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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. You can definitely get by without a smartphone. Land or at sea I would be pretty lost without my phone and Cruise Critic!😁
  2. Good morning. Awakening to dense fog but most likely will clear. Our last full day will be quiet and getting ready to travel tomorrow. It has been a great vacation surrounded by family and the beautiful state of Oregon. We just enjoyed eggs Benedict and that will be the last of the cooking. Tonight’s wood oven baked pizzas from the brewery up the road. Haven’t had time to read our Daily post. Time for a second cup of coffee. Thanks Rich and all who contribute to the Daily. Bruce
  3. We had a good day on the scenic train from Garibaldi to Rockaway Beach. Little disappointed as they used a Diesel locomotive versus the old steam locomotive which is only on weekends. We had our Pronto Pup dog which resembles a corn dog but is more of a pancake batter. Tomorrow is our last day and Sunday we’ll drive back to Seattle and catch a 6 AM flight home Monday.😱 It’s been fun sharing our adventure with you all. Have a great weekend. @kazu Jacqui stay safe and hope all is OK. Bruce
  4. Waterfront Warehouse is our favorite and go to place in Halifax.
  5. @CrabbyPattiJust read about your Dad’s passing. My sincere sympathy.
  6. Up early as we have a hour drive for our reserved scenic train ride. Plus on our layover we are going to visit and have a corn dog at the first place they were ever offered. Enjoyed a delightful dinner of fresh grilled shrimp and salmon at last night’s dinner followed by a campfire on the beach. Thanks Rich and to all who feed my Daily habit?
  7. Bruce, Thanks for sharing your cruise experience. Bruce
  8. Good morning. Running late this morning. Unlike yesterday we awoke to beautiful clear skies and a calmer Pacific Ocean. Not sure what’s on todays agenda as it’s always flexible. Though tomorrow we are going on an old steam locomotive train ride. Thank goodness we have WiFi at beach house as there is no service in many areas. The bacon is sizzling and calling me to breakfast. Thanks for the report and post. Bruce
  9. Fog is lifting and revealing a pretty rough Pacific Ocean and some huge waves.
  10. Good morning! Have been to today’s port on the Prisendam and have done two extensive land tours of Scotland. Love Scotland and it’s citizens. The misty fog eased last night and we were treated to another beautiful sunset. Need to get some coffee and discuss what we are doing today. Happy to hear the fugitive in PA has been caught. Coffee time. Have a great day and thanks for all your contributions to the Daily. Bruce
  11. Just received a text with pics from neighbor at home. Remember the bear that has been getting into our trash cans? Well yesterday at 4:00 PM the bear was seen climbing over a neighbors fence and a long shot of the bear crossing neighbors lawn. May have to enlarge to appreciate how large a bear it is. Worrisome with kids out playing or coming home from school.
  12. Good morning. A cool 56 degrees this morning but we have blue skies and will be warming as the day goes. Today I will spend around the beach house. Some are talking about a hike that is a little to challenging for this old body. To tonight us men will tend to cooking burgers and dogs on the grill. Saw some beautiful scenery yesterday at Perpetual National Park. I posted some late yesterday on Monday’s Daily. We were treated to another beautiful sunset. Thanks for the report and contributions. Bruce
  13. Thanks. We will be on the the Seabourn Quest end of October for a fourteen day cruise from Montreal to Miami. Excited about a new cruise experience.
  14. Perpetual National Park, Oregon. Stunning scenery and it turned out to be a beautiful day.
  15. Good morning! A day we should never forget! We ended our day with an on the beach campfire and s’mores. I believe there was also a few wee drams of whisky being savored. Today we are going to do some more sightseeing but that may be hampered with fog and drizzle. It’s early so maybe it will clear up. Thanks for the Reports, List and Recipes. Have a great day and week. Bruce
  16. Good morning! Waking up to the smell of coffee, breakfast sausages and blueberry pancakes. Yummy! I believe we will be going to a local farmers market this morning. We have another week here and we cannot be more relaxed. I knew one of my grandparents and she was a gem. The pancake breakfast is calling me so thanks for the Fleet Report and special post. Thoughts, concern and prayers for all in need. Bruce
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