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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Given your position, it does seem a bit odd that you would click on, read, and then post in a thread about this very topic. 🙄 However, if you really have "never", then just how do you know that you're not missing out?
  2. Cruise Critic members on a cruise have the opportunity to interact with each other prior to the cruise on the Roll Call. Some participate for many weeks...even many months. These interactions are done from behind CC screen names. The whole point of the Meet & Greet is to allow the Cruise Critic members an opportunity to meet and greet each other. We have to remember that this is not a "mingle with the officers" event. It is nice when officers can attend, but it is certainly not a requirement for the event. As long as the CC members could meet and greet each other, then you have to be happy with a successful event.
  3. So what is the point...is it the Internet's fault too? Many times people champion the benefits of benefits of booking excursions through a cruise line. If your point has any merit what-so-ever, I'm sure you can show one example where it was claimed that one of those benefits would be safety from crime while not on the ship. You go find it...we'll wait. PS...nobody said anything about so far removed it was in a different galaxy. Why so much over the top drama in your description? Is it to hide that you really don't have facts? Can't simply just admit that it happened OFF the cruise and leave it at that? Tis but a scratch, Black Knight?
  4. Adding another tier? This is akin to getting the best grade and then saying "I got an 'A' on my test...will the professor consider adding another grade level so I can do better?" Amazing that people can reach to top and still not be satisfied with what they have. 🙄
  5. Did you contact and register with NCL's Access Desk when you made your reservation?
  6. The problem with that is that IF there was someone claiming to have first-hand evidence, it would not matter. You aren't going to convince someone on the ship with a "Well, so-and-so on Cruise Critic did it, so I get to do it too". They are going to do the job they are tasked with, not take direction from claims (hearsay or first-hand) made on an Internet forum.
  7. There is no need for an exemption as they aren't required to get it. Taking the package is a choice. If one or more persons in the room can't have it or don't want it, then simply choose not to buy it.
  8. It isn't about punishing people for their choice of social media, its just about group integrity. The CC group has made arrangements for a gathering so that Cruise Critic members who participated and interacted with each other on a roll call can have the opportunity to Meet & Greet each other in person. The FB group should not simply crash an event that another group has planned. If the FB people really want to Meet & Greet each other, then can simply plan their own event...which the CC people should not attend. People seem to forget that the M&G is a PRIVATE event which is not open for just anybody to drop by as though they are entitled to do so just by their presence on the ship.
  9. There is no reason why (and I suspect that you already know that). However, we have to remember that some posters feel compelled to start threads...not for the information, but to see what sort of reaction they can stir up.
  10. That is probably the second best piece of advice offered on this thread so far. The best piece of advice, of course, came when @ChiefMateJRK gave the original suggestion. However, since the OP decided to ridicule @ChiefMateJRK instead of following the advice, I doubt that the OP is going to call NCL as they should. IMHO, it appears that the OP believes that a scenario exists where they can show up at the pier and negotiate a cabin assignment with the port employee doing check-in, and the OP is really seeking advice to allow them to best take advantage of that particular scenario.
  11. Or...and I'm just spitballin' here...you could buy a CruiseFirst directly from NCL's website (and you don't have to go on a cruise to buy one). https://www.ncl.com/cruisefirst-program
  12. Given the amount of posts they generate, I think that if you're not have either bottled water or a Starbucks coffee then you are missing out.
  13. Priority embarkation is called BEOFRE general boarding (when they call group 1, group 2, etc) begins. It is generally suite guests, those needing assistance, and high level latitudes. When you have priority embarkation you board with the appropriate group regardless of the boarding number you received. If your friends arrived after this was called, then they missed it. If your friends showed a document to a supervisor "upon their embarkation" then they missed it as this occurs before boarding. If your friends showed this to a supervisor who has nothing to do with calling groups to board, then they missed it because they asked the wrong person. Sorry, but there isn't enough detail in what happened, when, and who your friends talked to for me to provide a better answer.
  14. Although I dislike the "what if" game, there are only four possible answers: #1 - Your husband gets vaccinated. #2 - Your husband doesn't cruise anymore. #3 - You hold off booking until the last minute when you know that conditions that might affect your booking are less likely to change. #4 - You invest in a proper travel insurance policy that mitigates your risk. Just choose what is best for you and your situation.
  15. Privasea is the new marketing term for "hull balcony". These are found at both the front and rear on the Epic. Marked in the photo below...
  16. Yes, this is still relatively new (on NCL). Yes, of course it is a trick. It is a marketing technique designed to make bidders feel anxious and raise their bid higher and more often then the previously used "set it and forget it" bid system. No, it does not make you raise your bid, endlessly or otherwise. Only YOU can do that. This is simply a tool to play on the natural fear(s) of the bidder(s) and is simply designed to increase revenue for the company.
  17. Could be...that is a nice guess, but why not just let post #10 in the thread stand instead of speculating?
  18. That's weird. If OMG isn't a bargain, then its usually an affordability issue as people don't "OMG" over something in their price range. So why not book it?
  19. Could be that you are shopping in the wrong store. Many different types of cruise lines and different levels of cruise cabins as well. Surely something within everyone's means.
  20. OMG as in "what an unbelievable bargain" or OMG as in "I can't afford THAT"? You're leaving us hanging here...
  21. As it happens, I will be on the Paradise for this itinerary in a couple of weeks. If there are any specific questions or something you'd like me to check while onboard, please let me know.
  22. Not to mention those who, while they do have concerns, don't see a point in verbalizing them publicly.
  23. Welcome to Cruise Critic...where you can simply ask for a point of contact to resolve a problem and instead get a bunch on Internet lawyers arguing about recording a phone call. 🙄
  24. Funny how that works, right? You would think that throwing a tantrum on a public forum would mean you would be welcomed and celebrated.
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