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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. And it should be noted that it was approved at a time when there was much more concern about the spread of Covid.
  2. Giving them the benefit of the doubt (which they probably do not deserve), maybe that early in May they did not realize the ship would not be going there and allowing passengers off. But after this many times of skipping the port, they should realize that. If they are still selling excursions there especially from the ship where they have to realize they have been skipping the port, SHAME ON THEM!
  3. Well, that is definitely one way of not allowing passengers to get off the ship in Asafjordur.😒
  4. I called NCL a little while ago, and asked about Isafjordur. Here is the gist of the conversation, unfortunately probably not worth much. I explained to the representative that none of the May or June cruises had allowed passengers off there, and was there a possibility we could explore the port in August. She said she could not help as she only had the itinerary. I asked if there was anyone who could give me that information. After a small hold, she came back and said she was going to transfer me to excursions. They would know. After about a 10 minute hold, I spoke to an excursion representative. Her answer was that they were selling excursions. I said but no one was allowed to off in May or June, did they sell excursions to them. After another brief hold, she said she did not know, only that they were selling excursions starting July 4th and none in June. I at first thought maybe they will start in July, as none are being sold for the rest of June. And then I realized it might be too late for any more June excursions to be sold. And she could not or would not answer about did they sell excursions in May or earlier in June. I have no doubt that NCL would have no problem selling in advance and taking money for excursions in a port that is not happening. So For the time I spent on the phone, I unfortunately did not really learn anything.
  5. I just called NCL. And for what it is worth (probably nothing), here is what happened. I spoke to a representative, and she said she could not help with the question of whether there was a chance they would allow passengers off there. She said she only had the itinerary. I then asked if there was someone who might have that information. She said she would try. She came back and said that shore excursions would know, and would I mind being on hold. After about 10 minutes, shore excursions came on. I explained again that no one had been allowed to get off the ship there in any of the May or June cruises. Her reply was they were selling excursions starting July 4th. I asked did they sell them also for May and June when the ship did not allow passengers to go ashore. She could not answer that, only that they were selling starting July 4th. I thought ok, maybe that is good news, none being sold the rest of this month, but they are starting July 4th. Then I realized that there may not be any days left in June for them to sell excursions for Isafjordur, so there was really nothing I learned as I am sure they have no problem selling excursions and taking in the money and then having to give credit for it near the end of the cruise when they cannot deliver the excursions.
  6. Europe Cruises Q&A: Find Tips & Recommendations - Cruise Critic Message Board Forums And that forum is broken down into different parts including Mediterranean and different subforums for different countries.
  7. On our upcoming cruise, I called our TA and asked that question. (Actually, left a message, and he called back.)
  8. I never said ALL people felt that way. A majority probably feel like you do. But that might change if there was a real emergency. In the past, the seriousness that the cruise lines took the muster drill did change after the Costa Concordia disaster.
  9. Cancelling due to weather is a whole different thing than cancelling because we will not tender.
  10. I will not comment because I have seen others have already refuted what you have said about the muster drill, and there is really nothing I can add. Thank you, @chengkp75 and @sparks1093
  11. I will await your answer, though I have a feeling that I will not like it.
  12. Same here, except we are on the August 6th sailing. Would appreciate an update from you as you will be the sailing immediately prior to ours.
  13. I am more and more afraid that my comment about Isafjordur will be I am sure I would have loved it with the excursion we booked. It is too bad you did not let passengers disembark to enjoy the port.
  14. I knew you felt that way, but there are too many who are satisfied with the new "drill", and do not realize there actually could be a real emergency.
  15. We once had a hurricane (not a Carnival ship) keep us from returning to Fort Lauderdale for 2 days making a 5 day cruise into a 7 day cruise. At one point the Captain took us closer to the storm so passengers could have cell service to call family, airline, or TAs. It was a little rocky then. DW swam in the pool in the morning, and there were waves like in the ocean. By the afternoon, they drained the pool. The next cruise with our cruise landing 2 days late was obviously shorter than it was supposed to be. And I understand the ports were definitely totally different. I spoke to a representative at the airport, and she had no idea how many would really be coming in for the cruise. Later I read that instead of having 2 seatings for dinner, that cruise had just 1. Obviously, there were a whole lot less passengers.
  16. Obviously, not all TAs are at the top of their profession. And if you call the cruise line directly to make a booking, do you think all their phone representatives are excellent? Every profession has those who are not the best. When you go see a doctor, do you realize half of hem graduated in the lower half of their class, some even at the very bottom just making it out of school.
  17. And if a real emergency ever happened, do you think the announcement would be "please proceed to your muster station at your convenience?".
  18. Just hope everyone notices you referred to him as a " very polite young lad". I do hope everyone realizes that no all children are wild, spoiled brats.
  19. The TA we have been using is the president of his agency, so I would think he gets the entire commission.
  20. And it has nothing to do with the post Covid experience of labor shortages. And it has nothing to do with the problem crew members had for awhile getting work visas. It's all about whiny passengers. 🤦‍♂️
  21. Have you read the boards on cruisecritic.com where people are happy with their TA? And remember someone who has a complaint is much more likely to post that than someone who received excellent service. Have you read the complaints on these boards from people who directly booked with a cruise line rather than using a TA?
  22. You left out one thing the passengers who were allowed to book illegal cruises do---they come to these boards to complain.
  23. Boo, not aimed at you for giving the information, but at NCL for doing this. Is there any information when the pier work might be done? Are they working on it at present?
  24. Yes, what could possibly be wrong with getting a price reduction for being part of a group package? And I for one have never found any restriction because my TA was able to book as a group package. And I know he has done this.
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