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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. +1 I wish I was going on that one, but I will have to live vicariously through them for a while. I hope no one plans to pick up any drugs on that cruise while in Mexico. I just saw a story that a very high percentage of the drugs were either fake, or were laced with meth or fentanyl.
  2. When my California grandson was born, he had beautiful blue eyes. His mother was so happy, but that “switch “ must not have been thrown, and his eyes turned brown like his mother’s. Who knows, maybe his kid will end up with blues, which is quite rare for part Asians.
  3. Thanks for asking, Dani. She is moving around a little better each day, but she will have restrictions on lifting anything for 4 weeks, and there will be physical therapy ahead. The home health care nurse has been there a couple times, and she says she is healing nicely. No biopsy results yet. I will be taking her to her follow up appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. Then, a follow up with her doctor next Tuesday. Hopefully we will know more then. Taking it a day at a time.
  4. of course, when they switched suppliers, the last set of blocks were not ass as nice as the ones before them.
  5. Looks like crystal blocks are changing.
  6. This might be the perfect car for you to pick up at the auction on March 2nd. One of the prop cars from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Expected to go between $350,000 and $450,000.
  7. It is 48° and sunny today, but we are enjoying a relaxing afternoon in our hot tub. A great way to de-stress. In the enclosure, with the patio heater, it is almost 80°. Susan made us a couple drinks, and we are enjoying a nice comedy show on Netflix. Nate Bargatze :The Greatest Average American. We have watched a couple of his specials, and this one is the best, by far. A nice, clean comedy. I highly recommend.
  8. How strange that we were just talking about cousins, and this shows up in my email this morning. Maybe I should tell them I just connected on Cruise Critic. Or maybe I should check it out and see how many of you are listed. 😂
  9. Open the app, and go to the dining tab, then to bars and lounges. They have the menus and prices
  10. Sometimes they will tell you that you can't have that one day if you have the plan. You just have to go to the voom desk and tell them you want to use your free day to use two devices at once, and they will give it to you.
  11. Now, for something related to family history. I know this must be true, because I read it on the internet. I remarked to Susan the other day, that I rarely saw any blue-eyed people on any of the commercials we were watching. As a blue-eyed individual, I thought I would search to find out why that was, because I was feeling underrepresented. Well, one thing led to another, and I came across a study by the University of Copenhagen that says that everyone on the planet, with blue eyes, has one common ancestor. Something about a switch at a particular location in DNA that results in the blue eye color. Supposedly, that is not the case with other eye colors. So I guess that means I am related to Frank Sinatra and Paul Newman. I guess that also means, if any of you have blue eyes, we are long lost cousins, however many times removed.
  12. @grapau27 Graham, glad to hear that Sarah is doing well. I hope she continues to progress and gets relief from back pain.
  13. @brillohead, good luck with your family roots search. As someone who is “still” writing my family history book that I started during the pandemic, you never know what you will find, or how people will react. Susan’s grandfather was in an orphanage, and we have ran into many obstacles trying to trace that line. It didn’t help that the orphanage burned down, and records were lost. We did find he had a short marriage and had a son, before he married Susan’s grandmother. Reaching out to those descendants to see if they had any information, and they did not want to have any contact with Susan’s family, and would not provide any information. Then, you run into the dilemma of how to write the history. Some family members only want the whitewash version. Don’t include my first husband, or in some cases, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. But, since it will only be published for my kids, to be eventually passed to our grandkids, I may do the non-whitewash version. Sometimes, family trees have some ugly branches.
  14. @dani negreanu Dani, I really enjoyed seeing those pictures of the carnival dress. such elaborate costumes. @bobmacliberty Bob, great pictures of your trip to Napa. It looks like the weather cooperated for your pictures of the GG bridge. I have crossed it many times where the top the the towers are shrouded in fog.
  15. A&W was always a go to place from my high school days. Would stop there after doing to the Drive-in movies. That brings back some memories.
  16. Marietta, sorry to hear about Charlie, but glad he is doing better. +2 Mimi, have a great time on Wonder. Looking forward to hearing about it.
  17. I am several days, and several pages behind, but I hope to catch up today. I want to thank everyone who was praying for my daughter’s surgery. According to the surgeons, her surgery went well, but they did not commit too much beyond that. The surgery was very long. They took her in for prep at 11:30 am on Wednesday, and it was after 9 pm before she got out of observation. Now we wait for results from biopsies, to see if there is more chemo ahead. Hopefully we will know more after appointments over the next couple weeks. Meanwhile, Susan and I have been there to take care of getting the kids to school and picked up after school, as well as taking care of her and doing things around the house. She isn’t allowed to do much of anything for at least a couple weeks. And, on another note, DIL is feeling better after her bout with.Covid, but now my son has it, and his symptoms are worse than hers were.
  18. Thanks for asking. This is the first time she has had it, so she feels worse today. Hopefully it will not be too bad for her.
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