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Everything posted by lovesthebeach2

  1. We can also enjoy ourselves at any price point BUT I don’t expect to pay the same price for McDs as I would for a fancy restaurant. And that’s what I’m seeing. For our last cruise on Radiance, the WJ food was not even as good as McDs and we paid a lot for that cruise, don’t ask me how much, because it was way too much. The MDR was good….the WJ was terrible, But the soft serve chocolate ice cream was delicious. 🤤
  2. We have cruises booked on Royal for this year and next year, and finally we booked a Celebrity….and have hesitated to jump ship but each time we get on the older ships it just chips away from our loyalty and I find I’m looking around at other upscale cruise lines more and more. Will you share which lines you’ve moved on to other than Celebrity?
  3. I’m sorry to say I sadly agree on the condition of their older smaller ships, because we love them. Royal is showing us that their focus is huge amusement park ships and they won’t be spending much money or effort on smaller ships that go to other locations other than the Caribbean. We’ve been cruising Royal for many years, but our satisfaction has been slowly lessening and we’re looking at other lines that give better quality and food for the prices they charge.
  4. I understood how you feel because for part of my career I worked with brilliant scientists at one of the US National Laboratories, where they did all types of scientific research in areas such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc. I watched them absolutely love what they did with such a passion that I wished I had. In fact at one point I had to force one to use his vacation days (it’s a budgeting thing) and he came to work in blue jeans instead of his suit and said he was “on vacation”. Most had such passion for their research, they worked until they couldn’t. I had a very demanding job and because of that I used to say “I work to live, not live to work”. My job stress was killing me slowly. So when government funding was reduced one year, and they asked for volunteers to retire , I raised my hand and never turned back. You’ll know when you’re ready to make a change…..retirement has given me many opportunities that I had no time for when I worked….one of which is cruising more 😁
  5. I have tried to clean the balcony glass a few times with a wet bath towel…..but I guess I’ll need to bring a collapsible cane and scrunchies for. Ow on to make the job easier 😁
  6. We both have IPhone 13 Pro Max phones and like others have said, the pictures and videos are so good, we no longer bring a camera, we just use the phones. Bob used to bring a bulky video camera AND regular camera…..no more.
  7. Gavin in the CL told us when we were on earlier this month that dry dock would be in March in Bahamas. Not sure what type of work they will be doing, but Radiance could use a little bit of pampering. Would be great if they could do something to let us get wifi in our cabins. Only way we could get any signal was with the cabin door open.
  8. Then I wouldn’t take anything either….nor would I from Hawaii. Many years ago my MIL took a rock from Hawaii even though I told her not to, and when she got home negative things started to happen and she got worried and mailed the rock back to Hawaii 😳
  9. I think that may be correct, but if not it never hurts to always have wifi calling enabled
  10. I’ll also be watching, we’re booked for 2 segments, Ravenna to Barcelona. We have flights, pre cruise hotel transfers all booked.
  11. I also take pictures of rocks, shells, trees, sky, birds, etc.. I love the ocean, but I also love nature. I would have grabbed a couple of those rocks and shells to bring home
  12. I don’t have the points and it doesn’t show in my points history either. Hopefully tomorrow.
  13. I love that Royal does things like this for the crew ❤️ We did a B2B on Radiance and ate at Giovannis for lunch on each leg. The server we had for the first lunch wasn’t serving us for the second lunch, but he was so sweet he brought me a rose in a wine glass. When the crew feels they’re appreciated by Royal or guests, it shows in these ways.
  14. On our TA on Odyssey this past October, every table in most locations including bars, the Music Hall, Theatre 270, Giovannis Wine Bar, areas on WJ……every nook and cranny was occupied almost all day by people playing cards / games / laptops / book readers / etc. we tried more than once to have lunch at the Wine bar, never could, always every table was filled all day. So we spent a lot of time on our balcony, which was wonderful. On Radiance a week ago, I heard announcements a couple of times in the WJ to please not sit at tables unless you’re eating. Didn’t see anyone get up and leave though.
  15. While I’ve never stood on an iceberg , back in the 70s I did a trip from the East Coast (NY) to the West Coast (Oregon to California) and I have a photo somewhere of me laying on a glacier in Oregon. We did the 3 week trip in August and I had no idea how cold it would be in Wyoming and Oregon. It was snowing in Yellowstone and as we drove I had to change from my summer crop top to winter clothes.
  16. Same for us. We booked a long time ago and I just checked after seeing your comment and the price if I booked now, for the same date and category (balcony), is almost triple now! We don’t plan to go on Icon again, just wanted to experience it once.
  17. Wow! Thank you to @island lady, @CSHS1979 and everyone else that’s posting all the amazing pictures of this beautiful earth. We almost feel like we’re there…..not quite, but almost! thanks!!!!
  18. I only had an issue on a ship and that’s all I did to fix it…. But this was a few years ago on an older phone. So I don’t know if it worked or I just got lucky.
  19. I had that issue years ago but when I turned on “Send as SMS” that solved my problem. Settings / Messages / Send as SMS. hope that works, it did for me
  20. @island lady Patricia, thank you for all the pictures and comments on this fabulous experience. You make us feel like we’re experiencing it there with you. I think you need to alter your plans and do the whole 274 nights 😁
  21. In Akureyri there were a few whales swimming around the ship while we were sitting on our balcony. I got a videos and pictures of them. I would love to go to the Antarctic someday too.
  22. I hope they get the message. Food isn’t the main reason we cruise, but this past one it was very noticeable, and with what we paid it wasn’t worth it and we won’t do it again. We did notice that most of the guests were newbies and there were lots of kids, so burgers, hot dogs, fries, pizza, ice cream cones and usually 3 trays of mystery meat in red sauce were mostly what was available. I hope the HD was serious that Miami is listening. 😕
  23. That’s why I put the cookies in a bowl to bring to the cabin 😉
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