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Everything posted by ZoeyVictoria

  1. We were also asked for money from a random young teenage girl. She would have paid us back later 😂. When did kids start asking strangers for cash? Just wrong in so many ways!
  2. We are booked at Giovanni’s for embarkation day lunch (in 10 days). I am assuming that steak is not included on the lunch menu, is that correct? Is there anything in particular that you recommend for lunch? Our priority was to avoid the WJ embarkation day craziness, but now I am also looking forward to the meal.
  3. Yes, I remember that one! But maybe this one wasn’t quite as fine as you thought it was at the time. If it still isn’t quite the same since the MG, it might bruise/swell more easily than in the past.
  4. Do I remember you saying you rolled it slightly on the first day?
  5. I agree, it is very confusing. I also asked many questions to make sure the rep understood exactly what I was asking. Her name was May, and she sounded very patient, competent, and caring. She was probably the best rep I have ever spoken to. I just read the notes I took during the call, but I don’t see anything I hadn’t already mentioned. In early December, I booked a refundable rate for the Wonder on 11/12/23. The only casino offer I had that could be used for a date that far in advance was a $100 certificate earned on a previous cruise (Liberty, 11/1/22). It had expired a few days earlier but was still on my list of offers, so they made a “one time exception” and used that offer. May was very clear that the only way to convert an existing booking was to use an existing casino offer so they could just change the offer code to the free Prime cruise while keeping the same booking number. I repeated that back to her because it seemed to be the key to the issue. If I were you, I would do what is so often recommended on Cruise Critic - call back and speak to another rep to see if you get the same answer. You did the right thing by booking a refundable rate. If all else fails, that could be very helpful. Where I got lucky was that $100 certificate could be used on cruise dates later in the year than my other offers, and that might what causes a problem for you if May turns out to be right. And FWIW, I have ten offers at this time and every single one of them is $100 off a cruise during a certain time period 🙄. I am not a huge gambler who gets any type of special treatment.
  6. I just saw the statement about the age of your daughter (typing at the same time). It sounds like only the girl’s mother knows about the invitation, which would make it easier to withdraw.
  7. How old are your daughter and her friend? Is it possible a “kids sail free” sale might happen that would help? Although I believe it will still be considerably more than what you have already paid. If I (or my child) had been invited to go on a cruise with a friend and the offer was later withdrawn, I would want to know as early as possible, before I had time to make plans and get excited about it.
  8. It more than likely won’t matter, but you have to check in anyway, so why not do it on Day 16, although not necessarily so early that you lose sleep over it?
  9. The charge on my CitiCard is still pending, the package is still listed as “booked”, and I received the $50 OBC this afternoon.
  10. We thought they would be able to cash them while they are purchasing supplies, snacks, etc. at a Florida port, as we frequently see crew members returning to the ship with store bags. We certainly would have bought a winning ticket back from them and cashed it later, but we are not heavy drinkers and don’t return to the same bars frequently. One of them did recognize us and told us he hadn’t known what to do with the ticket and asked his roommate. He said he did not win, but they had fun scratching. It wasn’t our greatest idea, but there was no harm done.
  11. We always tip $1 per Diamond drink or bottle of water. We were on the Jewel on Christmas and took along some Florida holiday scratch off lottery tickets. We added a ticket to the usual $2 tip for two drinks, thinking it would be fun. The servers were puzzled/interested/curious, but not at all familiar with lottery tickets. It really wasn’t fun for them and we won’t do it again. I think they generally just prefer cash in denominations that they are familiar with.
  12. I don’t intend to pursue it unless others report the package being honored. If it turns out that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, I might squeak a bit! But I don’t really think they will budge.
  13. I have two Celebrity cruises and it wasn’t available yesterday on either of them.
  14. Good save 🙄. Did anyone else take screenshots, just in case they are needed? I won’t pursue this unless I see that other people are succeeding.
  15. I hope they make the department/person who made the error process every one of the cancellations 😂
  16. I expect to see many more “sold out” reports.
  17. The first two reports of “sold out” status are in - Wonder on November 12 and 26. Waiting to see if an avalanche of sold out packages is beginning. Sale of packages being stopped after 24 hours?
  18. Also sold out for the Wonder on November 12.
  19. I meant making financial sense to the cruise line.
  20. I hope you are right! And I hope he will thank those of us who responded by allowing us to keep the packages. I have some doubts about this, but I certainly hope you are right!
  21. Are you parking at the port, so you can just take it back to your vehicle if it isn’t allowed? It does sound like a lot of trouble to me, but we all have different priorities and if it is important to you, I hope it gets through.
  22. This is not exactly what you asked about, but I think it is related. I wanted to book a cruise in advance and convert it to my Prime cruise once it becomes available. I was told that I had to use another casino offer to book the cruise initially, then switch offers to the Prime offer once it becomes available. A booking with no casino offer could not be converted.
  23. I believe the ”per package” notation is an error and “per day” was omitted by the unfortunate employee who set this up. The $89 package has to be an error because it makes no sense financially, and I think that is the most likely explanation of the error.
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