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Everything posted by jagoffee

  1. OP, very nice explanation and video. Thank you for taking the time to put it together. My wife and I seldom have dinner in the OV, so it does not impact us much. Occasionally we dine there when we are not very hungry. It looks a lot better than what a lot of people were saying. If they added a grill, it would be fairly reasonable. I seriously doubt that the evening OV will ever fully return. IMO, the best hope is the addition of freshly grilled items.
  2. Yes, you can. As stated it it not likely IMO because of the Move Up bidding. Celebrity would be more likely to assign the cabins above the SS to someone that is willing to pay more. Of course it depends on how much you paid for your GTY SS. If you have not already looked the the minimum bids, you might want to check it out. Or see how much it would cost to upgrade.
  3. Why are you considering cancelling your Classic Non Alcoholic package?
  4. Not us. We so disliked fixed dining and the lack of balconies. On our honeymoon in 1980 we had early fixed dining. We were assigned a 7:30 AM breakfast time, which was never used.
  5. Can’t you just go the Guest Services and purchase tokens?
  6. Does anyone know if your selected time stays and is reflected on the AP until you arrive. I picked a time earlier, but the AP is asking me to pick an arrival time again. At this point, I am just going to ignore it.
  7. Congratulations, I am happy for you. I found it in the terms on the “hotels.celebritycruises.com ” website. I agree it seems crazy to me as well.
  8. 15 day cruise. $945/15 = $63 a day pp. that is the amount per person over what she paid for her inside cabin. Did I make an error or misunderstand.
  9. Yes, I did. Sorry. were they included within the Plus package without an extra fee?
  10. Not Taskinger on the rocks? Did Princess have Buffalo Trace on your recent cruise? We are cruising the Panama New Locks on the Emerald next week. Glad to see that you are still cruising.
  11. Why would you say that? If she would not be pleased with a balcony for $945, why would she bid for it at all? $63 a person for a balcony from an inside seems like a reasonable deal. How did she decline? Did she have that option or did she just not pay for it when billed? Congratulations to you. Obviously if you would not be pleased with by winning any of your bids, do not make the bid. I wonder if they would allow her to submit another bid after defaulting on her winning bid? Did she get her original cabin back?
  12. As long as you do not change your booking number, you would maintain your OBC for booking on board. You pay the prevailing rate for the new cruise and get whatever perks are being offered for that cruise. if you have a NRD, you will lose $100 a person. Some people have reported that they got around that requirement, but it did not work for me. I would do it now.
  13. Thank you for the reminder. I had forgotten. I see what you are referencing.
  14. I cannot figure out how to change to a cruise that I do not have booked. do you notice the same menu for the next upcoming cruise. I find the AP menus are not accurate until close to the cruise date. I know last November woukd not be relevant to your observations. Let’s hope it is not true.
  15. Thanks for the information. I appreciate the explanation. Good reason to never book anything on that site. Does not seem ordinary to me, but I have no experience booking hotels via a Celebrity link. Therefore I do not know what is considered ordinary. The first clue woukd be when they make you pay in advance before the cruise final payment is due. seems like a rip off to me. The site has this statement: ” Celebrity Cruises, Inc. Terms & Conditions NOTICE: [Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. d.b.a. Celebrity Cruises Inc. (“Celebrity”)] has engaged Priceline LLC and Priceline Partner Network Limited (“Priceline”) to provide a convenient accommodation booking experience. Celebrity receives a commission from Priceline for bookings made on this site. Your use of the Priceline website and its underlying technology and services (the “Site”), as well as any bookings or travel services provided by Priceline through the Site constitute transactions solely between you and Priceline, and are subject to Priceline’s terms and conditions. [Celebrity] is not responsible for the contents of the Site, the maintenance of this Site, or any travel services, inventory listing, bookings or payment processed through the Site. THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS FORM THE BASIS OF A CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOU AND PRICELINE. BY SUBMITTING AN ACCOUNT REGISTRATION AND/OR USING ANY OF THE SERVICES ON THE SITE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT [CELEBRITY] IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SITE OR FOR ANY BOOKINGS OR OTHER SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY PRICELINE ON THIS SITE.”
  16. Since the OP’s cruise is prior to the start of the new benefits that is a good recommendation IMO unless Princess allows you to upgrade a a lower difference.
  17. Aqua Class and CC with just the included AI is more expensive. Perhaps the person the person that made the last pricing error has returned from a suspension. Are the differences the same magnitude as the Silhouette new releases? There seems to be a lot of SS’s available on 2/26, perhaos system generated pricing based on cabins available? nice catch
  18. Do you have an invoice or payment email from Celebrity related to the hotel payment. Or did you get something directly from Priceline? That might be more evidence for you. Anyway that you might be mistaken and you actually purchased your non cancellable hotel directly with Priceline. If you have a Priceline account, you could check it to confirm. Good luck as you build your case. I agree. The only thing that seems off here is that the hotel payment (on the Charge Card) was made directly to Priceline and not Celebrity. Is this the normal way it works for Celebrity Hotels? I know it does not work that way for Celebrity Air. (Charged directly to Celebrity and not the airline) It is almost like the hotel was purchased directly with Priceline. Which is obviously messed up as the purchase should be directly tied to the Celebrity cruise.
  19. You would probably not be sorry, but some Sky Suites are below public area. You might hear some chairs or carts moving around.
  20. I would guess that your last statement is the reason. I would never book a guarantee for an expectations of a “better cabin”. I would rather take the risk with a Move Up offer. As you are also implying I would not cruise without at least the AI. Gty cruise only fares are a good way to sell cabins at a discount without the risk of needing to do price adjustments on the cabins booked earlier. Smart strategy IMO.
  21. Did the Captain Club benefit form state anything about the Martini Bar for either of you?
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