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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. I love fish, but regard anything covered with batter or breadcrumbs with great suspicion. Why would you do that, except to disguise its inadequacies?
  2. I don’t dance either but sometimes used to enjoy watching from the balcony. I seem to recall that most of the participants were there simply to enjoy the dancing, at very different levels of skill, but a few, who clearly considered themselves very skilful, would take up a huge amount of space, to the detriment of others, and generally give the impression of showing off. I should have thought it was a mark of a superior dancer not to do this, but I actually know nothing about this.
  3. I’m sure you needn’t worry, unless you want a Q2 over Christmas or some such.
  4. I love tomato soup, just not with a toasted sandwich.
  5. As I have said in similar cases, you are being charitable.
  6. But also the ship’s laundry service is good value and very efficient.
  7. Enjoy the wide variety of live music all over the ship. Enjoy sitting in the Commodore Club in the day, when nobody pressurises you to buy a drink. Enjoy the library. Enjoy the calm and serenity.
  8. Success. The TA said in amazement that the system hadn’t crashed today. Does that mean not so many are trying to book?
  9. The whole thing, whichever version, sounds absolutely horrible. I’ve never seem the point of melted cheese.
  10. I really don’t think they have offices there any more. Agree about the beautiful Cunard building, though the one in Liverpool is even finer.
  11. I quite agree. They could do so much better at keeping customers informed. Clearly they (or someone) do feel the suitcases matter or they wouldn’t be bothering with divers, but the communication does not seem sufficiently emollient. Mind you that seems many people’s experience of anything to do with the Brooklyn Terminal.
  12. You mean like the scrum in the buffet on embarkation day.
  13. My thoughts exactly, though not necessarily any the worse for that.
  14. Out of interest, did you manage to get jabbed before the voyage started or are you too young?
  15. What a relief for you. In May, I was simply confined to the cabin, my husband was allowed out, but not to eat or drink, for some inexplicable reason. He had to do daily tests, but didn’t catch it.
  16. Hope so. Judging by the negative comments here, I may have a ship entirely to myself.
  17. I can’t see any benefit in itself from Cunard having a rep. at the pier, except that what they do need to be doing is keeping their passengers up to date about progress, which might be easier to do if there is someone on the spot. But do Cunard even have any actual employees in NYC? I am actually very impressed that divers are looking for the luggage rather than it just being written off as lost. Perhaps eventually there will be some consolation, as well as compensation, for those whose cases went in.
  18. Nice view of the pilot boat, if you are on the correct side.
  19. All the odd numbers are on the starboard side, and the evens on the port. So successive numbers are almost never adjacent.
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