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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. How could they not in this situation? It would be cruel and unusual not to. Good luck to all in this situation. Was not expecting to see ships pulled from service. One wonders why they didn't pull the Crown which has had issues.
  2. While I agree with you and would NEVER fly into a city for a cruise with so late a scheduled arrival time, the OP didn't break any rules as I was looking at a mock-booking for May, 2023, and the flight arrival can be as late as 1:30pm for a 4:30pm sail time. If Princess allows it, a guest can do it, but I do think it is playing with fire.
  3. Symphony will be opened up by sail date. This is assuming the ship is back to full/normal capacity.
  4. Nah - you guys got it all wrong. You just saunter down the stairs to Deck 4 and wave your black Medallion as you elbow up to the front being sure to let everyone in line know you have priority boarding.
  5. Good questions on Greece. I have not paid a lot of attention because we neither depart nor end in Greece and I knew back when if a test was required to continue on B2B, that Princess administers. But, I think I read something about going into local pharmacies (or was that only for Italy)? Maybe the best thing has been for folks to do it at home before leaving? But all you need is a situation where some land days are planned pre-cruise and you need another test. Perhaps someone who has sailed from Athens this summer will drop in and answer.
  6. What isn't clear to me - assuming the EU except Greece is changing and perhaps website needs to get into sync - is if a guest is on a B2B, where the origination is not Athens, but the turnover day mid-voyage is Athens, is a test going to be required? It clearly is not (I believe) if a port stop is in Greece. I would say that the UK protocol language IMPLIES all of Europe is changed, except Greece. But the Europe page language doesn't say the same thing even though the latest update date is August 8 as well. I wish Princess would put a "date last changed" on each section, instead of "Updated" as not all sections get changed each time. "Updated" since when? I am thinking the jury is still out on rest of Europe, or they really mis-worded the UK thing.
  7. Use the phone MC App. Login. You will find MedallionNet in the Ocean Ready menu. Or, tap on your photo in top left corner of main screen and a slide-out screen comes from the left with your booking detail and there is a MedallionNet link there. On that slide-out screen, your profile photo appears again and is overlaid with a small Seawitch logo, the color of which should match your CC Member Level.
  8. Sorry this happened to you and you should not have had to go to extraordinary lengths to get something that Princess promises and still advertises. I have read this before - about the App controlling everything and DR staff cannot override. They must have found a way to do it since many folks are reporting getting accommodated with the TD experience. I hope it was not on Island as we will be on her at end of October. I am hopeful we will get the same table and waiters each night. ETA: The only way this is ever going to be fixed is to have folks register for TD who want it and have a DR set aside for it - excluded from DMW. The DRO does the table setups as before and any excess space can be released back into DMW pool at start of voyage. No way a computer system is going to replicate TD.
  9. Most people who have had a poor sharing experience likely want to dine alone or form their own dining party from family/friends on the same voyage. We avoid sharing tables for the reasons you have had bad experiences, plus it just slows things down more than we want.
  10. No, not really. That first night table may have all other guests who are dining randomly. There is no guarantee everyone at that first night table is interested in continuing, whereas with the old system , everyone there had signed up for the same thing. I would say it is almost impossible to have a group dining in the old traditional way with random guests who will be together for the voyage. You would have to recruit your own group from other "strangers". Either that, or you have your own travel group from the get-go. Who knows - perhaps some folks will start recruiting tablemates for dining on Rolls Calls like they do for private excursions?
  11. Never wait. Book now with a deposit and then watch for fare drops and re-fare if you see a better deal.
  12. I believe I have seen smaller weights like you mention, but I don't recall exactly the sizes since it has been a long time.
  13. There is no charge for using the weights in the Fitness Center.
  14. Don't worry about it. What you said you wanted to wear is fine.
  15. So do I, but my point was to use the dining credit for the more expensive restaurant and pay for the less expensive one.
  16. Why would you rather pay $29 for steakhouse SD than $25 for Sabi's?
  17. TO UPDATE THIS LIST: DO NOT push the "Quote" button. It creates a copy that the next person cannot properly update. DO select and copy ALL of the text, including the above heading, these instructions and the footer note, from the most up-to-date list (the most recent reply with the list).  Go to the bottom of the latest post, to the "Reply to this Topic..." box to create a new post. Paste your copied text into that box. Make your modifications to the list. Click the "Submit Reply" button just below the list you are modifying. Confirm that everything is correct! You can edit for up to 20 minutes. SHIP CAPTAIN CRUISE DIRECTOR ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR DIR, RESTAURANT OP's Caribbean Princess Steve Holland Kristoff Greyling Martyn Moss (on leave?) George Drugan Coral Princess Diego Perra Kevin Tugwell Madison Adams Joachim Rothe Crown Princess Vincenzo Lembo Jody Miles Kelvin Joy Mariusz Caermemnazowicz (sp?) Diamond Princess Stephano Ravera Aaron Hawkins Duke Christopher Not In Service Discovery Princess Tim Stringer Marcus Prince Juanta Frenchie Desbuquois Emerald Princess Christopher Lye Steven Campbell Michael Kujawsky Rui Manoele Enchanted Princess Nick Nash Aaron Hawkins Daniel Falconer Silvio Zampieri Grand Princess Michele Bartolomei Corinne Steel Callie Smit Paul Ciobanu Island Princess Andi Sanders Daniele Rosafio (until Sept 11) Majestic Princess Michele Tuvo Armando Merin Ben Powney Francisco Patricio Regal Princess Andrea Spinardi Dan France Neil Rose Nicola Furlan Royal Princess Natalie Costa Ron Goodman Ruby Princess Stephen Lewis Michael Reitano Bernie Fuentes Jacques Ghennai Sapphire Princess Not In Service Not In Service Not In Service Sky Princess Marco Fortezze Paul Chandler-Burns Matt Thompson Francesco <COPY TO THIS LINE SO THERE IS SPACE TO TYPE CHANGE NOTES AFTER THE CHART> Updated CORAL personnel.
  18. Have you checked the port page for Caribbean islands?
  19. Gotcha, but you are not finding the right TA's. Took me a couple of tries, but been great since then.
  20. If you're doing it yourself, do yourself a favor and find a good discounting TA.
  21. You have complained about this on other thread. Just how many dollars were you charged for? I am sure you will get your refund anon.
  22. I did not read any temperature at all in the two posts mentioned. Seems to be they were trying to give good advice to the OP for next time - we all had to learn our way around CC at some point.
  23. That could be accomplished and still provide TD experience. They were doing this previously as well in most cases.
  24. You should be looking up the Roll Call for your voyage and ask folks on there if someone else is interested.
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