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Posts posted by JAM37

  1. I read in August that the library shelves were pretty bare on NA. I am wondering if that is still the case so I know whether or not I need to make sure DH has a book with him. (I always have one with me.) We have both found books on previous cruises that interested us and love spending time reading with a view of the ocean.


    Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    Good morning friends!  It was a little colder than predicted this morning so instead of walking to the gym we stayed home and did our treadmill walk.  We shall never forget those who died in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.  I salute Civil Aviation Day, encourage letter writing, and really don't care about cotton candy anymore.  Maybe when I was 7 I did!


    Happy birthday to @JAM37's DH on his 61st birthday.  Today is also my DSIL's 50th birthday and this is what my DD sent me a photo of today.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ4IV5-RFMehjZRHNwLhkzUKwg5ydwHipy3aIZBf9dNYQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1638883142


    I'm sure Travis isn't embarrassed at all!!


    The Instant Pot Lasagna sounds very good, but I don't have an Instant Pot either.  We sure have some interesting quotes, don't we?  Anyway, thank you Rich for your Daily report today.  Thank you Roy for including me and my friends and DMIL on your lists.  We have so much going on here that we need someone to keep us all straight on the prayers and celebrations.  DH and I are booked on a flight Thursday to Cincinnati to attend our DGD's college commencement ceremony Friday.  We fly back on Sunday. Meanwhile, everyone is on pins and needles awaiting word on DMIL.  She's surprised us in the past and may do that this time too, but...🤷‍♀️


    Our port today of Manta, Ecuador was visited by us on the Star Princess in 2012, and is booked again in 2023.  I remember posting photos from there before for some reason.  Does anyone else remember Manta?

    Happy birthday to Travis. 


    Safe travels Thursday and Sunday and congratulations to your DGD.

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  3. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    I am thankful for this day because it is the day my wonderful DH was born 61 years ago. No cotton candy today, but DD and DGS are surprising DH with his favorite...donuts and frozen hot chocolate here in a little while.


    I like the quote. Love lasagna, but don't have an Instant Pot and we will be having shrimp tonight.


    It is very foggy here in East Orlando this morning. But never fear the humidity and allergies are in full force.


    As always, I am looking forward to pictures and each of your daily updates.


    I pray everyone has a safe and happy day.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 29
  4. Good afternoon, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    What a wonderful collection of days. I do not agree the quote at all. I like the meal, but eating on the road this rainy, gloomy day. My daughter tells me central Florida is sunny.


    We had a nice visit with DMIL's cousin in Marietta, got through Atlanta and then stopped to eat in McDonough. On the road with an ETA of 9:45 tonight.


    @dfish Debbie I am so sorry to hear about your cousin's accident and her grandson. My condolences and prayers for all. May everyone find comfort that he is spending eternity with our Lord and Savior.


    @StLouisCruisers Sandi, prayers being sent for John's soul, comfort and peace for Jean and family. Also for your DMIL.


    @Cat in my lapHappy Birthday!🎉🎂🥳


    @smitty34877I hope you and Tana are having a good day. 



    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 10
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  5. 1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    Good evening friends!  We are home from Orlando safe and sound.  The family is on a plane at the moment heading back to Ann Arbor.  It was an early morning (7:30) game after a late night watching the Michigan game.  We will have to catch up on sleep tonight.  But the football game ended very well last night, and the soccer game ended very well this morning!  The ref today was much younger and in good shape so was able to keep up with the young soccer players.  The earlier two refs were so out of shape they just stayed put most of the time and sure didn't see very well!🤔  After a rough two days both teams seemed to play a little subdued today or it could be because of the early hour.  We didn't see the poor sportsmanship we had encountered Friday and Saturday.  Today's opponents were from the Miami area.  Unfortunately for them, our Michigan Tigers won 7 - 1.  🙂  The boy with the bruised tailbone sat out today so I hope he's feeling much better very soon.  The abused player from yesterday was back at it today and doing fine.  


    I told everyone we HAD to stop and take a photo today so here it is.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJdwWiS9N3TDNXCPFwpWkue5cYdfB3jRoL_VZILaXEufg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1638744939


    L to R:  DS, Ren, DH, DDIL, older DGS, me.


    I'll go back and read all the posts right after our pizza is consumed.  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Sandi, I'm glad you are home safe and sound. Congratulations on today's win as well as a better ref and less violence. Continued prayers for the injured. Wishing you a peaceful night's sleep.

    • Like 8
  6. Good afternoon, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    A good collection of days. I volunteered yesterday at the Children's Christmas party which was a success.


    If the quote is about taking the high road, I am on board.


    I love lentils but I am sure I enjoy meat sauce way too much to try today's meal.


    We have been getting the house ready and packing today in order to leave tomorrow morning. At this time we do not know what day we will return home. What I do know is that for 12 nights the Nieuw Amsterdam ⛴️ will be our home. According to the Navigator we have 5 days and 8 hours. 🎉 (I know it is really more like exactly 6 days that we should be leaving FLL.) 


    @grapau27 Graham, what a beautiful setting and delicious looking food, not to mention the good looking family. Thank you for sharing.


    @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I am happy for the win, but disappointed the refs could not keep a handle on the game. Praying the injured players are feeling better and that nobody got hurt in this morning's game.


    Wishing everyone a blessed Sunday.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 18
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  7. 11 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

    Good Morning Everyone from a bright and sunny day at the beach

            Great collection of days.  I dont own any brown shoes, although I have a pair of brown sandals. Does that count? Like @summer slope I only wear flip flops, sandals for dress up.

    Santas list is ready to go.

           Have not been to todays port, looking forward to pictures. 

           DH comes home tonite.  It will be so good to have him home again. He is worn out, so DS said he will come tomorrow and hang my outside lights.   Even though we have had a horrendous year and probably should not be even thinking of decorating, I find the lights of Christmas to be very peaceful. They give you hope that things will go on.

          Prayers for everyone on the Care list and a very happy day for all those celebrating.


    Stay safe and enjoy today.



    Charlene, I believe your loved ones would want you to do what makes you happy including decorating. You are certainly due for some joy and peace, so put up your lights and enjoy.


    (I hope we will be able to meet in a few weeks.)

    • Like 20
  8. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    Our lists need to be finalized so maybe we'll get  that done tonight. Wildlife conservation is so important...I'm sitting on my porch listening to the squirrels and chipmunks rustle in the leaves while I drink my coffee and read the Daily. 


    My slippers are brown, but I will be putting my sneakers on in a couple of hours, which are not brown, to go help with the children's Christmas party.


    The meal sounds good and I love the quote.


    DH has done what he can to the deck for now. That project will continue after we return home depending on the weather. So, this morning he will finish the shower floor and curb so he can grout tomorrow. He will drop me at the clubhouse then go pick up the coffee and cider for the party, drop that off at the clubhouse and return home to watch football with his DM. 


    @cruzn singleI hope you are feeling better today.


    @StLouisCruiserssorry about the loss last night. Good luck today. I remember those traveling soccer teams when my son played; much rougher than non-traveling teams.


    Take care of yourselves and have a great day.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 23
  9. Good afternoon, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    A warm day here today. (70's)


    The meal sounds good. Thank you, Debbie @dfish, for the recipes. I'm sorry you had the experience at the pool yesterday. I do admire how you are handling it and hope the man is okay.


    @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your travel to Florida is going smoothly and that you have a terrific weekend with your family.


    @cat shepard happy to hear Maddie returned home.


    @rafinmd Roy, I have also been wondering how your treatment is going and how your TA is doing.


    @kazu Jacqui, thankful that the doctor found the cause and a possible treatment for Jose.


    @smitty34877 I did post a picture late last night. I will try to post more before and after pictures room by room every so often.


    More work on the deck was done this morning. DMIL and I took all the old wood planks from the deck to the garage yesterday and today. I have also started packing. Our tests are scheduled for Thursday morning.


    Prayers for all those traveling and getting ready to travel whether by sea or land. Safe travels and enjoy.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 15
  10. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    Apple and corn fritters are nice treats. Mutts are so lovable. A salute to special education which does so much to help the people who need it.


    I agree with @Mr. Bostonabout the quote. Love the meal. I would pick one of the first two to make, but have to say the third one would look gorgeous on a dinner table  Christmas Day.


    DH started working on the deck yesterday and the first new plank has started to twist ever so slightly. He was able to work with it and get it to lay straight, but that has become the new top priority. After laying the first plank he started taking down the part of the deck we are not replacing and it is coming up in pieces. 😳 He said he doesn't feel like he will fall through, but also doesn't think it would be too much longer. So, the shower floor and curb will get finished so they can dry and set, but not sure the entire shower will be done. Flexibility is key during this project. Also, we are now leaving Monday instead of Tuesday so we can visit a cousin of DMIL's at a nursing home. You have to have an appointment and none were available Tuesday.


    @smitty34877 praying for you and Tana.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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  11. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    An important collection of days. I love the quote and the meal suggestion.


    DH continues to work on our bathroom. DSIL helped DH get his vanity and countertop in place over the weekend. DH wants the bathroom done before we leave next week so all of the grout and caulk have tons of time to dry and set. DSIL and DBIL helped carry the boards out to the deck which DH plans to start on today because he is worried they will turn/warp and make it difficult to work with. (We only got the first 8 boards. We'll get the rest later and I am sure my neighbor will come over to help get them to the deck.) We decided to complete the downstairs work after we get back so we aren't working down there while DMIL is here.


    @smitty34877 Terry, I hope all goes well with Tana's appointment today and that you find easy parking as well as a comfortable place to wait.


    @kazu Jacqui, thinking of you and Jose.


    @grapau27 Graham, I think we are in need of some meal pictures from you.😁 (They always look like wonderful meals especially when you and/or Pauline are in the picture; a true pick me up.)


    @StLouisCruisers Sandi, a little warmer this morning here...hoping it is the same for you.


    @cunnorl Charlene, praying for safe travels for your DH and DS as well as comfort for you and the family.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 24
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  12. 17 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

    Good Morning Everyone from an overcast day at the beach

          The weather fits our moods today. My SIL  ( DH sister) passed away yesterday. She was doing so much better following the stroke but then on Friday started having mini strokes and then a major one yesterday . DH had just arrived home when we got the call.  So now off to Pennsylvania. Thank you all for the many prayers and @rafinmdyou can remove her from the care list . I appreciate everything.



    Condolences to you, DH and family. Prayers for comfort and peace.

    • Like 16
  13. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    An interesting collection of days. I like the quote and the meal.


    I hope all those who celebrated had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We did...my BIL left Friday night and my DD and her family left last night. My MIL is staying with us until we go to Florida around the 7th. We will stay with her for a couple days before heading towards Ft. Lauderdale for our cruise. Speaking of which we have received two notices over the past few days about ports being changed which also changes the schedule. So far three ports have been changed and people on the roll call are expecting Grand Turk to change since they have seen somewhere that it will not reopen in December.


    My eye has improved greatly; back to the normal allergy reactions. We will be relaxing/resting today as well as talk about what we'd like to get done before we leave. Of course my main to do is packing. 😉


    I have been and continue to pray for all on our prayer lists. I cannot say I am caught up with the Dailies, but am getting close.


    Have a blessed Sunday.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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