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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Sure, but the fact that you can see something from a balcony only makes it visible, if it prevents the view, it is an obstruction. I was recently in a balcony on the Joy (9796) and we had a direct view into the Food Republic instead of down to the sea...and that balcony was never marked as obstructed, nor were people as outraged as they are here.
  2. It is clear from the pictures that NCL should add a solid barrier to the right side (looking out to sea) of that balcony (similar to the one already installed on the left side) so that you can't see those slides at all. Then the obstruction would be mitigated.
  3. Well it seems obvious to me, but I can understand why you didn't realize. FWIW, experience is what allows you to say that you "know it's not a great experience" instead of saying that you "think it's not a great experience".
  4. Since the cost of the water given is built into the (now increased) price of the package, how exactly is unopened and unused water "waste"? Do you really think that the pricing model is going to do anything other than increase NCL's bottom line?
  5. Yes...you can do this. It is referred to as a "bar set-up". In order to make the purchase, you have to contact your PCC to have it added to your reservation.
  6. You are likely to find better answers in the San Juan forum https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/80-san-juan-pr/
  7. Please tell me that you don't really think that you get the package for free. As the cost is built into the fare structure, you're paying for it whether you take it or not.
  8. As always...great information. It is a little confusing in that it seemingly conflicts with other information out there. As you know, most of NCL's fleet was constructed at Meyer Werft's facility in Papenburg. Once the ships are constructed, the 20 mile conveyance on the Ems River from the shipyard is always done backwards as they say the ship is more maneuverable while traveling in reverse.
  9. Right, but I was commenting on one data point you provided...which is why I included that specific data point in quotes. My comment had nothing to do with the rest of your post, including the number of times you may have used a word. Again...not really helpful. 2043 state rooms, but at what capacity? Studio cabins count as one and only hold 1 guest, while other cabins that count as one can hold many more guests. Cabin counts don't include current or potential occupancy information, and thus are basically useless. Again, not what I was commenting on, but you haven't demonstrated any correlation between "bit" and venue capacity...which is what I was talking about.
  10. But even that is missing important data...saying "260 cabins I can book" doesn't mean anything without also having the total cabin count. Not only that, but you still have to deal with venue capacity. Even on a ship sailing with less than 100% capacity, restaurants, bars, and other venues can be easily packed and overcrowded if large groups of people decide to go at the same time.
  11. The problem with the available cabins methodology is that it fails to take into account the number of people that are IN a booked cabin. You could have a cruise where half of the cabins are not booked, but if the booked cabins all have 4 guests in them* then you are at 100% capacity. Likewise, if every cabin on the ship was booked by a solo traveler, then the ship would only be at 50% capacity with no available cabins. *(And yes, I know that not ALL cabins will have 4 guests...it is just an example...nothing more.)
  12. Not sure of exactly what you are looking for with such a broad question, but an inside is an interior cabin with no view of the outside of the ship. An oceanview cabin has some sort of view of the outside via a non-opening window or porthole. As for family vs non-family, the family descriptor is generally used for cabins located near family-friendly amenities such as kids clubs.
  13. Is it OK to respond if you take the opportunity to point out that someone else responded to an old thread?
  14. You need to register with NCL's Access Desk prior to your cruise. They will make arrangements to ensure your dietary restrictions are accommodated.
  15. Honestly...if the posts "speak for themselves" then why do you need to chime in? Is there something that the posts aren't saying?
  16. Of course you do realize that NCL does not simply reuse the same dailies over and over from cruise to cruise, right? Day 3 of one cruise will not match Day 3 of the cruise prior or the cruise after. The only use for old dailies is to give you "an idea of the types of activities offered" which can be gained by looking at the dailies for any NCL ship...not just one in particular.
  17. Yes...it really matters believe it or not. Waterslides would be a whole new thing...bringing water and people in wet bathing suits from the pool deck to the waterfront. (What about their shoes, towels, etc? How would the wet people get back to the top deck?). Also...water slides can, and do, leak...so dripping water would be a whole new issue to deal with. Not to mention that water continually flows through a waterslide so that fact would create noise even when not in use by people. And it needs to be outside because, well, just image the hand-wringing if the slides were through the interior of the cabins instead of outside. 🙄 And FWIW, if they make you (or anyone else) so unhappy, why not just book a cabin that isn't right next to them? I know its a revolutionary solution, but it has to be better than all this drama, no?
  18. Well, actually there are four slides...three dry, and one wet. The waterslide is on the top deck. The three dry slides are the ones that go from the lido deck to the waterfront. And when someone frames them as "outlandish multi story waterslides" I think whether they are wet or dry IS the point since that information is used to paint the narrative. FWIW...it is also relevant since it has been discussed numerous times in this thread that these are dry slides which, if nothing else, indicates that a poster who talks about water slides is simply jumping into the discussion without even bothering to read the thread.
  19. I agree...it does sound like you're grinding. FWIW, I am thrilled for you....to be on the October Inaugural, and the Columbus Day Inaugural...wow, what an honor for you. You are special.
  20. Of course, you do realize that these are not "multi-deck water slides", right?
  21. Well, if you can't justify it then simply choose the cruise on the Edge. Seems like a no-brainer type of decision...I'm not sure what the issue could be. 🤷‍♂️
  22. Taking it to the extreme is the easy way to point out how ridiculous something is...which is all I did. Now prove its only me by showing me how you, in opposition to my extreme example, only use inaugural to describe the actual inaugural cruise instead of as a marketing substitute for "first".
  23. Well there is the inaugural Miami cruise, followed by the inaugural Thanksgiving cruise, followed by the inaugural December cruise, followed by the inaugural Christmas cruise, followed by the inaugural New Year's Eve cruise, followed by the inaugural 2023 cruise, etc. etc. etc. Pretty soon everybody "was on the inaugural". See how this use of "inaugural" instead of "first" is simply ridiculous and really makes no sense?
  24. So, instead of just responding to what is said in the conversation, you are a) reviewing his posting history, b) reviewing NCL's SEC filings, and c) highlighting and underlining FDR's comments on investment websites as a basis for your response? JMHO, but I think you're putting waaaaaay to much into a simple discussion....all over "filling" vs "full". I can't believe, and again this is just me, that this is really that important.
  25. When @graphicguy said "filling their ships", I took that to mean that they had removed the capacity caps, not that the ships were actually "filled" at this point. "Filling" means they are working toward a full ship as opposed to saying they had "filled" their ships to capacity. When FDR says that you wouldn't see 100% occupancy rates until second quarter of 2023, this is a clear indication that they are still "filling".
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