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Posts posted by JAM37

  1. 1 hour ago, Tbay said:

    Thanks to all who help keep this site running, especially Rich, Roy, dfish, summer slope and Cat shepard.  Repeats are fine, but who ever thought we would still be living with Covid after all this time?


    I agree with all those who urge you to do a balloon flight.  Did one in Cappadocia, flying over the fairy chimneys and the Rose Valley.  In my case, the pilot put the balloon down right on the trailer.  Amazing!


    I will celebrate Law Enforcement Day, as my son is a sargeant with the local police force, and in charge of the Emergency Response Team.  Unfortunately , he, his wife, and 5 year old are all suffering from Covid  right now. DS and DIL were both double vaccinated, but the little one wasn't yet.


    Sending prayers to all those that need them, especially @kazuand Tana. 



    I am very sorry to hear your son's family has Covid. I will be praying for them all.

    • Like 10
  2. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for sharing the Calico Bean recipe. I have copied it and will give it a try in the next few weeks.


    @bennybear gorgeous owl!!! Thank you.


    @ottahand7 love the wildlife pictures.


    @Horizon chaser 1957 terrific pictures of your experience.


    @grapau27 Graham, thank you for posting the sermons. I love the explanation of the gifts from the Wise Men in last Sunday's message. Today's message is a wonderful one to start the new year with. 

    • Like 21
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  3. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    A salute and a big thank you to those who enforce the law. (My Dad was a Florida State Trooper.) I have never been in one, but I love watching the hot air balloons. I appreciate choreographers' talents.


    I love the quote. The meal is intriguing.


    It is cloudy, but about ten degrees warmer than yesterday at this time and will rise into the 50's which is a blessing since rain should be starting any minute and continue all day. I'll take rain over the white stuff any day. (97% chance of rain.)


    Today will be much like yesterday, shower work and football.


    @mamaofami I am happy the new aide seems like a good one. It would be nice for you not to have to worry about having to search for a new one again.


    I'm interested in hearing if @Seasick Sailor and/or @summer slope hear from any of the Nieuw Amsterdam guests what they were told regarding the changes.

    Wishing each of you a blessed and super Sunday.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 31
  4. 59 minutes ago, kazu said:

    Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


    I need a bubble bath after the bit of shovelling I did last night & a pulled muscle to try to stay on top of the storm.  It didn’t do me much good.  This is the back deck despite my efforts. I don’t know how much snow we got but it is deeper than my high boots.




    I was in a very bad place last night already feeling overwhelmed when my stupid power shovel wouldn’t stay charged and I realized I was stuck with the mess shovelling.  A dear friend reached out and found me two people who celebrate National JoyGerm day and they came to my rescue ♥️  They even did a path for the dogs all the way out back ♥️ 




    Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

    To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.


    I do like the Dr. Seuss quote.  @mamaofamiI hope the new aide works out and glad you ridded yourself of the old one.  @marshhawkI agree on supplies.  Pet food can be hard to get your hands on.  I just sent 3 boxes of prescription cat food to a friend in Calgary as she couldn’t get it there 😱 




    Sorry to be a gloomy Gus - not much good is happening here.  I’ll have to make sure I only have one glass of wine tonight.




    Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


    Have a good Saturday everyone !!!!!




    Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


    Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear these reports. You have nothing to apologize for. Praying that you receive the strength needed, that Jose's medical team finds something in the new batch of tests, that Jose is touched by the healing hand of God and that Marley's condition starts to improve and is not the "c" word. We are here for you whether it's a good day or bad day. Please remember to take care of yourself.

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  5. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    I will pass on bubble baths and won't be doing any male watching other than my DH, but @marshhawkhas a point. Now that I know what JoyGerm day is I love it. Thank you @richwmn@grapau27 and @marshhawk for the explanations of our days.


    Love the quote and gnocchi.


    It is warmer here this morning, (31), and should rise into the mid 40's today. I love all the pictures of the snow, but am definitely happy I don't have to deal with it anymore. To those that do please be very careful.


    More work on the shower this morning and then football this afternoon and tonight.


    Stay safe, warm and have a spectacular Saturday.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 30
  6. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    The different colors, shapes and sizes make rocks interesting. They can also tell stories and teach history. I don't own any bobbleheads, but know people who collect them. The Globetrotters were a talented group. Are they still around?


    I'll wait for Debbie's recipes to make a decision on the meal. I have mixed feelings regarding the quote.


    It is a cold, (20F), overcast morning here in NW Georgia. To think I was in a state that is waking up to 65 degrees just 48 hours ago.


    Well, DH has a plan, starting today, to get the shower finished by next weekend. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. A few small projects will get done while tile sets and grout dries. Once the shower is done we can work on completing the downstairs.


    @rafinmd Roy, how is your travel agent doing?


    Wishing everyone a fabulous Friday.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists. Especially @dfish, @kazu@rafinmd, @marshhawk, Jose along with his medical team and Tana. 

    • Like 28
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  7. @CrabbyPattiHappy Birthday! 🎉


    @superoma the tree skirts are beautiful.


    So much talent on the Daily. 


    @Oceansaway17 welcome to the Daily. This is a wonderful group. 


    @dfish Debbie I am so sorry about your trouble with the dentist. It is very unsettling that a doctor or any professional would be so dishonest. I hope your sister can help you.


    @ger_77Gerry that picture is amazing!


    @ottahand7what a pretty bird.


    @Cruising-alongCarolyn I can't wait to see your finished cross stitch. 

    • Like 12
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  8. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    I love all beans except limas. Cuddling is always nice, but especially on days like today when the temperature is 33 degrees.


    I love the quote. Dessert for dinner sounds great. I'll also try the bean soup. Thank you Debbie @dfish.


    DH and I got into Jasper around 4:30, stopped for breakfast to wait for Home Depot and Walmart to open. Grabbed a few things to get us through the weekend and got home at 7:15. Car has been unloaded, groceries put away, water turned on and a check throughput the house. All seems to be in good shape so now it is time for some sleep.


    Thinking of you all and hoping everyone has a great day. Stay safe and warm.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 32
  9. DH and I are headed home. ETA is 5:00 tomorrow morning. Snow is expected tomorrow afternoon through Friday so we decided to get home while we can. Our community will shut down the roads if it isn't safe to drive. We have heard of people getting to the community and being told they can't go home because the roads were too dangerous.


    Have a good night and stay safe.

    • Like 12
  10. 3 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

    Thank you to all if the kind folks here including @puppycanducruise, @grapau27, @dfish, @StLouisCruisers, @marshhawk, @*Miss G*, @ger_77, @kazu@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Vict0riann and  @Crusing-along. Your prayers and positive  thoughts are much appreciated.

    Tana has been moved to the ICU.DD is waiting for  the hospitalist in charge to call.We assume that the high flow oxygen was the issue.

    Praying for Tana, you and her family.

    • Like 14
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  11. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    I love to watch birds. A salute to screenwriters. I do keto off and on, but never longer than three months at a time. I have been told by a few doctors, nutritionists and dietitians that three months is the absolute longest you should do keto and then follow it with at least as many months eating at least a few carbs. I have a friend who had been doing keto for about six months end up in the hospital for a couple of days Christmas week with pancreatitis. The doctors told him it was caused by prolonged keto and that he can't do keto at all ever again. So, be careful.


    I love the quote and the meal sounds good.


    There has been talk about going home tonight, but DH has several smaller projects he wants to get done for DMIL so we'll see.


    Have a great day.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 29
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  12. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    I love spaghetti and may have that for dinner tonight since it's DMIL's favorite meal. Love trivia; DH is excellent at it. Braille is a great system.


    Interesting meal... looking forward to the recipe. The quote is definitely true.


    I spent yesterday taking care of an 18 month old until about 3:30. (Neighbor of my DMIL's.) Then went to DD's and played with DGS while his parents and DH got some work done on the house. We were both ready for sleep by the end of the first quarter of the game. I have to learn to not give in to going to bed earlier than usual because I don't sleep well when I do.


    Today we are going back over to DD's to work on their house which also means getting to spend time with family. 🙂


    I didn't read past the first page of the Daily yesterday, but will try to go back and finish it. I'm interested if anything came of the book club mentioned in Sunday's Daily.


    @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, how did you do as far as weather the past couple of days? Our neighbors sent us pictures of snow at our house yesterday morning.


    Wishing everyone a terrific and safe Tuesday.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 29
  13. 4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

    Our friend in hospice at home died this morning. We spent at least 56 New Year’s Eves together. Waiting for funeral arrangements and then deciding what I can do. Very sad.




    So sorry for your loss. Prayers for comfort and that your memories outweigh the sadness.

    • Like 11
  14. Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    Happy New Year! 🎇🎊🥳


    The quote is truly beautiful!


    It has been quite a busy week since returning from the cruise and then Cocoa Beach where I had the privilege to meet Charlene, @cunnorl, this past Sunday. I have spent most of this week helping a friend who is going through radiation get some errands done and prepare her house for when her husband, who had hip replacement surgery, returns home from rehab.


    Last night for the first time since I can remember we were awake at midnight due to the football game; it ended around 11, but by the time dishes were done and my DMIL told us about the texts between her and one of my BILs we climbed into bed at 11:57.


    I have been praying and will continue to for all on our care list. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, adding your DGS. Hopefully he has a mild case and will recover quickly.


    Today we will watch football, eat ham, black eyed peas and other stuff. Looking forward to relaxing with DH here in sunny Orlando. (Not sure when we are heading home.)


    Wishing each of you a terrific 2022! May we all have great health, happiness and peace.



    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 31
  15. On 12/18/2021 at 3:00 PM, cunnorl said:

    Good Afternoon from a very warm and sunny day at the beach

        I am very late today, played golf this AM and now I am wrapping presents.

        We participate in Wreaths across America in the reverse. We do the taking them down.  It is a wonderful and sobering event. 

        Have not been to todays port- enjoyed seeing the pictures.

         @RowsbyHappy Anniversary! May you enjoy many many more. 

           @JAM37 Wish I was sitting at the seaview pool! Sounds wonderful.  Anytime on the 26th works for me. Looking forward to meeting you!   Enjoy your cruise. 


    Stay safe and enjoy today

    Please let me know what time and where you would like to meet. I am usually an early riser so whatever works best for you will work for me. I don't know the area that well, but if you tell me where to meet you I will find it. My email address is: jamccullar@gmail.com

  16. @NCTribeFan I am sorry we haven't met yet, but if you see this and want to meet I am on the Seaview pool deck near the women's restroom right now. I will be watching the football game at 4:30 in the Exploration Cafe for about an hour. Then we'll go to dinner, then back for the rest of that game and tonight's game. Or you can try texting me in the Navigator Chat. My name is Julia McCullar.


    I remember you have friends boarding today and definitely do not want to take you away from them. I could look for you one day at tea, but don't know what you look like.🙂


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  17. Hello from Ft. Lauderdale on the Nieuw Amsterdam. I am so happy to be able to check in today. I have not read the Daily in over a week except for today's prayer and care list. I have been thinking of you all and praying for each of you and your loved ones.


    We are having a great time. The food is great, entertainment is good as far as trivia, the B.B. Kings band, (even though they don't do slow songs),  the concerts in the Lincoln Center Stage are amazing, the EXC talks we have attended are interesting, the Main Stage shows are lacking and the service is terrific.


    @grapau27 Graham, I had a full English breakfast a couple of days ago and thought about you, Pauline and the pictures of your breakfasts. It was delicious and I will probably have it again at least once over the next five days. Maybe I'll even remember to take a picture.


    We do not get an internet package when cruising so once we leave this afternoon I won't be back on here until Thursday.


    @cunnorl please let me know what day works best for you to meet. We should be settled in the condo by mid afternoon on Thursday and will leave Tuesday, the 27th around noon.


    @richwmnthank you so much for sharing my message when CC decided to put me in jail at most inopportune time.


    Blessings to you all and know that you are sailing with me in my heart. You have become a part of my life in the short time I have been a part of this site. Thank you.


    My thoughts, prayers and celebrations will be with you all.




    I can't get the above tag deleted. 😕

    I will post a different message for her. 

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  18. 10 hours ago, mamaofami said:

    Good morning everyone. Interesting collection of days and I love the quote.

    Extra prayers for Jacqui and Jose for strength and healing.

    Yesterday I started making plans for a family only birthday party for Sam early next month. I hired a caterer for a home brunch and helped my LA grandson make plane reservations from Newark back home that day since he has to be at work the next morning. It will be the first part time all five grandsons will be together since my big birthday party in June of 2019.

    Im very excited to be doing this.

    Stay well and safe everyone,


    Carol, it sounds like a great family party. I know you will enjoy your five grandsons as well as the rest of your family.

    9 hours ago, NCTribeFan said:

    Greetngs, everyone.  Haven't been posting in the Daily threads lately but I try to read them.


    Have to finish packing later, do my nails, do my eMed test, then off to FLL tomorrow.  Can't believe after having that 23-month gap in cruising that I'm sailing again in under a month.  Looking forward to checking out the (minor) differences between the Eurodam and Nieuw Amsterdam.


    Also hoping my cruise friends, who are joining me for the 5-night portion only, will like HAL.  They're in the early 70s but absolutely love Carnival.  Hoping they won't be bored.


    Appears we'll be the first ship to call at Grand Turk when we're there on Monday.  I'm not a big fan, but we've had several itinerary changes already for this sailing, so I think most are hoping it won't change again.

    I hope to get to meet you next week.

    6 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

    Today’s ornament is courtesy of our favorite ship, the Veendam.  I sure wish she was still in the fleet. 



    And I forgot to add this picture of the Danish Kringle earlier:


    Nothing better than having it on my HAL plate:


    I love the ornament and the pastry looks delicious.

    5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

    While I'm relaxing on our balcony, I thought I'd share a few pictures of the Christmas decorations around the ship.


    The modern Christmas tree in B B King



    The Dutch Café



    These giant ornaments are around the Lido Pool and under the stairs on deck 2.





    The Gingerbread Houses are in the Atrium outside the Dutch Café.






    Lenda, awesome pictures. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to see how the Nieuw Amsterdam is decorated.

    • Like 10
  19. Good evening, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    A big salute to Veterinarians. I only send a few Christmas cards these days and will mail them out tomorrow. I love pastries, but don't make them which is probably a good thing.


    I like the quote. The meal sounds good and I agree with @dfish, Debbie, about cutting back the corn and adding brussel sprouts.


    @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, my condolences on your family's loss. Praying for comfort and peace for all of you.


    @grapau27, Graham, beautiful pictures as always.


    @kazu, Jacqui, thinking of you and praying for you and Jose.


    @rafinmd, Roy, terrific news that you have a cruise booked.


    @marshhawk your story made me laugh. Thank you.



    DH and I had our Covid tests this morning and are awaiting the results. We then went to the library to check out a couple of books each just to make sure we have reading material.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

    • Like 16
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  20. Good evening, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


    @mamaofami Carol, happy birthday to Matthew.


    @rafinmd Roy, half way through...make sure to rest and take care of yourself.


    @kazu Jacqui, never a need to apologize and you are not a Debbie Downer in any way. We are here to support you however we can. Continuous prayers for you, Jose and his medical team. Lean on your Dailyite family as much as you can.


    Last night was not a good night as far as sleep for me. Helped DMIL with a few things this morning. DD and DGS came over and after lunch we did some shopping. They went home after dinner and since then I have been reading the Daily off and on. I am hoping for a really good night's sleep as I am very tired.


    Wishing everyone a great night.


    🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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