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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. It was our first X cruise and that, with some other issues, convinced us to never cruise on Celebrity again. We’ve booked Edge for September. As EDGE is Celebrity, looks like you weren't too convinced then, good on you though for giving it another try!
  2. $$$ value, perceived or real, is different for everyone. IMO it took 2 years to get into this mess, not just speaking of cruising of course, but it is taking time to get out of it. Much more than companies would like and that customers would like. In my experience though, there is light showing through at the end of the tunnel. I call it pandemic patience.
  3. Depends on how much work is involved in accomplishing the request. Generally too much notice is better than too little. Celebrity does have a special requests link in the booking process and if you make the res by phone with a CSR they have always asked me this question.
  4. Las t minute vacations can be the best, not too much time to think about but lot's of fun ahead!
  5. Google is your friend and you can find one that won't crush your wallet
  6. But if what you are saying is true, this was not a drunk, it was a true medical emergency. If this were you or a loved one, I'm thinking (hoping) you'd be singing a different tune, rather than looking for a few bucks compensation.
  7. You have the butler come in the room while you are sleeping and then he awakens you?! Well OK it is your vacation but dang, talk about earning your money.
  8. It’s dark and they can’t see my legs
  9. To be clear, I was not advised to get the 2nd booster, but after talking with my Dr about traveling out of the country in October she said it certainly won’t hurt and that I could still receive the new one in November, assuming it is available by then. So I just decided to err on the side of caution. BTW TB, I hope you are doing well!
  10. Me thinks you’re doing just fine, Bo! Actually with your profile picture, your the reason I don’t have one, damn you, but perhaps I should use my husband’s and pretend it’s me, LOL.
  11. OMG this made me laugh so freaking hard! I’m on the subway howling behind my mask and you should see the looks of the other riders. Great way to end the day, thanks!
  12. I get that you are upset about this and most would be initially as well. But what you have shared that NCL has offered as a solution really seems reasonable to me, all things considered. Although you lose the sleeper sofa and spending such quality time together with the family all in the cabin, the trade off to me is a win-win and I’d jump at the chance to be the one that gets the solo balcony cabin.
  13. 2 bottles per person and of legal drinking age of course
  14. I think this is far different than casually talking about a shore excursion one has been on or plans to do.
  15. If you are having dinner at A&B's place with half a dozen others do you openly compare, during that dinner, that dinner with one you had at C&D's a few night's earlier? Yes of course I do.
  16. Then by your reasoning there should be no private shore excursions if they are in direct opposition cruise line if one is a guest on the line. Which of course is nonsense. I’ll enjoy my private shore excursions and talk about them when and where I decide.
  17. My assumption is that there would be a limitation of some sort, there would almost have to be the way some people travel. I'd go to the various tour companies offering tours in the area(s) you want to go.
  18. I did not know you were >60 - 62.5 to be exact and it's the Botox and I am a very proud graduate of Collagen
  19. This is very true but it certainly does not and never will have the influence (good/bad) and reach that other social media does.
  20. I got my 4th Moderna shot this past Friday, will continue to do so as well when new vaccines are available and I am eligible. Though this being over 60 stuff does tend to move me to the head of the line quicker.
  21. Gary - I always enjoy your very thoughtful and reasonable posts! IMO your methodology in tipping is well thought and more than reasonable and respectful. Again IMO, the butler letter, while well intended, can be perceived as a power play, with the customer yielding all the power. Some here seem to use it as if waving a carrot in front of the bunny. When I see terms such as “I expect my butler to PRESENT his/her self” and of course include a small piece of the carrot in the envelope, after I put my eyes back in their sockets, to me I see a total and utter abuse of what can and should be a very mutually beneficial relationship. Like you, I tip very generously, I’ve NEVER had bad service and I always talk WITH the butler/steward and not AT them. There is an old expression “conceit in weakest minds, strongest works”. I certainly see that in some of the comments here. Thank you for your very well intended and informative posts.
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