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Everything posted by LGW59

  1. Sorry you tested positive and more sorry Celebrity opted to pull the phony charade they randomly implement with the isolation cabin game. I’ve canceled my October and December cruises with celebrity for this very reason. I’ll just have to suffer through 3 weeks in Ireland instead.
  2. Because one has a personal preference, does not make it an "issue". I cannot understand why other people care what someone else is wearing.
  3. I so love your style, Dani! On a totally separate off-topic matter, Malta, oh yes, def on our list. My husband and I were to of spent our COVID delayed honeymoon with three weeks in Italy just this past June (we are delaying it now until spring 2023) and along with Venice, one of his must see bucket list items was to of been a few days in Malta. I've been all over Italy several times, but never to Malta, we'll still get there, just a bit delayed. Perhaps if/when time allows, you could give me your impressions of Malta, i.e. is two days enough time, what are the highlights/must-do agenda items? TIA!!
  4. Over 75 and 60 only…yikes seems a short sighted policy. It’s 50 and over here unless a underlying condition.
  5. I suppose one may consider it misleading if all they do is click or call and pay for the cruise. Perhaps a little research on each of the ports before doing so may provide a bit of clarification and give one a better understanding.
  6. Good point and by a conservative measure maybe 1% of cruisers are represented on these boards. Yes there are the cruise lifers who purport to know everything about every ship and sailing because they do b44b’s, in this suite and that suite, but trust me, they know about as much or as little about all this as you, me or anyone else. Be vaxxed, boosted and sail on and enjoy and hope they don’t use the magic mirror and move you to a room in the bowels of the ship, if heaven forbid you are deemed to have crossed paths with a close contact somewhere on board.
  7. Hope you have a great cruise! In case you have not noticed yet, I’ve got a news flash, Americans can be just a tad dramatic.
  8. Check your cruise roll call, you may find someone in the same predicament
  9. So you’re staying home then, right.
  10. I had been considering a similar cruise several months ago. I asked colleagues in our Brussels office and they all suggested Bruges.
  11. May of 2023, correct? If so, you have plenty of time, I'd def not be concerned about this right now.
  12. Nope, the tests I took were for personal reasons, i.e. a land vacation, where I was not required to do so, I chose to just to be certain I did not have it so I'd know before I travel. I say again, perhaps it is required to travel by the government, it is not ordered. You have chosen to go on a luxury cruise vacation, the government did not tell you to do that. Though obviously you expect someone else to pay for it.
  13. I don't like sharing in the cost of paying for your vacation COVID tests. I have some bills for tests that I took and paid for out-of-pocket, for personal reasons, may I submit those for shared reimbursement.
  14. They basically told us, "tough luck," you agreed to our policies when you purchased your cruise in 2020. You agreed to the T&C's when you used the FCC, whether you read them or not is another thing. If they don't expire, perhaps just wait to redeem until you are more comfortable cruising again. Blaming Celebrity for their policy, which is very clear, and you can have a very low opinion of them but that won't change the situation you are currently in.
  15. Are you spending any time in Boston pre/post-cruise? I was ohsoclose to booking this, I live very close to the terminal in Seaport.
  16. OK so I must ask. You really travel with a creme brulee torch??
  17. This topic has probably been bantered about forever. Probably been bantered about?!?! Ya think!!!
  18. I'd not exactly call it a "struggle"! Only you know the answer to this question, there are supply issues on land as well, supermarkets, restaurants etc
  19. The cruise line will not provide a double stroller. Getting on and off a tour bus with the twins and the double stroller will be a nuisance for both you and the others on the tour. Walking the hills and narrow cobblestone streets with back issues, hmmmm, that will not be a pleasant experience.
  20. Absolutely! The people looking for their tests to be paid for are enough to drive me crazy. If we are going on our own personal vacation, just pony up and pay the piper for the privilege. I am sure medicare has enough real life tests they need to cover.
  21. I know many cruisers do not like to wait, but when I travel, however I travel, I am always 3 hours early, waiting does not bother me a bit.
  22. If anything, it has gotten even louder!
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