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Everything posted by Haljo1935

  1. I don't know how to get it to turn off or what triggered it to turn on - it's parked in the garage. I sent the picture to the Mechanic hoping it will be a quick fix for him. Yes, senseless - relieved to hear no one died.
  2. Thank you. The Japan TP was especially disappointing since we've never been there and included an AK port we've not visited.
  3. Well, today certainly has not gone as planned; what few things there were. Car would not start when I was going to pick up new ATM card. Instead I got this message - anti - theft system engaged so the car will not start. Once DH got home, he said to go the other way to the credit union as there had been a shooter at the high school by our house and traffic was messed up. I haven't gotten to research the shooting yet, but police from 3 cities are there and the helicopter is hovering. I hope everyone is safe. Positive note - the sky is a beautiful blue.
  4. I agree - PG lunch is the best bargain, but we shouldn't talk about it. If they would add candied bacon to the menu, there would be no need to go there for dinner. The flowers are beautiful - hope Debbie is enjoying her birthday cruise; she's in great company!!
  5. Another interesting collection of days & quote. Pass on the meal (seafood), yes to the drink & wine (may need to go in halfsies w/someone at that price), not been to the port. Thanks @aliaschief and @StLouisCruisers for the wonderful pictures. @Seasick Sailor good news the Dupixient arrived but yikes to that price. Hugs @ger_77 to you, DH and Ollie. @JazzyV so happy to hear you had another night of pain-free 💤 😴. You can remove both my upcoming Westerdam cruises (April 27 & May 12) from the list as we will not be going due to my growing list of issues (eyes, shoulder, knee, neck). So, I will not be going on my first TP, nor seeing Japan for the first time & will miss our annual AK in May cruise. 😪 Fingers crossed we will make Sept.🤞 Today is a trip to the credit union to pick up a new ATM card - fraud dept called last night asking about some suspucious transactions - then updating auto-pays w/the new number. Laundry may be on the agenda, we'll see. Temp was 66° when I checked a few hours ago, headed to 81° with rain still coming tomorrow evening & forecast to last all weekend; the backyard lake shall stay. If we had realized how large the depressed spot was, we would have had a French drain installed when the house was built; it will be quite an ordeal if/when we do it now. Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all.
  6. For sure. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should" applies to many situations and practices, including this one.
  7. Seems reasonable, but I've never done it. I will next cruise.😊
  8. I did take pictures of both the white waffle weave cotton w/blue piping (the one for cabins) and the terry lined plush one (for the spa) and will see if I can find them. I did not ask for a CO robe in the larger size so do not know if that's available.
  9. Welcome to HAL! You will automatically get CO with your Neptune Suite.
  10. Hi - I'm the one that posted about asking for the larger size robe. Sometimes it may take a bit for your cabin steward to find one, but I've never had the full length of the cruise go by w/out getting one. You can also ask in the spa- that's frequently where the cabin stewards go to get them. Ask the spa to hold one for you when they do laundry 😉 We've received XXL robes as recently as Oct - Dec on NS and Dec/Jan on K'dam; also NA & Eurodam last year and other ships in previous years.
  11. @JazzyV you've posted the best news - no pain, no tingling and real sleep. Sounds like the trifecta of successful surgery!! Prayers 🙏 those continue and relief is permanent.
  12. This should read "coffee" lovers; too late to edit. Closing off the only place to get paid coffee is a problem.
  13. Exactly - and that's a real problem for cover lovers. Not to mention closing off an outside view.
  14. Open decks can get quite cold/wet/windy depending on the weather. The Crow's Nest provides great viewing, seating availability will vary throughout the day as people come and go. Servers will bring drinks so you don't lose your spot; same for Dutch Pea Soup - they bring it right to you. Rainy day early May 2023 on the Eurodam
  15. This has been my experience - even a small amount was still available and I only paid the difference.
  16. Dec Jan on K'dam, the "art fest" was set up during the day in Billboard Onboard and Rolling Stone Rock Room.
  17. +1 @kazu I am more than a teeny jelly seeing your PG breakfast pictures - especially wonderful after a poor dinner experience. Best wishes for successful Bingo.
  18. Dec 30, 2023 found us in Kona on the K'dam. Here are a few pictures from that day. Weather started a bit cloudy & iffy, but it turned out to be very nice. We passed this Christmas tree on our walk to the post office. This tree is much larger than this picture shows it to be; I cropped out quite a bit when I cropped out the people & shopping bags. Water sports are available right at the tender. View from the tender Bye bye Kona
  19. I'll celebrate English - language and muffins! But no to Dr Who. The quote really speaks to me. The meal and wine sound good, but the price is not w/in my budget, so I'll pass on it along w/the drink. Was in Kona for New Year's on the K'dam; hopefully I select different pictures to post than when we last enjoyed this port. Big day in history for Britain. The eye drops I got after last week's procedure are already getting low - the bottle gurgles when I squeeze it. I use them 3x day, but shouldn't they last more than a week for $85🤷‍♀️ At that price, who can afford 12 weeks of treatments on top of the $1200 cost of the procedures? Insurance really should cover this - it's not cosmetic 🤔🫣 Dr gave me a coupon for the drops, which brought them down to $85 - holey moley! It was 57° headed to sunny 81° when I checked 4 hours ago; rains still forecast for the weekend. Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all.
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