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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. FWIW, NCL applied for eight different WordMarks for this class: NORWEGIAN PRIMA NORWEGIAN ULTIMA NORWEGIAN OMBRA NORWEGIAN VIVA NORWEGIAN BELLA NORWEGIAN AQUA NORWEGIAN LUNA NORWEGIAN VELA Smart marketing as they applied for two more than they need. This way people will still have to guess, and they can simply abandon the WordMarks on the two they don't need when all is announced. The only "sure thing" (IMHO) on the list is that Norwegian Ultima will be used for the last ship in the class. (Much like the last Breakaway ship is the Norwegian Encore).
  2. NCL already owns the WordMarks for the names of the ships. A simple search of the UP Patent & Trademark office's database will reveal the names. All you'll have to do is guess the order in which they'll be assigned. Each class of ships is talked about as a project until the name of the first ship (and thus the class) is revealed. Norwegian Epic was supposed to be the lead ship of a three ship class until the final two were cancelled. They were referred to as Project F3 during development. Do you refer to the Epic as the F3 class?
  3. JMHO, but it sure sounds like a first world problem when the major concern is announcements in various languages so everyone can understand it. Just ask yourself: Would I be happier if they only made the announcement in one language? If so, what language would they choose? How would I feel if the chosen language was one that I didn't speak? Perhaps MSC should just make all of their announcements in Italian. 🤔
  4. Preparing, serving, and cleaning up after your meals is EXACTLY what the staff is paid to do. Let them. As you said yourself in your first post, motherhood is making you crazy. 😉 Relax. Enjoy. And don't overthink things.
  5. All of which begs the question: What exactly is different about the dress code on a night designated as "Dress Up or Not" as opposed to a night that does not have this designation? Which specific venues on the ship have a different dress code based on whether the night is "Dress Up or Not" or "Norwegian's Night Out"?
  6. To be technical, the venues on Prima were not "renamed" the names given to these venues are the only ones that they ever had. I had thought that this topic was vetted by the OP when we had the discussion on why the Blue Lagoon was renamed to O'Sheehan's and then renamed to The Local. Sometimes it seems that the OP likes to find inane topics in an effort to generate a thread with a high post count vs providing useful information.
  7. Should also point out that it isn't just NCLH, Oceania, Regent, and NCL are ALSO only holding companies. Past that each and every ship is incorporated as its own company.
  8. It would appear that you forgot the "H"...Oceania is an NCLH line.
  9. My understanding is that they went with "Norwegian Cruise Line" because it matches up with the letters on the logo mounted to the funnel.
  10. Have you tried the Cruise Critic boards that are dedicated to those particular ports? Seems like that would be the go-to place for port information. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/9-canadanew-england/ OR https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/2510-canadian-cruisers/
  11. When a person transfers their existing booking to a travel agent, they are (by definition) entrusting their travel arrangements to that travel agent. So, based on your statement, this is something that you wouldn't do. (Which is OK...everyone has to do what is best for THEM).
  12. Certainly makes for an interesting dynamic, right? You do all the research, you do all of the work booking, you have to work to get the booking transferred, and the travel agent is the one who gets paid. Everyone's job should be so easy.
  13. Why all of the work on your own, plus the process of the transfer? Why not just book with the travel agent directly? I don't understand the need for the extra steps....especially if the travel agent ALWAYS provides the better deal.
  14. That is not just in Canada. And yes, some part of that fare is paying for the "free packages" that are a part of Free@Sea. What NCL has done is to spread out the cost over all cabins. In the end, they are doing this because these "free" packages make them more money than they would by selling the items directly. Trust that the pricing models for these "free" items are not structured to benefit you and me. It is all part of the marketing...it isn't the deal you get, it's the deal you think you get.
  15. IMHO, one of the major drawbacks of the internet forum is just how easily you can get contradictory information in a place that purports to be factual.
  16. In addition to CruiseNext, they are also the onboard Latitudes reps and are responsible for everything connected to your Latitude benefits. From their job description: POSITION SUMMARY / ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The primary goal for CruiseNext Consultants is to increase revenue by sales of CruiseNext and promotion of any Revenue area such as stores/restaurants/corporate clients in ports of call where contracted and manage the execution of the Latitudes Program on assigned ship. This position reports to several individuals including: CruiseNext Consultant Manager, Hotel Director and Assistant Hotel Director onboard the ship, passengers on the ship, clients in ports of call, and personnel in Mesa Office Manager, CruiseNext. Promote the sales process of CruiseNext/ CruiseNext Ultimate sales to reach assigned financial goal for each voyage (varies per ship). You will interact one-on-one with guests to attain sales. Learn the live presentations given by the CCM in public lounges in regards to dispensing advantages of booking now. You must have the ability to step in and do the presentations when necessary. Fully learn and understand reservation system Seaware/ Seaweb and Fidelio Hotel Management system onboard. Learn and maintain procedures for Latitudes Program: Learn and update Fidelio computer program each voyage to include members who may have sailed previously. Implement mail merges each voyage with repeaters list to send to cabins Welcome Letter and Party invitation. Provide front desk with extra copies. Promote hours for Latitude members to register in the Freestyle Daily program. Host special cocktail reception as a tool for our program’s exposure, must attend weekly. Assist to ensure adequate participation from all departments. Assist to maintain inventory of Latitudes supplies (letterhead and collateral). Monitor that the Destinations channel is consistent with written schedule given to Broadcast Tech on the ship IE: Destinations, CruiseNext, Taped Talks or other videos / presentations as directed by shore side management. If applicable (varies by itinerary) assist with promotion of stores / brands / clients under contract with the company. Responsibilities will include helping with Port & Shopping talks in front of a live audience scheduled through Cruise Director and Freestyle Daily program; scheduled office hours to interact one-on-one with passengers, early morning duty at ship’s gangway to direct passengers going ashore to specific client partners. You may at times have to collect monies from clients as directed through accounting administration. Interaction with clients to improve sales from passengers. Ability to step in and function as CCM if and when necessary.
  17. Covered in this thread: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2881897-official-change-to-platinum-dinner-choices/
  18. Well, because I'm able to stay off of the soapbox. Actually, yes I do. Never said I was Captain Obvious. Now you want to tell me what to do? Very bossy for someone who "only" wants to inform.
  19. You don't have to "defend" providing information, you simply provide the information and move on. When you "defend", you become an advocate who is advancing a narrative, not simply a provider of information. Once you provide the information, you've accomplished your stated purpose. Why would you care about what you refer to as comebacks? Does it bother you that someone else's opinion might differ from your own? Do you see this as a way to provide information or practice debate team skills? BTW...I'm not responding to the thread, but to your attempts to argue. What I was referring to is the behavior of an OP in their own thread...a trait you won't see from me in any thread I start.
  20. At one point it was said: "I was trying to provide info about this subject to help others who may have incurred the same problem." That is, IMHO, a noble endeavor. Also, IMHO, when someone needs to provide information to help others, they post that information...and basically that's it. The information is there for the benefit of everyone. However, when the provider of information then responds over and over and over to their own thread, it starts to seem (again, IMHO) like they are more interested in arguing a point rather than providing information. YMMV.
  21. Typically not until Karen steps off of the soap box. Only then does it end.
  22. Yes, actually. What happened aside, you never addressed how I or anyone else where could possibly know "why" someone did not do something...which was my original question. FWIW, you are not some CC newbie by any definition...why did YOU know know why they didn't tell you?
  23. How on earth would anyone here know "why" someone did not do something? We're not mind readers.
  24. Why do you suppose that people here readily give this advice, but don't follow it themselves?
  25. Crap...you just ruined it for the people who missed that point. 😕 If you really "can't speak for others", then you certainly can't speak to what I experienced on the Joy.
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