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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning. Slept a little longer than usual but it’s going to be a rainy and windy day as all these tropical disturbances pass through. We definitely need the rain. Hoping it will hold off long enough to get a walk in. I’m leading Bible study tomorrow night with our small group so I need to prep for that and a haircut is needed sometime this week. Starting to plan what I’m going to wear and pack for our upcoming cruise. Seeing we start in Montreal we will need some layered warm clothing and lite clothing for Charleston and Miami. I need to go back and catch up on today’s Daily postings. Enjoy your Hump Day and thoughts and concerns for all in need. Bruce
  2. Good morning. Lot’s completed yesterday besides usual Monday laundry. My Good Samaritan neighbor installed a dimmer switch for our new light fixture in bath. We also changed all the smoke alarms so we’re covered for another ten years. Have quite a few chores I want to get done today as we should be getting a lot of much needed rain starting tomorrow from the remnants of three tropical systems. Thanks for the featured reports and thoughts and prayers for our troubled world. Bruce
  3. Jacqui I’m happy too see you having a great and so deserved good time. Thank you for sharing your cruise with us. Outstanding cruise blog.
  4. What a wonderful cruise blog. Thank you for sharing your fantastic travels with us.
  5. Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadians. Did you wait until today or is it leftovers Monday? Brr! It’s 46 degrees outside here in NW Florida. It’s time to cool the Gulf down and end hurricane season. We enjoyed the beautiful Fall weather yesterday and went for a long ride with the top down. Sue made a white chicken chili, a delicious cornbread and peanut butter pie for dinner. That will be cause for extra steps in today’s walking exercise. Such tragedy in Israel and I just read at least nine Americans were victims. We have friends who were scheduled to visit Israel and I believe that’s not going to happen any time soon and our world cruise voyage may have a change in itinerary. Thanks Rich for getting the Daily started and Vanessa for your detailed Care and Celebration list. Got visitors in a minute to look at some home repairs. Have a great day and week. Enjoy those turkey or special dinners and most of all be thankful and count your Blessings. Bruce
  6. Good morning. It’s twenty degrees cooler this morning. Currently 52 degrees and will rise to only 77 degrees. We were so sated from our lunch date yesterday we both skipped dinner. Not even a snack. Other then getting ready for church in a few minutes no other immediate plans for today. With this weather may put the top down on the Spyder and go for a ride. Thanks for the report and featured list. Have a great day. Bruce
  7. Oh we had a wonderful lunch at a local wine bar restaurant in Destin. . I had a prime rib French dip sandwich and Sue had a duck breast salad. Appetizer? Yes. Fried artichoke hearts with a aioli sauce and of course wine. Came home and had a wonderful nap. Tonight will be lite fare with a cauliflower crust pizza. @kazu I do hope that you have a perfect cruise especially after all your hard work to make it so special for fellow cruisers. Plus you so deserve a special memorable cruise. Now watching some NASCAR and need to get a few more steps in to meet my daily goal and off set lunch! Wind has picked up and outdoor temperature has dropped which equals another beautiful day in paradise. Life is good. We’ll be cruising in 14 days. Bruce
  8. Enjoy your cruise. It’s one my favorite sail away ports. BON VOYAGE!
  9. Good morning. It’s 68 but the cold front isn’t supposed to arrive until around 11:00 AM. Supposed to be quite breezy. @StLouisCruisersSandi enjoyed your pictures today. We actually stayed overnight in that quaint town. Walked to school and biked. In winter it was all walking and would imagine going to the gym for basketball practice and everything else we must have put in at least five miles a day not including court time. At times in freezing weather and deep snow. Being Vermont there were many hills. We were in great shape. Now I average 2 miles per day in relatively flat streets. It seems strange but for the first time this week one of us doesn’t have to stay around the house. After walks we may go to breakfast. For our Canadians enjoy prepping for your big holiday Monday. We actually bought our turkey yesterday for Thanksgiving. Thanks for the reports. The Alaska season is over. Two of my sister-in-laws board the Eurodam today for the repositioning to Florida. Have a great weekend. Bruce
  10. Always give one or two days prior to embarkation anywhere. Flight issues or luggage delays it’s just not worth the panic. Overseas? A couple of days in advance is our preference.
  11. The need to update I Phone due to security issues was on the news today. That’s how I found out.
  12. I Phone or I Pad? There is a security update that Apple is highly recommending software update ASAP. There is also an update to bring I Pads up to latest version. This is a Public Service Announcement.😎
  13. Good morning! Starting the morning off at 72 but that shouldn’t be the case starting tomorrow with a forecasted cold front. Grateful for our Canadian friends and citizens. May you all enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend. We got to celebrate Canada’s Thanksgiving several times when we were sailing on a BHB. The painting project is done minus installing new mirrors. Glass Doctor is coming by today to take measurements. Mirrors will probably not get put up until November when we return from our cruise. Very pleased how it turned out and with wallpaper gone it doesn’t look outdated. Up early and it’s still pitch black outside. One of those rare nights that I had trouble sleeping. Thanks Rich for the Daily and to all who contribute. Have a great weekend. Bruce
  14. As the Fall season progresses we are prepared for Canada’s winter fertilization of area with the migration of the Canadian Geese. What we were not expecting was smoke from Canada’s wildfires.
  15. I erase all of them after they’re posted. There are repeats now and then as there are several of us on the Daily posting them. No laugh symbol? I’m devastated!☹️
  16. Good morning everyone. Currently 70 degrees but this coming weekend we will experience some temperatures in the low fifties. Fingers crossed that Waste Management will pick up our two large mirrors laying side the road. Our painter feels he should finish the job today. It’s probably going to take a few weeks for the new mirrors to be installed. House cleaner is returning this afternoon to finish her duties as yesterday she had to leave early for a medical appointment. So our week has been pretty much dictated with what’s going on around the house. Vanessa thanks for doing such a great job on the Care/Celebration List and thanks to all our other main contributors with recipes, pics etc. Looks like those of you in New England area will have pretty rough weather with Tropical Storm Philippe headed in your direction. Wonder how that may affect cruise ship schedules in that region? Need to get my walk in. Have exceeded my steps goal every day this week. Have a great day. Bruce PS: The mirrors just got picked up.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  17. Star Link provides great reception in many areas. Still some weak areas depending on satellites and locations. On another cruise line equipped with Star Link in Caribbean last spring I was able to stream Prime and Net Flick.
  18. Looks like Tropical Storm Phillipe will be visiting New England and area this weekend. Most likely that will ruin any foliage that is left.
  19. Is the Queen going to ever turn around? Or stay in reverse?
  20. Roy and his ship are leaving Saguenay at 6:08 (now)! https://www.webcamtaxi.com/en/canada/quebec/saguenay-la-baie.html
  21. Too bad it’s the greatest welcoming. Sample blueberry pie, sugar on snow sample, costumed actors. By the time we get there at the end of October many businesses related to tourism will be shutting down for the winter. Hope your enjoying your cruise.
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