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Everything posted by mz-s

  1. The only exception is there are no exceptions. Carnival says even non-drinkers can get value from Cheers due to the inclusion of bottled water, soda, specialty coffees, etc, and so all adults in a stateroom must buy it if anyone wants it. I have heard from some people that their Uncle Ernie knows somebody who got an exception on the Carnival Vision last year but I have never actually read first-hand evidence. It's always hearsay.
  2. I think a lot of it is people were at home for 2 years and got confused and thought Twitter was a real place and it's acceptable to act like that in public.
  3. What remains to be seen is Carnival going to put teeth behind those words. If they do then a lot of people's complaints about Carnival will evaporate.
  4. I've never read that notice before but I also don't read those emails closely. Though if they actually believed and followed that, a lot of people's complaints about Carnival would go away.
  5. The Lido bars do buckets I know. Red Frog Pub may as well I'm not sure.
  6. Also if you just want water, bartenders are happy to fill up your cup with ice and water.
  7. The TA will need to fix their error otherwise you risk having a new VIFP number created and then you have to combine them which is doable but something that can be avoided.
  8. You don't need to print boarding passes to choose a check-in time. Or are you saying once they are able to enter in their expense account, there won't be time to print boarding passes? In that case, starting with Cash and switching to a card once onboard sounds like your best bet.
  9. You can skip that section in check-in and fill it out once you're able. Just go ahead and go through check-in and fill that in when you can. Or you can select a cash account and fund it with a credit card at the pier as you said. Either way, I would not delay check-in as that may mean you don't get the arrival appointment you want.
  10. Nope. You'll give your fellow passengers a show unless you wear shorts with the robe.
  11. The data is very slow when roaming internationally , but for calling or text messaging it is a great benefit to T-Mobile customers I agree.
  12. Thanks for the summary. I am not sure it was necessary. If you want to show up at the pier with mismatching documents, more power to you. It makes no difference to me.
  13. This is an entirely different world than 1976, Rip Van Winkle. Although I really dislike the thought of uploading my personal information to a third party company's servers, this is probably one instance I'd use Verifly as well. If Verifly accepts it then you're good to go.
  14. All the rooms face the same way, generally speaking, so your headboard won't be directly opposite your neighbor's.
  15. Carnival has some very good low sugar mousse desserts in the buffet. But yes I agree their NSA and low sugar cakes are all not good, not worth eating. I usually eat the cheese plate (although I'm not on a low sugar diet I just prefer to not eat a lot of sugar).
  16. I've had green water come out of the spigot and had ice cold water come out of the spigot, but it's always had plenty of pressure.
  17. The people on Carnival's 1-800 line will tell you whatever it takes to get you off the phone, and will be long gone when you're sitting at the pier arguing with the crew there (who do not work for Carnival and do not have to answer to Carnival).
  18. One look at my MIL and you'd know she's never wasted a bite of food in her life! She eats all she takes and then some...
  19. All the people who are saying "what's stopping you from just saying your dog's test is your own?" - you're not clever. Obviously Carnival knows that's going to happen, and probably has been happening all along to some degree, since the restart. My guess is they know it's a charade and the industry is making a mockery of the process in the hopes that the house of cards will completely fall by the time this is actually implemented.
  20. Pretty much the entire globe has had COVID in 2022, so we all have fairly robust immunity vs. the vaccines that are entirely ineffective against the extant strains.
  21. It's always been possible to fabricate test results or vaccination cards to cruise. Carnival never called in to verify test results or anything like that. It's not March 2020 anymore. We know how to live with Coronavirus now. There is no way to control an airborne virus. And "slow the spread" was perhaps the most anti-science phrase of the past 2 plus years of all.
  22. Back before Guy's, when it was "On the Grill" on Lido - my MIL would bring a ziploc to save a few strips of bacon in from the breakfast buffet for her lunch burger. Of course now that we are in a bacon crisis I don't know what she does. I guess she asks Possum for a pig patty burger.
  23. My guess is testing will be over for all (except for a few stubborn ports of call) by the time this has a chance to be implemented. It really makes no sense, in fact to me it is mocking the testing protocols.
  24. The shots don't do anything to stop spread so really everyone should be testing, or nobody should be testing.
  25. It's just like the old health forms we used to have to fill out years ago. Nobody ever checked them to make sure you were being truthful. It was all on the honor system. And just to satisfy some bureaucrat somewhere no doubt.
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