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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. All I can think of is...Book em Dano
  2. I have to bet that you knew the answer already before you posted this, but if you truly did not, wow just wow
  3. It reminds me of when me and my brothers and sisters would dump the loot from our Easter baskets on our bed and start trading. I'm kind of visioning the crew down in their cabins after the cruise Easter bunny bestows them with the "goodie" bags, yes yes I know people that do this may mean well, I personally find it insulting.
  4. And keep in mind that the "CDR" expects his butler to come and "present" themself in short order after he is ensconced in his suite, on the ocassion they do not do so, the consequences are outlined in the "letter". I'm guessing that Mrs. Benson could write a book on her adventures with the "CDR".
  5. Not until I get the name of the CSR that is going to help me after this insufferable hold time, I want to bring them a bag of personal hygiene items as a gift when I board the ship, you know because all the satff appreciate gifts more than $
  6. Too late for that Bo, I called them at 7am when I got up this morning, I've been on hold for 4 hours and 15 minutes, but when I get my $47.13 Roof Top Grill charge credited back to my free money OBC account, it will have been well worth it for the money it did not cost me
  7. Many years ago, when Whitney Houston covered "I Will Always Love You", a song written by Dolly Parton, well the song became a world wide smash, many had not known it was written by Dolly and was a big hit for her on the country charts. In an interview on 60 Minutes, Dolly was asked how it felt that Whitney got all the credit for that song, she responded, "Whitney can get the credit but I'm the writer and I get the cash". I kind of think the crew may feel the same, keep the Cheetos and pork rinds, but please just give me the cash.
  8. Well who knew, I have been doing it all wrong booking Celebrity when Disney has luxe laundry rooms, I guess I will see you soon Mickey, NOT!
  9. but what about 5G and I wonder about when 6G becomes available?
  10. Really does not matter a wit what we "prefer", whether we like it or agree with it, what matters is what is
  11. Don't make a federal case of it, just turn it on wifi at the port
  12. Yes and he was covering all of his bases, making sure NOT to offend the Costso and BJ's before cruise crew gift shoppers, knowing full well he could double score for his fellow crew and himself, a pair of socks AND some cash, IMO, HE is the smart one, and probably a good fiddle player.
  13. Interesting and thought provoking take. I have always subscribed to the theory of when I am a guest in someone elses home I abide by their rules. For example, I am not a religous person in anyway at all, actually anti. However, when in Rome, I love the history and Vatican and museums and the gorgeous churches scattered around the city and the country for that matter, I always make a point to visit and spend time. Just because I may not agree with the religous aspect or their make them feel good rules, I made the choice to go so I still follow the remove hat request, no shorts, shoulders knees etc. I follow those requests because I am their guest, it is not difficult. Of course there are many others we can all point out that we may or may not agree with, but you know when in Rome...if you choose not to, well you know what you are. BTW what country are you from?
  14. Treats are for my dog, tips are for people who work very hard to make sure I have an awesome, worry and carefree vacation, ya know, me not cleaning the toilet, making the bed, folding the towels, ice bucket filled, fridge stocked, reservations made, snacks magically appear...the treaters can fool yourselves into believing that chips and the like are so appreciated by the staff, when in reality, if you were honest with yourself, you'd know you were only doing this for YOU, making you feel better for helping, oh you know they are from a third world country, FYI they do have snacks on the ship. Stop the Nonsense and you know it, CASH IS KING!!!!
  15. lots of other determing factors and way too little detail provided in your post
  16. And do a mock booking so you have the information in front of you when you call, will save you both time
  17. No but we’ve got some great hospitals here if you think you need it before cruising, perhaps your Dr can arrange for you to get some before your cruise? MGH is very close to the cruise terminal.
  18. Thanks all, appreciate the responses. The OBC I used is from Celebrity, my TA OBC won't be available until I board. Sounds pretty straight forward and I can easily wait until I am on-board to take care of it.
  19. No thanks, nuff said! To bad it could not have been the first leg and you had to end it with that nonsense
  20. I hear you, TB, loud and clear. I went back and forth on the Oct 24 cruise I just very recenlty booked and paid in full, after having canceled two just a few weeks prior. I just decided, this is a bucket list cruise so f' it, I'll take my chances. Cruise begins in Rome so if for whatever reason I test positive before boarding, my Plan B keeps me in Italy for the 2 weeks I'd of been on the cruise. Frankly, my biggest concern is possibly being moved from my booked cabin down to the dungeon, but lately I am seeing quite a few saying they have been allowed to saty in the suite they booked. We shall see, so best of luck with whatever you decide to do!
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