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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. You get double points on the leg she can't make. She obviously will not get points for the leg she misses. However you can tie the accounts together. 😀 You need to see if there is a reduced rate for a single on that leg. Since a combo of OBC from Celebrity and your TA, only they can sort it out. Is complicated with B2B discounts as well.
  2. You sound upset about this. I completely agree that whether prices include or do not include the gratuity is confusing and one can likely find it described both ways. I also get the principle of don't mess around with my wallet. I detest being quoted on price and then when I drive to pick up the item things have changed However, my wife has made me back off and accept the small stuff as not worth my time and energy if less that 10% of the total. A cruise is say several thousand dollars? Not worth messing with what is about $20. If one wants an easy way to save that amount then simply upgrade on the 2nd day. Saves a few $$ and certainly the hassle of calling for the upgrade.
  3. The OP asked when was checkin. Am sure your answer is perfect. Mine simply gave what Celebrity says online. Of course it can sometimes be more or less due to time zones, holidays, weekends and that things happen on a flexible schedule at Celebrity
  4. There are some medical insurance policies that will cover the $15. Not mine!
  5. The pricce changes as: in some countries gratuities are not added at the end, then you have "sales", Captain's Club discounts and various parts of the website that are not always updated - the mobile site often different from full site. The prices are always within a few $$ and insignificant compared to the total.cost of taking a cruise until you live near FLL or MIA.
  6. FBC is a consolidator. If their seats are part of group blocks the rules on those seats are different. Sometimes more flexible and other times not. Airline travel today is chaos. All you can do is ask both FBC AND the airlines. If you do not like the answer call back and ask again as the answer might well be different. Sadly your flights are likely to change again
  7. On Celebrity you can bring a "reasonable " amount carried on. Have taken 2 12pks on a B2B.
  8. And there are proctored tests that would likely be easier.
  9. Pricing not only varies week to week but can change a couple times a day just like airlines. Make a mock booking using points for first class seats say twice. Come back later that day and repeat and likely the points required has risen!
  10. The headline is great, but the reality is different. Virgin has not eliminated testing. OK. Now take a look at ports or countries that require testing or vaccination with boosters depending on how many days since "fully" vaccinated. Lots of Caribbean, all Canadian, Australian, Chinese and some others have testing requirements. Until those go away doesn't make much difference what Celebrity or RCCL does.
  11. They is a generic form were around many man years ago. Since I don't drink martinis - No. Dw likes martinis with lots of olives - she suggested it would be a waste of good liquor.
  12. 45 days. Cannot check-in until after final payment.
  13. The ports Forum is your best source
  14. That is because the credit from your TA will usually not be credited until after you board. If it was applied now and you cancelled the TA would be out the OBC and not receive a commission. Most TA OBCs will appear on day 2 of your cruise and are OBCR on your statement. Thus refundable. Bring your statement with you on your cruise so if there is a problem you can go to customer relations on Day 2 (after lines are gone) and get it quickly fixed.
  15. The tour outside of cruise ship days is right at $200. I agree and the owner will let me know if he has any space or another boat. Qaqortoq is unusual in that Summit will have more people on board than live in the town. The problem with Celebrity tours is they are using it as a profit center - adding 50% or more as their commission. Other lines add a far small percentage. When I do car tours I receive a commission from the booking and an upgraded room. I do not markup my tours.
  16. The drive and train ride are excellent. You really get to experience South Island of NZ. Do agree you will find more info in Australia NZ forum
  17. You need to link your account to your wife's account. That might solve the problem.
  18. They always decorate just after Thanksgiving. Same as retail stores used to do! No need for a calendar except to find Thanksgiving.
  19. You go to the app store and download it. Available for either Apple (Safari)or Android (lots of choices). Since you do not know how to download software would find someone to assist you. I use grandkids or younger more tech savvy adults.
  20. The US Government stopped paying for covid testing for travel a couple weeks ago. My insurance will pay if I go to a CVS (for example) and have a fever etc. It will not for travel testing. As for the proctoring companies - there are some that are scams. Several in the past got overwhelmed with testing numbers. Today is different as notvtests to fly. Both OnPoint and Rapidtestandtrace.com are easy to do and have virtually 100% follow thru. Just a comment order a set of tests (8 per order) at Covid.gov. that way if a problem you have another test or two. Last - all expiration dates extended 3-6 months.
  21. Tomorrow. Miss that sale you will need to wait till Sunday. LOL.
  22. Unfortunately people bring bedbugs on board in their clothes and on their luggage. FWIW most bugs you see are not bed bugs as they are very very tiny. Do a Google search. Have had bugs in motel rooms - used to stay 40-60 nights a year. "Bed bugs" only twice and both times in more upscale hotels.
  23. No other suggestion except delete and reinstall Celebrity app. I did my checkin on the website. Could not get it on the app. As said move on and bring everything to the pier if after one more try it doesn't work. Seems covid verification by X is changing. They are buying in paper so maybe the new email indicates a change Good luck. Miss Moe and the valley.
  24. Chrome works fine for me. Similar issues to yours reported in the past. Clearing cache. Also use a clean and repair software. Logging out and back in usually solved issue according to past reports. If issue persists then a different browser might help.
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