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Everything posted by SeaShark

  1. Lets not forget that the Penthouse Suites on all of the Dawn and Jewel class ships are also set up this way. Yet somehow this was never a problem until the Epic was built...
  2. If I'm on the pool deck and I want to go to the waterfront... >I can walk to the nearest bank of elevators, press the button and then wait for the elevator to arrive. Once onboard, my fellow guests and myself can be treated to a slow ride that will stop at each and every floor where someone has pressed the button...including those where the button presser gave up waiting and took the stairs instead. OR >I can walk over to any of these new dry slides, and zip...right from the pool deck to the waterfront nonstop. I can see a lot of people choosing this option to get from point A to point B. Perhaps consider that the point of the slide isn't to have to immediately journey back to the top. RCCL has had slides like this for years without all of the doom and gloom that exists here.
  3. Interesting viewpoint. As I'm not sure myself, how can you look at another poster and know for certain how much time has passed since their last cruise? Also, while I don't understand people who fixate on post counts, how does one know for certain that the motivation behind a post is "just to increase their post count"?
  4. Learned opinions are always welcome. It is the opinions that are just conjecture (like the person who's opinion stated that these are water slides) that are the problem. Don't you agree? Wouldn't you rather have facts over opinions? And...if you are going to get an opinion, wouldn't you rather it be experience based rather than just complete conjecture?
  5. Wow. Glad we have this resource full of people who have actually sailed on the Prima and are reporting based solely on their first-hand experience while on board. Hate to think that someone who hasn't stepped foot on the Prima is stirring up drama based on assumptions. Too bad there isn't a way for people who are concerned about the slides to be able to choose a cabin that isn't directly next to a slide.
  6. People will substitute "inaugural" for "first" at every opportunity as it just sounds special. I remember when they decided to bring the Norwegian Joy from China to the US that people were STILL labeling everything "inaugural" even though the ship had been sailing for 2+ years.
  7. You are confusing "inaugural" with "first"....technically. A ship's maiden voyage is the first sailing with paying passengers after handover from the builder. A ship's inaugural voyage is the first sailing with paying passengers after the official naming ceremony. At this point, Prima has had both her maiden and inaugural voyages...technically. From here on out, "inaugural" will be incorrectly substituted for "first" purely for marketing purposes.
  8. So an NCL employee has to do all the work to create the booking, and people on CC have to answer your questions? So just what does the Travel Agent do to earn their money? Must be nice to have a job where other people do the work while you still are the one who gets paid.
  9. What you do should be based on what is best for you and you alone. You should not seek to simply do what others do.
  10. When you registered, did you indicate that you required fully captioned videos and they were not provided, or did you not indicate that fully captioned videos were required?
  11. The vibe doesn't experience different weather, nor have any of my experiences shown it to be windblown. If the cost isn't in your budget, the simply go with an alternative.
  12. The question was did you register with the access desk, not if you had access services...these are not the same.
  13. You say that you don't care, yet you clicked on, read, and posted in a topic about it. Seems like there is some level of care...
  14. I was actually on that sailing. Here is the itinerary from my booking document:
  15. At that time the Escape was doing: EMBARK Miami (Florida); St. Thomas (US Virgin Islands); Tortola (British Virgin Islands); Nassau (Bahamas); DISEMBARK Miami (Florida)
  16. The officers being discussed here are the hotel staff under the direction of the General Manager. Their job is to attend to the needs of the guests...it is an entirely different set of officers that actually operate the ship. ...stuff you learn from interacting. Alex, I'll take things that didn't happen for $1,000.
  17. Addressing the one you can't figure out...the inside price is a sailaway rate with no perks, the studio cabin has the perks, and the private lounge without kids running the halls. Aside from that, I'm genuinely confused as to why you're looking give that your signature says that you are "FINISHED WITH NCL"? We must view "FINISHED" differently.
  18. Not a problem...happy to help out a fellow Pennsylvanian. FWIW, the title of the casino person would be the Casino Manager (who is likely to pass your request on to the Casino Host), and the title for the person in charge of the bars/lounges is Bar Manager (although I have seen Beverage Manager used as well)
  19. You already have all the information you need. Anything that you need to pass on to the ship should be sent to the specialevents email address. That person will pass it to the appropriate person/department onboard.
  20. The real puzzler here is why the OP would even ask if "NCL will follow" simply because Royal Caribbean does something. I don't see anything indicating that NCL modifies their business model to copy/follow what RCCL decides to do.
  21. A learned opinion is always welcome...whether it is agreed with or not. The issue, however, is those who are adamant about sharing an opinion with no experience behind it what-so-ever. Just read through this topic, for example, and you'll see a number of people whose opinion is that "they've never this or never that and they just don't get why people do". Simply put, how can one give an opinion questioning the value of meeting an officer if they've never done so themselves?
  22. Have you tried the Florida Departures section of the North American Homeports section of Cruise Critic? Lots of talk of hotels & transportation options there. This board is more centered on what happens on the actual ship vs what happens before and/or after.
  23. Looping back to this part of the first post... It appears that the thread is based on the idea that "officers no longer attend the M&G", however as I read the quote above, it could very well be that it is just these two officers who no longer attend, not that their statement covered ALL officers.
  24. NCL has had a few female GMs. Rosita Shandy and Jenny Lim immediately come to mind.
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