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Posts posted by Cruiser_1977

  1. Curious what is the reasoning behind blaming the cruise line? I don't have Facebook...


    This scenario, yet again, is another instance of not taking personal responsibility. Why should anyone but the family foot the bill for the medical care they received? I am very confused...The ship/cruise line in no way appears to have caused the cut that led to the infection. I must be missing something...right?!?!?

    • Like 4
  2. 18 hours ago, Familytravelsto said:

    The policies of this cruise line are truly horrific.  I learned that my mother who has cancer, has only days left, and I called Royal Caribbean to ask not for a refund, but only to credit our cruise to another time after the funeral.  They said, that because my mother was not on the cruise, they could not do anything.   There are no exceptions.  They said, the only thing they would offer is that if I wanted to do a name change and give part of my cruise to someone else, I could so long as my wife still went on the cruise.  Essentially saying she can forego her mother in laws funeral and go on a cruise with someone else.  I will tell anyone who will listen about this policy and never cruise with this line again!

    Hope OP will come back and answer my questions...

    1) did you have insurance?

    2) when is your sail date?

    3) how long was the cruise?


    BTW this is all hypothetical. Doctors are wrong about things like this (personal experience). Mom has not passed. God willing when she does go the OP will be comforted by warm memories and loving family/friends.

  3. @RocketMan275 I am not suggesting the FCC be considered a refund for airfare. I don't believe they are owed that as I have stated previously. I know they were given a dollar for dollar refund of their cruise fare. However, my point is as a goodwill gesture for the inconvenience of flying halfway around the world for nothing a little FCC would go a long way.

    • Like 1
  4. @RocketMan275 As I stated earlier (e.g #31, 39, 52, 54...), I believe (and rarely am I on the side of the the customer receiving anything free) that in this case (meaning the guests that had already begun their journey through HK before the notice went out) the guests denied boarding should receive some additional FCC as a "hey we know you had no way to fix this". The refunded cruise fare plus an additional $500 FCC would go a long way to keeping the guest happy with X and using them in the future.

    • Like 2
  5. I'm going to use an example that I'm sure will get picked a part as "not the same." I used to manage a small, local gym. We would have to make decisions on closing due to bad weather. This is a gym that people paid over $100/month to utilize. There was a pretty bad ice storm several years ago. The timing was ALL OVER THE place from the weather people. Timing, amount, severity were all inconsistent. We were left waiting until the last minute to close. However, we (the owner and I) were already there and had decided to wait it out a bit. A few folks (3) showed up not getting the text, e-mail or social media posts stating we would be closed. We offered them a drink (we sold various protein, energy and juice drinks) or a coupon to bring a friend for free for their trouble. Two declined the offer. However, the goodwill of offering something that cost us virtually nothing was appreciated.

    • Like 2
  6. At work we have 6 toilets for about 150 women. There are 3 upstairs and 3 downstairs. I am amazed on a weekly basis how gross they can get. This is with a porter on site! We luckily have automatic faucets and seat covers available. I tap the soap dispenser with the back of my hand to get soap and use the towels to open the door on my way out. I can only control me. I have had to use bathrooms that would make stomachs turn and in the great outdoors (try using a port -a-potty after 3 hours of tailgating that starts at 8:00am for college football 🤢). When you gotta go, you gotta go. It's what happens after the go that matters.

    • Like 2
  7. @mayleeman I'm with ya. I don't normally argue for this sort of payment. However, how many passengers have this exact case? Meaning were already in transit through HK when the letter was dispersed? Let's say it's 100 (which I think is high). A refund of cruise fare is already being offered. An additional $500 FCC would go a long way towards goodwill and cost X virtually nothing. Even if they go above and beyond and give cash that's only $50,000. That's not even a mosquito bite to them.

    • Like 2
  8. @mayleeman I think you're misunderstanding. No one is saying X should have known sooner. Just that with the little time X gave passengers to make a decision, this poster was unable to make changes. They had already begun their journey from the US to Singapore (through HK) when the letter was received. Had more notice been provided they could have changed their flight path. However, no one is saying X could have known earlier. Yet denying boarding once their travel had already begun and only offering a refund of dollar for dollar of cruise fare only seems unfair to the passengers.

    • Like 2
  9. @ducklite That is a fantastic result. I hope it works out that well for the OP. However, according the original post their TA told them they would only receive refund of the cruise fare. I was simply hoping that if escalated at a minimum the line would offer FCC. It would be nice if they would give cash, I just don't see that happening based on the response thus far.

    • Like 1
  10. @sanger727 First the flights weren't purchased through the cruise line. So refunds would need to have come from the airlines. Second, at best with enough notice they could have rerouted which would incur change fees etc. At best they could provide proof and attempt to get FCC. But they still would have had to have flown somewhere, was my point. At this point they flew to Singapore for two nights and then back to US. I think the cruise line should give them FCC.

  11. https://www.aontravelclaim.com/#/home



    Please scan or take a photo of all necessary documentation to ensure your claim process will not be delayed.

    The following is provided for informational purposes only. Your claim may require additional documentation to be provided. The benefits and coverage provided below are samples of coverage which may be available to you, depending on the travel protection product purchased and your state of residence. Please refer to the terms and conditions of your travel protection product to determine whether such coverage and the listed reasons are applicable to you.



    Trip Cancellation

    You never started your trip.

    Reason For Cancellation:
    Documenation required:
    For every Trip Cancellation claim:

    The original trip itinerary

    If you were charged a change fee:

    Your invoice or credit card statement

    If your trip was canceled due to the following:


    Medical reason

    A copy of the final death certificate

    Jury duty

    The summons to jury duty

    Traffic accident

    A police report

    Appearance in court

    A copy of the court document

    Home made uninhabitable

    The homeowners/adjusters report

    Your plan may include other reasons for cancellation which will require verification. Every claim is unique and your situation may require additional documentation.

    Always refer to your plan description for terms, conditions, exclusions, and limitations.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Thank you @Belle 🙂


    I have no idea how but I am the same weight as the 1st. I am going to refer to my guy as MG. He left this morning for 60 days. I could be mopey but instead I'm going to look forward to April and focus on me 🙂 Plus he's coming on my next cruise in Jan 2021 and invited me to his sister's wedding in September 👰.


    Can't wait to see everyone's progress updates!

    • Like 3
  13. @erllje While I understand where you are coming from. You would have to have taken those flights either way. The best you can hope for (in addition to the refunds) is FCC. While this is not normally my stance, I think you did everything"right". There was no way to foresee them denying you the ability to board after you had already begun your journey. If phone and e-mail don't get you anywhere, I would then escalate to HQ, Social Media and then the Elliott Advocacy Group.

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