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Everything posted by ColeThornton

  1. You are in the wrong forum. This is the test forum. Click on the "Find Your Roll Call" link at the top left of this page. Look for the Roll Call for your Cruise line/Ship/Sailing Date.
  2. Nice poll to remind people they'll be dead in twenty years. lol
  3. Already being discussed. πŸ˜‰
  4. You may want to also post this on the Florida Departures forum. I'm sure some folks would find it helpful. Thanks!
  5. I wonder if he'll get the Upgraded Free at Sea package as a retirement perk. πŸ˜‰
  6. Exactly, they already went through this before. SSDD.
  7. Lots of great info and recommendations on the Travel/Insurance forum located here: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/499-cruisetravel-insurance/
  8. I rarely give extra and have no problem with good service.
  9. You should post this on the Carnival forum. This is the Testing Forum.
  10. Recommend asking/researching over on this forum: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/499-cruisetravel-insurance/
  11. You mean "non-stop". "Direct" has stop(s). πŸ˜‰
  12. It's never a good idea to fly in the day of your cruise. Sometimes things happen and that's your only choice but if possible fly in at least one day early. For lots of info on Miami hotels check out the Florida Departures Forum: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/386-florida-departures/
  13. Not necessary at all in my opinion. I've never had a very long wait on any of my sailings.
  14. You may want to address your needs via email at access@carnival.com, they may be able to assist you with your daughters issue.
  15. Here is the forum where you want to ask/research this issue. Lots of great info to peruse. Link: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/499-cruisetravel-insurance/
  16. Simple. Click on the ... in the top right corner of the post , click on "report", make your request for deletion.
  17. That was @basketballdad He'll get a notification from this post. πŸ™‚
  18. Go to NCL.com homepage, scroll all the way down, click on "Apps and Downloads".
  19. A Google search using your subject line will get you temps, water temps, rainfall. Easy peasy. πŸ˜‰
  20. If you already splurged on an aft-facing balcony how much more do you want to splurge on a Haven cabin? Is that a budget killer? Personally for me, I wouldn't. That's money towards the next cruise. πŸ™‚
  21. Last time I signed up for 3 years on a ship it ended up being 21 years in the Navy. πŸ™‚
  22. I like to go and graze up in the buffet and begin seven days of eating food that's bad for me that I don't eat at home. πŸ™‚
  23. If you don't have rules, how can you break 'em? That's why. πŸ˜‰
  24. Silly question, how is anyone supposed to know the odds that you're going to get sick? Go on a cruise, live life, have some fun. You can't live in a bubble.
  25. Liquor and Beverage Policies:: https://www.ncl.com/faq#!#can-i-bring-water-or-soda-board
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