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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. As part of playing catch up, I was looking at some of the photos from the Amelia Island concours. C&D just did an article of the 20 coolest cars there, and @bobmacliberty posted a few shots of some they listed. However, two caught my eye. This one. And, for someone that bleeds black and gold, this one. I did read this one is for sale for $3.45M.
  2. @A&L_Ont sorry to hear about your cousin. Also sorry to hear about the cause. It is those kinds of stories that keep us worried. I hope they eventually find a cure, because C is terrible. Sorry I am late posting this, but I am trying to catch up.
  3. Putting a large amount of coins in a carry on or backpack will get you some special time with TSA. Don’t ask how I know. I just do.
  4. That is a pretty good goal. Mine have decreased, as I get older. However, I stepped it up, because I am in a challenge to do 100 miles in 10 days.
  5. And speaking about that whole ancestry thing, look what showed up in my email yesterday. I guess that makes sense. He did have blue eyes. 👀😁
  6. Quickest way is to marry a Diamond. But why set your sights low. Marry an old Pinnacle.
  7. Well now, isn’t this one moving fast. I wish I was sailing with you all on this one, but it just didn’t work out. My plan, in following along, was to have a drink every time I saw the word “drink” posted, or I saw a picture of a drink. Somehow, I think I have to lower that goal. Safe travels to all, and have a great cruise.
  8. I saw that I was tagged in a couple of posts by @LionesssSue and @dani negreanu Dani. Once again, I am far behind, and Susan and I have been running on about 3 hours sleep. I will keep this short. Monday was my worst birthday ever. That’s when we found out that our daughter’s cancer has spread to one of her lymph nodes. So more treatments to come, but this time it will be daily radiation. To add more excitement to the mix, I had an appointment with a cardiologist, had an EKG, at the hospital for an echocardiogram, and now I am wearing this fancy heart monitor for the next month. More tests and appointments to come for our daughter, me, and Susan, so we have to make sure only one of us has something on any one day. Finally settling in to our newest crazy routine. Meanwhile, Ricky gives me one of those looks every day.
  9. I got to the second paragraph, and thought I would need to grab a paper and pencil to graph everything. Looks like someone already started one. Seriously, congratulations on your long journey of research and positive outcomes so far. I have relatives with adopted children, and who put children up for adoption. As far as I know, none of them have started down your journey.
  10. when we are driving, we stop about every 2 hours. We break ours up into 3 days. Everyone have safe travels to the Bella cruise. I am looking forward to lots of reading about that cruise.
  11. No. You get the first at 140, then every 70 after. Your next one would be at 210.
  12. +1 I wish I was going on that one, but I will have to live vicariously through them for a while. I hope no one plans to pick up any drugs on that cruise while in Mexico. I just saw a story that a very high percentage of the drugs were either fake, or were laced with meth or fentanyl.
  13. When my California grandson was born, he had beautiful blue eyes. His mother was so happy, but that “switch “ must not have been thrown, and his eyes turned brown like his mother’s. Who knows, maybe his kid will end up with blues, which is quite rare for part Asians.
  14. Thanks for asking, Dani. She is moving around a little better each day, but she will have restrictions on lifting anything for 4 weeks, and there will be physical therapy ahead. The home health care nurse has been there a couple times, and she says she is healing nicely. No biopsy results yet. I will be taking her to her follow up appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. Then, a follow up with her doctor next Tuesday. Hopefully we will know more then. Taking it a day at a time.
  15. of course, when they switched suppliers, the last set of blocks were not ass as nice as the ones before them.
  16. Looks like crystal blocks are changing.
  17. This might be the perfect car for you to pick up at the auction on March 2nd. One of the prop cars from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Expected to go between $350,000 and $450,000.
  18. It is 48° and sunny today, but we are enjoying a relaxing afternoon in our hot tub. A great way to de-stress. In the enclosure, with the patio heater, it is almost 80°. Susan made us a couple drinks, and we are enjoying a nice comedy show on Netflix. Nate Bargatze :The Greatest Average American. We have watched a couple of his specials, and this one is the best, by far. A nice, clean comedy. I highly recommend.
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