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Everything posted by exlondoner

  1. Thank you very much. It is amazing to think that there is someone who actually know where all those wires and tubes are supposed to go.
  2. Yes, isn’t it? When you think that a lot of Mediaeval spires didn’t.
  3. Oh come on, tea is tea, and quite nice every now and then, but Salisbury cathedral is a nonsuch. (I know you are only trying to be controversial.) I always quite enjoy cream tea when I have it eg on Cunard, but, if you said I would never have it again, I wouldn’t grieve. But never to see that amazing spire again…
  4. If you had read the details of my post, you would see I was not disputing that for a moment, though I didn’t know we were discussing legal action so much as responsibility for uniting people with their luggage.
  5. There is also the mysterious question of whether you ever entrust you luggage to Cunard, until it is on the ship, if then. At Southampton, at any rate, you hand it over to dock workers who are employed by the port authority, so whom are you entrusting it to. None of this alters the point that Cunard need to deal with their passengers far better than they have over this.
  6. Cunard is responsible for the luggage, indeed, but it is not true that the accident was caused by their negligence, as it was said in the post. Surely there is a distinction.
  7. Salisbury is always worth a visit for the completely wonderful and stunning cathedral, but Southampton has much more variety, and excellent chocolate brownies in the John Lewis café.
  8. You can wear most of the formal wear for the flight, perhaps not the jacket, but even that if it is a dark suit.
  9. As an (almost) local, I am baffled you didn’t like Southampton. It is where we go if we want to go somewhere near that is interesting. Perhaps that tells you a lot about Dorset.
  10. Awful, really awful, for you. But it did think it had been established earlier in the thread that it was not Cunard who were at fault for the original mishap. On the other hand, everything since…
  11. I suspect this has not happened since the Covid stoppage. After all, they no longer seem to employ librarians.
  12. I was quite sad, because, although I’m a classicist, I usually find archaeological sites rather dull, but I really wanted to see Ephesus. Hey ho.
  13. I think I might have been on that cruise. We also went to Sarande, actually instead of Mykonos.
  14. Well, there is always a fish dish on the menu of the day, sometimes two. On an average voyage, within a week, I have encounter salmon, cod, orange roughy, the dread Arctic char, halibut, Dover sole, lemon sole, and turbot, trout, and possibly haddock. Admittedly some of these were on the QG alc, but you should still have a reasonable choice.
  15. Avoid the Arctic Char (I think that’s what it is called), a very dull fish.
  16. Yes, I suspect that, for those that haven’t been to Crete, this is a change for the better, but most people probably have.
  17. After all, Dover isn’t really off menu, it’s just on the alc. The only thing is that, if you aren’t there for lunch, you have to remember to ask earlier, though I suspect, if one were prepared to wait a bit, they could rustle you one up in the evening.
  18. Terrible treatment. Completely at variance with the way we were treated at Southampton last year, when of course Covid was being treated more seriously. I hope you are beginning now to recover.
  19. Surely the customs people wouldn’t allow it, as they are worried about contraband? And this is not as daft as it sounds. There have been a couple of cases here, where people have thrown cases full of drugs overboard in the bay, with the aim of retrieving later. Obviously not the case here, but you can see their point.
  20. Sorry the food is disappointing (and sounds unlike what I recently experienced on QV). What I found odd was your objection to so many people reading. Whenever I’m on Cunard in nice weather, the decks are full of people enjoying the sunshine and reading, me among them, and I’m not yet 70. Surely it is the natural thing to do? At least near the start of the voyage, books seem to outnumber kindles, less so towards the end. I really don’t think you should associate love of reading with age or semi-decrepitutde. Had I been lucky enough to go on Cunard in my twenties, that is what I should have been doing.
  21. Indeed, but just not when they are covered with batter. Now good quality pork sausages…
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