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Everything posted by Nickelpenny

  1. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I probably shouldn't eat chips and dip, no kitten to cuddle and I respect everyone's beliefs even if they don't align with mine. Eleanor's quote is a thoughtful one, the meal does sound delicious, no to the drink and wine and never been to Madagascar. Interesting days in history. Friday was such a day filled with sadness. My thoughts for all on the NA as that was truly tragic. And Princess Catherine - what can I say. I hope the press leave her alone to deal with the shocking diagnosis. Today should be a lovely day with sunshine. Presently it is 56F heading up to near 80F. But tomorrow is another story as we are projected to get rain and cooler temps for a couple of days. Then back up to around 80F for a couple of days and then back down to the 60s. Awh, spring in the desert! Birds are chirping away so I guess I need to put out some bird feed; already put out some hummingbird nectar. As I was getting ready to sub yesterday, I suddenly remembered I forgot to go to PT Thursday!! I feel so stupid; I had placed a grocery pick up order to get as soon as I finished subbing and completely forgot about it. It would have been my last one but I still have one scheduled for Monday or Tuesday (I have to go look) so at least I can say "Bye" and "Thank you" to my therapist. Even if I need PT after surgery, which I doubt because I never did after my 2 previous back surgeries, my therapist won't be there as he is a traveler. Slowly getting back to the gym, though taking it super easy, doing some cleaning and then nothing planned. Just rest. Happy Birthday @seagarsmoker!! Thoughts for all who need hugs and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  2. Happy Friday!! I don't feel young, daffodils are lovely and I can't goof off today until later. Good quote, pass on the "meal" and drink, maybe on the wine and, as @seagarsmoker said, I have been to Falmouth and did go to Dunn's Fall and the bobsled ride on a HAL excursion. If the port is on another cruise, I think I will just stay on the ship. Just a couple of pics: Finally at the end of a long week. I think I need the weekend to recoup and that is when I will really goof off. Today is Chapter 5 in the Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Not fond of the book but have to keep the kids enthusiasm up about it. CT is scheduled for April 7th. Yes, on a Sunday! I was surprised. Keeping my fingers crossed nothing more is found. Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  3. The laser show is amazing!! I hope you enjoy it.
  4. Good very early morning from Tucson! Thanks for the daily and fleet report. I know several incredible kids. I worked for a couple of companies that cared and the big bang theory was the start of everything!! LOL!! True quote. The meal looks delicious, pass on the drink and wine and never been to the port. It should be a nice day today. Presently it is 49F hoping to climb to mid 70s. After a tiring day at the Jr High, my surgeon and I came up with a plan. I will schedule a CT but as long as it doesn't show anything worse, I will have spinal decompression surgery mid-May (the scheduler will let me know when but pre-op appt is made). I could have had it in April but I have subbing commitments that I don't want to cancel. It is a more conservative surgery than a huge deconstruction surgery he first talked about but after evaluating my response to PT and the steroid shots, along with my increasing difficulty and pain when walking, this, he feels, is the best route now. Tomorrow will be my last PT session and then continue with my exercise program with my trainer, which today is my first day back after my cruise!! I am keeping my fingers crossed this will help. Thoughts for those who are dealing with health issues also and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!!
  5. Happy Wednesday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I am a Libra and in the Chinese Zodiac I am a Wood Sheep. Interesting about Yellow Dogs (thanks for the explanation), and I will try and be happy today! Such a profound quote, I will pass on the meal and drinks and I have never been to the port. Nice to see interesting days in history. Yesterday was a long day and boy was I exhausted/hurting by the end of the day. I had a eval with the PT therapist and I have not progressed - in fact, worse. And he seems to think that my pain is more of a hip problem. So, armed with questions for the surgeon, I hope to maybe get a hip MRI and/or some plan going forward. 🤞 Though now my knees are really bothering me. If it isn't one thing, it is another. My skeleton needs to be replaced! Hmmmm. Thoughts for everyone and cheers for those celebrating! Have a great day everyone!
  6. Happy first day of spring! Thanks for the daily and fleet report. I have been a certified nurse in various sub-specialties throughout my career so, of course, I will definitely celebrate this day! I did have international clients when working overseas and today, I will be reading to the class part of Chapter 2 of the Wizard of Oz. Funny quote, the meal sounds delicious, yes on the drink (yum), no on the wine, and I have been to Colombo, Sri Lanka on my way to the southern part of the island but not on a cruise. Interesting days in history. It should be a nice day today as presently it is 45F and will get to low 70s. I love AZ during this time of the year. Busy day yesterday but my last period was a planning period so I was out of there by 1400. Headed out to get my mani/pedi since it has been almost 5 weeks since the last one. Still unpacking and doing wash; who knows when that will be done. This morning I am off to check in for a study I am in, then off to sub, then PT in the evening. Another day of rushing around! We could see the Space X launch last night. I didn't get a pic but the news here did: Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  7. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I guess I will try to be happy day by talking to myself!! The pot roast sounds delicious but will pass on the drink and wine. Presently it is 42F and heading to low 70s. Back to reality is hard as yesterday was a busy day after getting back home super late Saturday. I am subbing all this week for the Jr High Resource English teacher who is on his National Guard duty. We are discussing the Wizard of Oz - one of my favorites. In going over my emails yesterday from the other school district I sub for, there was an email from a teacher on Feb 20th asking if I could sub for her as the students really like me as their sub. It made me smile. The young man who was watching Martina left me her collar and a plaster of paris paw print of her. Tears flowed when I saw that! Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!!
  8. We had one on the cruise I just disembarked from - the Zaandam. And we also had something called Cake for Sake. (Not sure if that was because it was a Legendary cruise or because it was long -28 days). Some pics.
  9. Good afternoon from FLL. Thank you all for the congratulations; this was a tremendous cruise in many ways. Sad to go home but time to plan what to do with my free cruise and prepare for my next one which - right now- is October. Will see what the surgeon has to say on Wed. Bon voyage to those sailing today. Hugs to those with trials and tribulations. Have a great day everyone!!
  10. Had to share: I decided to go play the last bingo. I won the 2nd one and then split the cover all with 4 others. Because I had won 2 the host picked me to draw for the winner of the free cruise. I didn’t look as I picked the paper from the box, passed it behind my head to the host - so I essentially didn’t look at it at all. She reads the name and it was the same as my middle and last name and I thought -Wow someone has my middle and last names! Then she read my first name!!!! I picked my own name and won a free cruise! What a whirlwind 24 hrs it has been. In my mind it was Martina saying I am ok Mom so enjoy yourself❤️. I miss you Martina!
  11. Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. Beware the Ides of March! Sometimes I think everything I thought was right was wrong! And last night I was dumbstruck (more about that in a minute). I like the quote, pass on the food and drink and never been to the port. Ah, history! Yesterday was dressy night and I had a reservation for Canaletto. But the MDR menu had surf and turf so I thought I would go there instead. Was able to change Canaletto to this evening and plans were set. They had a “Cake for Sake” event with lovely desserts for the taking in the Lido at lunch. I didn’t partake but they looked delicious. And after the invasion of towel animals in the morning and then a group photo I relaxed with everyone. I usually don’t go to the casino- I think I have gone one other time on a cruise- but a few of us went down to play before getting ready for dinner. Here’s where I was dumbstruck! I hit a big jackpot!! Of course I started to cry as I couldn’t believe it and kept repeating OMG, OMG, OMG! What a way to end a cruise! Consequently I never made it to dinner as I celebrated the night away!!😁 Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to all! Have a great day everyone!!
  12. It certainly is. Thank you for your kind words ❤️
  13. Good morning from the Atlantic Ocean on our way to Ft Lauderdale. I can’t believe this sojourn is almost over. I will definitely celebrate the 3 days in addition to Pi Day. I love science, super smart people and I always ask questions to the chagrin of my friends and colleagues. And Pi Day fits right into the mix. Pass on the meal and drink and never been to the port. The quote is pure Joan Rivers! It is very sad to realize women were not allowed in the golf club until 2017. It should have happened in 1917!! 🤬 I was very lazy yesterday and just went onshore in Road Town buy a magnet and a shirt for the young man who was taking care of Martina. Two sea days left and the a very sad trip home. The crew talent show was last night and it was very, very well attended even though it started at 2215. Got to start thinking about packing. Happy Birthday to the 3 who are celebrating today. Thoughts for those needing a hug and cheers for those celebrating other fun times. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Good morning from Road Town Tortola BVI. No stapler to fill but hooray for the other 2 days. Pass on the meal and drinks and never been to the port. Interesting quote and days in history. Been trying to stay busy but I find that I do get a tad weepy at times. I went on a very interesting excursion yesterday and went into an ice cold pool beneath a waterfall. It kept me busy most of the day-which helped. Thanks to all for the condolences 🥰 Today I will be chilling out and looking forward to the crew talent show tonight. Thoughts for those who are in need of support and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Good early morning from off the coast of Dominica. Quick check in. I have an early excursion. I am in a funk this morning. I received an urgent text from the young man taking care of my cat Martina last night asking me to call. Then another text from his aunt , my friend, that he was trying to reach me. Well the surf internet package doesn’t allow for phone calls I found out because I tried. So I quickly upgraded to the next level and called him. He came to check on her and found she had passed away. Poor kid, he was beside himself. After we talked, he buried Martina in my yard. It really didn’t hit me until this morning and I saw the “monument”. I will miss her 😭 Have a good day everyone.
  16. There is something every night whether it might be singers, pianist, dancers, etc. no big Broadway type production shows.
  17. Good morning from Port of Spain Trinidad.Ramadan Mubarak to those who celebrate. Thank goodness AZ doesn’t do DST - I don’t get it! But do ✔️ your batteries!! Fantastic quote. Pass on the food and drinks; never been to the port. Interesting day in history. I hope all is well with @kazu Jacqui. Today I am off to a waterfall. I did notice yesterday the Zuiderdam was in Dalian - I lived there for over a year! Thoughts for anyone needing support and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!!
  18. Steak tartare is still on PG’s dinner menu. I wish they would replace it with the carpaccio (though I do like the tartare).
  19. It used to be on Canaletto’s menu but no more. That is where I had it the first time. 👍
  20. I asked on my last ship at dinner and they prepared it. This time I went down at lunch on the day of my dinner and requested it. They had to “check with the chef” and of course the answer was yes😁👍😁
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