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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Spent most of June on Journey. We enjoyed it and considered it pretty close to being a perfect cruise.
  2. Good morning. The day is started out cloudy and foggy. We had a grand time yesterday visiting some beautiful vistas. Went to a local brewery and sampled a flight of beers. Cooked steaks on the grill and lost big time on the daily Rummy tournament. @smitty34877 Terry such sad news about Lou. Prayers for both of you. @marshhawk @catmando Happy Anniversary folks. Today nothing is planned as of yet so thinking it’s going to be a lazy day around the beach house. Thanks for the Fleet Report and featured post. Bruce
  3. @rafinmd Roy do hope your symptoms are mild and you have a speedy recovery. Bruce
  4. Yaquina National Park lighthouse and nature preserve. Thousands of birds mainly Pelicans. Beautiful.
  5. Good morning. Another beautiful day here. We went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium yesterday which is a very nice facility. On the way back we stopped and bought more oysters which we dined on oyster Rockefeller’s. Delicious. @smitty34877 You and Lou are in my thoughts, concerns and prayers. Today we will be checking out another lighthouse and the Devils Bowl. Time to get ready for today’s adventures. Have a great weekend. Bruce
  6. Good morning. Blue skies, 56 degrees and will peak around 68F. My thought on meal of the day is why ruin a perfectly good Greek salad with chickpeas? I believe some are going on a hike at Cape Lookout but I’ll remain here and exercise with a walk on the beach. Thanks for the Fleet Report and featured post. Bruce
  7. Good morning. Us men stayed up late last night playing rummy. I’m never late and usually show 15-20 minutes early. Today we are going to Tillamook Creamery for ice cream and cheese tasting. It’s a beautiful day here so a walk on the beach and I’ll be on the lookout for gray whales. I saw a couple yesterday right in front of us and close to shore. Thanks for the reports and list. Have a great day. Bruce
  8. Turned out to be a beautiful day. Hoping for a nice sunset. It will happen! Bruce
  9. Good morning. Just arose, showered and enjoying my first cup of coffee looking at a very foggy coast and a Pacific Ocean that is still producing large crashing waves. If forecast stays true we may have blue skies and a sunset to watch tomorrow. Us men have been tasked with checking out the provided gas grill and grilling tuna steaks tonight. Such pressure. It’s still quiet as 3 year old granddaughter Tilly is still asleep but there are occasional noises emitting from downstairs. She’s a sweetheart and this visit I’m being called Papa Bear!❤️ So it’s time to get another coffee and stare at the ocean. So much stress! Happy Labor/Labour Day! Bruce
  10. We are in Depoe Bay but to be specific the beach house is on Bella Beach. Tides coming in and there’s some big ten foot waves roaring in. It is a great area to visit.
  11. Here’s a few pics of our rented beach house in Depoe Beach, Oregon. Probably going to be a cloudy day and the Pacific is still churning. Planning on reading plus enjoying the view and inhaling that sea air. Life is good.
  12. Thanks everyone for your replies and suggestions. It will all work out.
  13. Good morning. It’s 5:00 AM here and just waking up. After our beautiful ride down upon our arrival weather changed. Misty fog banks rolled in and there was a big temperature drop. The Pacific with higher tides due to the moon and wind was roaring but was filling the air with a bouquet of ocean fishy scented air. Wonderful. It was a joyful evening of reunion and we made it easy on ourself with ordered wood burning oven cooked pizzas. Very good. Plans? We have no plans, other than eventual communal breakfast and enjoying the beach, roaring surf and each other. Will try and post pictures later of our beach house and views. The big question is arise at 5:00 AM or try and go back to sleep? I’m leaning toward the latter. Vanessa thanks for the Care List. You may remove us as our celebration has come true and being very much enjoyed.Have a great day everyone, Bruce
  14. Thank you. We’ll give that a try again. Maybe preferences are offered after first cruise as there is no preferences available. Or maybe just too soon?
  15. Good morning. We had a good flight out to Seattle. Had dinner at our Marriott Airport hotel and managed to stay up til 9:00 PM before crashing. Now it’s 5:00 AM and we’re up. Will take a couple of days to adapt. Will have a leisurely morning take the shuttle back to airport and pick up our rental car. Plan is to get to Depoe Bay, Oregon around 5:00 PM when beach house will be available. Time to go find a decent coffee. Have a great weekend and for many holiday. Thanks for the reports. Bruce
  16. Mount Rainer popping through the clouds today on flying into Seattle.
  17. @Cruzin TerriHey just saw it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday!🎂
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