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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. One of the things everyone learns in life, sooner than later for some, is that everyone is different. You have yet to learn that lesson I see.
  2. Right now it seems that Carnival's strategy is to replace their seasoned customers that leave with a new less refined clientele. That's why the email I got for my cruise next week reminded me that marijuana is not allowed, teenagers have a 1AM curfew, and fighting will result in being banned from future cruises.
  3. Corn flakes and coffee is already all you can get delivered to your room for free. Well, that and horribly dry danishes and juice from concentrate. They've cut out baked potatoes in the dining rooms in favor of cheaper sides. Lots of rice on the buffets these days too. And how long has it been since you've been able to get bacon every day on the buffet? The current striploin is at least a whole cut of beef, but it's certainly not as tender as bologna. I guess my point is we're not far off and we won't get there overnight but you can definitely see the direction Carnival is trending. It will be death by 1000 cuts and we're about 950 in so far.
  4. It is not individually wrapped. It is a small pat of butter served in a small stainless steel sauce cup. It tasted like butter to me. It did not taste like margarine. I like to think I can tell the difference.
  5. At least you won't have to pack your own butter anymore!
  6. Carnival stopped providing trays on Lido years ago. I don't expect they'll return.
  7. 1.5 to 2 years? I think the continental breakfast delivery will be toast (pardon the pun) by the end of the year.
  8. Me personally, the "I'm just happy to be able to cruise again" isn't good enough anymore. Things are as close to back to normal on land as they will ever be. Prices are up but I can buy all the bacon I want. Flight prices are high but I can fly wherever I want. Etc. So I want a normal experience from my cruise. Charge us more if you must. But telling me "well we can't get enough visas" or "well there is a bacon shortage" or whatever just don't cut it after a year of the excuses to me.
  9. Carnival's website is still advertising 24-hour included pizza. It hasn't been 24 hours in months and probably never will again so there is no excuse in Carnival bait and switching like that.
  10. The frustrating thing to me is it's a surprise when you board what will be the latest cutback. The only way people find out a lot of these is they're reported here.
  11. Frankly I don't understand how it's seen as unsanitary to fill your own cup at the water station. Do people think possible germs migrate upstream and infect the dispenser?
  12. I have been on Sunshine and Freedom over the past year and did not notice Pandora for sale at all. I can't speak for the other ships but wanted to report my experience with those ships at least.
  13. I think I came in the back way when I visited. It reminded me of the Corelone compound in The Godfather.
  14. The distillery is my wife and I's new stop in Nassau as well, we have only been to the distillery three times I think but it is really cool. We went on the tour once but now we just order a pina colada and sit on the porch for a bit.
  15. The parking lot lines are usually gone by Noon, but there will be a line in the terminal to get through check-in and security. Plan on it taking 30-45 minutes to actually board the ship after you park is my rough estimate. So, if you arrive at 12:30 I would say given my experience you will be walking onto the ship right around 1, 1:15.
  16. Automatic gratuity is included and from my understanding cannot be removed. So with that in mind, cash tips are entirely optional and not expected. So there's no going rate.
  17. Agreed - going to the host table is the only way to guarantee the same section. But the last few cruises I've been on, they've sat me in the same section (if not the same table) every night automatically if available which is good enough for me. I just check in on the Hub app.
  18. I would have them email Carnival special needs and make sure but I would assume like @staceyglow it would be fine as it is prescribed.
  19. Reminds me of the Katrina ambulance chasers on the street in a canoe while people were walking behind them.
  20. I hate "journalism" that is just a re-telling of a facebook comment feed.
  21. Oftentimes the TA coming back from Drydock aren't sold, the ships are still being finished up while in motion. Basically as soon as they can get the ship out of drydock they will, drydock time is more expensive than being at sea.
  22. How many people would write affidavits saying they cannot drink any alcohol during check-in, but once onboard they'd be spinning every night knocking back their partner's drinks.
  23. It's why I don't book Carnival cruises any farther out than say 6 months anymore. Too many cutbacks and changes too fast for me. I have a cruise coming up in about 10 days and after that, nothing booked with Carnival - may not ever book again, may book a dozen more, ball's in their court really.
  24. Well it certainly cost them more than the tournament entries which don't really cost them anything except the prize money for the winner. But I would guess most people fed that $25 however it came right back into the casino.
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