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Everything posted by kywildcatfanone

  1. I'm sort of dreading this on our upcoming cruise. We cruise Princess most and they have a fantastic selection of ondemand programming to watch. We tend to like to go back to our cabin and just chill most nights after dinner, so having some good TV to watch is big deal for us. I did purchase the premium wifi at an outrageous price, so I'm hoping I can connect to hulu, netflix, max, etc and stream a bunch of stuff. I might even take a HDMI cable and try to connect to the TV.
  2. Thanks for sharing. Your comments sound very similar to how we like to cruise, and I'm glad to hear your expectations were met with the food venues. We don't have super high expectations, but do like some variety for options. Sounds like there are plenty. We are onboard next month, and I'm so looking forward to getting away.
  3. Ah, didn't think about that. My only issue with regular size bottles if sods and water is fitting any in the fridge.
  4. There is no statement about soda or bottled water at all, either plastic or cans mentioned anywhere in the documentation. I've read where several people have brought various size plastic bottles. I'm going to bring canned soda and some bottles of water with me in a couple of weeks. Will buy more in ports if needed.
  5. Formal night really isn't that formal anymore.
  6. Yes, was going to say they really don't enforce the rule, you can take more soda or water onboard if you want.
  7. Thanks for your review. It does seem a lot of poor review for the MDR, so we are not planning to go there either. How is the Oceanview cafe for you? Good food, good selection?
  8. And this is a terrible way of doing this. Why would they not allow pre-booking? Almost every time when we are in the elite lounge waiting to board, people are crowding the door because they are rushing onboard when they allow people to board. Had one woman almost knock me down to get past me. It also only allows a handful of people to get access to the Sanctuary that want it. Full disclosure, never been in there myself, no interest in it.
  9. Princess, like all other lines, are devaluing loyalty benefits, and making cutbacks in quality and services while increasing prices on everything. It's a shame you had those bad experiences.
  10. Sugar and gluten free items are marked at the buffet, and on the menus I think. As far as the actual nutrition information, not sure that is available, but you could ask one of the chefs.
  11. This looks like the turn to Carnivalization or Royal competition. Not having a dedicated adults only area will keep me off this class.
  12. Does anyone know if they have canned coke zero, sprite zero and/or 7up zero? I think they do, but wasn't sure if it was fleetwide or not to have zero canned sodas.
  13. Easily, and yes take a taxi. Do self walk off. Done it many times. Once through security it's 15 minutes to the airport.
  14. Absolutely. They have people that will assist you however you need.
  15. I asked, but never got a response, but I don't think celebrity has a bottled water package thing, so I'm packing on at embarkation and ports if I need it.
  16. We board in 2 weeks. Not buying a package for soda and water and have researched a lot on it. Several questions I have asked on here and gotten that answer. Also, like I said, no restrictions mentioned on the website or your travel documents.
  17. Bring all the water and soda you want. No limits mentioned anywhere on the website or your cruise documents. I'm bringing a case of water and multiple packs of soda.
  18. All the soda and water you want. I think the rule on wine is one bottle per person. Not sure if that is enforced.
  19. Technically if they don't eat something I wouldn't expect them to comment on it at all. At least I don't. As permeates most threads across most lines now, cruise lines are moving away from "special" experiences with food and focused more on serving items that they can purchase at a value. We used to go to Crown Grill on Princess for formal nights and quit a couple of years ago because the quality of the food is diminished. That seems to be the case with all main stream lines now.
  20. Oh, well, like I said earlier in the thread, we were on with PCA last year, and it didn't bother us at all. I never noticed any venue roped off, but admittedly, we spend out day in the retreat area, and don't go to the MDR, so there might have been stuff going on that we didn't see.
  21. We are elite on Princess and they have removed every perk we cared about for our loyalty. They have recently increased drink packages as well. We refuse to pay it, so we bring our own soda and water onboard. It's the best I can do and keep cruising.
  22. A much better comparison is Princess and Celebrity. Very similar experience, and Princess is now typically 20-30% cheaper for everything, bookings, packages, etc.
  23. That's what I thought. Color doesn't matter. Princess creating confusion while trying to create a benefit for paying for shipping. SMH.
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