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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. @Ozark_Kid John, as many others have said, we are also praying for a positive outcome for you. It can be very stressful waiting on test results.
  2. As of this morning, my $50 just showed up, but my Premier Pass does not show as canceled. They must still be working on things.
  3. That is nice that you could all get together for a change in atmosphere for your friend. I pray that she has a good outcome from her treatments. You all look great.
  4. okay, I can stop poking the arrow on the screen then. 🀣 I see Sue firmly attached that sea pass around Rick’s neck. Slot pull looks like you all had fun.
  5. How did you get Sue to pose for a picture? When we met, she had a no photos policy. By the way, our room was really cold last night. Maybe because I opened the door and saw this. Good luck with the slot pull, which is probably over by now.
  6. From what I read, Royal had more than one glitch pop up over the weekend, and they were taking away other things and giving $50 for those glitches too. Then, people said the got $100 OBC, instead of $50, and a little while later they were clawing those back, because obviously it was a glitch. I think someone brought their cat to work, and it fell asleep on their keyboard and created the mess. That said, mine still shows I purchased it, and I haven’t had any OBC show up. Well, I don’t sail for quite a few months, so they have time to straighten it out.
  7. We have 22Β° with a feels like 16Β° this morning, with a couple inches of snow on the ground. We are getting some lake effect snow today until 9 tonight. Looks like my exercise will be on a treadmill today, instead of outdoors.
  8. So the Premier Pass was a β€œglitch”, and our lying eyes never saw and were able to book something Royal never offers. I wondered how long it would take them to cancel all those purchases. Oh well, they are giving $50 in OBC.
  9. Yes, I got the same email. Too bad they won’t honor it like they did the $18 drink package. I don’t think it was a β€œglitch”. People were involved in doing that.
  10. Still looks like they put a two sided photo in the middle of the acrylic. I will reserve my opinion until I see one in person.
  11. Speaking of winning things, it appears that my niece won the β€œHunt Like A Girl Plus One” contest. (I know that probably sounds politically incorrect in more than one way). Anyhow, the contest was sponsored by NSSF and Beretta, and the winner gets a four day, all expense paid trip to Kansas, and it includes safety training and hunting. The β€œplus one” means they can take another woman with them to introduce them to, or make them more confident in hunting. She will be taking the custodian from her school, who retired this year. There was a 10 day, online voting period that ended last Friday, and you could vote once per day. She managed to get almost 4 times the votes as the nearest competitor. It probably helped that her hometown newspaper had a front page story, with a voting link. She won one of their past contests, and they get a lot of nice gear to bring home with them.
  12. We were in 11629 for a couple weeks last year, and the crew access area next door, was very noisy starting around 5 am. Have you noticed much noise in your cabin?
  13. And just like that, that $100 my grandson got, was spent on sports memorabilia. When he was over to our house, he asked if I had any from when I was growing up. I said no, all my baseball cards ended up in bicycle spokes, then were thrown away. (Oh, what some of those are worth now!) So I told him, all I have is a 1960 Pirate’s World Series pennant with a team photo. Both his, and my SIL’s eyes lit up when I gave it to them. It is now hanging in their man cave. And yes, that is Roberto Clemente in the bottom right.
  14. We are in that snow belt that gets lake effect snow. Been very lucky that the only time I have touched my snow blower this year, was when I bumped into it as I walked out the garage. Only six more weeks, and maybe I can put it away. I looked at pictures from two years ago, and we had a pretty good snow on April 21st. I know about the south and snow. I took my family along to a conference in Mobile, Alabama one year, thinking we could get away from the winter. As it turns out, it snowed while we were there, and everyone was in a full blown panic. They closed everything for a little dusting.
  15. @dani negreanu Dani, I wanted to thank you for posting about the Premier Pass. A couple weeks ago, when I was having an optimistic moment, I booked a cruise for later this year. That was available for my sailing, so I booked it. It looked like a good deal, just for the internet alone. And while I am saying thanks, I want to thank all of you who have offered prayers and support for my daughter. I am glad we have so many kind and caring people who have stuck with this thread.
  16. As they say, you can’t be a day drinker if you don’t start in the morning. I raised a drink to you all from cloudy, cold, Ohio. Where I am at the moment.
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