise and can see it in black and white. I know that the fuel only has to go over $70 for even one day and it will be wiped off the account.

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Pam, my thought exactly; anyone who would stiff the crew probably was looking for an out.


Tedjazz, I have been on these boards long enough to be pretty sure the OP would not have started this thread if they were not part of the "many who are pissed" I would also bet those many are a handful.


It is always easy to find the negative people if you are one of them. Misery loves company.




IMO that's a big assumption about what the OP's intentions are or were and the "negative people comment" as well. Maybe from your experience it is that way, but I'm not willing to make that leap, until I have more evidence to confirm the assumption. Maybe these assumptions lead to all of this hate, anger and "negativity" that appears so often on these boards. I just state my opinion, you, I suppose, can decide if it is negative, but my intentions are for my contribution to be hopefully informative, maybe a differing perspective and generally respectful. If we want to get worked up lets talk about something important, like why the Oatmeal is always cold when I get to breakfast in the morning. ;)

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Princess and Carnival really can't win can they? Perhaps they should have just continued with the fuel surcharge and not refunded anyone at all. My opinion on this is that a refund of the surcharge would be a nice surprise once I am on my cruise, but not getting it is not going to affect my holiday at all since I knew there was going to be a surcharge when I booked, and did not anticipate it being removed.

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Princess and Carnival really can't win can they? Perhaps they should have just continued with the fuel surcharge and not refunded anyone at all. My opinion on this is that a refund of the surcharge would be a nice surprise once I am on my cruise, but not getting it is not going to affect my holiday at all since I knew there was going to be a surcharge when I booked, and did not anticipate it being removed.


You are right, it would have been much easier and less confusing to just add the Fuel Surcharge right into the cruise fare and not even call it a fuel surcharge as a separate line item. Customers would never had known the difference and the cruise lines could adjust the prices accordingly as is their current practice.

I am curious about one thing, I know that you didn't anticipate the surcharge being removed, but why wouldn't you expect some relief given the current situation with the non-existant High Fuel Prices? Not that this fact needs to ruin your vacation and it shouldn't, but maybe it's just important for me to undersatnd why I am paying for something that is not there.

OK go ahead. Torches at their Ready.....Aim.....Fire.....

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You do realize (at least I hope) that fueling the ships isn't like pulling up to your local gas station and paying the going rate? Cruise lines purchase fuel long in advance, and the rates must be passed along to the passengers in their cruise fare or in the form of a fuel surcharge, just as so many compaines have done, and many are still doing, for delivery of items/services.

If cruise prices would have just been adjusted to reflect the higher fuel costs (as you are suggesting), there would not have been any chance for a refund of the cruise fare, unlike the fuel surcharge.

Just because the price of fuel has dropped recently, does not mean that the cruise lines have been paying this cheaper rate the last few months. I am sure the date they came up with for the refund of fuel surcharges has something to do with these fuel contracts.

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You do realize (at least I hope) that fueling the ships isn't like pulling up to your local gas station and paying the going rate? Cruise lines purchase fuel long in advance, and the rates must be passed along to the passengers in their cruise fare or in the form of a fuel surcharge, just as so many compaines have done, and many are still doing, for delivery of items/services.

If cruise prices would have just been adjusted to reflect the higher fuel costs (as you are suggesting), there would not have been any chance for a refund of the cruise fare, unlike the fuel surcharge.

Just because the price of fuel has dropped recently, does not mean that the cruise lines have been paying this cheaper rate the last few months. I am sure the date they came up with for the refund of fuel surcharges has something to do with these fuel contracts.


You do realize (at least I hope you do) that Carnival Corp pays spot price for Fuel and does not hedge. This question was much debated on another thread. The Fuel being put into the tanks of the Carnival Fleet of ships today was purchased two and a half weeks ago. Oil was at about $45/barrel. Check the Carnival press releases.

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What a shame that what should have been a truly fantastic trip has been marred by on what could/should/might have been .....


Life is far too short .........


People booked this cruise to have a wonderful time ....... have one!


Write a letter of complaint when you get home if you feel that strongly about it.

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Taking tips away from the crew is pretty shallow for $63. I looked at the refund as a Christmas gift from Princess. Also, don't think the surcharge is a dead issue. I believe with the OPEC cut that happened today we're going to see these fuel surcharges come back with a vengence in early 2009.


I would be happy just to be on vacation at this point. To go and be miserable just isn't worth it! Keep in mind the crew rely on this money - most of them - to send back home to their families who rely on this crewmember for their source of income to get food. Childish moves like these have far reaching impacts on people half a world away.


I hope the people on this current cruise get with it and change their minds. JM2C

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Has anyone verified whether this story is indeed true?


I can see one or two jerks stiffing their crew, but a passenger "mutiny" being involved in this sort of activity??? Autotips would be the last thing on my mind if this happened to me.


Unfortunately, I believe it can be true. We were recently on a two week cruise and found out that over 500 passengers (out of 2200) removed their auto-tips! We've had nearly 20 Princess Cruises and found NO reasons why so many were unhappy.

I have my suspicions, though, due to the breakdown in passenger nationalities. No flames, just my observations.

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Can I just ask has the rebate now been taken back? I'm confused.
No, the fuel surcharge refund hasn't been taken back. There are some people on a cruise that missed the refund date by one day and are furious that they have to pay the fuel surcharge because they sailed the day before the surcharge was rescinded. They're taking their anger out on the crew by removing the auto-tip.
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If you hand your room "steward" a $20 and you've left the auto tip on, he won't have to turn this in. So, this would be a moot point. It's only when the auto tip has been removed that the cash tips have to be turned in. If they don't do it and are caught they can lose their job.



we don't tip in New Zealand,

Employers are expected to pay a minimum wage-

That being said we find it hard when we travel Particularly in US to ascertain the prices of things as taxes are added on top- (not in the price as here) and then a 15-20 % tip-

As our currency is presently at only about 53 cents to USA dollar it adds up.

We like auto tipping as we feel its paid and we don't have to worry - and factor it in projected costs when we booked- as we did the fuel charges that were advertised- we booked Over 12 months ago-

we might get our fuel charges back as OBC and that will be a bonus


if you tip your room stewart over and above FINE

but what about all the others working hard in the background if you remove auto tips ?-The frontline workers depend on those behind the scenes

I don't think the two issues should be associated together-the fuel charges are a separate issue to tipping,

If fuel charges are removed Prematurely and the company's profit margin goes down- they will only put the charges up elsewhere to compensate,


I don't say roll over,

You can walk with your feet next time you come to book a cruise,

But if you can afford to cruise in the first place why penalise the staff who are far less likely enviable situation and are almost powerless to alter it

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We are sailing on both carnival and Princess cruises next year, # short cruises 7 nights, 4 nights, 7 nights,



And Sapphire Princess- it will be a trip of a lifetime-

we like going away each year but each trip is SPECIAL (and a trip of a lifretime)

as we are together with NO WORK

No issues of fuel surcharges is going to ruin my trip,

Or whats on the buffet,

or lines and queues,

Or whether I get two visits from room stewart a day or three,

or whether we get towel animals,


It seems to me on this board:


( and this is not to be confused with the initial poster-

because some of the flaming does make assumptions that may not necessarily be true-

I think the post was more thought for discussion rather than actual intent)


That some people relish being Negative- its part of their daily existence,

Why would these people fork out to cruise in the first place is beyond me-

because in their frame of mind Nothing is going to meet expectations!

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We are having a wonderful time - but have notice that service and food quality has declined significantly.


I wouldn't be surprised, if a lot of people are taking off autotip in protest to a corporate decision. That's a move that in NO way negatively impacts management. There is no way in the world they're going to cover the speculative lost trip revenue of the staff. Sure, there's valid outlets for frustration, but taking it out on the most vulnerable members of the company is a piss poor way to do it. In my opinion, if people want results they should go straight to customer service frontline employees who can address complaints: don't take it out on the ones who have NO control over policy..


Enjoy the vacation. I wouldn't let something as silly and trivial as a mediocre fuel surcharge refund impact my whole cruise. Fight about it when you're back on land, and mad already about having to be home!

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I wouldn't be surprised, if a lot of people are taking off autotip in protest to a corporate decision. That's a move that in NO way negatively impacts management. There is no way in the world they're going to cover the speculative lost trip revenue of the staff. Sure, there's valid outlets for frustration, but taking it out on the most vulnerable members of the company is a piss poor way to do it. In my opinion, if people want results they should go straight to customer service frontline employees who can address complaints: don't take it out on the ones who have NO control over policy..


Enjoy the vacation. I wouldn't let something as silly and trivial as a mediocre fuel surcharge refund impact my whole cruise. Fight about it when you're back on land, and mad already about having to be home!

My sentiments EXACTLY!!!:D

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There are so many passengers mad at being ripped off out of their fuel charge rebate because one day after being low for weeks, Nov 4th oil spiked for one day only at 70.54 a barrel, to then drop to current levels and thus disqualified from the convoluted rebate system. Expressed is the concern that the rebate was not objectively assessed as promised and just a marketing ploy.


Folks are doing all sorts of things to deliberately getting back at princess. I've heard of many examples

* Removal of auto tipping totally - "management is to pay the service charge from my un-refunded fuel surcharge."

* self organising shore tours - canceling out anything originally booked through the company.


Local taxis have said that there are few people coming in off the ships - it seems more folks than usual are staying aboard and "eating up".


We are having a wonderful time - but have notice that service and food quality has declined significantly.



Aussie Cruiser Does not say they have removed Auto Tips


Only that "folks are doing all sorts of things....

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Ohhhhh MG!! :eek: Is the original posting a joke or was he serious?


Maybe we can all hope that the OP is the only person aboard who feels that way and is "taking action". That kind of behavior to accomplish "deliberately getting back at princess" is more foolish and stupid than anything my teenages ever tried doing. And, if the posting is true, it will get the passengers nowhere. The only folks that will be hurt are those that depend on their tips.


If this posting is true I'm just ever so glad these selfish imbeciles are sailing now and not when I do in March.

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If I hand a room stewart a $20 note on top of auto tips - whose going to know if he/she hands it in-

Are there cameras in our Rooms?

do the staff have to empty out their Pockets?



I think the other crew members probably police this 'policy' themselves. Nothing more vicious than co-workers who figure out one of their own is stealing from them..

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Ohhhhh MG!! :eek: Is the original posting a joke or was he serious?


Maybe we can all hope that the OP is the only person aboard who feels that way and is "taking action". That kind of behavior to accomplish "deliberately getting back at princess" is more foolish and stupid than anything my teenages ever tried doing. And, if the posting is true, it will get the passengers nowhere. The only folks that will be hurt are those that depend on their tips.


If this posting is true I'm just ever so glad these selfish imbeciles are sailing now and not when I do in March.


I know Negativity is not enjoyable when you want a GOOD time


We met an elderly Aussie couple on our cruise on Pacific Dawn (P&O that sails out of Sydney)

this year that had Auto tips removed on 2nd day and bemoaned about going on what they thought was an expensive shore tour with there friend, They weren't going to enjoy the shore tour with their attitude!


I avoided them and just went through greetings when we saw them as I did not want The DOWNER that came from talking to them


I think some people just don't understand tipping on cruise ships - because in Aussie and New Zealand tipping is not part of our culture-

Reasonable minimum wages are protected by law,

However if cruise ship staff were paid more - the prices we paid for fares would also be a lot more-

So for me Tipping by auto tips is a no brainer

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