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MMDown Under

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Everything posted by MMDown Under

  1. In Kingston Tassie I used to love the sweet potato chips from the fish and chip shop there.
  2. Love those cute chip containers. Good for health that they don't hold too many chips as I just keep eating hot chips until they are all gone.
  3. Woohoo - Phoned Virgin Voyages this morning - all sorted received an email confirming I'd paid in full. BTW I've found all phone service personnel are friendly and super helpful at solving problems.
  4. It is not good enough. Passengers paid to go overseas to NZ, not a local cruise to Tassie.
  5. Melbourne has great museums Probably been to all of them over the years. Canberra has great museums also. Melbourne has lovely parks and gardens.
  6. Oh I hate washing machine style rough seas. The only time I've been seasick. Hope it is crossed off his potential list.
  7. Which is the best for culture in your opinion? I like them all. The only one I don't visit regularly is Perth because of the Distance. I also like Darwin because it is unique, more Asian.
  8. When I fly overseas, I fly business class whichever is the cheapest. Certainly never Qantas, although I've organised tickets for Americans business class from US. My daughter got an upgrade on points, 50,000 Brisbane to Singapore this month, with Qantas I think.
  9. You'd definitely like it because it is an adult only ship with some questionable humour. See if you can see Trivia their style. I'll wave to you as we cruise past en route to Melbourne (23/1) You'll need your binoculars.
  10. Any Capital which gets the first production of live musical theatre has to be doing something right. Also they do small theatre productions well. Of course, they have a lot of old theatres from which to choose. I went to one downstairs whilst they were still renovating the balcony upstairs. Our family has flown to Melbourne for live theatre much more than to Sydney. Agree they are also the sporting capital, despite other Capitals working hard to take sports away from them.
  11. It is OK. Ive had more vaccinations in recent years for Covid etc. than the rest of my lifetime.
  12. I don't belong to any cruise loyalty programmes, Destination driven, rather than ship driven. '
  13. Paid for my cruise on Virgin's Resilient Lady in full today. Sent a copy of my booking to both my daughters and expected an excited response, but no response. Instinct told me to phone daughter in Australia to check all was OK. Oh no their emails showed $0 paid. Now I was worried. This wasn't a good start.
  14. Might be worth considering the current half price cruise sale until the end of the month, if they are cruises you'd like to cruise on.
  15. All my calls have been transferred to Florida, USA, even though I phoned the Aust number. There is a US number also. They are still on holidays for Thanksgiving. It is 1.11 am Friday 24/11 in Florida at present.
  16. I received an email from them as I'm a Virgin Airlines Member. Yes great deal being able to cruise half price in summer school holidays.
  17. Yes we are lucky. Some workers get 5-6 weeks. We have driven in NZ quite a lot, but only one cruise on Celebrity Century which we loved. I had heard HAL was for an older crowd. However some elderly people are young at heart. Yes I liked Tauranga, where had my best shop in NZ, plus Maunganui for a holiday. We had holidayed at Rotorua, so had no need to drive there.
  18. With covid currently increasing now is not a good time to book an inside cabin.
  19. Thank you. That is handy to know as I usually I do that first.
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