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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. Excellent idea, Holland can take 20% of the tables out of the lidos and dedicate them to games and other socializing. That will reduce the need to use the lido tables.
  2. Only used it once but on time all items included in order appeared juice cold coffee hot - Lox cream cheese and bagel - Bagel stale/A whisper of cream cheese/ lox ok.
  3. Given that the ship must file their paper work two hours early how does a 1:30 check in work for a 3 pm sail. When do they begin check in for the Zaandam in Ft Lauderdale? I will simply arrive at that time and see what happens. Do not have phone capability to use the App.
  4. Inas much as this thread has resulted in much attention and many of us will not be on the Eurodam with you, one wonders if a preview photo for the rest of us might be in order?
  5. Following along on a number of food items, I find it interesting that HAL seems to take popular items from the MDR menus and provide them in the Lido instead. Almost like they are encouraging more use of the buffet and less use of the MDR.
  6. Wow. I thought the cruise lines had stopped polishing shoes when they did away with the night Hall Boys. Where and who does the polishing?
  7. Love cake and would hope that in addition to the lido which they really seem to be pushing, HAL might put up a roving desseert cart with the cakes for the Main Dining room at dinner time.
  8. Zaandam is a small ship and uses the original locks. It is the larger ships that are in competition with the mega freighters and tankers that use the new locks. Sail small and enjoy, sail large and maybe not go where you want.
  9. Any one know where the inside cabin consierge desk is located on the Zaaandam? I understand HAL really looks after their inside cabin folks with this service.
  10. Curently the US State Department has issued a worldwide warning about ventuing into any area where there are a lot of tourists (read where ever a ship docks). Americans are not very popular right now and offer a rich target as we tend to stand out in any group of people. So take care. Myself, I am planning on enjoying a full 30 days on board. Zero need ot become a target.
  11. Wow missing ten minutes of a 15 day trip doesn't sound like a major issue that many seem to think it is. What could you possibly do in that ten - 30 minutes that would make the cruise that much better?
  12. I'm fascinated by this potertial long line if you don't have a bar code on your boarding pass. Is it ten minutes or will I miss the sailing if I have to wait three or four hours in this line and the ship leaves with a hndred people still waiting to have the boarding pass checked?
  13. Good to know. I will plan on the extra line as I do not own a phone that allows apps and my computer is too old to get apps either. PLus for the second half of my trip that was booked as aeperate booking will not be available until I am on board for the first lap. May be my last cruise if the powers to be do not allow a simply boarding process. Some times if it isn't broken trying to fix it really is not the answer, though it does keep people that have no real job employeed.
  14. Look at small claims court where you live not NYC. Many states allow small claims to be filed in the jurisdiction where you reside rather than where the issue occured. In as much as the Port and the long shoremen's union are corporations they will have to send an attorney to the small claims hearing. Cheaper for them to send you a check.
  15. Happy to see that HAL pasengers agree that one may wear pretty much what they care to wear on board. That makes me more comfortable with my plans for a full blazer jacket, dress shirt and scarve with dress slacks and shoes every evening at sea or coming off a port. 30 days of dressing up will be a joy as I live where the homeless look better than the residents.
  16. Actually it is overstocked given how little most people read these days while on vacation.
  17. Generally it means for men $5 $100 haircuts vs the local guy on the corner, Dress and sports clothing that is several grades above Land's End, LL Bean etc even above the $150 - $200 shirts and $250 for slacks. It is not ostentatious, it just shows. Same for footwear, jackets etc. That and a decent tailor so everything fits properly. Same goes for the ladies. Plus, while not having cruised on the hgher end lines, I woud guess that most of their clothing for the trip is new.
  18. When late for a date the QE2 used to get her speed up to 33-35 knots. Shecould do close to 30 konts in reverse. Could and would run circles around the Vic on occasion.
  19. Howdo you manage to get the extingquisher past security to bring on board?
  20. Fully agree. I only use my cell phone while on ship for the clock. Do not need to receive the 15 - 20 scam calls every day when on vacation. As to being on shore. Any place where the local folks can and do mount the occasional bus or auto stop for wallets etc and pick pockets roam the port stops do not get my trade. I love the quiet of an almost empty ship while docked. That is a real vacation.
  21. Where are the browser cookine located and how do you clear them. Not really computer savy for the details beyond the very basics Thanks.
  22. Have been trying for several days to get on the site but it just hangs in "loading" but does not load. There was a brief notice once that HAL is doing website maintenance and access of accounts may not be possible. No time frame as to days or time of day. Happily my cruise is not until Jan. So no real cruise info needed until early November. Hoepfully they will have the issue fixed by then.
  23. General note somewhere says that OBC shows up on your account by day two of the cruise. Do take a print out of the confirmation. A paper trail for everything, bookings, OBC, flights, etc are of great value when the clouds crash particuarly right now when mischief a foot around the world.
  24. To bad rules do not allow you to name the TA. They really have juice and if named would also have hundreds more clients.
  25. So many delicious memories leads to a question. How did we as passengers and paying customers ever allow all of these things to be taken away?
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