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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. Thank you for the information. Looksd like the cruise on the zaandam will be just to my liking quiet, lots of space to read. plenty to eat and retire early. Truly HAL is for us older folk.
  2. How far back in time does the Karaoke music go? 1940 - 1950 - 1960? Any group songs?
  3. What makes Holland America so great if you have to bring your own food?
  4. Ifthat istrue, Iwonder why I keep getting "privatesale" letters offering 10 day cruises at $499 - $699 for obstructed view out side cabins etc. I thnik before you see fares rise you will see more of the nickle and dime increases in packages, specialty restaurants, new "clubs" , shore excirsions and so on. It is much easier to releive a booked customer of a few extra dollars a day with all manner of gimmicks than it is to convince an unbooked passenger that the cuise is worth it at a 10 - 20% fae increase.
  5. Canada has some strange customs requirements that may prevent Cunard from allowing this. Fear of being invaded runs deep up there. However, I would get in touch with Cunard directly as the TA may have asked about refunds etc which of course you will not receive. And worse case you could simply leave the ship with the day trippers and not return. Luggage could be an issue but planed correctly as both legs are really short runs and there are no real dress codes on either line a genrous over the shoulder type bag might work well and not be thought about when leaving in Canada.
  6. Every once and a while after watching an elderly couple eat dinner with both parties fixated by their smart pnones I will say in leaving the room. "You know that one day one of you will not be here, why not enjoy each other while you can". I do not wait for a response just leave them with the thought.
  7. I find the bestway to squelch those calls is to join them. Respond loudly to the call from the next table. Sooner or later unless they ae totally brain dead they get the message and stop the rudeness.
  8. Just wonder in the Zaadam will offer any enrichment lectures, port lectures etc during the Panama Cruises this coming winter. Also, which lounge offers after dinner dancing?
  9. Nothing like a gut rentching adrenalin inhancing morning to put that relaxing cruise in the rear view mirror.
  10. Don't know if the current dining room staff is up to par but in the past a phone call from your cabin to the dining room desl\k was gladly relayed to your table mates.
  11. As far as I can determine, if you are capable finacially to book the Grills, then you can also find land based vacations of similar or even better quality. On the othe end of the spectrum, I have yet to find a single land based vaction (Mickie D's and Motel 6 not withstanding) that yields the same level of travel, housing, food and entertainment that any cruise offers even those on the mega 5,000 barges.
  12. Whatever. Guy made a fortune with a backpack and a niche market. Got to love it.
  13. Not at all. The OP gave me the impression they did not wish to mingle with the "Unwashed Trurist" so my suggestion would eliminate that issue. following Steve Ricks is wonderful if you are of a younger age. Does not really work when you are seeking a few of the finer things in life to go along with the sights.
  14. Just wondering in as much as you are on a ship with zero place to go exept back to the cabin why staffing should be an issue.
  15. Best way is to hire a private car and driver who knows all of the prime spots you wish to visit. Then they can arange private visits to all the locatios.Its done all the time. .Costs a ton of money but then you do want to be exclusive and not mix with the "tourists"
  16. Cancelling a full world cruise because Cunard was still charging full fare but deliving a half package was my way. And as far as I can see the only way. And yes I agree, the die has already been set and Cunard is only trying to slow walk it because they do not yet have the market to fill all four ships with the new passenger demographic they are seeking.
  17. Interesting to read the deniers who fail to see what is right in front of them. Sadly they will also have to enduret the fall.
  18. I don't know why this is a supriswe to so many. Cunard has been going the way of all cruise lines for years now with their slow reduction of the dress code, the adding of enhancement packages and the general down marketing of the experience. Cuanrd feels they must reach the more casual market that does not dance, enjoys "smart Jeans" and likes drinks packages etc. The new queen will have very limited if any real ballroom dancing offered. And within a couple of years afternoon tea will also be gone. And the traditionalsts have no one to blame but themselves as they allowed the slow deminishment to occur instead of fighting back.The Grand Canyon was not created overnight and Cunard's lose of "Tradtion" and a very formal way was not changed over night.
  19. Recommend you down load a complete set of deck plans and on boarding take an hour or so following every deck.
  20. Here in the US construction work begins promptly at 8 am even if someone may be on vacation.
  21. Pretty much all industries have gone to this model. They offer a really low price for basic and then nickle and dime dollar and ten for every singe add on. Look at automobiles. amtrak, phone, internet planes and now cruise lines. Want a really low price then go low and take what is offered. Unless you are going to spend moer time in the cabin then the rest of the ship who cares.
  22. Ordering qustion. Can you order say the tomato soup from column A and also one or more items from column B the large plates in the MDR at lunch?
  23. Just one of the casualties of going to a more casual atmosphere. Do away with formality and you generally get a market base that does not appreciate classical music. There are costs to relaxing tradition and the loss of classical music appears to be one of them. Wait for the elimination of afternoon tea next.
  24. If I read the Carnival news release about breaking the corporation up into parts, one of the items was the discontinuance of the California HAL office. I believe that they will be working out of a European office and there may be some transitional delays.
  25. Which, according to another thread here, has been tossed into the dumper for 2024. Not a good look to sell a bunch of TA crossings and then find out you don't have a place to dock in NYC on those dates.
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