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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. I remember seeing the photos of the couple that always wore bunny slippers around the ship all day and evening. They cruised a lot.
  2. I did a full world cruise on the QE2 (The last one) as a solo male cruiser. Cunard placed me first night at a table of three people and after the first dinner all three asked for a different table. From that point on, the table 8 people was excellent. Most all were other single folks male and female.There are solo meet and greet every day in the morning but generally they are poorly attendedand boring beyond boring. As to excursions, generally I went with folks I met on board orsimply did walk abouts by myself. Relax, book the cruiseand enjoy. It will be wonderful. Additionally,we had one of the best roll calls in the history of roll calls. It lasted for three years after the cruise until CC took it down and many of the roll call folks still are in touch.2008 final world cruise of the QE2 We did a pre-cruise meet for lunch at Saks Fifth Ave and several went on to the opera.
  3. A number of years ago, HAL used to send out a presailing questionaire seeking personal background information as to education, profession and hobbies in order to better make up the large tables of strangers so help make them smoother to mesh. Just wondering if that is still the case.
  4. Ok. I have read through two pages of answers to this question and still do not know the answer. I realize for the suites, the sky is the limit on service. What I would like to know yes or no for an inside cabin on the Zaandam. Will I receive twice a day cabin cleaning, fresh towels and nightly turn down. Will I need to request it or will it be automatic. Thank you all for adefinitive answer.
  5. Excellent, Hopefully My guarnatee cabin will be close enough to a nice lounge where I can take my room service sandwich to enjoy in an open space not provided by an inside cabin.
  6. Unless one resides in a "Food Desert" the extra price restaurants on most all cruise lines are an expense better avoided.
  7. Mickie D does have good sandwiches but I am seeking more than what is available in my back yard. When I go on a cruise or other vacations I like to step out of habit and find other interesting offerings. So far I can find none of that on HAL in the way of sandwiches and BBQ is not my thing. Don't find food that drips off your elbows to be appitizing. Hence the question.
  8. In as much as the main dining room is closed when the ship is in port, I am wondering where on board one might find hot sandwiches such as Tuna and cheese melt, BLT, Reuben on rye, Monti Cristo. I know the Dive In has burgers and dogs but I am hoping for somethng more than Mickies d's.
  9. Actually I do believe that I have seen that same shirt with a real collar but you would have to accept the long sleeves not the female 3/4 length on the shirt you show.
  10. Don't know the length of your relationship but there is always "The couch" until you treat me right.
  11. And as the Poster says not matter how poorly they treat me, I will still cruise. The beancounters love you man - No Joke
  12. "Haven't been out of my shorts for months" not a pretty mental picture.
  13. If you encounter a line on board in the evening, do you ask to "Play through"?
  14. The horros for such requirments how will we ever enjoy a cruise again.
  15. Dressing to go to church meant a full suit and tie for all males even those that were still in short pants. But now everyone is still in short pants. Many males never have grown up. But then in as much as the American public took the circus side show on the road what can one expect.
  16. Entire industry has moved on. For the most part one can travel with a simple gym bag and be right in step with the majority even for dinner in the fancy rooms. The other day I had a realization why the circus failed - The American public took the side show on the road.
  17. Last Janaury I did a 12 day on a 4,000 pax ship as a solo and unless you enjoy stading at the bar with a crowd of load people and lining up for every meal they are not in my opinon fun. Small ships offer better solo experiences.
  18. Also being a solo traveler for the past 23 years I have noticed the cruies lines slowly increase the single supplement from 50% to 100% depending on cabin ctegory. On occasion, Usually available if you can catch a short notice cruise) they will eliminate or significatly drop the suppliment if they can not sell the cabins to two people. On land, I have noticed that the reservation services that do on- line booking for restaurants do not like reservations for one person and will state that there are no tables available but if you return later to the site and book for two shazam they have tables. Same for resort hotels. One person rarely consumes the amount of booze nor gambles or uses the same amount of revenue producing asstes that two people do. Just business economics and we do pay for it but staying home and waving at cars in your front yard really is not a vacation.
  19. Question: You mention that you are sharing a table for dinner. Are you on fixed early or late dining or on anytime ? Just hoping that if one askes for a large table under late fixed and is sailing solo that the other passengers at the table will be the same ones every night.
  20. What happens if you do not have App capabilities and will not be home three or four days before sailing date and you do not have the boarding pass?
  21. I am amazed at the level of HAL cheerleading here. It would appear that the original poster made a number of sincere efforts to get the situation resolved, first on board and thn after the cruise. Anything short of a full 100% refund of the cruise fare is low class on the part of HAL. But now that both at sea and on land hospitality businesses are hiring people with little to no hospitality expeience nor desire to be a functionin hospitality employee, one can expect more of the same reaction.
  22. Usually you can join the ship at the next port but you have to get yourself there at your expense. If you have a Cunard booked flight, then they hold the ship until the plane arrives and the booked passengers get to the ship.
  23. Biggest issue with the bus transfer is where they drop you off. Penn Staion is huge and there is really only one small entrance that gets you directly into the new part of the station without having a long walk through the usual compliment of homeless. If you take a cab, about the same cost, you get to tell the driver whereto drop you.
  24. Assuming an on time arrival in San Diego at 7 am how quickly can I leave the ship to get over to the Del Coronado Hotel for breakfst? Any one done this before? Looks like Ican get a ferry to the island and then a taxi to the hotel. That all takes around one and a half hours. To be confortable and not miss the 3 pm sailaway I would like to be at the hotel no later than 10 am.
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