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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. I also have anytime dining and I usually dine alone, but any friends of Dorothy or Bill are friends of mine and welcome to join me anytime . 🤗
  2. Retreat includes all that you mentioned. Unfortunately the cruise planner is not in sync with the confirmed booking reservation. Don’t worry about it and don’t add any of those options, you’re already covered.
  3. US $ on board I suppose unless it is an all European cruise, but even the US $ will be welcomed by the crew no matter where you are. In port I always have some of the local currency for tips or times I cannot us my CC.
  4. First of all this is very unlikely to happen. I also only cruise in spring and fall and I think I can count on less than 2 hands the number of kids I’ve seen on board. Then again I never go to the pool and am rarely if ever in the buffet area. When I’m not aimlessly wandering the ship or sitting in a quiet area reading or listening to an instrumentalist, I’m in my suite and on my balcony. When I have seen kids just about always have been very well behaved. I guess I’m just happy with all of my Celebrity experiences thus far.
  5. When I was a practicing catholic I used to eat meat on Frday, intentionally. Please don't tell my mother.
  6. Loved it, my favorite towne (pubs) in Ireland. I will let you know in October, I am heading back to spend time there and in Dingle and Kinsale before a late Oct cruise
  7. I told you a long time ago you have all the best traits of Dolly Parton, a bawdy/naughty sense of humor, impeccable taste in clothing, one of you is TrulyBlonde and one of you does not know if she is or not because she is never there when she gets her hair done, one of you is well DDare I say it....
  8. Several years ago I was at a pub in Killarney with my daughter and her then fiance. This was when I was a smoker, and a young fellow at the table next to us outside, saw that I was smoking, he politely asked "may I trouble you for a fag", my daughter was ready to get into a brawl, until I explained it to her. I went to bed and she and her fiance stayed at the pub and ended up going to a club with the guy and his GF and had a great time. We still laugh about it to this day.
  9. So I guess to be on the safe side we should stick with Cheetos and Doritos, I don't think fake cheese flavor is offensive
  10. LOL I am as well and I don't need an apology, I promise, I'm not sensitive, but it did take me aback just a bit...🏳️‍🌈
  11. "The gays", lots of "them", perhaps it's just me but I feel like I am reading something that Archie Bunker would of posted.
  12. Holy moly Batman, it's a good thing I bought some popcorn, I've missed quite a bit since I've been gone! My take on tipping: always leave the pre-paid grats/tips/service charge on (or whatever they are calling it now) don't be that person who waits on line to have them removed. Personally I always tip additonal, bartenders, wait staff, housekeeping, steward and butler, I only stay in suites and I always always have had great service from all the crew on-board. It works for me and I like doing it that way, endo of story for my way of doing it. Others feel the pre-paids are adequate for the service rendered and that is OK too, after all most lines do advertise tips/grats relax, don't worry, we've got you covered, it is included. That siad, many IMO pretend it is not in their culture, to which I say save it Sally, your on a ship, away (usually) from your culture, just as in Rome, do as the Romans do. If you don't want to tip additional that's fine, just please leave the autos there. Where a crew member lives and how much money they or their family make in said country is absolutely irrelevant and you know it. We are paying for superalative service, so wheter that person can earn $9000/year or $75000/year is neither here nor there. Well that i$ my $tory and I am $ticking to it!
  13. just plan for the late seating and you'll be fine
  14. and to toss in the circular file
  15. Perhaps you all look at the videos available on YouTube for each of the ships, there are a tone of them. Each makes a list of questions: likes/dislikes, then come back and fire away, you will get a lot of information along with many many varied opinions.
  16. well I do like the lines to be open when I have to call and ask about my luggage tag questions, so there is that
  17. !!!!! No was not a joke! Of course they do silly, as much asI have the right to think easy things that can be resolved w/o a call should be done on board silly! You probably still don't get it, but there it is.
  18. Will you not cruise NCL again because you are having a problem making specialty dining reservations?
  19. LOL yes, I am sure "them" will be glad you asked for a friend
  20. I think you are looking for CariMart, this is Celebrity
  21. Please don't call and tie up the line with something so minor that can be taken care of on-board
  22. Please tell me this is a joke and you are being facetious...
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