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Everything posted by millybess

  1. Haha, no not that simple. We went back at 6:30 -- same thing. Around 7:00 is our cut off for eating. It has turned out to be"not a problem". 😉
  2. Best of luck Dawg. I hope someone on the following Neptune keeps a look out for it.
  3. I'm not sure if this will help: https://www.vipholidaybooker.com/en/blog/day-falconry-center-dubrava-sibenik
  4. 9:00 is the last seating for both restaurants and they ask that you arrive early.
  5. If nobody comes up with an answer on last seatings, I will check it out after our BBQ in the rain on Aquavit. Great fun!!
  6. Excellent advice and I will offer one more thing. If there is something you want and can’t get, check back often. We’ve already cancelled 2 excursions for our April cruise. No doubt there will be more changes to come. Also, on the cruise we’re on right now, it’s day 4 and we’ve already cancelled 2 excursions.
  7. Yes, we change ours all the time once we board and see the menus. Yes, if your times are flexible, it’s possible to eat at both specialty restaurants more than your allowance.
  8. From one Cindy to another.....:) We are on legs 4 and 5 of a 5 leg cruise. Our leg starts in April. The 1st leg starts in February. There were plenty of categories on different legs that booked before us, but we were able to get all the excursions we wanted. We didn't expect that, and even several days after we booked, there are only a few "sold out"s. We set up the ACH payment ahead of time. Both DH and I logged in. We had our excurions prioritized. He put 3 in the cart, I put 3 in the cart at the same time and then one of us checked out while the other was putting more in the cart. (I'm laughing while reading this because it sounds like an after Christmas sale or something like that.) We had 5 weeks of excursions to choose and we were done in less than 5 minutes. And yes, choose the optional excusions first and the included ones last. Anyway, there are many people here who say that 2 people cannot be logged in at the same time, but this has always worked for us.
  9. This morning we did a laundry tour. This aft is the bridge tour. Our galley tour is on Wednesday. We’ve been on Viking Sea 3 times in the last 10 months. One of the most remarkable things about the Sea is how happy the staff are. Unsolicited, we often hear what a great company Viking is to work for. It’s a happy ship! BTW, the rib eye at Manfredis the other night was just as delicious as ever One minor complaint is that The Restaurant doesn’t take reservations and the line up is past the elevators even before it opens.
  10. We loved the Falconry Center. It was one of our most favourite excursions on our 3 week cruise. The Krka National Park was fairly ordinary for us and not worth the trip down and up. If we were to do it again, we would just book a private tour to the Falconry Center and skip Krka Falls. However, many people here really enjoyed the Krka Falls. Much has been written on this topic recently and if you search "Krka", I think you will find many opinions from others who have been on these excursions. Enjoy!
  11. We are on the Viking Sea enroute to Brazil. Many on our roll call had a very difficult and stressful experience attempting to obtain a Brazil visa. Some succeeded and some did not. But eventually Brazil moved the goalpost. The group of people that contributed to the roll call all helped each other with the details of the application process. When we boarded a couple of days ago, we asked Viking if we could have a get together for the “e-visa survivors”. They were more than happy to oblige and, in fact, took over hosting the event, providing drinks and food. The turnout was great and it was clear from the Viking staff attendees that Cruise Critic is important to them, and to paraphrase our Cruise Director’s comments, Cruise Critic has been important to bringing back the cruise industry after Covid and continues to be very influential. Many thanks to Guest Services Manager Liesl and the rest of the team of Viking Sea.
  12. We checked out the aft DVs on deck 5 on Sea this morning, and can confirm there is no wall bump out.
  13. millybess

    Brazil visa

    Astounding! Our cruise starts in 2 days. We’ve set up an E-Visa Survivors party (EVS for short)😊
  14. Same up here. We used that website to book Oslo to Bergen 2 years ago, so I’m not sure what the issue is. If you don’t mind not being able to choose your seat, try rail ninja, or possibly rail Europe.
  15. We were in a PV under the World Cafe. It was very difficult to get good photos from the balcony because if was covered by the "wings" of the Aquavit. But PVs are very nice if you can find the perfect location.
  16. @OneSixtyToOne Are the bump outs also in the aft DVs?
  17. Same for our b2b on the Med last year.
  18. The falls is a lot of walking down and then up. If you have never seen a waterfalls before it would be worth it. If you are going at a hot time of year, it's not pleasant going back up as there is no shade. Going down to the falls there is a lot of shade, but there are many people choosing that path to go back up in the other direction, so you have to move off to the side. If we had thought of it, and if you go, that might be the way to go back up as it is very shady and is a gentle climb. The falconry is a short walk to a circle of chairs where you sit, watch, listen and participate.
  19. It's more sitting down and watching. The owner does let some people interact with a few different birds. It was very informative and fun.
  20. Haha, speak for yourself 🥰 But no, the falls in our opinion wasn't worth it. It's probably something you could see at a park not too far from where you live. We could do the Falconry Centre over and over. So worth it, and if we were there again, we would do the Falconry Centre on a private tour without the falls.
  21. So sad. I tried the ones you liked a couple of years ago. I picked one up on my way to breakfast in the WC everyday. Very delicious. Have you tried the new ones yet? I will be interested in your take. Yeah, I know, there's no comparison. But still, is it better than nothing?
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